Source code for masci_tools.vis.matplotlib_plotter

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This module contains a subclass of :py:class:`~masci_tools.vis.parameters.Plotter` for the matplotlib library
from .parameters import Plotter, _generate_plot_parameters_table
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
import copy

[docs]class MatplotlibPlotter(Plotter): """ Class for plotting parameters and standard code snippets for plotting with the matplotlib backend. Kwargs in the __init__ method are forwarded to setting default values for the instance For specific documentation about the parameter/defaults handling refer to :py:class:`~masci_tools.vis.parameters.Plotter`. Below the current defined default values are shown: """ _MATPLOTLIB_DEFAULTS = { # figure properties 'title_fontsize': 16, 'figure_kwargs': { 'figsize': (8, 6), 'dpi': 100, 'facecolor': 'w', 'edgecolor': 'k', 'constrained_layout': True, }, # axis properties 'alpha': 1, 'axis_linewidth': 1.5, 'use_axis_formatter': False, 'set_powerlimits': True, 'xticks': None, 'xticklabels': None, 'yticks': None, 'yticklabels': None, 'invert_xaxis': False, 'invert_yaxis': False, 'color_cycle': None, 'color_cycle_always_advance': False, 'sub_colormap': None, # plot properties 'linewidth': 2.0, 'linestyle': '-', 'marker': 'o', 'markersize': 4.0, 'color': None, 'zorder': None, 'repeat_parameters': None, 'edgecolor': None, 'facecolor': None, 'plot_label': None, 'area_plot': False, 'area_vertical': False, 'area_enclosing_line': True, 'area_alpha': 1.0, 'area_linecolor': None, 'plot_alpha': 1.0, 'cmap': 'viridis', 'norm': None, 'shading': 'gouraud', 'rasterized': True, #scale and limits placeholder 'scale': None, 'limits': None, # x, y label 'labelfontsize': 15, 'lines': None, 'line_options': { 'linestyle': '--', 'color': 'k', 'linewidth': 1.0 }, 'font_options': { 'family': 'serif', 'color': 'black', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 16, }, # ticks 'tick_paramsx': { 'size': 4.0, 'width': 1.0, 'labelsize': 14, 'length': 5, 'labelrotation': 0 }, 'tick_paramsy': { 'size': 4.0, 'width': 1.0, 'labelsize': 14, 'length': 5, 'labelrotation': 0 }, 'tick_paramsx_minor': { 'size': 2.0, 'width': 1.0, 'labelsize': 0, 'length': 2.5 }, 'tick_paramsy_minor': { 'size': 2.0, 'width': 1.0, 'labelsize': 0, 'length': 2.5 }, 'colorbar': True, 'colorbar_options': { 'pad': 0.05 }, # legend properties 'legend': False, 'legend_show_data_labels': False, 'legend_remove_duplicates': False, 'legend_options': { 'fontsize': 'large', 'linewidth': 3.0, 'loc': 'best', 'fancybox': True }, # save all plots? 'save_plots': False, # True 'save_format': 'png', #'pdf' 'save_options': { 'transparent': True }, 'tightlayout': False, 'show': True, # write data to file 'save_raw_plot_data': False, 'raw_plot_data_format': 'txt' } _MATPLOTLIB_DESCRIPTIONS = { # figure properties 'title_fontsize': 'Fontsize for the title of the figure', 'figure_kwargs': 'Arguments passed to `plt.figure` when creating the figure. ' 'Includes things like figsize, dpi, background color, ...', # axis properties 'alpha': 'Float specifying the transparency of the title', 'axis_linewidth': 'Linewidth of the lines for the axis', 'use_axis_formatter': 'If True the labels will always not be formatted ' 'with an additive constant at the top', 'set_powerlimits': 'If True the threshold for switching to scientific notation is adjusted to 0,3', 'xticks': 'Positions of the ticks on the x axis', 'xticklabels': 'Labels for the ticks on the x-axis', 'yticks': 'Positions for the ticks on the y-axis', 'yticklabels': 'Labels for the ticks on the y-axis', 'invert_xaxis': 'If True the direction of the x-axis is inverted', 'invert_yaxis': 'If True the direction of the y-axis is inverted', 'color_cycle': 'If set this will override the default color cycle of matplotlib. ' 'Can be given as name of a colormap cycle or list of colors', 'color_cycle_always_advance': 'Always advance the color cycle even if the color was specified', 'sub_colormap': 'If a colormap is used this can be used to cut out a part of the colormap. ' 'For example (0.5,1.0) will only