Source code for masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plotter

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# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
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# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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Here the :py:class:`masci_tools.vis.Plotter` subclass for the bokeh plotting backend
is defined with default values and many helper methods
from masci_tools.vis import Plotter, _generate_plot_parameters_table
import copy

[docs]class BokehPlotter(Plotter): """ Class for plotting parameters and standard code snippets for plotting with the bokeh backend. Kwargs in the __init__ method are forwarded to setting default values for the instance For specific documentation about the parameter/defaults handling refer to :py:class:`~masci_tools.vis.Plotter`. Below the current defined default values are shown: """ _BOKEH_DEFAULTS = { 'figure_kwargs': { 'tools': 'hover', 'y_axis_type': 'linear', 'x_axis_type': 'linear', 'toolbar_location': None, 'tooltips': [('X value', '@x'), ('Y value', '@y')] }, 'axis_linewidth': 2, 'label_fontsize': '18pt', 'tick_label_fontsize': '16pt', 'background_fill_color': '#ffffff', 'x_axis_formatter': None, 'y_axis_formatter': None, 'x_ticks': None, 'x_ticklabels_overwrite': None, 'y_ticks': None, 'y_ticklabels_overwrite': None, 'x_range_padding': None, 'y_range_padding': None, 'limits': None, #legend options 'legend_location': 'top_right', 'legend_click_policy': 'hide', # "mute"#"hide" 'legend_orientation': 'vertical', 'legend_font_size': '14pt', 'legend_outside_plot_area': False, #plot parameters 'color_palette': None, 'color': None, 'legend_label': None, 'alpha': 1.0, 'name': None, 'line_color': None, 'line_alpha': 1.0, 'line_dash': None, 'line_width': 2.0, 'marker': 'circle', 'marker_size': 6, 'area_plot': False, 'area_vertical': False, 'fill_alpha': 1.0, 'fill_color': None, 'level': None, 'straight_lines': None, 'straight_line_options': { 'line_color': 'black', 'line_width': 1.0, 'line_dash': 'dashed' }, #output control 'save_plots': False, 'show': True, } _BOKEH_DESCRIPTIONS = { 'figure_kwargs': 'Parameters for creating the bokeh figure. ' 'Includes things like axis type (x and y), tools, tooltips, ' 'plot width/height', 'axis_linewidth': 'Linewidth for the lines of the axis', 'label_fontsize': 'Fontsize for the labels of the axis', 'tick_label_fontsize': 'fontsize for the ticks on the axis', 'background_fill_color': 'Color of the background of the plot', 'x_axis_formatter': 'If set this formatter will be used for the ticks on the x-axis', 'y_axis_formatter': 'If set this formatter will be used for the ticks on the y-axis', 'x_ticks': 'Tick specification for the x-axis', 'x_ticklabels_overwrite': 'Overrides the labels for the ticks on the x-axis', 'y_ticks': 'Tick specification for the y-axis', 'y_ticklabels_overwrite': 'Overrides the labels for the ticks on the y-axis', 'x_range_padding': 'Specifies the amount of padding on the edges of the x-axis', 'y_range_padding': 'Specifies the amount of padding on the edges of the y-axis', 'limits': "Dict specifying the limits of the axis, e.g {'x': (-5,5)}", #legend options 'legend_location': 'Location of the legend inside the plot area', 'legend_click_policy': 'Policy for what happens when labels are clicked in the legend', 'legend_orientation': 'Orientation of the legend', 'legend_font_size': 'Fontsize for the labels inside the legend', 'legend_outside_plot_area': 'If True the legend will be placed outside of the plot area', #plot parameters 'color_palette': 'Color palette to use for the plot(s)', 'color': 'Specific colors to use for the plot(s)', 'legend_label': 'Labels to use for the legend of the plot(s)', 'alpha': 'Transparency to use for the plot(s)', 'name': 'Name used for identifying elements in the plot (not shown only internally)', 'line_color': 'Color to use for line plot(s)', 'line_alpha': 'Transparency to use for line plot(s)', 'line_dash': 'Dash styles to use for line plot(s)', 'line_width': 'Line width to use for line plot(s)', 'marker': 'Type of marker to use for scatter plot(s)', 'marker_size': 'Marker size to use for scatter plot(s)', 'area_plot': 'If True h(v)area will be used to produce the plot(s)', 'area_vertical': 'Determines, whether to use harea (False) or varea (True) for area plots', 'fill_alpha': 'Transparency to use for the area in area plot(s)', 'fill_color': 'Color to use for the area in area plot(s)', 'level': 'Can be used to specified, which elements are fore- or background', 'straight_lines': 'Dict specifying straight help-lines to draw. ' "For example {'vertical': 0, 'horizontal': [-1,1]} will draw a vertical line at 0 " 'and two horizontal at -1 and 1', 'straight_line_options': 'Color, width, and more options for the help-lines', #output control 'save_plots': 'If True plots will be saved to file (NOT IMPLEMENTED)', 'show': 'If True will be called after the plotting routine', } _BOKEH_GENERAL_ARGS = { 'show', 'color_palette', 'legend_location', 'legend_click_policy', 'legend_font_size', 'legend_orientation', 'legend_outside_plot_area', 'background_fill_color', 'tick_label_fontsize', 'label_fontsize', 'axis_linewidth', 'figure_kwargs', 'straight_lines', 'x_axis_formatter', 'y_axis_formatter', 'x_ticks', 'y_ticks', 'y_ticklabels_overwrite', 'x_ticklabels_overwrite', 'x_range_padding', 'y_range_padding', } _PLOT_KWARGS = {'color', 'alpha', 'legend_label', 'name'} _PLOT_KWARGS_LINE = {'line_color', 'line_alpha', 'line_dash', 'line_width'} _PLOT_KWARGS_SCATTER = {'marker', 'marker_size', 'fill_alpha', 'fill_color'} _PLOT_KWARGS_AREA = {'fill_alpha', 'fill_color'} __doc__ = __doc__ + _generate_plot_parameters_table(_BOKEH_DEFAULTS, _BOKEH_DESCRIPTIONS) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(self._BOKEH_DEFAULTS, general_keys=self._BOKEH_GENERAL_ARGS, key_descriptions=self._BOKEH_DESCRIPTIONS, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_kwargs(self, ignore=None, extra_keys=None, plot_type='default', post_process=True, **kwargs): """ Creates a dict or list of dicts (for multiple plots) with the defined parameters for the plotting calls fo matplotlib :param ignore: str or list of str (optional), defines keys to ignore in the creation of the dict :param extra_keys: optional set for addtional keys to retrieve :param post_process: bool, if True the parameters are cleaned up for inserting them directly into bokeh plotting functions Kwargs are used to replace values by custom parameters: Example for using a custom markersize:: p = BokehPlotter() p.add_parameter('marker_custom', default_from='marker') p.plot_kwargs(marker='marker_custom') This code snippet will return the standard parameters for a plot, but the value for the marker will be taken from the key `marker_custom` """ if plot_type == 'default': kwargs_keys = self._PLOT_KWARGS elif plot_type == 'line': kwargs_keys = self._PLOT_KWARGS | self._PLOT_KWARGS_LINE elif plot_type == 'scatter': kwargs_keys = self._PLOT_KWARGS | self._PLOT_KWARGS_SCATTER elif plot_type == 'area': kwargs_keys = self._PLOT_KWARGS | self._PLOT_KWARGS_AREA if extra_keys is not None: kwargs_keys = kwargs_keys | extra_keys #Insert custom keys to retrieve kwargs_keys = kwargs_keys.copy() for key, replace_key in kwargs.items(): kwargs_keys.remove(key) kwargs_keys.add(replace_key) plot_kwargs = self.get_multiple_kwargs(kwargs_keys, ignore=ignore) #Rename replaced keys back to standard names for key, replace_key in kwargs.items(): custom_val = plot_kwargs.pop(replace_key) plot_kwargs[key] = custom_val if not post_process: return plot_kwargs if 'marker_size' in plot_kwargs: plot_kwargs['size'] = plot_kwargs.pop('marker_size') plot_kwargs = self.dict_of_lists_to_list_of_dicts(plot_kwargs, self.single_plot, self.num_plots) return plot_kwargs
[docs] def prepare_figure(self, title, xlabel, ylabel, figure=None): """ Create a bokeh figure according to the set parameters or modify an existing one :param title: title of the figure :param xlabel: label on the x-axis :param ylabel: label on the y-axis :param figure: bokeh figure, optional, if given the operations are performed on the object otherwise a new figure is created :returns: the created or modified bokeh figure """ from bokeh.plotting import figure as bokeh_fig from bokeh.models import Title if figure is None: p = bokeh_fig(**self['figure_kwargs']) else: p = figure if self['background_fill_color'] is not None: p.background_fill_color = self['background_fill_color'] if title is not None: p.title = Title(text=title) if xlabel is not None: p.xaxis.axis_label = xlabel if ylabel is not None: p.yaxis.axis_label = ylabel p.yaxis.axis_line_width = self['axis_linewidth'] p.xaxis.axis_line_width = self['axis_linewidth'] p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = self['label_fontsize'] p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = self['label_fontsize'] p.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size = self['tick_label_fontsize'] p.