Source code for

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# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
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# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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This module contains a class for organizing and grouping changes to a input file
of fleur in a robust way.

Essentially a low-level version of the FleurinpModifier in aiida_fleur.
from collections import namedtuple
from lxml import etree
import copy
from masci_tools.util.xml.collect_xml_setters import XPATH_SETTERS, SCHEMA_DICT_SETTERS, NMMPMAT_SETTERS
#Enable warnings for missing docstrings
#pylint: enable=missing-function-docstring

ModifierTask = namedtuple('ModifierTask', ['name', 'args', 'kwargs'])

[docs]class FleurXMLModifier: """ Class for grouping and organizing changes to a inp.xml file of fleur via the xml setting methods in :py:mod:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names` and :py:mod:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic` The basic usage is shown below .. code-block:: python from import FleurXMLModifier fmode = FleurXMLModifier() #Add changes by calling the methods on this class #(names correspond to the setting methods in the xml_setters modules) #They are not modifying a input file directly #Instead all the tasks are collected and performed in one go fmode.set_inpchanges({'Kmax': 4.0}) #Set Kmax to 4.0 fmode.shift_value({'Gmax': 5.0}) #Add 5 to the current value of Gmax #Set the local orbital configuration on all iron atoms to '3s 3p' fmode.set_species('all-Fe', {'lo': [{'n':3, 'l': 's', 'type': 'SCLO'}, {'n':3, 'l': 'p', 'type': 'SCLO'}]}) #To undo the last change call undo #fmode.undo() #revert_all=True resets all added tasks #fmode.undo(revert_all=True) #To apply the changes to an input file use the modify_xmlfile method new_xmltree = fmode.modify_xmlfile('/path/to/input/file/inp.xml') """ _xpath_functions = XPATH_SETTERS _schema_dict_functions = SCHEMA_DICT_SETTERS _nmmpmat_functions = NMMPMAT_SETTERS _extra_functions = {} def __new__(cls, validate_signatures=True): if getattr(cls, 'xpath_functions', None) is None: cls.xpath_functions = {**cls._xpath_functions, **cls._extra_functions.get('xpath', {})} cls.schema_dict_functions = {**cls._schema_dict_functions, **cls._extra_functions.get('schema_dict', {})} cls.nmmpmat_functions = {**cls._nmmpmat_functions, **cls._extra_functions.get('nmmpmat', {})} return super().__new__(cls) def __init__(self, validate_signatures=True): self._tasks = [] self.validate_signatures = validate_signatures
[docs] @classmethod def fromList(cls, task_list, *args, **kwargs): """ Instantiate the FleurXMLModifier from a list of tasks to be added immediately :param task_list: list of tuples first index is the name of the method second is defining the arguments by keyword in a dict Other arguments are passed on to the __init__ method :returns: class with the task list instantiated """ fm = cls(*args, **kwargs) facade_methods = fm.get_avail_actions() for name, kwargs in task_list: try: facade_methods[name](**kwargs) except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError(f"Unknown modification method '{name}'") from exc return fm
def _validate_signature(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Validate that the given arguments to the registration method can be used to call the corresponding XML modifying function """ from inspect import signature if self.validate_signatures: if name in self.xpath_functions: func = self.xpath_functions[name] prefix = ('xmltree',) elif name in self.schema_dict_functions: func = self.schema_dict_functions[name] prefix = ('xmltree', 'schema_dict') elif name in self.nmmpmat_functions: func = self.nmmpmat_functions[name] prefix = ('xmltree', 'schema_dict', 'n_mmp_mat') #For functions decorated with the schema_dict_version_dispatch #We check only the default (This function should have a compatible signature for all registered functions) if getattr(func, 'registry', None) is not None: func = func.registry['default'] try: sig = signature(func) sig.bind(*prefix, *args, **kwargs) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError( f"The given arguments for the registration method '{name}' are not valid for the XML modifying function" ) from exc
[docs] @classmethod def apply_modifications(cls, xmltree, nmmp_lines, modification_tasks, validate_changes=True): """ Applies given modifications to the fleurinp lxml tree. It also checks if a new lxml tree is validated against schema. Does not rise an error if inp.xml is not validated, simple prints a message about it. :param xmltree: a lxml tree to be modified (IS MODIFIED INPLACE) :param nmmp_lines: a n_mmp_mat file to be modified (IS MODIFIED INPLACE) :param modification_tasks: a list of modification tuples :param validate_changes: bool optional (default True), if True after all tasks are performed both the xmltree and nmmp_lines are checked for consistency :returns: a modified lxml tree and a modified n_mmp_mat file """ from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import validate_xml, eval_xpath from masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_nmmpmat import validate_nmmpmat from import InputSchemaDict version = eval_xpath(xmltree, '//@fleurInputVersion') version = str(version) if version is None: raise ValueError('Failed to extract inputVersion') schema_dict = InputSchemaDict.fromVersion(version) for task in modification_tasks: if in cls.xpath_functions: action = cls.xpath_functions[] xmltree = action(xmltree, *task.args, **task.kwargs) elif in cls.schema_dict_functions: action = cls.schema_dict_functions[] xmltree = action(xmltree, schema_dict, *task.args, **task.kwargs) elif in cls.nmmpmat_functions: action = cls.nmmpmat_functions[] nmmp_lines = action(xmltree, nmmp_lines, schema_dict, *task.args, **task.kwargs) elif in cls.no_xmltree_functions: action = cls.nmmpmat_functions[] nmmp_lines = action(xmltree, nmmp_lines, schema_dict, *task.args, **task.kwargs) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown task {}') if validate_changes: validate_xml(xmltree, schema_dict.xmlschema, error_header='Changes were not valid') try: validate_nmmpmat(xmltree, nmmp_lines, schema_dict) except ValueError as exc: msg = f'Changes were not valid (n_mmp_mat file is not compatible): {modification_tasks}' raise ValueError(msg) from exc return xmltree, nmmp_lines
[docs] def get_avail_actions(self): """ Returns the allowed functions from FleurXMLModifier """ outside_actions = { 'set_inpchanges': self.set_inpchanges, 'shift_value': self.shift_value, 'set_species': self.set_species, 'set_species_label': self.set_species_label, 'shift_value_species_label': self.shift_value_species_label, 'set_atomgroup': self.set_atomgroup, 'set_atomgroup_label': self.set_atomgroup_label, 'set_complex_tag': self.set_complex_tag, 'set_simple_tag': self.set_simple_tag, 'create_tag': self.create_tag, 'delete_tag': self.delete_tag, 'delete_att': self.delete_att, 'replace_tag': self.replace_tag, 'set_text': self.set_text, 'set_first_text': self.set_first_text, 'set_attrib_value': self.set_attrib_value, 'set_first_attrib_value': self.set_first_attrib_value, 'add_number_to_attrib': self.add_number_to_attrib, 'add_number_to_first_attrib': self.add_number_to_first_attrib, 'xml_create_tag': self.xml_create_tag, 'xml_replace_tag': self.xml_replace_tag, 'xml_delete_tag': self.xml_delete_tag, 'xml_delete_att': self.xml_delete_att, 'xml_set_attrib_value_no_create': self.xml_set_attrib_value_no_create, 'xml_set_text_no_create': self.xml_set_text_no_create, 'set_nmmpmat': self.set_nmmpmat, 'rotate_nmmpmat': self.rotate_nmmpmat, 'set_nkpts': self.set_nkpts, 'set_kpath': self.set_kpath, 'set_kpointlist': self.set_kpointlist, 'switch_kpointset': self.switch_kpointset, } return outside_actions
[docs] def undo(self, revert_all=False): """ Cancels the last change or all of them :param revert_all: set True if need to cancel all the changes, False if the last one. """ if revert_all: self._tasks = [] else: if self._tasks: self._tasks.pop() #TODO delete nodes from other nodes #del self._tasks[-1] return self._tasks
[docs] def changes(self): """ Prints out all changes currently registered on this instance """ from pprint import pprint pprint(self._tasks) return self._tasks
[docs] def modify_xmlfile(self, original_inpxmlfile, original_nmmp_file=None, validate_changes=True): """ Applies the registered modifications to a given inputfile :param original_inpxmlfile: either path to the inp.xml file, opened file handle or a xml etree to be parsed :param original_nmmp_file: path or list of str to a corresponding density matrix file :raises ValueError: if the parsing of the input file :returns: a modified xmltree and if existent a modified density matrix file """ if isinstance(original_inpxmlfile, etree._ElementTree): original_xmltree = original_inpxmlfile else: parser = etree.XMLParser(attribute_defaults=True, encoding='utf-8') try: original_xmltree = etree.parse(original_inpxmlfile, parser) except etree.XMLSyntaxError as msg: raise ValueError(f'Failed to parse input file: {msg}') from msg if original_nmmp_file is not None: if isinstance(original_nmmp_file, str): with open(original_nmmp_file, mode='r') as n_mmp_file: original_nmmp_lines ='\n') else: original_nmmp_lines = original_nmmp_file else: original_nmmp_lines = None new_xmltree, new_nmmp_lines = self.apply_modifications(original_xmltree, original_nmmp_lines, self._tasks, validate_changes=validate_changes) if new_nmmp_lines is None: return new_xmltree else: return new_xmltree, new_nmmp_lines
[docs] def set_inpchanges(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_inpchanges()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param change_dict: a dictionary with changes :param path_spec: dict, with ggf. necessary further specifications for the path of the attribute An example of change_dict:: change_dict = {'itmax' : 1, 'l_noco': True, 'ctail': False, 'l_ss': True} """ self._validate_signature('set_inpchanges', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_inpchanges', args, kwargs))
[docs] def shift_value(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.shift_value()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param change_dict: a python dictionary with the keys to shift and the shift values. :param mode: 'abs' if change given is absolute, 'rel' if relative :param path_spec: dict, with ggf. necessary further specifications for the path of the attribute An example of change_dict:: change_dict = {'itmax' : 1, 'dVac': -0.123} """ self._validate_signature('shift_value', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('shift_value', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_species(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_species()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param species_name: string, name of the specie you want to change Can be name of the species, 'all' or 'all-<string>' (sets species with the string in the species name) :param attributedict: a python dict specifying what you want to change. :param create: bool, if species does not exist create it and all subtags? **attributedict** is a python dictionary containing dictionaries that specify attributes to be set inside the certain specie. For example, if one wants to set a MT radius it can be done via:: attributedict = {'mtSphere' : {'radius' : 2.2}} Another example:: 'attributedict': {'special': {'socscale': 0.0}} that switches SOC terms on a sertain specie. ``mtSphere``, ``atomicCutoffs``, ``energyParameters``, ``lo``, ``electronConfig``, ``nocoParams``, ``ldaU`` and ``special`` keys are supported. To find possible keys of the inner dictionary please refer to the FLEUR documentation """ self._validate_signature('set_species', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_species', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_species_label(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_species_label()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param atom_label: string, a label of the atom which specie will be changed. 'all' to change all the species :param attributedict: a python dict specifying what you want to change. """ self._validate_signature('set_species_label', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_species_label', args, kwargs))
[docs] def shift_value_species_label(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.shift_value_species_label()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param atom_label: string, a label of the atom which specie will be changed. 'all' if set up all species :param attributename: name of the attribute to change :param value_given: value to add or to multiply by :param mode: 'rel' for multiplication or 'abs' for addition Kwargs if the attributename does not correspond to a unique path: :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path """ self._validate_signature('shift_value_species_label', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('shift_value_species_label', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_atomgroup(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_atomgroup()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param attributedict: a python dict specifying what you want to change. :param position: position of an atom group to be changed. If equals to 'all', all species will be changed :param species: atom groups, corresponding to the given species will be changed :param create: bool, if species does not exist create it and all subtags? **attributedict** is a python dictionary containing dictionaries that specify attributes to be set inside the certain specie. For example, if one wants to set a beta noco parameter it can be done via:: 'attributedict': {'nocoParams': {'beta': val}} """ self._validate_signature('set_atomgroup', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_atomgroup', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_atomgroup_label(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_atomgroup_label()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param atom_label: string, a label of the atom which specie will be changed. 'all' to change all the species :param attributedict: a python dict specifying what you want to change. :param create: bool, if species does not exist create it and all subtags? **attributedict** is a python dictionary containing dictionaries that specify attributes to be set inside the certain specie. For example, if one wants to set a beta noco parameter it can be done via:: 'attributedict': {'nocoParams': {'beta': val}} """ self._validate_signature('set_atomgroup_label', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_atomgroup_label', args, kwargs))
[docs] def create_tag(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.create_tag()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param tag: str of the tag to create or etree Element with the same name :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param create_parents: bool optional (default False), if True and the given xpath has no results the the parent tags are created recursively :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the parent nodes to create a tag. By default all nodes are used. Kwargs: :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path """ self._validate_signature('create_tag', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('create_tag', args, kwargs))
[docs] def delete_tag(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.delete_tag()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param tag: str of the tag to delete :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the parent nodes to delete a tag. By default all nodes are used. Kwargs: :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path """ self._validate_signature('delete_tag', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('delete_tag', args, kwargs))
[docs] def delete_att(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.delete_att()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param tag: str of the attribute to delete :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the parent nodes to delete a attribute. By default all nodes are used. Kwargs: :param tag_name: str, name of the tag where the attribute should be parsed :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path :param exclude: list of str, here specific types of attributes can be excluded valid values are: settable, settable_contains, other """ self._validate_signature('delete_att', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('delete_att', args, kwargs))
[docs] def replace_tag(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.replace_tag()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param tag: str of the tag to replace :param newelement: a new tag :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the parent nodes to replace a tag. By default all nodes are used. Kwargs: :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path """ self._validate_signature('replace_tag', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('replace_tag', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_complex_tag(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_complex_tag()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param tag_name: name of the tag to set :param attributedict: Keys in the dictionary correspond to names of tags and the values are the modifications to do on this tag (attributename, subdict with changes to the subtag, ...) :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param create: bool optional (default False), if True and the path, where the complex tag is set does not exist it is created Kwargs: :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path """ self._validate_signature('set_complex_tag', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_complex_tag', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_simple_tag(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_simple_tag()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param tag_name: str name of the tag to modify/set :param changes: list of dicts or dict with the changes. Elements in list describe multiple tags. Keys in the dictionary correspond to {'attributename': attributevalue} :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param create_parents: bool optional (default False), if True and the path, where the simple tags are set does not exist it is created Kwargs: :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path """ self._validate_signature('set_simple_tag', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_simple_tag', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_text(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_text()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param tag_name: str name of the tag, where the text should be set :param text: value or list of values to set :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the node to set. By default all are set. :param create: bool optional (default False), if True the tag is created if is missing Kwargs: :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path """ self._validate_signature('set_text', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_text', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_first_text(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_first_text()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param tag_name: str name of the tag, where the text should be set :param text: value or list of values to set :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param create: bool optional (default False), if True the tag is created if is missing Kwargs: :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path """ self._validate_signature('set_first_text', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_first_text', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_attrib_value(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_attrib_value()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param attributename: the attribute name to set :param attribv: value or list of values to set :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the node to set. By default all are set. :param create: bool optional (default False), if True the tag is created if is missing Kwargs: :param tag_name: str, name of the tag where the attribute should be parsed :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path :param exclude: list of str, here specific types of attributes can be excluded valid values are: settable, settable_contains, other """ self._validate_signature('set_attrib_value', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_attrib_value', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_first_attrib_value(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_first_attrib_value()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param attributename: the attribute name to set :param attribv: value or list of values to set :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param create: bool optional (default False), if True the tag is created if is missing Kwargs: :param tag_name: str, name of the tag where the attribute should be parsed :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path :param exclude: list of str, here specific types of attributes can be excluded valid values are: settable, settable_contains, other """ self._validate_signature('set_first_attrib_value', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_first_attrib_value', args, kwargs))
[docs] def add_number_to_attrib(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.add_number_to_attrib()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param attributename: the attribute name to change :param add_number: number to add/multiply with the old attribute value :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param mode: str (either `rel` or `abs`). `rel` multiplies the old value with `add_number` `abs` adds the old value and `add_number` :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the node to set. By default all are set. Kwargs: :param tag_name: str, name of the tag where the attribute should be parsed :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path :param exclude: list of str, here specific types of attributes can be excluded valid values are: settable, settable_contains, other """ self._validate_signature('add_number_to_attrib', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('add_number_to_attrib', args, kwargs))
[docs] def add_number_to_first_attrib(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.add_number_to_first_attrib()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param attributename: the attribute name to change :param add_number: number to add/multiply with the old attribute value :param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation :param mode: str (either `rel` or `abs`). `rel` multiplies the old value with `add_number` `abs` adds the old value and `add_number` Kwargs: :param tag_name: str, name of the tag where the attribute should be parsed :param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path :param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path :param exclude: list of str, here specific types of attributes can be excluded valid values are: settable, settable_contains, other """ self._validate_signature('add_number_to_first_attrib', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('add_number_to_first_attrib', args, kwargs))
[docs] def xml_create_tag(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic.xml_create_tag()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param xpath: a path where to place a new tag :param element: a tag name or etree Element to be created :param place_index: defines the place where to put a created tag :param tag_order: defines a tag order :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the parent nodes to create a tag. By default all nodes are used. """ self._validate_signature('xml_create_tag', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('xml_create_tag', args, kwargs))
[docs] def xml_replace_tag(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic.xml_replace_tag()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param xpath: a path to the tag to be replaced :param newelement: a new tag :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the parent nodes to create a tag. By default all nodes are used. """ self._validate_signature('xml_replace_tag', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('xml_replace_tag', args, kwargs))
[docs] def xml_delete_tag(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic.xml_delete_tag()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param xpath: a path to the tag to be deleted :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the parent nodes to create a tag. By default all nodes are used. """ self._validate_signature('xml_delete_tag', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('xml_delete_tag', args, kwargs))
[docs] def xml_delete_att(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic.xml_delete_att()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param xpath: a path to the attribute to be deleted :param attrib: the name of an attribute :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the parent nodes to create a tag. By default all nodes are used. """ self._validate_signature('xml_delete_att', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('xml_delete_att', args, kwargs))
[docs] def xml_set_attrib_value_no_create(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic.xml_set_attrib_value_no_create()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param xpath: a path where to set the attributes :param attributename: the attribute name to set :param attribv: value or list of values to set (if not str they will be converted with `str(value)`) :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the node to set. By default all are set. """ self._validate_signature('xml_set_attrib_value_no_create', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('xml_set_attrib_value_no_create', args, kwargs))
[docs] def xml_set_text_no_create(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic.xml_set_text_no_create()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param xpath: a path where to set the attributes :param text: value or list of values to set (if not str they will be converted with `str(value)`) :param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurence of the node to set. By default all are set. """ self._validate_signature('xml_set_text_no_create', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('xml_set_text_no_create', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_nmmpmat(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_nmmpmat.set_nmmpmat()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param species_name: string, name of the species you want to change :param orbital: integer, orbital quantum number of the LDA+U procedure to be modified :param spin: integer, specifies which spin block should be modified :param state_occupations: list, sets the diagonal elements of the density matrix and everything else to zero :param denmat: matrix, specify the density matrix explicitely :param phi: float, optional angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix before writing it :param theta: float, optional angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix before writing it """ self._validate_signature('set_nmmpmat', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_nmmpmat', args, kwargs))
[docs] def rotate_nmmpmat(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_nmmpmat.rotate_nmmpmat()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. :param species_name: string, name of the species you want to change :param orbital: integer, orbital quantum number of the LDA+U procedure to be modified :param phi: float, angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix :param theta: float, angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix """ self._validate_signature('rotate_nmmpmat', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('rotate_nmmpmat', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_kpointlist(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_kpointlist()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. .. warning:: For input versions Max4 and older **all** keyword arguments are not valid (`name`, `kpoint_type`, `special_labels`, `switch` and `overwrite`) :param kpoints: list or array containing the **relative** coordinates of the kpoints :param weights: list or array containing the weights of the kpoints :param name: str for the name of the list, if not given a default name is generated :param kpoint_type: str specifying the type of the kPointList ('path', 'mesh', 'spex', 'tria', ...) :param special_labels: dict mapping indices to labels. The labels will be inserted for the kpoints corresponding to the given index :param switch: bool, if True the kPointlist will be used by Fleur when starting the next calculation :param overwrite: bool, if True and a kPointlist with the given name already exists it will be overwritten """ self._validate_signature('set_kpointlist', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_kpointlist', args, kwargs))
[docs] def switch_kpointset(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.switch_kpointset()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. .. warning:: This method is only supported for input versions after the Max5 release :param list_name: name of the kPoint set to use """ self._validate_signature('switch_kpointset', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('switch_kpointset', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_nkpts(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_nkpts()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. .. warning:: This method is only supported for input versions before the Max5 release :param count: number of k-points :param gamma: bool that controls if the gamma-point should be included in the k-point mesh """ self._validate_signature('set_nkpts', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_nkpts', args, kwargs))
[docs] def set_kpath(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Appends a :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_names.set_kpath()` to the list of tasks that will be done on the xmltree. .. warning:: This method is only supported for input versions before the Max5 release :param kpath: a dictionary with kpoint name as key and k point coordinate as value :param count: number of k-points :param gamma: bool that controls if the gamma-point should be included in the k-point mesh """ self._validate_signature('set_kpath', *args, **kwargs) self._tasks.append(ModifierTask('set_kpath', args, kwargs))