use the upper half of the colormap', # plot properties 'linewidth': 'Linewidth for the plot(s)', 'linestyle': 'Linestyle for the plot(s)', 'marker': 'Shape of the marker to use for the plot(s)', 'markersize': 'Size of the markers to use in the plot(s)', 'color': 'Color to use in the plot(s)', 'zorder': 'z-position to use for the plot(s) (Is used to define fore- and background)', 'repeat_parameters': 'If set as integer the parameters for single plots (except labels) will be repeated after the given number of plots. ' 'Only implemented for multiple_scatterplots', 'edgecolor': 'Edgecolor to use in the plot(s)', 'facecolor': 'Facecolor to use in the plot(s)', 'plot_label': 'Label to use in the plot(s) for the legend', 'area_plot': 'If True fill_between(x) will be used to produce the plot(s)', 'area_vertical': 'Determines, whether to use fill_between or fill_betweenx for area plots', 'area_enclosing_line': 'If True a enclosing line will be drawn around the area', 'area_alpha': 'Transparency to use for the area in the area plot(s)', 'area_linecolor': 'Color for the enclosing line in the area plot(s)', 'plot_alpha': 'Transparency to use for the plot(s)', 'cmap': 'Colormap to use for scatter/pcolormesh or 3D plots', 'norm': 'If set this norm will be used to normalize data for the colormapping', 'shading': 'Shading to use for pcolormesh plots', 'rasterized': 'Rasterize the pcolormesh when drawing vector graphics.', #scale and limits placeholder 'scale': "Dict specifying the scales of the axis, e.g {'y': 'log'}" 'will create a logarithmic scale on the y-axis', 'limits': "Dict specifying the limits of the axis, e.g {'x': (-5,5)}", # x, y label 'labelfontsize': 'Fontsize for the labels on the axis', 'lines': 'Dict specifying straight help-lines to draw. ' "For example {'vertical': 0, 'horizontal': [-1,1]} will draw a vertical line at 0 " 'and two horizontal at -1 and 1', 'line_options': 'Color, width, and more options for the help-lines', 'font_options': 'Default font options that can be used for text annotations', # ticks 'tick_paramsx': 'Parameters for major ticks on the x-axis (Size, fontsize, ...)', 'tick_paramsy': 'Parameters for major ticks on the y-axis (Size, fontsize, ...)', 'tick_paramsx_minor': 'Parameters for minor ticks on the x-axis (Size, fontsize, ...)', 'tick_paramsy_minor': 'Parameters for minor ticks on the y-axis (Size, fontsize, ...)', 'colorbar': 'If True and the function implements color mapping, a colorbar is shown', 'colorbar_options': 'Parameters for displaying the colorbar (Fontsize, ...)', # legend properties 'legend': 'If True a legend for the plot is shown', 'legend_show_data_labels': 'If True the column names from the data argument are shown if not overwritten', 'legend_remove_duplicates': 'If True duplicate legend labels are removed', 'legend_options': 'Parameters for displaying the legend (Fontsize, location, ...)', # save all plots? 'save_plots': 'if True the plots will be saved to file', 'save_format': 'Formats to save the plots to, can be single or list of formats', 'save_options': 'Additional options for saving the plots to file', 'tightlayout': 'If True the tight layout will be used (NOT IMPLEMENTED)', 'show': 'If True will be called at the end of the routine', # write data to file 'save_raw_plot_data': 'If True the data for the plot is saved to file (NOT IMPLEMENTED)', 'raw_plot_data_format': 'Format in which to save the data for the plot (NOT IMPLEMENTED)' } _MATPLOTLIB_GENERAL_ARGS = { 'save_plots', 'save_format', 'tightlayout', 'save_raw_plot_data', 'raw_plot_data_format', 'show', 'legend', 'legend_options', 'colorbar', 'colorbar_options', 'tick_paramsy', 'tick_paramsx', 'tick_paramsy_minor', 'tick_paramsx_minor', 'font_options', 'line_options', 'labelfontsize', 'lines', 'scale', 'limits', 'xticks', 'xticklabels', 'yticks', 'yticklabels', 'figure_kwargs', 'title_font_size', 'repeat_colors_after', 'color_cycle', 'color_cycle_always_advance' 'sub_colormap', 'save_options' } _TYPE_TO_KWARGS = { 'default': {'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'marker', 'markersize', 'color', 'plot_label', 'plot_alpha', 'zorder'}, 'colormap_scatter': { 'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'marker', 'markersize', 'color', 'plot_label', 'plot_alpha', 'zorder', 'cmap', 'norm' }, 'area': {'area_linecolor', 'area_alpha', 'zorder'}, 'colormesh': { 'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'shading', 'rasterized', 'cmap', 'norm', 'edgecolor', 'facecolor', 'plot_label', 'plot_alpha', 'zorder' }, 'histogram': {'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'color', 'plot_label', 'plot_alpha', 'edgecolor', 'facecolor', 'zorder'}, } _POSTPROCESS_RENAMES = {'plot_label': 'label', 'plot_alpha': 'alpha'} __doc__ = __doc__ + _generate_plot_parameters_table(_MATPLOTLIB_DEFAULTS, _MATPLOTLIB_DESCRIPTIONS) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(self._MATPLOTLIB_DEFAULTS, general_keys=self._MATPLOTLIB_GENERAL_ARGS, key_descriptions=self._MATPLOTLIB_DESCRIPTIONS, type_kwargs_mapping=self._TYPE_TO_KWARGS, kwargs_postprocess_rename=self._POSTPROCESS_RENAMES, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_kwargs(self, plot_type='default', ignore=None, extra_keys=None, post_process=True, list_of_dicts=True, **kwargs): """ Creates a dict or list of dicts (for multiple plots) with the defined parameters for the plotting calls of matplotlib :param ignore: str or list of str (optional), defines keys to ignore in the creation of the dict :param extra_keys: optional set for additional keys to retrieve :param post_process: bool, if True the parameters are cleaned up for inserting them directly into matplotlib plitting functions Kwargs are used to replace values by custom parameters: Example for using a custom markersize:: p = MatplotlibPlotter() p.add_parameter('marker_custom', default_from='marker') p.plot_kwargs(marker='marker_custom') This code snippet will return the standard parameters for a plot, but the value for the marker will be taken from the key `marker_custom` """ if self.single_plot: any_area = self['area_plot'] else: any_area = any(self[('area_plot', indx)] for indx in range(self.num_plots)) if any_area: area_kwargs = self._type_kwargs_mapping['area'] extra_keys = extra_keys | area_kwargs if extra_keys is not None else area_kwargs #list of dicts is done later plot_kwargs = super().plot_kwargs(plot_type=plot_type, ignore=ignore, extra_keys=extra_keys, post_process=post_process, list_of_dicts=False, **kwargs) if not post_process: return plot_kwargs if 'cmap' in plot_kwargs and self['sub_colormap'] is not None: if not isinstance(self['sub_colormap'], (tuple, list)): raise ValueError('sub_colormap has to be a tuple of two numbers') if isinstance(plot_kwargs['cmap'], list): for indx, cmap in enumerate(plot_kwargs['cmap']): if isinstance(cmap, str): cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap) if isinstance(self['sub_colormap'], list): limits = self['sub_colormap'][indx] else: limits = self['sub_colormap'] plot_kwargs['cmap'][indx] = self.truncate_colormap(cmap, *limits) else: if isinstance(plot_kwargs['cmap'], str): plot_kwargs['cmap'] = plt.get_cmap(plot_kwargs['cmap']) plot_kwargs['cmap'] = self.truncate_colormap(plot_kwargs['cmap'], *self['sub_colormap']) if self['limits'] is not None and 'color' in self['limits'] and 'cmap' in plot_kwargs: if 'norm' not in plot_kwargs: plot_kwargs['vmin'], plot_kwargs['vmax'] = self['limits']['color'] if list_of_dicts: plot_kwargs = self.dict_of_lists_to_list_of_dicts(plot_kwargs, self.single_plot, self.num_plots, repeat_after=self['repeat_parameters'], ignore_repeat={'plot_label'}) if not list_of_dicts and 'label' in plot_kwargs: label = plot_kwargs.pop('label') if isinstance(label, list): plot_kwargs['label'] = [value if value is not None else '' for value in label] else: plot_kwargs['label'] = label if label is not None else '' if not self.single_plot and list_of_dicts: for index, value in enumerate(plot_kwargs): if self[('area_plot', index)]: value.pop('marker', None) value.pop('markersize', None) value['alpha'] = value.pop('area_alpha') else: value.pop('area_alpha', None) value.pop('area_linecolor', None) else: if self['area_plot']: plot_kwargs.pop('marker', None) plot_kwargs.pop('markersize', None) plot_kwargs['alpha'] = plot_kwargs.pop('area_alpha') else: plot_kwargs.pop('area_alpha', None) plot_kwargs.pop('area_linecolor', None) if self['legend_show_data_labels']: if not self.single_plot and list_of_dicts: for index, value in enumerate(plot_kwargs): if value.get('label') is None: value.pop('label', None) elif plot_kwargs.get('label') is None: plot_kwargs.pop('label', None) else: if not self.single_plot and list_of_dicts: for index, value in enumerate(plot_kwargs): if 'label' not in value: value['label'] = None elif 'label' not in plot_kwargs: plot_kwargs['label'] = None return plot_kwargs
[docs] def prepare_plot(self, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None, axis=None, minor=False, projection=None): """ Prepares the figure of a matplotlib plot, setting the labels/titles, ticks, ... :param title: str for the title of the figure :param xlabel: str for the label on the x-axis :param ylabel: str for the label on the y-axis :param zlabel: str for the label on the z-axis :param axis: matplotlib axes object, optional, if given the operations are performed on the object otherwise a new figure and subplot are created :param minor: bool, if True minor tick parameters are set :param projection: str, passed on to the add_subplot call :returns: the created or modified axis object """ from cycler import cycler, Cycler if axis is not None: ax = axis else: fig = plt.figure(num=None, **self['figure_kwargs']) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection=projection) for axes in ['top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right']: ax.spines[axes].set_linewidth(self['axis_linewidth']) ax.set_title(title, fontsize=self['title_fontsize'], alpha=self['alpha'], ha='center') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=self['labelfontsize']) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=self['labelfontsize']) if zlabel is not None: ax.set_zlabel(zlabel, fontsize=self['labelfontsize']) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(**self['tick_paramsy']) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(**self['tick_paramsx']) if minor: ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', **self['tick_paramsy_minor']) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='minor', **self['tick_paramsx_minor']) if self['xticks'] is not None: ax.xaxis.set_ticks(self['xticks']) if self['xticklabels'] is not None: ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(self['xticklabels']) if self['yticks'] is not None: ax.yaxis.set_ticks(self['yticks']) if self['yticklabels'] is not None: ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels(self['yticklabels']) if self['use_axis_formatter']: if self['set_powerlimits']: ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits((0, 3)) ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_powerlimits((0, 3)) ax.yaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) if self['color_cycle'] is not None: if isinstance(self['color_cycle'], str): ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler(color=plt.get_cmap(self['color_cycle']).colors)) elif isinstance(self['color_cycle'], Cycler): ax.set_prop_cycle(self['color_cycle']) else: ax.set_prop_cycle(cycler(color=self['color_cycle'])) if self['invert_xaxis']: ax.invert_xaxis() if self['invert_yaxis']: ax.invert_yaxis() return ax
[docs] def set_scale(self, ax): """ Set scale of the axis (for example 'log') :param ax: Axes object on which to perform the operation """ if self['scale'] is not None: if 'x' in self['scale']: ax.set_xscale(self['scale']['x']) if 'y' in self['scale']: ax.set_yscale(self['scale']['y']) if 'z' in self['scale']: ax.set_zscale(self['scale']['z'])
[docs] def set_limits(self, ax): """ Set limits of the axis :param ax: Axes object on which to perform the operation """ if self['limits'] is not None: if 'x' in self['limits']: xmin = self['limits']['x'][0] xmax = self['limits']['x'][1] if self['invert_xaxis']: ax.set_xlim(xmax, xmin) else: ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) if 'y' in self['limits']: ymin = self['limits']['y'][0] ymax = self['limits']['y'][1] if self['invert_yaxis']: ax.set_ylim(ymax, ymin) else: ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) if 'z' in self['limits']: zmin = self['limits']['z'][0] zmax = self['limits']['z'][1] ax.set_zlim(zmin, zmax)
