Source code for masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_bandstruc_qdos

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dispersionplot function for plotting KKR bandstructures (i.e. qdos) files

import numpy as np

[docs]def load_data(p0='./', reload_data=False, nosave=False, atoms=None, ratios=False, atoms2=None, atoms3=None, ef=None, verbose=False): """load the qdos data""" from os import listdir from os.path import isdir from subprocess import check_output # deal with input of file handle instead of path (see plot_kkr of aiida_kkr) if not isinstance(p0, str): pathname_with_file = p0 = pathname_with_file.replace('/qdos.01.1.dat', '') #dos.atom1 # read in data if p0[-1] != '/': p0 += '/' # read EF if not given as input if ef is None: if 'potential' in listdir(p0): with open(p0 + 'potential', encoding='utf-8') as _f: ef = float(_f.readlines()[3].split()[1]) else: ef = 0 alat = float( check_output('grep ALATBASIS ' + p0 + 'inputcard', shell=True).decode('utf-8').split('=')[1].split()[0]) a0 = 2 * np.pi / alat / 0.52918 d2, d3 = None, None if reload_data or 'saved_data_dispersion.npy' not in np.sort(listdir(p0)): first = True first2 = True first3 = True if verbose: print('reading qdos') j = 0 for i in np.sort(listdir(p0)): if 'qdos.' in i[:5] and not isdir(p0 + i): iatom = i.replace('qdos.', '').split('.')[0] if atoms is None or int(iatom) in atoms: j += 1 if verbose: print(j, p0, i) tmp = np.loadtxt(p0 + i) tmp[:, 2:5] = tmp[:, 2:5] if first: d = tmp first = False else: d[:, 5:] += tmp[:, 5:] if ratios and (atoms2 is None or int(iatom) in atoms2): j += 1 if verbose: print(j, p0, i, 'atoms2=', atoms2) tmp = np.loadtxt(p0 + i) tmp[:, 2:5] = tmp[:, 2:5] if first2: d2 = tmp first2 = False else: d2[:, 5:] += tmp[:, 5:] # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation if (atoms3 is None or int(iatom) in atoms3) and ratios: j += 1 if verbose: print(j, p0, i, 'atoms3=', atoms3) tmp = np.loadtxt(p0 + i) tmp[:, 2:5] = tmp[:, 2:5] if first3: d3 = tmp first3 = False else: d3[:, 5:] += tmp[:, 5:] # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation if not nosave: if verbose: print('saving data') + 'saved_data_dispersion', d) else: if verbose: print('loading data') d = np.load(p0 + 'saved_data_dispersion.npy') return a0, d, d2, d3, ef
[docs]def dispersionplot( # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements p0='./', data_all=None, # alternative way, skips loading data with the load_data function totonly=True, s=20, ls_ef=':', lw_ef=1, units='eV_rel', noefline=False, color='', reload_data=False, clrbar=True, logscale=True, nosave=False, atoms=None, ratios=False, atoms2=None, noscale=False, newfig=False, cmap=None, alpha=1.0, qcomponent=-2, clims=None, xscale=1., raster=True, atoms3=None, alpha_reverse=False, return_data=False, xshift=0., yshift=0., plotmode='pcolor', ptitle=None, ef=None, as_e_dimension=None, scale_alpha_data=False, shading='gouraud', verbose=False): """ plotting routine for qdos files - dispersion (E vs. q) """ # import dependencies from numpy import log, abs, sum, sort, pi, shape, array # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, plot, axvline, scatter, axhline, xlabel, ylabel, title, colorbar, pcolormesh, cm, xlim, ylim, clim from os import listdir, getcwd from os.path import getctime from time import ctime from numpy import linspace from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap if data_all is None: # load data from files a0, d, d2, d3, ef = load_data(p0=p0, reload_data=reload_data, nosave=nosave, atoms=atoms, ratios=ratios, atoms2=atoms2, atoms3=atoms3, ef=ef, verbose=verbose) else: # simply unpack the data_all input a0, d, d2, d3, ef = data_all if verbose: print('loaded/unpacked data') if cmap is None: cmap = cm.viridis if newfig: if verbose: print('open new figure') figure() if noscale: a0 = 1. d[:, 2:5] = d[:, 2:5] * a0 if ratios: d2[:, 2:5] = d2[:, 2:5] * a0 d3[:, 2:5] = d3[:, 2:5] * a0 # set units and axis labels if 'eV' in units: d[:, 0] = d[:, 0] * 13.6 d[:, 5:] = d[:, 5:] / 13.6 ef = ef * 13.6 if 'rel' in units: d[:, 0] = d[:, 0] - ef ef = 0 if ratios: if 'eV' in units: d2[:, 5:] = d2[:, 5:] / 13.6 d3[:, 5:] = d3[:, 5:] / 13.6 ylab = r'E (Ry)' xlab = r'k' if units == 'eV': ylab = r'E (eV)' elif units == 'eV_rel': ylab = r'E-E_F (eV)' elif units == 'Ry_rel': ylab = r'E-E_F (Ry)' # plot dos if totonly: data = abs(sum(d[:, 5:], axis=1)) else: data = abs(d[:, 5:]) if logscale: data = log(data) x, y = xscale * sum(d[:, 2:5], axis=1), d[:, 0] if qcomponent == -2: el = len(set(d[:, 0])) # pylint disable=unnecessary-comprehension if el == 1 and as_e_dimension is not None: y = d[:, 2 + as_e_dimension] el = len(set(y)) ylab = r'k (1/Ang.)' x = array([list(range(len(d) // el)) for j in range(el)]) elif qcomponent != -1: x = xscale * d[:, 2:5][:, qcomponent] if xshift != 0: x += xshift if ratios: data = abs(sum(d[:, 5:], axis=1)) data2 = abs(sum(d2[:, 5:], axis=1)) data = (data - data2) / (data + data2) if yshift != 0: y += yshift if scale_alpha_data: dtmp = data.copy() dtmp = linspace(dtmp.min(), dtmp.max(), 1000) colors = cmap(dtmp) dtmp = dtmp - dtmp.min() dtmp = dtmp / dtmp.max() colors[:, -1] = alpha * (dtmp) cmap = ListedColormap(colors) alpha = 1. if ratios and atoms3 is not None: colors = cmap(data / data.max()) colors[:, -1] = abs(sum(d3[:, 5:], axis=1)) / abs(sum(d3[:, 5:], axis=1)).max() if alpha_reverse: colors[:, -1] = 1 - colors[:, -1] if ratios: if plotmode == 'scatter': scatter(x, y, s=s, lw=0, c=colors, cmap=cmap, rasterized=raster) else: lx = len(set(x.reshape(-1))) ly = len(set(y.reshape(-1))) pcolormesh( x.reshape(ly, lx), y.reshape(ly, lx), data.reshape(ly, lx), cmap=cmap, rasterized=raster, edgecolor='face', linewidths=0.0001, shading=shading, ) else: if plotmode == 'scatter': scatter(x, y, c=data, s=s, lw=0, cmap=cmap, alpha=alpha, rasterized=raster) else: lx = len(set(x.reshape(-1))) ly = len(set(y.reshape(-1))) pcolormesh( x.reshape(ly, lx), y.reshape(ly, lx), data.reshape(ly, lx), cmap=cmap, rasterized=raster, edgecolor='face', linewidths=0.0001, shading=shading, ) if clims is not None: clim(clims[0], clims[1]) if clrbar: colorbar() # plot fermi level if not noefline: if color == '': axhline(ef, ls=ls_ef, lw=lw_ef, color='grey') else: axhline(ef, color=color, ls=ls_ef, lw=lw_ef) # set axis labels xlabel(xlab) ylabel(ylab) # set x and y limits xlim(x.min(), x.max()) ylim(y.min(), y.max()) # print path to title if totonly and ptitle is None: title(getcwd()) else: title(ptitle) if return_data: data = abs(sum(d[:, 5:], axis=1)) if ratios: data2 = abs(sum(d2[:, 5:], axis=1)) data3 = abs(sum(d3[:, 5:], axis=1)) return x, y, data, data2, data3 return x, y, data