Collection of routines to be reused in plotting routines
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
from .data import PlotData
[docs]def exclude_points(plot_data: PlotData,
*data_keys: str,
limits: dict[str, tuple[float, float]] | None,
padding: float = 0.1) -> None:
Exclude points outside the given limits
:param plot_data: PlotData instance containing all the data for plots
:param data_keys: str of the keys to consider for excluding points
:param limits: dict of the set plot limits
:param padding: float, determines how far beyond the plot limits a point has to lie to be excluded (default 10%)
if limits is None:
combined_mask = None
for data_key in data_keys:
if data_key in limits:
data_limits = limits[data_key]
#Add padding to both sides of the limits
data_limits = data_limits[0] - padding * (1 + abs(data_limits[0])), data_limits[1] + padding * (
1 + abs(data_limits[1]))
mask = plot_data.get_mask(
lambda x, data_limits=tuple(data_limits): np.logical_and(x > data_limits[0], x < data_limits[1]),
if combined_mask is None:
combined_mask = mask
combined_mask = [x & y for x, y in zip(mask, combined_mask)]
if combined_mask is not None:
[docs]def mpl_single_line_or_area(axis,
Create a scatterplot, lineplot or area plot for the given entry
on the matplotlib axis
:param axis: Axes to plot on
:param entry: namedtuple of the entries to plot
:param source: mapping containing the data to plot
:param area: bool, if True fill_betweenx/y will be used to create an area plot
:param area_vertical: bool, if True fill_betweeny will be used
:param area_enclosing_line: bool if True the area plot will have another
line plot around the edge
:param advance_color_cycle: bool, if True the matplotlib color cycle will be advanced
no matter what else is specified
:param area_line_alpha: if an area plot is done this is the alpha parameter (transparency)
Kwargs are passed to the respective plotting routines
if any(key not in entry._fields for key in ('x', 'y')):
raise ValueError('Entry has to contain x and y fields')
if area and 'shift' not in entry._fields:
raise ValueError('For area plots entry has to contain shift fields')
yerr = entry.yerr if 'yerr' in entry._fields else None
xerr = entry.xerr if 'xerr' in entry._fields else None
if area:
linecolor = kwargs.pop('area_linecolor', None)
#Workaround for https://github.com/JuDFTteam/masci-tools/issues/129
#fill_between does not advance the color cycle messing up the following colors
if kwargs.get('color') is None:
#This is not ideal but it is the only way I found
#of accessing the state of the color cycle
kwargs['color'] = axis._get_lines.get_next_color() #pylint: disable=protected-access
if area_vertical:
result = axis.fill_betweenx(entry.y, entry.x, x2=entry.shift, data=source, **kwargs)
result = axis.fill_between(entry.x, entry.y, y2=entry.shift, data=source, **kwargs)
kwargs['alpha'] = area_line_alpha
kwargs['label'] = None
kwargs['color'] = linecolor or result.get_facecolor()[0]
if area_enclosing_line:
axis.errorbar(entry.x, entry.y, yerr=yerr, xerr=xerr, data=source, **kwargs)
if kwargs.get('color') is not None and advance_color_cycle:
axis._get_lines.get_next_color() #pylint: disable=protected-access
axis.errorbar(entry.x, entry.y, yerr=yerr, xerr=xerr, data=source, **kwargs)
return axis
[docs]def get_special_kpoint_ticks(kpoints: list[tuple[str, float]], math_mode: str = '$') -> tuple[list[float], list[str]]:
Process the high symmetry kpoints and ggf. replace with appropiate latex symbol
- Gamma/G is replaced with $\Gamma$
:param kpoints: list of tuples with label and position of the points
:param math_mode: Determines the symbol to enter math mode in latex
:returns: Ticks and their respective labels
if kpoints is None:
kpoints = []
ticks = []
ticklabels = []
for label, position in kpoints:
if label.lower() in ('gamma', 'g'):
label = rf'{math_mode}\Gamma{math_mode}'
return ticks, ticklabels