[docs] def draw_lines(self, ax): """ Draw horizontal and vertical lines specified in the lines argument :param ax: Axes object on which to perform the operation """ if self['lines'] is not None: if 'horizontal' in self['lines']: lines = copy.deepcopy(self['lines']['horizontal']) if not isinstance(lines, list): lines = [lines] for line_def in lines: options = copy.deepcopy(self['line_options']) if isinstance(line_def, dict): positions = line_def.pop('pos') if not isinstance(positions, list): positions = [positions] options.update(line_def) elif isinstance(line_def, list): positions = line_def else: positions = [line_def] for pos in positions: ax.axhline(pos, **options) if 'vertical' in self['lines']: lines = copy.deepcopy(self['lines']['vertical']) if not isinstance(lines, list): lines = [lines] for line_def in lines: options = copy.deepcopy(self['line_options']) if isinstance(line_def, dict): positions = line_def.pop('pos') if not isinstance(positions, list): positions = [positions] options.update(line_def) elif isinstance(line_def, list): positions = line_def else: positions = [line_def] for pos in positions: ax.axvline(pos, **options)
[docs] def show_legend(self, ax, leg_elems=None): """ Print a legend for the plot :param ax: Axes object on which to perform the operation """ if leg_elems is None: if self['legend_remove_duplicates']: leg_elems = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() by_label = dict(zip(*reversed(leg_elems))) leg_elems = (by_label.values(), by_label.keys()) else: leg_elems = () if self['legend']: loptions = copy.deepcopy(self['legend_options']) linewidth = loptions.pop('linewidth', 1.5) title_font_size = loptions.get('fontsize', 15) leg = ax.legend(*leg_elems, **loptions) leg.get_frame().set_linewidth(linewidth) leg.get_title().set_fontsize(title_font_size) #legend 'Title' fontsize
[docs] def show_colorbar(self, ax): """ Print a colorbar for the plot :param ax: Axes object on which to perform the operation """ if self['colorbar']: if isinstance(self['cmap'], list): cmaps = self['cmap'] else: cmaps = [self['cmap']] bar_ax = None cmin = cmax = None if self['limits'] is not None and 'color' in self['limits']: cmin, cmax = self['limits']['color'] coptions = copy.deepcopy(self['colorbar_options']) labelsize = coptions.pop('labelsize', None) label = coptions.pop('label', '') pad = coptions.pop('padding', 0.05) for indx, cmap in enumerate(cmaps): mappable = cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=cmap, norm=self['norm']) if cmin is not None: mappable.set_clim(cmin, cmax) cax = ax.inset_axes([1.0 + (pad + 0.01) * (indx + 1), 0, pad, 1], transform=ax.transAxes) cbar = plt.colorbar(mappable, cax=cax, **coptions) if indx < len(cmaps) - 1: elif labelsize is not None: cbar.set_label(label)
[docs] @staticmethod def truncate_colormap(cmap, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, n=256): """ Cut off parts of colormap :param cmap: cmap to truncate :param minval: minimum value of new colormap :param maxval: maximum value of new colormap :param n: number of colors in new colormap :returns: colormap truncated to only hold colors between minval and maxval from old colormap """ from matplotlib import colors import numpy as np new_cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(f'trunc({},{minval:.2f},{maxval:.2f})', cmap(np.linspace(minval, maxval, n))) return new_cmap
[docs] def save_plot(self, saveas): """ Save the current figure or show the current figure :param saveas: str, filename for the resulting file """ if self['save_plots']: if isinstance(self['save_format'], list): formats = self['save_format'] else: formats = [self['save_format']] for save_format in formats: savefilename = f'{saveas}.{save_format}' print(f'Save plot to: {savefilename}') plt.savefig(savefilename, format=save_format, **self['save_options']) if self['show']: