Source code for masci_tools.util.fleur_calculate_expression

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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This module contains the functions necessary to parse mathematical expressions
with predefined constants given in the inp.xml file of Fleur
from __future__ import absolute_import
import numpy as np

[docs]def calculate_expression(expression, constants, prevCommand=None, exp_return=False): """ Recursively evaluates the given expression string with the given defined constants :param expression: str containing the expression to be parsed :param constants: dict with all defined constants (predefined in the Fleur code or defined in the inp.xml) :param prevCommand: str, which gives the command before the beginning of the current block if it is given the calculation is stopped, when a command is encountered, which should be exectuted after prevCommand (order of operations) :param exp_return: bool, determines whether to return the remaining string of the expression :return: float value of the given expression string """ #Map the keywords recognized by fleur to the corresponding numpy function functions_dict = { 'sin': np.sin, 'cos': np.cos, 'tan': np.tan, 'exp': np.exp, 'log': np.log, 'abs': np.abs, 'sqrt': np.sqrt, 'acos': np.arccos, 'asin': np.arcsin, 'atan': np.arctan, 'cosh': np.cosh, 'sinh': np.sinh, 'tanh': np.tanh, } #Define order of operations order_dict = {'+': 10, '-': 10, '*': 100, '/': 100, '%': 100, '**': 1000, '^': 1000} stop_loop = False loop_count = 0 if expression is None: raise ValueError('Invalid expression: Got None for expression') if isinstance(expression, (float, int)): return expression expression = expression.replace(' ', '') value = None while not stop_loop and len(expression) != 0: loop_count += 1 firstchar = expression[0] if firstchar.isdecimal() or firstchar == '.' or \ (firstchar in ['+', '-'] and loop_count == 1): value, expression = get_first_number(expression) stop_loop = False elif firstchar.isalpha(): string, expression = get_first_string(expression) if string in functions_dict: if expression[0] != '(': raise ValueError('Invalid expression: Expected Bracket after function name') function = functions_dict[string] function_value, expression = evaluate_bracket(expression, constants) #Check conditions for functions if string == 'log' and function_value <= 0.0: raise ValueError('Invalid expression: log(x), x<=0') elif string == 'sqrt' and function_value < 0.0: raise ValueError('Invalid expression: sqrt(x), x<0') elif string == 'asin' and abs(function_value) > 1.0: raise ValueError('Invalid expression: asin(x), |x|>1') elif string == 'acos' and abs(function_value) > 1.0: raise ValueError('Invalid expression: acos(x), |x|>1') value = function(function_value) elif string in constants: value = constants[string] else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown string expression: {string}') stop_loop = False elif firstchar in ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^']: if loop_count == 1: raise ValueError(f'Invalid Expression: Found operator {firstchar} in the beginning of expression') operator = firstchar if expression[1] in ['+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '^']: if expression[:2] == '**': operator = expression[:2] else: raise ValueError('Invalid Expression: Operator following operator') if prevCommand is not None: prevOrder = order_dict[prevCommand] else: prevOrder = 0 operatorOrder = order_dict[operator] if operatorOrder > prevOrder: #Evaluate the next block block_value, expression = calculate_expression(expression[len(operator):], constants, prevCommand=operator, exp_return=True) #Perform the operation if operator == '+': value += block_value elif operator == '-': value -= block_value elif operator == '*': value *= block_value elif operator == '/': if abs(block_value) < 1e-12: raise ValueError('Undefined Expression: Division by zero') value *= 1.0 / block_value elif operator == '%': value = value % block_value elif operator in ['^', '**']: if abs(value) < 1e-12 and abs(block_value) < 1e-12: raise ValueError('Undefined Expression: 0^0') if value < 0.0 and abs(int(block_value) - block_value) > 1e-12: raise ValueError('Undefined Expression: x^y, x<0 and y not integer') elif value < 0.0: block_value = int(block_value) value = value**block_value else: stop_loop = True elif firstchar == '(': value, expression = evaluate_bracket(expression, constants) stop_loop = False else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid expression: Found unexpected character {firstchar}') if exp_return: return value, expression else: return value
[docs]def get_first_number(expression): """ Reads the number in the beginning of the expression string. This number can begin with a sign +-, a number or the decimal point :param expression: str of the expression :return: float value of the number in the beginning and the string of the remaining expression """ numberstring = '' found_decimal_point = False for char in expression: if char.isdecimal(): numberstring += char elif char == '.': if found_decimal_point: raise ValueError('Cannot parse number: Found two decimal points') found_decimal_point = True numberstring += char elif char in ['+', '-']: if len(numberstring) == 0: numberstring += char else: break else: break return float(numberstring), expression[len(numberstring):]
[docs]def get_first_string(expression): """ Reads the letter string in the beginning of the expression string. :param expression: str of the expression :return: letter string in the beginning and the string of the remaining expression """ found_string = '' for char in expression: if char.isalpha(): found_string += char else: break return found_string, expression[len(found_string):]
[docs]def evaluate_bracket(expression, constants): """ Evaluates the bracket opened at the start of the expression :param expression: expression to be parsed :param constants: dict with defined constants :return: value of the expression inside the brackets and remaining string of the expression after the corresponding closed bracket """ closing_pos = 0 opened_brackets = 0 for char in expression: if char == '(': opened_brackets += 1 elif char == ')': opened_brackets -= 1 if opened_brackets == 0: break closing_pos += 1 if opened_brackets != 0: raise ValueError('Invalid Expression: Unbalanced parentheses') value = calculate_expression(expression[1:closing_pos], constants) return value, expression[closing_pos + 1:]