# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
# #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file #
# For further information please visit http://www.flapw.de or #
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This module contains a subclass of :py:class:`~masci_tools.vis.parameters.Plotter` for the matplotlib library
from .parameters import Plotter, _generate_plot_parameters_table
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
import copy
[docs]class MatplotlibPlotter(Plotter):
Class for plotting parameters and standard code snippets for plotting with the
matplotlib backend.
Kwargs in the __init__ method are forwarded to setting default values for the instance
For specific documentation about the parameter/defaults handling refer to
Below the current defined default values are shown:
# figure properties
'title_fontsize': 16,
'figure_kwargs': {
'figsize': (8, 6),
'dpi': 100,
'facecolor': 'w',
'edgecolor': 'k',
'constrained_layout': True,
# axis properties
'alpha': 1,
'axis_linewidth': 1.5,
'use_axis_formatter': False,
'set_powerlimits': True,
'xticks': None,
'xticklabels': None,
'yticks': None,
'yticklabels': None,
'invert_xaxis': False,
'invert_yaxis': False,
'color_cycle': None,
'color_cycle_always_advance': False,
'sub_colormap': None,
# plot properties
'linewidth': 2.0,
'linestyle': '-',
'marker': 'o',
'markersize': 4.0,
'color': None,
'zorder': None,
'repeat_parameters': None,
'edgecolor': None,
'facecolor': None,
'plot_label': None,
'area_plot': False,
'area_vertical': False,
'area_enclosing_line': True,
'area_alpha': 1.0,
'area_linecolor': None,
'plot_alpha': 1.0,
'cmap': 'viridis',
'norm': None,
'shading': 'gouraud',
'rasterized': True,
#scale and limits placeholder
'scale': None,
'limits': None,
# x, y label
'labelfontsize': 15,
'lines': None,
'line_options': {
'linestyle': '--',
'color': 'k',
'linewidth': 1.0
'font_options': {
'family': 'serif',
'color': 'black',
'weight': 'normal',
'size': 16,
# ticks
'tick_paramsx': {
'size': 4.0,
'width': 1.0,
'labelsize': 14,
'length': 5,
'labelrotation': 0
'tick_paramsy': {
'size': 4.0,
'width': 1.0,
'labelsize': 14,
'length': 5,
'labelrotation': 0
'tick_paramsx_minor': {
'size': 2.0,
'width': 1.0,
'labelsize': 0,
'length': 2.5
'tick_paramsy_minor': {
'size': 2.0,
'width': 1.0,
'labelsize': 0,
'length': 2.5
'colorbar': True,
'colorbar_options': {
'pad': 0.05
# legend properties
'legend': False,
'legend_show_data_labels': False,
'legend_remove_duplicates': False,
'legend_options': {
'fontsize': 'large',
'linewidth': 3.0,
'loc': 'best',
'fancybox': True
# save all plots?
'save_plots': False, # True
'save_format': 'png', #'pdf'
'save_options': {
'transparent': True
'tightlayout': False,
'show': True,
# write data to file
'save_raw_plot_data': False,
'raw_plot_data_format': 'txt'
# figure properties
'Fontsize for the title of the figure',
'Arguments passed to `plt.figure` when creating the figure. '
'Includes things like figsize, dpi, background color, ...',
# axis properties
'Float specifying the transparency of the title',
'Linewidth of the lines for the axis',
'If True the labels will always not be formatted '
'with an additive constant at the top',
'If True the threshold for switching to scientific notation is adjusted to 0,3',
'Positions of the ticks on the x axis',
'Labels for the ticks on the x-axis',
'Positions for the ticks on the y-axis',
'Labels for the ticks on the y-axis',
'If True the direction of the x-axis is inverted',
'If True the direction of the y-axis is inverted',
'If set this will override the default color cycle of matplotlib. '
'Can be given as name of a colormap cycle or list of colors',
'Always advance the color cycle even if the color was specified',
'If a colormap is used this can be used to cut out a part of the colormap. '
'For example (0.5,1.0) will only use the upper half of the colormap',
# plot properties
'Linewidth for the plot(s)',
'Linestyle for the plot(s)',
'Shape of the marker to use for the plot(s)',
'Size of the markers to use in the plot(s)',
'Color to use in the plot(s)',
'z-position to use for the plot(s) (Is used to define fore- and background)',
'If set as integer the parameters for single plots (except labels) will be repeated after the given number of plots. '
'Only implemented for multiple_scatterplots',
'Edgecolor to use in the plot(s)',
'Facecolor to use in the plot(s)',
'Label to use in the plot(s) for the legend',
'If True fill_between(x) will be used to produce the plot(s)',
'Determines, whether to use fill_between or fill_betweenx for area plots',
'If True a enclosing line will be drawn around the area',
'Transparency to use for the area in the area plot(s)',
'Color for the enclosing line in the area plot(s)',
'Transparency to use for the plot(s)',
'Colormap to use for scatter/pcolormesh or 3D plots',
'If set this norm will be used to normalize data for the colormapping',
'Shading to use for pcolormesh plots',
'Rasterize the pcolormesh when drawing vector graphics.',
#scale and limits placeholder
"Dict specifying the scales of the axis, e.g {'y': 'log'}"
'will create a logarithmic scale on the y-axis',
"Dict specifying the limits of the axis, e.g {'x': (-5,5)}",
# x, y label
'Fontsize for the labels on the axis',
'Dict specifying straight help-lines to draw. '
"For example {'vertical': 0, 'horizontal': [-1,1]} will draw a vertical line at 0 "
'and two horizontal at -1 and 1',
'Color, width, and more options for the help-lines',
'Default font options that can be used for text annotations',
# ticks
'Parameters for major ticks on the x-axis (Size, fontsize, ...)',
'Parameters for major ticks on the y-axis (Size, fontsize, ...)',
'Parameters for minor ticks on the x-axis (Size, fontsize, ...)',
'Parameters for minor ticks on the y-axis (Size, fontsize, ...)',
'If True and the function implements color mapping, a colorbar is shown',
'Parameters for displaying the colorbar (Fontsize, ...)',
# legend properties
'If True a legend for the plot is shown',
'If True the column names from the data argument are shown if not overwritten',
'If True duplicate legend labels are removed',
'Parameters for displaying the legend (Fontsize, location, ...)',
# save all plots?
'if True the plots will be saved to file',
'Formats to save the plots to, can be single or list of formats',
'Additional options for saving the plots to file',
'If True the tight layout will be used (NOT IMPLEMENTED)',
'If True plt.show will be called at the end of the routine',
# write data to file
'If True the data for the plot is saved to file (NOT IMPLEMENTED)',
'Format in which to save the data for the plot (NOT IMPLEMENTED)'
'save_plots', 'save_format', 'tightlayout', 'save_raw_plot_data', 'raw_plot_data_format', 'show', 'legend',
'legend_options', 'colorbar', 'colorbar_options', 'tick_paramsy', 'tick_paramsx', 'tick_paramsy_minor',
'tick_paramsx_minor', 'font_options', 'line_options', 'labelfontsize', 'lines', 'scale', 'limits', 'xticks',
'xticklabels', 'yticks', 'yticklabels', 'figure_kwargs', 'title_font_size', 'repeat_colors_after',
'color_cycle', 'color_cycle_always_advance'
'sub_colormap', 'save_options'
'default': {'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'marker', 'markersize', 'color', 'plot_label', 'plot_alpha', 'zorder'},
'colormap_scatter': {
'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'marker', 'markersize', 'color', 'plot_label', 'plot_alpha', 'zorder', 'cmap',
'area': {'area_linecolor', 'area_alpha', 'zorder'},
'colormesh': {
'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'shading', 'rasterized', 'cmap', 'norm', 'edgecolor', 'facecolor', 'plot_label',
'plot_alpha', 'zorder'
{'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'color', 'plot_label', 'plot_alpha', 'edgecolor', 'facecolor', 'zorder'},
_POSTPROCESS_RENAMES = {'plot_label': 'label', 'plot_alpha': 'alpha'}
__doc__ = __doc__ + _generate_plot_parameters_table(_MATPLOTLIB_DEFAULTS, _MATPLOTLIB_DESCRIPTIONS)
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
[docs] def plot_kwargs(self,
Creates a dict or list of dicts (for multiple plots) with the defined parameters
for the plotting calls of matplotlib
:param ignore: str or list of str (optional), defines keys to ignore in the creation of the dict
:param extra_keys: optional set for additional keys to retrieve
:param post_process: bool, if True the parameters are cleaned up for inserting them directly into matplotlib plitting functions
Kwargs are used to replace values by custom parameters:
Example for using a custom markersize::
p = MatplotlibPlotter()
p.add_parameter('marker_custom', default_from='marker')
This code snippet will return the standard parameters for a plot, but the value
for the marker will be taken from the key `marker_custom`
if self.single_plot:
any_area = self['area_plot']
any_area = any(self[('area_plot', indx)] for indx in range(self.num_plots))
if any_area:
area_kwargs = self._type_kwargs_mapping['area']
extra_keys = extra_keys | area_kwargs if extra_keys is not None else area_kwargs
#list of dicts is done later
plot_kwargs = super().plot_kwargs(plot_type=plot_type,
if not post_process:
return plot_kwargs
if 'cmap' in plot_kwargs and self['sub_colormap'] is not None:
if not isinstance(self['sub_colormap'], (tuple, list)):
raise ValueError('sub_colormap has to be a tuple of two numbers')
if isinstance(plot_kwargs['cmap'], list):
for indx, cmap in enumerate(plot_kwargs['cmap']):
if isinstance(cmap, str):
cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
if isinstance(self['sub_colormap'], list):
limits = self['sub_colormap'][indx]
limits = self['sub_colormap']
plot_kwargs['cmap'][indx] = self.truncate_colormap(cmap, *limits)
if isinstance(plot_kwargs['cmap'], str):
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = plt.get_cmap(plot_kwargs['cmap'])
plot_kwargs['cmap'] = self.truncate_colormap(plot_kwargs['cmap'], *self['sub_colormap'])
if self['limits'] is not None and 'color' in self['limits'] and 'cmap' in plot_kwargs:
if 'norm' not in plot_kwargs:
plot_kwargs['vmin'], plot_kwargs['vmax'] = self['limits']['color']
if list_of_dicts:
plot_kwargs = self.dict_of_lists_to_list_of_dicts(plot_kwargs,
if not list_of_dicts and 'label' in plot_kwargs:
label = plot_kwargs.pop('label')
if isinstance(label, list):
plot_kwargs['label'] = [value if value is not None else '' for value in label]
plot_kwargs['label'] = label if label is not None else ''
if not self.single_plot and list_of_dicts:
for index, value in enumerate(plot_kwargs):
if self[('area_plot', index)]:
value.pop('marker', None)
value.pop('markersize', None)
value['alpha'] = value.pop('area_alpha')
value.pop('area_alpha', None)
value.pop('area_linecolor', None)
if self['area_plot']:
plot_kwargs.pop('marker', None)
plot_kwargs.pop('markersize', None)
plot_kwargs['alpha'] = plot_kwargs.pop('area_alpha')
plot_kwargs.pop('area_alpha', None)
plot_kwargs.pop('area_linecolor', None)
if self['legend_show_data_labels']:
if not self.single_plot and list_of_dicts:
for index, value in enumerate(plot_kwargs):
if value.get('label') is None:
value.pop('label', None)
elif plot_kwargs.get('label') is None:
plot_kwargs.pop('label', None)
if not self.single_plot and list_of_dicts:
for index, value in enumerate(plot_kwargs):
if 'label' not in value:
value['label'] = None
elif 'label' not in plot_kwargs:
plot_kwargs['label'] = None
return plot_kwargs
[docs] def prepare_plot(self, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None, axis=None, minor=False, projection=None):
Prepares the figure of a matplotlib plot, setting the labels/titles, ticks, ...
:param title: str for the title of the figure
:param xlabel: str for the label on the x-axis
:param ylabel: str for the label on the y-axis
:param zlabel: str for the label on the z-axis
:param axis: matplotlib axes object, optional, if given the operations are performed on the object
otherwise a new figure and subplot are created
:param minor: bool, if True minor tick parameters are set
:param projection: str, passed on to the add_subplot call
:returns: the created or modified axis object
from cycler import cycler, Cycler
if axis is not None:
ax = axis
fig = plt.figure(num=None, **self['figure_kwargs'])
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=projection)
for axes in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']:
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=self['title_fontsize'], alpha=self['alpha'], ha='center')
ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=self['labelfontsize'])
ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=self['labelfontsize'])
if zlabel is not None:
ax.set_zlabel(zlabel, fontsize=self['labelfontsize'])
if minor:
ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', **self['tick_paramsy_minor'])
ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', **self['tick_paramsx_minor'])
if self['xticks'] is not None:
if self['xticklabels'] is not None:
if self['yticks'] is not None:
if self['yticklabels'] is not None:
if self['use_axis_formatter']:
if self['set_powerlimits']:
ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits((0, 3))
ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits((0, 3))
if self['color_cycle'] is not None:
if isinstance(self['color_cycle'], str):
elif isinstance(self['color_cycle'], Cycler):
if self['invert_xaxis']:
if self['invert_yaxis']:
return ax
[docs] def set_scale(self, ax):
Set scale of the axis (for example 'log')
