Source code for masci_tools.vis.fleur

# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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Plotting routine for fleur density of states and bandstructures
import pandas as pd
import warnings

__all__ = (

[docs]def sum_weights_over_atoms(data, attributes, atoms_to_sum, entry_name): """ Create sums of atom components over specified atoms. They are entered with the same suffixes as in the original data, but with the given entry_name as prefix :param data: datasets dict produced by the HDF5Reader with a recipe for DOS or bandstructure :param attributes: attributes dict produced by the HDF5Reader with a recipe for DOS or bandstructure :param atoms_to_sum: list of ints for the atoms, which should be summed :param entry_name: str prefix to be entered for the summed entries :returns: dict with the summed entries """ import re import numpy as np if attributes['group_name'] == 'Local': atom_prefix = 'MT:' elif attributes['group_name'] == 'jDOS': atom_prefix = 'jDOS:' elif attributes['group_name'] == 'Orbcomp': atom_prefix = 'ORB:' elif attributes['group_name'] == 'MCD': atom_prefix = 'At' else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown group: {attributes['group_name']}") split_keys = [re.split(f'{atom_prefix}+[1-9]', key) for key in data.keys() if atom_prefix in key] component_keys = {split[1] for split in split_keys if len(split) == 2} if len(component_keys) == 0: raise ValueError('No matching components found. Are you sure you provided the right group name?') for component in component_keys: for atom in atoms_to_sum: current_key = f'{atom_prefix}{atom}{component}' if f'{entry_name}{component}' not in data: data[f'{entry_name}{component}'] = np.zeros(data[current_key].shape) data[f'{entry_name}{component}'] += data[current_key] return data
[docs]def plot_fleur_bands_characterize(bandsdata, bandsattributes, weight_names, weight_colors, spinpol=True, only_spin=None, backend=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the bandstructure previously extracted from a `banddos.hdf` via the :py:class:`` with points colored according to the maximum weight from a selection of weights. Can be used to show what character dominates each band This routine expects datasets and attributes read in with a `FleurBands` recipe from :py:mod:`` or something producing equivalent data :param bandsdata: dataset dict produced by the `FleurBands` recipe :param attributes: attributes dict produced by the `FleurBands` recipe :param weight_names: list of str with the names of the weights that should be considered in the characterization :param weight_color: list of colors associated with each weight. If spin-polarized bandstructures should be shown with different colors the list should be twice as long as the weights :param spinpol: bool, if True (default) use the plot for spin-polarized bands if the data is spin-polarized :param only_spin: optional str, if given only the specified spin components are plotted :param backend: specify which plotting library to use ('matplotlib' or 'bokeh') All other Kwargs are passed on to :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.fleur.plot_fleur_bands()` """ spinpol_data = bandsattributes['spins'] == 2 and any('_down' in key for key in bandsdata.keys()) colors = {} if spinpol and spinpol_data and only_spin is None: if 2 * len(weight_names) != len(weight_colors): raise ValueError( f'Wrong length of colors/names Expected {len(weight_colors)} names got {2 *len(weight_names)}') for weight, color in zip(weight_names, weight_colors[:len(weight_names)]): colors[f'{weight}_up'] = color for weight, color in zip(weight_names, weight_colors[len(weight_names):]): colors[f'{weight}_down'] = color else: if len(weight_names) != len(weight_colors): raise ValueError( f'Wrong length of colors/names Expected {len(weight_colors)} names got {len(weight_names)}') for weight, color in zip(weight_names, weight_colors): colors[f'{weight}_up'] = color if spinpol_data: for weight, color in zip(weight_names, weight_colors): colors[f'{weight}_down'] = color bandsdata = pd.DataFrame(data=bandsdata) bandscharacter_up = bandsdata[[f'{name}_up' for name in weight_names]].idxmax(axis=1) bandsdata['max_weight_up'] = bandsdata[[f'{name}_up' for name in weight_names]].max(axis=1) if spinpol_data: bandscharacter_down = bandsdata[[f'{name}_down' for name in weight_names]].idxmax(axis=1) bandsdata['max_weight_down'] = bandsdata[[f'{name}_down' for name in weight_names]].max(axis=1) bandsdata['color_up'] = bandscharacter_up.replace(colors) if spinpol_data: bandsdata['color_down'] = bandscharacter_down.replace(colors) if only_spin is not None: if only_spin not in ('up', 'down'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for only spin {only_spin} (Valid are up or down)') color_data = f'color_{only_spin}' else: color_data = 'color_up' if spinpol_data: color_data = ['color_up', 'color_down'] return plot_fleur_bands(bandsdata, bandsattributes, spinpol=spinpol, only_spin=only_spin, backend=backend, weight='max_weight', scale_color=False, color_data=color_data, **kwargs)
[docs]def plot_fleur_bands(bandsdata, bandsattributes, spinpol=True, only_spin=None, backend=None, weight=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the bandstructure previously extracted from a `banddos.hdf` via the :py:class:`` This routine expects datasets and attributes read in with a `FleurBands` recipe from :py:mod:`` or something producing equivalent data :param bandsdata: dataset dict produced by the `FleurBands` recipe :param attributes: attributes dict produced by the `FleurBands` recipe :param spinpol: bool, if True (default) use the plot for spin-polarized bands if the data is spin-polarized :param only_spin: optional str, if given only the specified spin components are plotted :param backend: specify which plotting library to use ('matplotlib' or 'bokeh') :param weight: str, name of the weight (without spin suffix `_up` or `_dn`) you want to emphasize All other Kwargs are passed on to the underlying plot routines - Matplotlib: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_bands()`, :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_spinpol_bands()` - Bokeh: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_bands()`, :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_spinpol_bands()` """ from .common import bands, spinpol_bands, PlotBackend if 'bokeh_plot' in kwargs: warnings.warn( 'The argument bokeh_plot is deprecated. Use the argument backend to specify' 'the plotting library to use', DeprecationWarning) backend = 'bokeh' if kwargs.pop('bokeh_plot') else 'matplotlib' nbands = bandsattributes['nbands'] if not isinstance(bandsdata, pd.DataFrame): bandsdata = pd.DataFrame(data=bandsdata) special_kpoints = [] for k_index, label in zip(bandsattributes['special_kpoint_indices'], bandsattributes['special_kpoint_labels']): special_kpoints.append((label, bandsdata['kpath'][(k_index * nbands) + 1])) band_index = pd.Series(data=[index % nbands for index in range(len(bandsdata['kpath']))], name='band_index') new_bandsdata = pd.concat([bandsdata, band_index], axis=1) bandsdata = new_bandsdata if only_spin is not None: if only_spin not in ('up', 'down'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for only spin {only_spin} (Valid are up or down)') if not any(f'_{only_spin}' in key for key in bandsdata.keys()) or \ f'eigenvalues_{only_spin}' not in bandsdata.keys(): raise ValueError(f'No data for spin {only_spin} available') bandsdata = bandsdata[[ key for key in bandsdata.keys() if f'_{only_spin}' in key or key in ('kpath', 'band_index') ]] if only_spin == 'down': bandsdata = bandsdata.rename(columns={key: key.replace('_down', '_up') for key in bandsdata.columns}) spinpol_data = bandsattributes['spins'] == 2 and any('_down' in key for key in bandsdata.keys()) if spinpol_data and not spinpol: #Concatenate the _up and _down columns spin_up = bandsdata[[label for label in bandsdata.columns if label.endswith('_up')]] spin_dn = bandsdata[[label for label in bandsdata.columns if label.endswith('_down')]] rest = bandsdata[[label for label in bandsdata.columns if not label.endswith('_down') \ and not label.endswith('_up') \ and label not in ('kpath', 'band_index',)]] kpath = bandsdata['kpath'] band_index = bandsdata['band_index'] spin_dn = spin_dn.rename(columns={key: key.replace('_down', '_up') for key in spin_dn.columns}) #Double kpath and extend spin up data kpath = pd.concat([kpath, kpath], ignore_index=True) band_index = pd.concat([band_index, band_index + nbands + 1], ignore_index=True) complete_spin = pd.concat([spin_up, spin_dn], ignore_index=True) rest = pd.concat([rest, rest], ignore_index=True) #And now add the new kpath and overwrite bandsdata new_bandsdata = pd.concat([complete_spin, kpath, band_index, rest], axis=1) bandsdata = new_bandsdata if 'color_data' in kwargs: color_data = kwargs.pop('color_data') if isinstance(color_data[0], str): color_data = color_data[0] kwargs['color_data'] = color_data spinpol = spinpol_data and spinpol if weight is not None: if isinstance(weight, list): if len(weight) != 2: raise ValueError(f'Expected 2 weight names. Got: {len(weight)}') if not all(w in bandsdata for w in weight): raise ValueError(f'List of weights provided but not all weights are present in bandsdata: {weight}') elif weight in bandsdata: if spinpol: raise ValueError('For spin-polarized bandstructure two weights have to be given for spin-up and down') else: if spinpol: weight = [f'{weight}_up', f'{weight}_down'] else: weight = f'{weight}_up' backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend) if spinpol: plot_label = ['Spin-Up', 'Spin-Down'] if backend == PlotBackend.bokeh: if 'legend_label' not in kwargs: kwargs['legend_label'] = plot_label else: if 'plot_label' not in kwargs: kwargs['plot_label'] = plot_label if spinpol: fig = spinpol_bands('kpath', 'eigenvalues_up', 'eigenvalues_down', data=bandsdata, size_data=weight, special_kpoints=special_kpoints, band_index='band_index', backend=backend, **kwargs) else: fig = bands('kpath', 'eigenvalues_up', data=bandsdata, size_data=weight, special_kpoints=special_kpoints, band_index='band_index', backend=backend, **kwargs) return fig
[docs]def plot_fleur_dos(dosdata, attributes, spinpol=True, only_spin=None, multiply_by_equiv_atoms=True, plot_keys=None, show_total=True, show_interstitial=True, show_sym=False, show_atoms='all', show_lresolved=None, key_mask=None, backend=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the density of states previously extracted from a `banddos.hdf` via the :py:class:`` This routine expects datasets and attributes read in with the `FleurDOS` (Or related DOS modes) recipe from :py:mod:`` or something producing equivalent data The limits for the axes can be specified either with ``x`` and ``y`` or ``energy`` and ``dos``. Mixing the two options is not possible :param dosdata: dataset dict produced by the `FleurDOS` recipe :param attributes: attributes dict produced by the `FleurDOS` recipe :param spinpol: bool, if True (default) use the plot for spin-polarized dos if the data is spin-polarized :param only_spin: optional str, if given only the specified spin components are plotted :param backend: specify which plotting library to use ('matplotlib' or 'bokeh') Arguments for selecting the DOS components to plot: :param plot_keys: optional str list of str, defines the labels you want to plot :param show_total: bool, if True (default) the total DOS is shown :param show_interstitial: bool, if True (default) the interstitial DOS is shown :param show_atoms: either 'all', None, or int or list of ints, defines, which total atom projections to show :param show_atoms: either 'all', None, or int or list of ints, defines, which total atom projections to show :param key_mask: list of bools of the same length as the number of datasets, alternative way to specify, which entries to plot All other Kwargs are passed on to the underlying plot routines - Matplotlib: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_dos()`, :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_spinpol_dos()` - Bokeh: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_dos()`, :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_spinpol_dos()` """ from .common import dos, spinpol_dos, PlotBackend import numpy as np from collections import Counter if 'bokeh_plot' in kwargs: warnings.warn( 'The argument bokeh_plot is deprecated. Use the argument backend to specify' 'the plotting library to use', DeprecationWarning) backend = 'bokeh' if kwargs.pop('bokeh_plot') else 'matplotlib' dosdata = pd.DataFrame(data=dosdata) if multiply_by_equiv_atoms: n_equiv = Counter(attributes['atoms_groups']) for natom in range(1, attributes['n_types'] + 1): for key in dosdata.keys(): if f'MT:{natom}' in key: after = key[len(f'MT:{natom}'):] if after == '' or not after[0].isdecimal(): dosdata[key] *= n_equiv[natom] if only_spin is not None: if only_spin not in ('up', 'down'): raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for only spin {only_spin} (Valid are up or down)') if not any(f'_{only_spin}' in key for key in dosdata.keys()): raise ValueError(f'No data for spin {only_spin} available') dosdata = dosdata[[key for key in dosdata.keys() if f'_{only_spin}' in key or key in ('energy_grid')]] if only_spin == 'down': dosdata = dosdata.rename(columns={key: key.replace('_down', '_up') for key in dosdata.columns}) spinpol_data = attributes['spins'] == 2 and any('_down' in key for key in dosdata.keys()) if spinpol_data and not spinpol: #Add the the _up and _down columns into the _up columns spin_up = dosdata[[label for label in dosdata.columns if label.endswith('_up')]] spin_dn = dosdata[[label for label in dosdata.columns if label.endswith('_down')]] energy_grid = dosdata['energy_grid'] spin_dn = spin_dn.rename(columns={key: key.replace('_down', '_up') for key in spin_dn.columns}) complete_spin = pd.concat([energy_grid, spin_up, spin_dn], axis=1) #Sum up the columns with the same name (since we renamed _down to _up this adds both spins) new_dosdata = complete_spin.groupby(complete_spin.columns, axis=1).sum() dosdata = new_dosdata spinpol = spinpol_data and spinpol backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend) legend_labels, keys = _generate_dos_labels(dosdata, attributes, spinpol, latex=backend != PlotBackend.bokeh, only_spin=only_spin) if key_mask is None: key_mask = _select_entries(keys, attributes['group_name'], plot_keys, spinpol, show_total=show_total, show_interstitial=show_interstitial, show_sym=show_sym, show_atoms=show_atoms, show_lresolved=show_lresolved) #Select the keys legend_labels, keys = np.array(legend_labels)[key_mask].tolist(), np.array(keys)[key_mask].tolist() kwargs = _process_dos_kwargs(keys, backend=backend, **kwargs) if spinpol: dosdata_up = [key for key in keys if '_up' in key] dosdata_dn = [key for key in keys if '_down' in key] if backend == PlotBackend.bokeh: if 'legend_label' not in kwargs: kwargs['legend_label'] = legend_labels else: if 'plot_label' not in kwargs: kwargs['plot_label'] = legend_labels if spinpol: fig = spinpol_dos('energy_grid', dosdata_up, dosdata_dn, data=dosdata, backend=backend, **kwargs) else: fig = dos('energy_grid', keys, data=dosdata, backend=backend, **kwargs) return fig
def _process_dos_kwargs(ordered_keys, backend=None, **kwargs): """ Convert any kwarg in dict form with str keys to the correct dict with integer index for the plotting functions. :param ordered_keys: ordered (!!!) list of the labels in the dos plot :returns: kwargs with the dicts converted to integer indexed dicts """ from .common import get_plotter params = get_plotter(backend) #TODO: This should be replaced with key.removesuffix() on python 3.9+ ordered_keys_without_spin = [key[:-len('_up')] if key.endswith('_up') else key for key in ordered_keys] ordered_keys_without_spin = [ key[:-len('_down')] if key.endswith('_down') else key for key in ordered_keys_without_spin ] for key, value in kwargs.items(): if params.is_general(key): continue if isinstance(value, dict): new_dict = value.copy() for plot_label in value: if not isinstance(plot_label, int): if plot_label in ordered_keys: new_dict[ordered_keys.index(plot_label)] = new_dict.pop(plot_label) elif plot_label in ordered_keys_without_spin: all_occurrences = [i for i, name in enumerate(ordered_keys_without_spin) if plot_label == name] param = new_dict.pop(plot_label) for index in all_occurrences: new_dict[index] = param else: raise ValueError(f'The label {plot_label} is not a valid label for the current plot') kwargs[key] = new_dict return kwargs def _dos_order(key): """ Key function for sorting DOS entries in predictable order: 1. Energy Grid 2. General keys (Total, interstitial, ...) 3. Atom contribution (total, orbital resolved) """ if key == 'energy_grid': return (-1,) if '_up' in key: key = key.split('_up')[0] spin = 0 elif '_down' in key: key = key.split('_down')[0] spin = 1 else: raise ValueError('Invalid key') general = ('Total', 'INT', 'Sym') orbital_order = ('', 's', 'p', 'd', 'f') if key in general: return (spin, general.index(key)) if ':' in key: _, after = key.split(':', maxsplit=1) tail = after.lstrip('0123456789') index = int(after[:-len(tail)]) if len(tail) > 0 else int(after) tail = tail.lstrip(',') if tail.startswith('ind:'): tail = int(tail[4:]) if tail in orbital_order: return (spin, len(general) + index, orbital_order.index(tail), '') if isinstance(tail, int): return (spin, len(general) + index, tail, '') return (spin, len(general) + index, float('inf'), tail) return (spin, -1, -1, key) def _generate_dos_labels(dosdata, attributes, spinpol, latex=True, only_spin=None): """ Generate nice labels for the weights in the dictionary. Only processes standard names :param dosdata: dict with the datasets from the HDF5Reader :param attributes: dict with the attributes from the HDF5Reader :param spinpol: bool, whether to include spin direction in the labels :returns: tuple of two lists, the first with the labels the second with the corresponding keys in the data dict """ labels = [] plot_order = [] spin_arrow = '' if only_spin is not None: if latex: spin_arrow = r'$\uparrow$' if only_spin == 'up' else r'$\downarrow$' else: spin_arrow = only_spin elif spinpol: if latex: spin_arrow = r'$\uparrow/\downarrow$' else: spin_arrow = 'up/down' if spin_arrow: spin_arrow = f' {spin_arrow}' types_elements = [] for itype in range(1, attributes['n_types'] + 1): ind = list(attributes['atoms_groups']).index(itype) types_elements.append(attributes['atoms_elements'][ind]) for key in sorted(dosdata.keys(), key=_dos_order): if key == 'energy_grid': continue plot_order.append(key) if 'INT' in key: labels.append(f'Interstitial{spin_arrow}') elif ':' in key: #Atom specific DOS before, after = key.split(':', maxsplit=1) tail = after.lstrip('0123456789') index = int(after[:-len(tail)]) if len(tail) > 0 else int(after) if before == 'MT': label = types_elements[index - 1] if types_elements.count(label) != 1: atom_occ = types_elements[:index].count(label) label = f'{label}-{atom_occ}' elif before in ('jDOS', 'ORB'): label = attributes['atoms_elements'][index - 1] atom_occ = list(attributes['atoms_elements'][:index]).count(label) label = f'{before} {label}-{atom_occ}' tail = tail.lstrip(',') if '_up' in tail: tail = f"{tail.split('_up')[0]}{spin_arrow}" else: tail = f"{tail.split('_down')[0]}{spin_arrow}" label += ' ' + tail labels.append(label) else: if '_up' in key: key = f"{key.split('_up')[0]}{spin_arrow}" elif '_down' in key: key = f"{key.split('_down')[0]}{spin_arrow}" labels.append(key) return labels, plot_order def _select_entries(keys, group_name, plot_keys, spinpol, show_total, show_interstitial, show_sym, show_atoms, show_lresolved): #TODO: How do we do other dos modes if not isinstance(show_atoms, list) and show_atoms != 'all': if show_atoms is not None: show_atoms = [show_atoms] if not isinstance(show_lresolved, list) and show_lresolved != 'all': if show_lresolved is not None: show_lresolved = [show_lresolved] #initialize mask if spinpol: mask = [False] * (len(keys) // 2) else: mask = [False] * len(keys) if group_name == 'Local': mask[0] = show_total mask[1] = show_interstitial mask[2] = show_sym general_keys = 3 entries_per_atom = 5 elif group_name == 'Orbcomp': general_keys = 0 entries_per_atom = 24 else: general_keys = 0 entries_per_atom = 5 warnings.warn(f'Selection for group {group_name} not yet implemented. Plotting all DOS components') natoms = (len(mask) - general_keys) // entries_per_atom if show_atoms is not None: for iatom in range(1, natoms + 1): mask[general_keys + (iatom - 1) * entries_per_atom] = show_atoms == 'all' or iatom in show_atoms if show_lresolved is not None: for iatom in range(1, natoms + 1): if show_lresolved == 'all' or iatom in show_lresolved: mask[general_keys + (iatom - 1) * entries_per_atom + 1:general_keys + iatom * entries_per_atom] = [True] * (entries_per_atom - 1) if plot_keys is not None: if not isinstance(plot_keys, list): plot_keys = [plot_keys] for key in plot_keys: mask[keys.index(f'{key}_up')] = True if spinpol: mask.extend(mask) return mask