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size = self['tick_label_fontsize'] if self['y_axis_formatter'] is not None: p.yaxis.formatter = self['y_axis_formatter'] if self['x_axis_formatter'] is not None: p.xaxis.formatter = self['x_axis_formatter'] if self['x_ticks'] is not None: p.xaxis.ticker = self['x_ticks'] if self['y_ticks'] is not None: p.xaxis.ticker = self['y_ticks'] if self['x_ticklabels_overwrite'] is not None: p.xaxis.major_label_overrides = self['x_ticklabels_overwrite'] if self['y_ticklabels_overwrite'] is not None: p.yaxis.major_label_overrides = self['y_ticklabels_overwrite'] if self['x_range_padding'] is not None: p.x_range.range_padding = self['x_range_padding'] if self['y_range_padding'] is not None: p.y_range.range_padding = self['y_range_padding'] return p
[docs] def set_color_palette_by_num_plots(self): """ Set the colormap for the configured number of plots according to the set colormap or color copied from credits to PatrikHlobil modified for use in this Plotter class """ from bokeh.palettes import all_palettes #pylint: disable=no-name-in-module if self['color'] is not None: color = self['color'] if not isinstance(self['color'], (list, tuple)): color = [color] color = color * int(self.num_plots / len(color) + 1) color = color[:self.num_plots] elif self['color_palette'] is not None: if self['color_palette'] in all_palettes: color = all_palettes[self['color_palette']] max_key = max(color.keys()) if self.num_plots <= max_key: color = color[self.num_plots] else: color = color[max_key] color = color * int(self.num_plots / len(color) + 1) color = color[:self.num_plots] else: raise ValueError( 'Could not find <colormap> with name %s. The following predefined colormaps are ' 'supported (see also ): %s' % (self['color_palette'], list(all_palettes.keys()))) else: if self.num_plots <= 10: color = all_palettes['Category10'][10][:self.num_plots] elif self.num_plots <= 20: color = all_palettes['Category20'][self.num_plots] else: color = all_palettes['Category20'][20] * int(self.num_plots / 20 + 1) color = color[:self.num_plots] self['color'] = color
[docs] def draw_straight_lines(self, fig): """ Draw horizontal and vertical lines specified in the lines argument :param fig: bokeh figure on which to perform the operation """ from bokeh.models import Span if self['straight_lines'] is not None: added_lines = [] if 'horizontal' in self['straight_lines']: lines = copy.deepcopy(self['straight_lines']['horizontal']) if not isinstance(lines, list): lines = [lines] for line_def in lines: options = copy.deepcopy(self['straight_line_options']) if isinstance(line_def, dict): positions = line_def.pop('pos') if not isinstance(positions, list): positions = [positions] options.update(line_def) elif isinstance(line_def, list): positions = line_def else: positions = [line_def] for pos in positions: added_lines.append(Span(location=pos, dimension='width', **options)) if 'vertical' in self['straight_lines']: lines = copy.deepcopy(self['straight_lines']['vertical']) if not isinstance(lines, list): lines = [lines] for line_def in lines: options = copy.deepcopy(self['straight_line_options']) if isinstance(line_def, dict): positions = line_def.pop('pos') if not isinstance(positions, list): positions = [positions] options.update(line_def) elif isinstance(line_def, list): positions = line_def else: positions = [line_def] for pos in positions: added_lines.append(Span(location=pos, dimension='height', **options)) fig.renderers.extend(added_lines)
[docs] def set_limits(self, fig): """ Set limits of the figure :param fig: bokeh figure on which to perform the operation """ from bokeh.models import Range1d if self['limits'] is not None: if 'x' in self['limits']: xmin = self['limits']['x'][0] xmax = self['limits']['x'][1] fig.x_range = Range1d(xmin, xmax) if 'y' in self['limits']: ymin = self['limits']['y'][0] ymax = self['limits']['y'][1] fig.y_range = Range1d(ymin, ymax)
[docs] def set_legend(self, fig): """ Set legend options for the figure :param fig: bokeh figure on which to perform the operation """ fig.legend.location = self['legend_location'] fig.legend.background_fill_color = self['background_fill_color'] fig.legend.click_policy = self['legend_click_policy'] fig.legend.orientation = self['legend_orientation'] fig.legend.label_text_font_size = self['legend_font_size'] if self['legend_outside_plot_area']: fig.add_layout(fig.legend[0], 'right')
[docs] def save_plot(self, figure): """ Show/save the bokeh figure (atm only show) :param figure: bokeh figure on which to perform the operation """ from import show as bokeh_show if self['show']: bokeh_show(figure)