Source code for masci_tools.util.xml.xml_getters

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# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
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# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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This module provides functions to extract distinct parts of the fleur xml files
for easy versioning and reuse
from import schema_dict_version_dispatch
from lxml import etree

[docs]def get_fleur_modes(xmltree, schema_dict, logger=None): """ Determine the calculation modes of fleur for the given xml file. Calculation modes are things that change the produced files or output in the out.xml files :param xmltree: etree representing the fleur xml file :param schema_dict: schema dictionary corresponding to the file version of the xmltree :param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors :returns: dictionary with all the extracted calculation modes The following modes are inspected: - `jspin`: How many spins are considered in the calculation - `noco`: Is the calculation non-collinear? - `soc`: Is spin-orbit coupling included? - `relax`: Is the calculation a structure relaxation? - `gw`: Special mode for GW/Spex calculations - `force_theorem`: Is a Force theorem calculation performed? - `film`: Is the structure a film system - `ldau`: Is LDA+U included? - `dos`: Is it a density of states calculation? - `band`: Is it a bandstructure calculation? - `bz_integration`: How is the integration over the Brillouin-Zone performed? """ from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import read_constants from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_attribute, tag_exists from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import clear_xml if isinstance(xmltree, etree._ElementTree): xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() else: root = xmltree constants = read_constants(root, schema_dict) fleur_modes = {} fleur_modes['jspin'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'jspins', logger=logger, constants=constants) noco = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'l_noco', constants=constants, logger=logger, optional=True) if noco is None: noco = False fleur_modes['noco'] = noco soc = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'l_soc', constants=constants, logger=logger, optional=True) if soc is None: soc = False fleur_modes['soc'] = soc relax = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'l_f', constants=constants, logger=logger, optional=True) if relax is None: relax = False fleur_modes['relax'] = relax gw = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'gw', constants=constants, logger=logger, optional=True) if gw is None: gw = False else: gw = gw != 0 fleur_modes['gw'] = gw if schema_dict.inp_version > (0, 27): fleur_modes['force_theorem'] = tag_exists(root, schema_dict, 'forceTheorem', logger=logger) else: fleur_modes['force_theorem'] = False if schema_dict.inp_version >= (0, 33): if tag_exists(root, schema_dict, 'cFCoeffs', logger=logger): cf_coeff = any( evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'potential', contains='cFCoeffs', logger=logger, list_return=True, optional=True)) cf_coeff = cf_coeff or any( evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'chargeDensity', contains='cFCoeffs', logger=logger, list_return=True, optional=True)) else: cf_coeff = False fleur_modes['cf_coeff'] = cf_coeff else: fleur_modes['cf_coeff'] = False fleur_modes['film'] = tag_exists(root, schema_dict, 'filmPos', logger=logger) fleur_modes['ldau'] = tag_exists(root, schema_dict, 'ldaU', contains='species', logger=logger) fleur_modes['dos'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'dos', constants=constants, logger=logger) fleur_modes['band'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'band', constants=constants, logger=logger) fleur_modes['bz_integration'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'mode', constants=constants, tag_name='bzIntegration', logger=logger) return fleur_modes
[docs]@schema_dict_version_dispatch(output_schema=False) def get_nkpts(xmltree, schema_dict, logger=None): """ Get the number of kpoints that will be used in the calculation specified in the given fleur XMl file. .. warning:: For file versions before Max5 only kPointList or kPointCount tags will work. However, for kPointCount there is no real guarantee that for every occasion it will correspond to the number of kpoints. So a warning is written out :param xmltree: etree representing the fleur xml file :param schema_dict: schema dictionary corresponding to the file version of the xmltree :param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors :returns: int with the number of kpoints """ from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import eval_simple_xpath from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_attribute from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import clear_xml if isinstance(xmltree, etree._ElementTree): xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() else: root = xmltree #Get the name of the current selected kPointSet list_name = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'listName', logger=logger) kpointlists = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'kPointList', list_return=True, logger=logger) if len(kpointlists) == 0: raise ValueError('No Kpoint lists found in the given inp.xml') labels = [kpoint_set.attrib.get('name') for kpoint_set in kpointlists] if list_name not in labels: raise ValueError(f'Selected Kpoint list with the name: {list_name} does not exist' f'Available list names: {labels}') kpoint_index = labels.index(list_name) kpoint_set = kpointlists[kpoint_index] nkpts = evaluate_attribute(kpoint_set, schema_dict, 'count', logger=logger) return nkpts
[docs]@get_nkpts.register(max_version='0.31') def get_nkpts_max4(xmltree, schema_dict, logger=None): """ Get the number of kpoints that will be used in the calculation specified in the given fleur XMl file. Version specific for Max4 versions or older .. warning:: For file versions before Max5 only kPointList or kPointCount tags will work. However, for kPointCount there is no real guarantee that for every occasion it will correspond to the number of kpoints. So a warning is written out :param xmltree: etree representing the fleur xml file :param schema_dict: schema dictionary corresponding to the file version of the xmltree :param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors :returns: int with the number of kpoints """ from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_attribute, eval_simple_xpath from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import clear_xml import warnings if isinstance(xmltree, etree._ElementTree): xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() else: root = xmltree modes = get_fleur_modes(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) alt_kpt_set = None if modes['band'] or modes['gw']: expected_mode = 'bands' if modes['band'] else 'gw' alt_kpts = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'altKPointSet', list_return=True, logger=logger) for kpt_set in alt_kpts: if evaluate_attribute(kpt_set, schema_dict, 'purpose', logger=logger) == expected_mode: alt_kpt_set = kpt_set break kpt_tag = None if alt_kpt_set is not None: kpt_tag = eval_simple_xpath(alt_kpt_set, schema_dict, 'kPointList', list_return=True, logger=logger) if len(kpt_tag) == 0: kpt_tag = eval_simple_xpath(alt_kpt_set, schema_dict, 'kPointCount', list_return=True, logger=logger) if len(kpt_tag) == 0: kpt_tag = None else: warnings.warn('kPointCount is not guaranteed to result in the given number of kpoints') if kpt_tag is None: kpt_tag = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'kPointList', not_contains='altKPointSet', list_return=True, logger=logger) if len(kpt_tag) == 0: kpt_tag = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'kPointCount', not_contains='altKPointSet', list_return=True, logger=logger) if len(kpt_tag) == 0: raise ValueError('No kPointList or kPointCount found') else: warnings.warn('kPointCount is not guaranteed to result in the given number of kpoints') kpt_tag = kpt_tag[0] nkpts = evaluate_attribute(kpt_tag, schema_dict, 'count', logger=logger) return nkpts
[docs]def get_cell(xmltree, schema_dict, logger=None): """ Get the Bravais matrix from the given fleur xml file. In addition a list determining in, which directions there are periodic boundary conditions in the system. .. warning:: Only the explicit definition of the Bravais matrix is supported. Old inputs containing the `latnam` definitions are not supported :param xmltree: etree representing the fleur xml file :param schema_dict: schema dictionary corresponding to the file version of the xmltree :param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors :returns: numpy array of the bravais matrix and list of boolean values for periodic boundary conditions """ from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import read_constants, eval_simple_xpath from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_text, tag_exists from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import clear_xml from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_xml_attribute from masci_tools.util.constants import BOHR_A import numpy as np if isinstance(xmltree, etree._ElementTree): xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() else: root = xmltree constants = read_constants(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) cell = None lattice_tag = None if tag_exists(root, schema_dict, 'bulkLattice', logger=logger): lattice_tag = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'bulkLattice', logger=logger) pbc = [True, True, True] elif tag_exists(root, schema_dict, 'filmLattice', logger=logger): lattice_tag = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'filmLattice', logger=logger) pbc = [True, True, False] if lattice_tag is not None: row1 = evaluate_text(lattice_tag, schema_dict, 'row-1', constants=constants, contains='bravaisMatrix', logger=logger, optional=True) row2 = evaluate_text(lattice_tag, schema_dict, 'row-2', constants=constants, contains='bravaisMatrix', logger=logger, optional=True) row3 = evaluate_text(lattice_tag, schema_dict, 'row-3', constants=constants, contains='bravaisMatrix', logger=logger, optional=True) if all(x is not None and x != [] for x in [row1, row2, row3]): #Explicit Conversion to float for versions Max4 and before if schema_dict.inp_version < (0, 33): row1, suc = convert_xml_attribute(row1, ['float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) row2, suc = convert_xml_attribute(row2, ['float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) row3, suc = convert_xml_attribute(row3, ['float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) cell = np.array([row1, row2, row3]) * BOHR_A if cell is None: raise ValueError('Could not extract Bravais matrix out of inp.xml. Is the ' 'Bravais matrix explicitly given? i.e Latnam definition ' 'not supported.') return cell, pbc
[docs]def get_parameter_data(xmltree, schema_dict, inpgen_ready=True, write_ids=True, logger=None): """ This routine returns an python dictionary produced from the inp.xml file, which contains all the parameters needed to setup a new inp.xml from a inpgen input file to produce the same input (for parameters that the inpgen can control) :param xmltree: etree representing the fleur xml file :param schema_dict: schema dictionary corresponding to the file version of the xmltree :param inpgen_ready: Bool, return a dict which can be inputed into inpgen while setting atoms :param write_ids: Bool, if True the atom ids are added to the atom namelists :param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors :returns: dict, which will lead to the same inp.xml (in case if other defaults, which can not be controlled by input for inpgen, were changed) """ from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import read_constants, eval_simple_xpath from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_attribute, evaluate_text from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import clear_xml from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_fleur_lo, convert_xml_attribute from import filter_out_empty_dict_entries # TODO: convert econfig # TODO: parse kpoints, somehow count is bad (if symmetry changes), mesh is not known, path cannot be specified ######## parameters = {} if isinstance(xmltree, etree._ElementTree): xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() else: root = xmltree constants = read_constants(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) # Create the cards # &input # most things are not needed for AiiDA here. or we ignor them for now. # film is set by the plugin depended on the structure # symor per default = False? to avoid input which fleur can't take # &comp comp_dict = {} comp_dict['jspins'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'jspins', constants=constants, logger=logger) comp_dict['frcor'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'frcor', constants=constants, logger=logger, optional=True) comp_dict['ctail'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'ctail', constants=constants, logger=logger) comp_dict['kcrel'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'kcrel', constants=constants, logger=logger, optional=True) comp_dict['gmax'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'gmax', constants=constants, logger=logger) comp_dict['gmaxxc'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'gmaxxc', constants=constants, logger=logger) comp_dict['kmax'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'kmax', constants=constants, logger=logger) if schema_dict.inp_version <= (0, 31): comp_dict['gmax'], _ = convert_xml_attribute(comp_dict['gmax'], ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) comp_dict['gmaxxc'], _ = convert_xml_attribute(comp_dict['gmaxxc'], ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) comp_dict['kmax'], _ = convert_xml_attribute(comp_dict['kmax'], ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) parameters['comp'] = filter_out_empty_dict_entries(comp_dict) # &atoms species_list = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'species', list_return=True, logger=logger) species_several = {} # first we see if there are several species with the same atomic number for species in species_list: atom_z = evaluate_attribute(species, schema_dict, 'atomicNumber', constants, logger=logger) species_several[atom_z] = species_several.get(atom_z, 0) + 1 species_count = {} for indx, species in enumerate(species_list): atom_dict = {} atoms_name = 'atom{}'.format(indx) atom_z = evaluate_attribute(species, schema_dict, 'atomicNumber', constants=constants, logger=logger) if not inpgen_ready: atom_dict['z'] = atom_z species_count[atom_z] = species_count.get(atom_z, 0) + 1 atom_id = f'{atom_z}.{species_count[atom_z]}' if write_ids: if species_several[atom_z] > 1: atom_dict['id'] = atom_id if schema_dict.inp_version <= (0, 31): atom_dict['ncst'] = evaluate_attribute(species, schema_dict, 'coreStates', constants, logger=logger) atom_dict['rmt'] = evaluate_attribute(species, schema_dict, 'radius', constants=constants, logger=logger) atom_dict['dx'] = evaluate_attribute(species, schema_dict, 'logIncrement', constants=constants, logger=logger) atom_dict['jri'] = evaluate_attribute(species, schema_dict, 'gridPoints', constants=constants, logger=logger) atom_dict['lmax'] = evaluate_attribute(species, schema_dict, 'lmax', constants=constants, logger=logger) atom_dict['lnonsph'] = evaluate_attribute(species, schema_dict, 'lnonsphr', constants=constants, logger=logger) atom_dict['bmu'] = evaluate_attribute(species, schema_dict, 'magMom', constants, logger=logger, optional=True) atom_dict['element'] = evaluate_attribute(species, schema_dict, 'element', constants=constants, logger=logger) #atom_econfig = eval_simple_xpath(species, schema_dict, 'electronConfig') atom_lo = eval_simple_xpath(species, schema_dict, 'lo', list_return=True, logger=logger) #atom_econfig = eval_simple_xpath(species, schema_dict, 'electronConfig') if len(atom_lo) != 0: atom_dict['lo'] = convert_fleur_lo(atom_lo) if schema_dict.inp_version <= (0, 31): atom_dict['bmu'], _ = convert_xml_attribute(atom_dict['bmu'], ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) atom_dict['dx'], _ = convert_xml_attribute(atom_dict['dx'], ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) atom_dict['rmt'], _ = convert_xml_attribute(atom_dict['rmt'], ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) parameters[atoms_name] = filter_out_empty_dict_entries(atom_dict) # &soc soc = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'l_soc', constants=constants, logger=logger, optional=True) theta = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'theta', constants=constants, contains='soc', logger=logger, optional=True) phi = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'phi', constants=constants, contains='soc', logger=logger, optional=True) if soc is not None and soc: if schema_dict.inp_version <= (0, 31): theta, _ = convert_xml_attribute(theta, ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) phi, _ = convert_xml_attribute(phi, ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) parameters['soc'] = {'theta': theta, 'phi': phi} # &kpt #attrib = convert_from_fortran_bool(eval_xpath(root, l_soc_xpath)) #theta = eval_xpath(root, theta_xpath) #phi = eval_xpath(root, phi_xpath) # if kpt: # new_parameters['kpt'] = {'theta' : theta, 'phi' : phi} # # ['nkpt', 'kpts', 'div1', 'div2', 'div3', 'tkb', 'tria'], # title title = evaluate_text(root, schema_dict, 'comment', constants=constants, logger=logger, optional=True) if title: parameters['title'] = title.replace('\n', '').strip() # &exco #TODO, easy exco_dict = {} exco_dict['xctyp'] = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'name', constants, contains='xcFunctional', logger=logger) # 'exco' : ['xctyp', 'relxc'], parameters['exco'] = filter_out_empty_dict_entries(exco_dict) # &film # TODO # &qss # TODO # lattice, not supported? return parameters
[docs]def get_structure_data(xmltree, schema_dict, logger=None): """ Get the structure defined in the given fleur xml file. .. warning:: Only the explicit definition of the Bravais matrix is supported. Old inputs containing the `latnam` definitions are not supported :param xmltree: etree representing the fleur xml file :param schema_dict: schema dictionary corresponding to the file version of the xmltree :param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors :returns: tuple containing the structure information The tuple contains the following entries: 1. :atom_data: list of tuples containing the absolute positions and symbols of the atoms 2. :cell: numpy array, bravais matrix of the given system 3. :pbc: list of booleans, determines in which directions periodic boundary conditions are applicable """ from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import read_constants, eval_simple_xpath from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_text, evaluate_attribute from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import clear_xml from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_xml_attribute from import rel_to_abs, rel_to_abs_f if isinstance(xmltree, etree._ElementTree): xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() else: root = xmltree constants = read_constants(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) cell, pbc = get_cell(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) species_names = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'name', constants=constants, contains='species', logger=logger) species_elements = evaluate_attribute(root, schema_dict, 'element', constants=constants, contains='species', logger=logger) if not isinstance(species_names, list): species_names = [species_names] if not isinstance(species_elements, list): species_elements = [species_elements] if len(species_names) != len(species_elements): raise ValueError( f'Failed to read in species names and elements. Got {len(species_names)} names and {len(species_elements)} elements' ) species_dict = dict(zip(species_names, species_elements)) atom_data = [] atom_groups = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'atomGroup', list_return=True, logger=logger) for group in atom_groups: group_species = evaluate_attribute(group, schema_dict, 'species', constants=constants, logger=logger) atom_positions = [] absolute_positions = evaluate_text(group, schema_dict, 'absPos', constants=constants, list_return=True, logger=logger, optional=True) relative_positions = evaluate_text(group, schema_dict, 'relPos', constants=constants, list_return=True, logger=logger, optional=True) film_positions = evaluate_text(group, schema_dict, 'filmPos', constants=constants, list_return=True, logger=logger, optional=True) if schema_dict.inp_version < (0, 33): for indx, pos in enumerate(absolute_positions): absolute_positions[indx], suc = convert_xml_attribute(pos, ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) for indx, pos in enumerate(relative_positions): relative_positions[indx], suc = convert_xml_attribute(pos, ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) for indx, pos in enumerate(film_positions): film_positions[indx], suc = convert_xml_attribute(pos, ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) atom_positions = absolute_positions for rel_pos in relative_positions: atom_positions.append(rel_to_abs(rel_pos, cell)) for film_pos in film_positions: atom_positions.append(rel_to_abs_f(film_pos, cell)) if len(atom_positions) == 0: raise ValueError('Failed to read atom positions for group') atom_data.extend((pos, species_dict[group_species]) for pos in atom_positions) return atom_data, cell, pbc
[docs]@schema_dict_version_dispatch(output_schema=False) def get_kpoints_data(xmltree, schema_dict, name=None, logger=None): """ Get the kpoint sets defined in the given fleur xml file. .. warning:: For file versions before Max5 the name argument is not valid :param xmltree: etree representing the fleur xml file :param schema_dict: schema dictionary corresponding to the file version of the xmltree :param name: str, optional, if given only the kpoint set with the given name is returned :param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors :returns: tuple containing the kpoint information The tuple contains the following entries: 1. :kpoints: dict or list (list if there is only one kpoint set), containing the coordinates of the kpoints 2. :weights: dict or list (list if there is only one kpoint set), containing the weights of the kpoints 3. :cell: numpy array, bravais matrix of the given system 4. :pbc: list of booleans, determines in which directions periodic boundary conditions are applicable """ from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import read_constants, eval_simple_xpath from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_text, evaluate_attribute from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import clear_xml from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_xml_attribute if isinstance(xmltree, etree._ElementTree): xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() else: root = xmltree constants = read_constants(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) cell, pbc = get_cell(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) kpointlists = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'kPointList', list_return=True, logger=logger) if len(kpointlists) == 0: raise ValueError('No Kpoint lists found in the given inp.xml') labels = [kpoint_set.attrib.get('name') for kpoint_set in kpointlists] if name is not None and name not in labels: raise ValueError(f'Found no Kpoint list with the name: {name}' f'Available list names: {labels}') kpoints_data = {} weights_data = {} for kpointlist in kpointlists: label = evaluate_attribute(kpointlist, schema_dict, 'name', logger=logger) if name is not None and name != label: continue kpoints = evaluate_text(kpointlist, schema_dict, 'kPoint', constants=constants, list_return=True, logger=logger) weights = evaluate_attribute(kpointlist, schema_dict, 'weight', constants=constants, list_return=True, logger=logger) if schema_dict.inp_version == (0, 32): for indx, kpoint in enumerate(kpoints): kpoints[indx], suc = convert_xml_attribute(kpoint, ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) weights, suc = convert_xml_attribute(weights, ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, list_return=True, logger=logger) if not isinstance(kpoints[0], list): kpoints = [kpoints] weights = [weights] kpoints_data[label] = kpoints weights_data[label] = weights if len(kpoints_data) == 1: _, kpoints_data = kpoints_data.popitem() _, weights_data = weights_data.popitem() return kpoints_data, weights_data, cell, pbc
[docs]@get_kpoints_data.register(max_version='0.31') def get_kpoints_data_max4(xmltree, schema_dict, logger=None): """ Get the kpoint sets defined in the given fleur xml file. .. note:: This function is specific to file version before and including the Max4 release of fleur :param xmltree: etree representing the fleur xml file :param schema_dict: schema dictionary corresponding to the file version of the xmltree :param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors :returns: tuple containing the kpoint information The tuple contains the following entries: 1. :kpoints: list containing the coordinates of the kpoints 2. :weights: list containing the weights of the kpoints 3. :cell: numpy array, bravais matrix of the given system 4. :pbc: list of booleans, determines in which directions periodic boundary conditions are applicable """ from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import read_constants, eval_simple_xpath from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_text, evaluate_attribute from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import clear_xml from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_xml_attribute if isinstance(xmltree, etree._ElementTree): xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() else: root = xmltree constants = read_constants(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) cell, pbc = get_cell(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) kpointlist = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'kPointList', list_return=True, not_contains='altKPoint', logger=logger) if len(kpointlist) == 0: raise ValueError('No Kpoint lists found in the given inp.xml') kpointlist = kpointlist[0] kpoints = evaluate_text(kpointlist, schema_dict, 'kPoint', constants=constants, not_contains='altKPoint', list_return=True, logger=logger) weights = evaluate_attribute(kpointlist, schema_dict, 'weight', constants=constants, not_contains='altKPoint', list_return=True, logger=logger) for indx, kpoint in enumerate(kpoints): kpoints[indx], suc = convert_xml_attribute(kpoint, ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, logger=logger) weights, suc = convert_xml_attribute(weights, ['float', 'float_expression'], constants=constants, list_return=True, logger=logger) return kpoints, weights, cell, pbc
[docs]@schema_dict_version_dispatch(output_schema=False) def get_relaxation_information(xmltree, schema_dict, logger=None): """ Get the relaxation information from the given fleur XML file. This includes the current displacements, energy and posforce evolution :param xmltree: etree representing the fleur xml file :param schema_dict: schema dictionary corresponding to the file version of the xmltree :param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors :returns: dict with the relaxation information :raises ValueError: If no relaxation section is included in the xml tree """ from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import tag_exists, read_constants, evaluate_text, eval_simple_xpath from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_attribute from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_xml_attribute, convert_xml_text from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import clear_xml if isinstance(xmltree, etree._ElementTree): xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() else: root = xmltree constants = read_constants(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) if not tag_exists(root, schema_dict, 'relaxation', logger=logger): raise ValueError('No relaxation information included in the given XML file') relax_tag = eval_simple_xpath(root, schema_dict, 'relaxation', logger=logger) out_dict = {} out_dict['displacements'] = evaluate_text(relax_tag, schema_dict, 'displace', list_return=True, constants=constants, logger=logger) energies = evaluate_attribute(relax_tag, schema_dict, 'energy', list_return=True, constants=constants, logger=logger) out_dict['energies'], _ = convert_xml_attribute(energies, ['float', 'float_expression'], list_return=True, logger=logger) out_dict['posforces'] = [] relax_iters = eval_simple_xpath(relax_tag, schema_dict, 'step', list_return=True, logger=logger) for step in relax_iters: posforces = evaluate_text(step, schema_dict, 'posforce', list_return=True, constants=constants, logger=logger) posforces, _ = convert_xml_text(posforces, [{ 'length': 6, 'type': ['float', 'float_expression'] }], list_return=True, logger=logger) out_dict['posforces'].append(posforces) return out_dict
[docs]@get_relaxation_information.register(max_version='0.28') def get_relaxation_information_pre029(xmltree, schema_dict, logger=None): """ Get the relaxation information from the given fleur XML file. This includes the current displacements, energy and posforce evolution :param xmltree: etree representing the fleur xml file :param schema_dict: schema dictionary corresponding to the file version of the xmltree :param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors :returns: dict with the relaxation information :raises ValueError: If no relaxation section is included in the xml tree """ raise NotImplementedError( f"'get_relaxation_information' is not implemented for inputs of version '{schema_dict['inp_version']}'")