Source code for

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# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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This module contains functions to load an fleur inp.xml file, parse it with a schema
and convert its content to a dict
from lxml import etree
from pprint import pprint
from import InputSchemaDict
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import clear_xml, validate_xml, eval_xpath
from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_xml_attribute, convert_xml_text
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import read_constants
from masci_tools.util.logging_util import DictHandler
import logging

[docs]def inpxml_parser(inpxmlfile, version=None, parser_info_out=None, strict=False, debug=False): """ Parses the given inp.xml file to a python dictionary utilizing the schema defined by the version number to validate and corretly convert to the dictionary :param inpxmlfile: either path to the inp.xml file, opened file handle or a xml etree to be parsed :param version: version string to enforce that a given schema is used :param parser_info_out: dict, with warnings, info, errors, ... :param strict: bool if True and no parser_info_out is provided any encountered error will immediately be raised :return: python dictionary with the parsed inp.xml :raises ValueError: If the validation against the schema failed, or an irrecoverable error occured during parsing :raises FileNotFoundError: If no Schema file for the given version was found """ __parser_version__ = '0.3.0' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) parser_log_handler = None if parser_info_out is not None or not strict: if parser_info_out is None: parser_info_out = {} logging_level = logging.INFO if debug: logging_level = logging.DEBUG logger.setLevel(logging_level) parser_log_handler = DictHandler(parser_info_out, WARNING='parser_warnings', ERROR='parser_errors', INFO='parser_info', DEBUG='parser_debug', CRITICAL='parser_critical', ignore_unknown_levels=True, level=logging_level) logger.addHandler(parser_log_handler) if strict: logger = None if logger is not None:'Masci-Tools Fleur inp.xml Parser v%s', __parser_version__) if isinstance(inpxmlfile, etree._ElementTree): xmltree = inpxmlfile else: parser = etree.XMLParser(attribute_defaults=True, encoding='utf-8') try: xmltree = etree.parse(inpxmlfile, parser) except etree.XMLSyntaxError as msg: if logger is not None: logger.exception('Failed to parse input file') raise ValueError(f'Failed to parse input file: {msg}') from msg if version is None: version = eval_xpath(xmltree, '//@fleurInputVersion', logger=logger) version = str(version) if version is None: if logger is not None: logger.error('Failed to extract inputVersion') raise ValueError('Failed to extract inputVersion') if logger is not None:'Got Fleur input file with file version %s', version) schema_dict = InputSchemaDict.fromVersion(version, logger=logger) ignore_validation = schema_dict['inp_version'] != version xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() constants = read_constants(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) try: validate_xml(xmltree, schema_dict.xmlschema, error_header='Input file does not validate against the schema') except etree.DocumentInvalid as err: errmsg = str(err) logger.warning(errmsg) if not ignore_validation: if logger is not None: logger.exception(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg) from err if schema_dict.xmlschema.validate(xmltree) or ignore_validation: inp_dict = inpxml_todict(root, schema_dict, constants, logger=logger) else: msg = 'Input file does not validate against the schema: Reason is unknown' if logger is not None: logger.warning(msg) if not ignore_validation: if logger is not None: logger.exception(msg) raise ValueError(msg) if parser_log_handler is not None: if logger is not None: logger.removeHandler(parser_log_handler) return inp_dict
def inpxml_todict(parent, schema_dict, constants, omitted_tags=False, base_xpath=None, logger=None): """ Recursive operation which transforms an xml etree to python nested dictionaries and lists. Decision to add a list is if the tag name is in the given list tag_several :param parent: some xmltree, or xml element :param schema_dict: structure/layout of the xml file in python dictionary :param constants: dict with all the defined constants :param omitted_tags: switch. If True only a list of the contained tags is returned Used to omitt useless tags like e.g ['atomSpecies']['species'][3] becomes ['atomSpecies'][3] :param base_xpath: str, keeps track of the place in the inp.xml currently being processed :param parser_info_out: dict, with warnings, info, errors, ... :return: a python dictionary """ #Check if this is the first call to this routine if base_xpath is None: base_xpath = f'/{parent.tag}' return_dict = {} if list(parent.items()): return_dict = dict(list(parent.items())) # Now we have to convert lazy fortan style into pretty things for the Database for key in return_dict: if key in schema_dict['attrib_types']: return_dict[key], suc = convert_xml_attribute(return_dict[key], schema_dict['attrib_types'][key], constants, logger=logger) if not suc and logger is not None: logger.warning("Failed to convert attribute '%s' Got: '%s'", key, return_dict[key]) if parent.text: # has text, but we don't want all the '\n' s and empty stings in the database if parent.text.strip() != '': # might not be the best solutions if parent.tag not in schema_dict['simple_elements']: if logger is not None: logger.error('Something is wrong in the schema_dict: %s is not in simple_elements, but it has text', parent.tag) raise ValueError( f'Something is wrong in the schema_dict: {parent.tag} is not in simple_elements, but it has text') converted_text, suc = convert_xml_text(parent.text, schema_dict['simple_elements'][parent.tag], constants, logger=logger) if not suc and logger is not None: logger.warning("Failed to text of '%s' Got: '%s'", parent.tag, parent.text) if not return_dict: return_dict = converted_text else: return_dict['text_value'] = converted_text if 'label' in return_dict: return_dict['text_label'] = return_dict['label'] return_dict.pop('label') if base_xpath in schema_dict['tag_info']: tag_info = schema_dict['tag_info'][base_xpath] else: tag_info = {'several': []} for element in parent: new_base_xpath = f'{base_xpath}/{element.tag}' omitt_contained_tags = element.tag in schema_dict['omitt_contained_tags'] new_return_dict = inpxml_todict(element, schema_dict, constants, base_xpath=new_base_xpath, omitted_tags=omitt_contained_tags, logger=logger) if element.tag in tag_info['several']: # make a list, otherwise the tag will be overwritten in the dict if element.tag not in return_dict: # is this the first occurence? if omitted_tags: if len(return_dict) == 0: return_dict = [] else: return_dict[element.tag] = [] if omitted_tags: return_dict.append(new_return_dict) elif 'text_value' in new_return_dict: for key, value in new_return_dict.items(): if key == 'text_value': return_dict[element.tag].append(value) elif key == 'text_label': if 'labels' not in return_dict: return_dict['labels'] = {} return_dict['labels'][value] = new_return_dict['text_value'] else: if key not in return_dict: return_dict[key] = [] elif not isinstance(return_dict[key], list): #Key seems to be defined already if logger is not None: logger.error('%s cannot be extracted to the next level', key) raise ValueError(f'{key} cannot be extracted to the next level') return_dict[key].append(value) for key in new_return_dict.keys(): if key in ['text_value', 'text_label']: continue if len(return_dict[key]) != len(return_dict[element.tag]): if logger is not None: logger.error( 'Extracted optional argument %s at the moment only label is supported correctly', key) raise ValueError( f'Extracted optional argument {key} at the moment only label is supported correctly') else: return_dict[element.tag].append(new_return_dict) else: return_dict[element.tag] = new_return_dict return return_dict