# Welcome to the [Masci-tools]'s documentation! This package was developed in the process of developing the [AiiDA-FLEUR] and [AiiDA_KKR] plugins to [AiiDA]. It contains helper functions that can help with common pre- and postprocessing steps of the [FLEUR] and [KKR] codes developed at the Forschungszentrum Jülich (see also the [juDFT] website for more information). If you use this package please cite: ... ## Requirements to use this code: - `lxml` - `h5py` - `numpy` - `matplotlib` - `bokeh` (optional) - `seaborn` - `ase` - `mendeleev` - `click` - `click-completion` - `PyYAML` - `tabulate` - `deepdiff` - `humanfriendly` - `more_itertools` ## Installation Instructions: Install from pypi the latest release ```bash pip install masci-tools ``` or from the masci-tools source folder any branch ```bash pip install . # or which is very useful to keep track of the changes (developers) pip install -e . ``` ## Acknowledgments: We acknowledge partial support from the EU Centre of Excellence “MaX – Materials Design at the Exascale” (). (Horizon 2020 EINFRA-5, Grant No. 676598) We thank the AiiDA team for their help and work. Also the vial exchange with developers of AiiDA packages for other codes was inspiring. # User's Guide ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 4 user_guide/index ``` # Developer's Guide ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 4 devel_guide/index ``` # Reference ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 reference/index ``` # Indices and tables - {ref}`genindex` - {ref}`modindex` - {ref}`search` [aiida]: https://aiida.net [aiida-fleur]: https://github.com/JuDFTteam/aiida-fleur [aiida_kkr]: https://github.com/JuDFTteam/aiida-kkr [fleur]: http://www.flapw.de [judft]: http://judft.de [kkr]: https://jukkr.fz-juelich.de [masci-tools]: https://github.com/JuDFTteam/masci-tools