:param ax: Axes object on which to perform the operation
if self['scale'] is not None:
if 'x' in self['scale']:
if 'y' in self['scale']:
if 'z' in self['scale']:
[docs] def set_limits(self, ax):
Set limits of the axis
:param ax: Axes object on which to perform the operation
if self['limits'] is not None:
if 'x' in self['limits']:
xmin = self['limits']['x'][0]
xmax = self['limits']['x'][1]
if self['invert_xaxis']:
ax.set_xlim(xmax, xmin)
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
if 'y' in self['limits']:
ymin = self['limits']['y'][0]
ymax = self['limits']['y'][1]
if self['invert_yaxis']:
ax.set_ylim(ymax, ymin)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
if 'z' in self['limits']:
zmin = self['limits']['z'][0]
zmax = self['limits']['z'][1]
ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax)
[docs] def draw_lines(self, ax):
Draw horizontal and vertical lines specified in the lines argument
:param ax: Axes object on which to perform the operation
if self['lines'] is not None:
if 'horizontal' in self['lines']:
lines = copy.deepcopy(self['lines']['horizontal'])
if not isinstance(lines, list):
lines = [lines]
for line_def in lines:
options = copy.deepcopy(self['line_options'])
if isinstance(line_def, dict):
positions = line_def.pop('pos')
if not isinstance(positions, list):
positions = [positions]
elif isinstance(line_def, list):
positions = line_def
positions = [line_def]
for pos in positions:
ax.axhline(pos, **options)
if 'vertical' in self['lines']:
lines = copy.deepcopy(self['lines']['vertical'])
if not isinstance(lines, list):
lines = [lines]
for line_def in lines:
options = copy.deepcopy(self['line_options'])
if isinstance(line_def, dict):
positions = line_def.pop('pos')
if not isinstance(positions, list):
positions = [positions]
elif isinstance(line_def, list):
positions = line_def
positions = [line_def]
for pos in positions:
ax.axvline(pos, **options)
[docs] def show_legend(self, ax, leg_elems=None):
Print a legend for the plot
:param ax: Axes object on which to perform the operation
if leg_elems is None:
if self['legend_remove_duplicates']:
leg_elems = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
by_label = dict(zip(*reversed(leg_elems)))
leg_elems = (by_label.values(), by_label.keys())
leg_elems = ()
if self['legend']:
loptions = copy.deepcopy(self['legend_options'])
linewidth = loptions.pop('linewidth', 1.5)
title_font_size = loptions.get('fontsize', 15)
leg = ax.legend(*leg_elems, **loptions)
leg.get_title().set_fontsize(title_font_size) #legend 'Title' fontsize
[docs] def show_colorbar(self, ax):
Print a colorbar for the plot
:param ax: Axes object on which to perform the operation
if self['colorbar']:
if isinstance(self['cmap'], list):
cmaps = self['cmap']
cmaps = [self['cmap']]
bar_ax = None
cmin = cmax = None
if self['limits'] is not None and 'color' in self['limits']:
cmin, cmax = self['limits']['color']
coptions = copy.deepcopy(self['colorbar_options'])
labelsize = coptions.pop('labelsize', None)
label = coptions.pop('label', '')
pad = coptions.pop('padding', 0.05)
for indx, cmap in enumerate(cmaps):
mappable = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=self['norm'])
if cmin is not None:
mappable.set_clim(cmin, cmax)
cax = ax.inset_axes([1.0 + (pad + 0.01) * (indx + 1), 0, pad, 1], transform=ax.transAxes)
cbar = plt.colorbar(mappable, cax=cax, **coptions)
if indx < len(cmaps) - 1:
elif labelsize is not None:
[docs] @staticmethod
def truncate_colormap(cmap, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, n=256):
Cut off parts of colormap
:param cmap: cmap to truncate
:param minval: minimum value of new colormap
:param maxval: maximum value of new colormap
:param n: number of colors in new colormap
:returns: colormap truncated to only hold colors between minval and maxval from old colormap
from matplotlib import colors
import numpy as np
new_cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(f'trunc({cmap.name},{minval:.2f},{maxval:.2f})',
cmap(np.linspace(minval, maxval, n)))
return new_cmap
[docs] def save_plot(self, saveas):
Save the current figure or show the current figure
:param saveas: str, filename for the resulting file
if self['save_plots']:
if isinstance(self['save_format'], list):
formats = self['save_format']
formats = [self['save_format']]
for save_format in formats:
savefilename = f'{saveas}.{save_format}'
print(f'Save plot to: {savefilename}')
plt.savefig(savefilename, format=save_format, **self['save_options'])
if self['show']: