# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
# #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools. #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file. #
# For further information please visit http://judft.de/. #
# #
This module contains classes and functions to make plotting functions
more flexible with respect to the used data. This way plotting functions
can both allow the flexible usage of lists, arrays directly or dataframes
together with the keys that should be used
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy
import warnings
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
except ImportError:
def _is_bokeh_cds(data):
Check if the given argument is a ``ColumnDataSource`` from bokeh
return isinstance(data, ColumnDataSource)
return False
def _copy_bokeh_cds(data):
Copy a ``ColumnDataSource`` from bokeh
return ColumnDataSource(data=data.data.copy())
raise ValueError('Bokeh not installed')
[docs]class PlotData:
"""Class for iterating over the data in a dict or dataframe with
automatic filling in of single defined keys to get a list of
keys to extract.
The iteration allows for implicit definition of data for multiple
plot sets, without excessive copying of the given data
Usage Example
.. code-block:: python
from masci_tools.vis.data import PlotData
import numpy as np
#Let's say we have one energy grid and a couple of functions
#defined on this energy grid.
#We collect these in a dict
x = np.linspace(-10,10,100)
data = {'x': x, 'y1': np.sin(x), 'y2':np.cos(x), 'y3', x**2}
p = PlotData(data, x='x', y=['y1', 'y2', 'y3'])
#If we now iterate over this object it will result in the data
#for y being returned together with the x data (The same would work the other way around)
for entry in p:
print(entry.x) #'x' entry
print(entry.y) #'y1' then 'y2' and finally 'y3'
#Additionally data for z, color and size can be defined
:param data: object or list of objects which can be bracket indexed with the given keys
e.g. dicts, pandas dataframes, ...
:same_length: bool if True and any sources are dicts it will be checked for same dimensions
in (ALL) entries (not only for keys plotted against each other)
:strict_data_keys: bool if True no new data keys are allowed to be entered via :py:meth:`copy_data()`
Kwargs are used to specify the columns in a namedtuple
If a list is given for any of the keys the data will be expanded to a list of
namedtuple with the same length
#These we know to be safely working as the data argument
#In principle this could be extended to any Mapping
ALLOWED_DATA_HOLDERS = (dict, pd.DataFrame, ColumnDataSource)
ALLOWED_DATA_HOLDERS = (dict, pd.DataFrame)
def __init__(self,
self.data = data
self.strict_data_keys = strict_data_keys
self.use_column_source = use_column_source
if isinstance(self.data, list):
assert isinstance(self.data[0], self.ALLOWED_DATA_HOLDERS), f'Wrong type for data argument: Got {self.data}'
dict_data = isinstance(self.data[0], dict)
assert isinstance(self.data, self.ALLOWED_DATA_HOLDERS), f'Wrong type for data argument: Got {self.data}'
dict_data = isinstance(self.data, dict)
if copy_data:
if isinstance(self.data, list):
self.data = [
copy.copy(source) if not _is_bokeh_cds(source) else _copy_bokeh_cds(source) for source in self.data
self.data = copy.copy(self.data) if not _is_bokeh_cds(self.data) else _copy_bokeh_cds(self.data)
if same_length and dict_data:
if isinstance(self.data, list):
for index, entry in enumerate(self.data):
if isinstance(entry, dict):
self.data[index] = _normalize_dict_entries(entry)
self.data = _normalize_dict_entries(self.data)
self._column_spec = namedtuple('Columns', list(kwargs.keys()))
if any(isinstance(val, list) for val in kwargs.values()):
num_sets = max(len(val) for val in kwargs.values() if isinstance(val, list))
if isinstance(self.data, list):
if len(self.data) != num_sets:
raise ValueError('Mismatch in lengths between data and indices')
column_args = {}
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if isinstance(val, list):
if len(val) != num_sets:
raise ValueError(f'Mismatch of dimensions: {val} num_sets: {num_sets}')
column_args[key] = val
column_args[key] = [val] * num_sets
self.columns = [
key: value[index] for key, value in column_args.items()
}) for index in range(num_sets)
if isinstance(self.data, list):
num_sets = len(self.data)
num_sets = 1
self.columns = [self._column_spec(**kwargs)] * num_sets
def data_keys(self):
Return the registered data keys for this instance
return self._column_spec._fields
[docs] def add_data_key(self, data_key, keys=None):
Add a new column of data keys
:param data_key: string of the new data key to add
:param keys: None, Index into data or list of index into the data
to initialize the values to
if self.strict_data_keys:
raise ValueError('No new data keys allowed after initialization')
if data_key in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Data key {data_key} already exists')
self._column_spec = namedtuple('Columns', self.data_keys + (data_key,))
if isinstance(keys, list):
if len(keys) != len(self):
raise ValueError(f'Expected {len(self)} for new data_key {data_key}. Got {len(keys)}')
keys = [keys] * len(self)
#Rebuild the columns list
for indx, (column, entry) in enumerate(zip(self.columns, keys)):
self.columns[indx] = self._column_spec(**{**column._asdict(), **{data_key: entry}})
def __iter__(self):
Iterate over PlotData. Returns the values for the data
return PlotDataIterator(self, mode='values', mappable=True)
[docs] def keys(self, first=False):
Iterate over PlotData keys. Returns the keys for the corresponding sources
:param first: bool, if True only the first entry is returned
if first:
return next(PlotDataIterator(self, mode='keys'))
return PlotDataIterator(self, mode='keys')
[docs] def values(self, first=False):
Iterate over PlotData values. Returns the values for the data
:param first: bool, if True only the first entry is returned
if first:
return next(PlotDataIterator(self, mode='values', mappable=True))
return PlotDataIterator(self, mode='values', mappable=True)
[docs] def items(self, first=False, mappable=False):
Iterate over PlotData items. Returns the key and corresponding source for the data
:param first: bool, if True only the first entry is returned
:param mappable: bool, if True only the data ColumnDataSources are wrapped to be mappable
if first:
return next(PlotDataIterator(self, mode='items', mappable=mappable))
return PlotDataIterator(self, mode='items', mappable=mappable)
[docs] def get_keys(self, data_key):
Get the keys for a given data column for all entries
:param data_key: name of the data key to return the keys
:returns: list of keys, corresponding to the entries for the
given data in the sources
if data_key not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key} does not exist')
keys = []
for entry in self.keys():
return keys
[docs] def get_values(self, data_key):
Get the values for a given data column for all entries
:param data_key: name of the data key to return the values
:returns: list of values, corresponding to the entries for the
given data in the sources
if data_key not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key} does not exist')
values = []
for entry in self.values():
return values
[docs] def min(self, data_key, separate=False, mask=None, mask_data_key=None):
Get the minimum value for a given data column for all entries
:param data_key: name of the data key to determine the minimum
:param separate: bool if True the minimum will be determined and returned
for all entries separately
:param mask: optional mask to select specific rows from the data entries
:param mask_data_key: optional data key to be used when ``mask`` is a function
:returns: minimum value for all entries either combined or as a list
if data_key not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key} does not exist')
if mask is not None:
mask = self.get_mask(mask, data_key=mask_data_key if mask_data_key is not None else data_key)
mask = [None] * len(self)
min_val = []
for (entry, source), mask_entry in zip(self.items(mappable=True), mask):
key = entry._asdict()[data_key]
if mask_entry is None:
data = source[key]
data = source[key][mask_entry]
if isinstance(source[key], pd.Series):
if separate:
return min_val
return min(min_val)
[docs] def max(self, data_key, separate=False, mask=None, mask_data_key=None):
Get the maximum value for a given data column for all entries
:param data_key: name of the data key to determine the maximum
:param separate: bool if True the maximum will be determined and returned
for all entries separately
:param mask: optional mask to select specific rows from the data entries
:param mask_data_key: optional data key to be used when ``mask`` is a function
:returns: maximum value for all entries either combined or as a list
if data_key not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key} does not exist')
if mask is not None:
mask = self.get_mask(mask, data_key=mask_data_key if mask_data_key is not None else data_key)
mask = [None] * len(self)
max_val = []
for (entry, source), mask_entry in zip(self.items(mappable=True), mask):
key = entry._asdict()[data_key]
if mask_entry is None:
data = source[key]
data = source[key][mask_entry]
if isinstance(source[key], pd.Series):
if separate:
return max_val
return max(max_val)
[docs] def apply(self, data_key, lambda_func, apply_to_whole_array=True, **kwargs):
Apply a function to a given data column for all entries
.. warning::
This operation is done in-place. Meaning if there are multiple
data entries pointing to the same data set and only one should be
modified by this method, the data needs to be copied beforehand
using :py:meth:`copy_data()`
:param data_key: name of the data key to apply the function
:param lambda_func: function to apply to the data
if data_key not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key} does not exist')
for indx, (entry, source) in enumerate(self.items(mappable=True)):
key = entry._asdict()[data_key]
if isinstance(source[key], pd.Series):
if isinstance(source, pd.DataFrame):
new_source = source.apply(lambda x, k=key: lambda_func(x) if x.name == k else x, **kwargs)
if isinstance(self.data, list):
self.data[indx] = new_source
self.data = new_source
source[key] = source[key].apply(lambda_func)
elif isinstance(source[key], np.ndarray) or apply_to_whole_array:
source[key] = lambda_func(source[key], **kwargs)
source[key] = [lambda_func(value, **kwargs) for value in source[key]]
[docs] def get_function_result(self, data_key, func, list_return=False, as_numpy_array=False, **kwargs):
Apply a function to a given data column for all entries and return the results
:param data_key: name of the data key to apply the function to
:param func: function to apply to the data to get the results
if func is a string then it will be used to get the attribute
with the corresponding name from the source and call it
if data_key not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key} does not exist')
result = []
for entry, source in self.items(mappable=True):
key = entry._asdict()[data_key]
if isinstance(func, str):
source_func = getattr(source[key], func)
source_func = partial(func, source[key])
if as_numpy_array:
if len(result) == 1 and not list_return:
return result[0]
return result
[docs] def get_mask(self, mask, data_key=None):
Get mask list for use with the Data in this instance
:param mask: either list of callable, if it is callable it is used in
:py:meth:`get_function_result()` together with the ``data_key``
:param data_key: str to be used for the data key if mask is a callable
from collections.abc import Callable
if isinstance(mask, Callable):
if data_key is None:
raise ValueError('If mask is a function the data_key argument has to be given')
mask = self.get_function_result(data_key, mask, list_return=True, as_numpy_array=True)
if len(mask) != len(self):
mask = [np.array(mask) for i in range(len(self))]
for mask_entry in mask:
if mask_entry.dtype != np.dtype('bool'):
warnings.warn('Not all entries in the mask are booleans')
return mask
[docs] def sort_data(self, by_data_keys, **kwargs):
Sort the data by the given data_key(s)
.. note::
This function will convert the data arguments to ``pd.Dataframe``
.. note::
If there are multiple plot sets and only one data source. This function
will expand the data to be one data source sorted according to the data_keys
for each plot
:param by_data_keys: str or list of str of the data_keys to sort by
Kwargs are passed on to ``pd.Dataframe.sort_values()``
if not isinstance(by_data_keys, list):
by_data_keys = [by_data_keys]
for data_key in by_data_keys:
if data_key not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key} does not exist')
#For sorting data we always go to a pandas DataFrame for simplicity
expand_data = not isinstance(self.data, list) and len(self) > 1
if expand_data:
data = []
for indx, (entry, source) in enumerate(self.items(mappable=True)):
if not isinstance(source, pd.DataFrame):
source = pd.DataFrame(data=source)
sort_keys = [entry._asdict()[data_key] for data_key in by_data_keys]
sorted_source = source.sort_values(sort_keys, **kwargs)
if expand_data:
if isinstance(self.data, list):
self.data[indx] = sorted_source
self.data = sorted_source
if expand_data:
self.data = data
[docs] def group_data(self, by, **kwargs):
Group the data by the given data_key(s) or other arguments for groupby
.. note::
This function will convert the data arguments to ``pd.Dataframe``
:param by: str or list of str of the data_keys to sort by or other valid
arguments for by in ``pd.Dataframe.groupby()``
Kwargs are passed on to ``pd.Dataframe.groupby()``
by_data_keys = None
if isinstance(by, (list, str)):
by_data_keys = by
if not isinstance(by_data_keys, list):
by_data_keys = [by_data_keys]
for data_key in by_data_keys:
if data_key not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key} does not exist')
#For grouping data we always go to a pandas Dataframe
columns = []
sources = []
for entry, source in self.items(mappable=True):
if not isinstance(source, pd.DataFrame):
source = pd.DataFrame(data=source)
if by_data_keys is not None:
group_keys = [entry._asdict()[data_key] for data_key in by_data_keys]
gb = source.groupby(group_keys, **kwargs)
gb = source.groupby(by, **kwargs)
columns.extend([entry] * len(gb))
sources.extend([gb.get_group(x) for x in gb.groups])
self.columns = columns
self.data = sources
[docs] def mask_data(self, mask, data_key=None, replace_value=None):
Apply a given mask to the data inplace.
.. note::
This function will convert the data arguments to ``pd.Dataframe``
:param mask: mask rgument passed to :py:meth:`get_mask()`
:param data_key: data_key argument used by :py:meth:`get_mask()`
mask = self.get_mask(mask, data_key=data_key)
expand_data = not isinstance(self.data, list) and len(self) > 1
data = []
for indx, ((_, source), mask_indx) in enumerate(zip(self.items(mappable=True), mask)):
if not isinstance(source, pd.DataFrame):
source = pd.DataFrame(data=source)
if replace_value is None:
masked_source = source[mask_indx]
source[mask_indx] = replace_value
masked_source = source
if expand_data:
if isinstance(self.data, list):
self.data[indx] = masked_source
self.data = masked_source
if expand_data:
self.data = data
[docs] def shift_data(self, data_key, shifts, shifted_data_key=None, separate_data=True, negative=False):
Apply shifts to a given data column for all entries
:param data_key: name of the data key to shift
:param shifts: float or array of floats with the shifts to apply
:param shifted_data_key: optional string, if given the data will be copied
to this data key
:param separate_data: bool, if True and shifted_data_key is not given the data
will be copied to itself (This separates the data for all columns)
:param negative: bool if True the shifts are applied with a minus sign
if data_key not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key} does not exist')
if shifted_data_key is not None:
self.copy_data(data_key, shifted_data_key)
data_key = shifted_data_key
elif separate_data:
self.copy_data(data_key, data_key, force=True)
if isinstance(shifts, (np.ndarray, list, pd.Series)):
if len(shifts) != len(self):
raise ValueError(f"Wrong number of shifts: Expected '{len(self)}' got '{len(shifts)}'")
shifts = [shifts] * len(self)
for (entry, source), shift in zip(self.items(mappable=True), shifts):
key = entry._asdict()[data_key]
if isinstance(source[key], (pd.Series, np.ndarray)):
if negative:
source[key] -= shift
source[key] += shift
if negative:
source[key] = [value - shift for value in source[key]]
source[key] = [value + shift for value in source[key]]
[docs] def copy_data(self, data_key_from, data_key_to, prefix=None, rename_original=False, force=False):
Copy the data for a given data key to another one
:param data_key_from: data key to copy from
:param data_key_to: data key to copy to
:param prefix: optional prefix to use for the renamed data entries. Can be used
to avoid name clashes. If not given the data keys are used
:param rename_original: optional bool (default False). If True the original entries are renamed
instead of the ones under ``data_key_to``
if data_key_from not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key_from} does not exist')
if data_key_to not in self.data_keys:
if self.strict_data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key_to} does not exist')
for indx, (entry, source) in enumerate(self.items(mappable=True)):
key = entry._asdict()[data_key_from]
if rename_original:
new_key = f'{prefix}_{indx}' if prefix is not None else f'{data_key_from}_{indx}'
self.columns[indx] = entry._replace(**{data_key_from: new_key, data_key_to: key})
new_key = f'{prefix}_{indx}' if prefix is not None else f'{data_key_to}_{indx}'
self.columns[indx] = entry._replace(**{data_key_to: new_key})
if new_key in source and not force:
raise ValueError(f'Key {new_key} already exists')
if isinstance(source, pd.DataFrame):
new_column = pd.Series(data=source[key], name=new_key, copy=True)
if new_key in source:
new_source = pd.concat([source, new_column], axis=1)
if isinstance(self.data, list):
self.data[indx] = new_source
self.data = new_source
elif _is_bokeh_cds(source):
source.add(copy.copy(source[key]), name=new_key)
source[new_key] = copy.copy(source[key])
[docs] def distinct_datasets(self, data_key):
Return how many different data sets are present for the given
data key
:param data_key: The data key to analyse
:returns: int of the number of different datasets
if data_key not in self.data_keys:
raise ValueError(f'Field {data_key} does not exist')
data_sets = []
for entry, source in self.items(mappable=True):
key = entry._asdict()[data_key]
normed_set = source[key]
if isinstance(source[key], pd.Series):
normed_set = source[key].to_numpy()
if all(not np.array_equal(normed_set, prev) for prev in data_sets):
return len(data_sets)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.columns)
def export(self, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ColumnDataSourceWrapper:
Wrapper around ``bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource`` to give it a
``__getitem__`` and ``__setitem__`` method
Used in the :py:class:`PlotDataIterator` for easier handling of these types
def __init__(self, wrapped):
self.wrapped = wrapped
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.wrapped.data[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.wrapped.data[key] = value
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return getattr(self.wrapped, attr)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.wrapped.data
def original(self):
return self.wrapped
[docs]class PlotDataIterator:
Class containing the iteration behaviour over the
:py:class:`PlotData` class. Can be used in three modes:
- `keys`: Returns the keys to be entered in the corresponding data sources for each entry
- `values`: Returns the data for each entry
- `items`: Returns the keys and the data sources in a tuple
The keys and values are always returned in a ``namedtuple`` with fields corresponding
to the set data keys
def __init__(self, plot_data, mode='values', mappable=False):
self._plot_data = plot_data
self._wrap_cds = mappable or not self._plot_data.use_column_source
self._iter_mode = mode
self._column_iter = iter(self._plot_data.columns)
self._data_iter = None
if isinstance(self._plot_data.data, list):
self._data_iter = iter(self._plot_data.data)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
columns = next(self._column_iter)
if self._iter_mode == 'keys':
return columns
if self._data_iter is not None:
data = next(self._data_iter)
data = self._plot_data.data
if self._wrap_cds and _is_bokeh_cds(data):
data = ColumnDataSourceWrapper(data)
if self._iter_mode == 'values':
plot_data = {key: data[val] if val is not None else None for key, val in columns._asdict().items()}
return self._plot_data._column_spec(**plot_data) #pylint: disable=protected-access
if self._iter_mode == 'items':
return columns, data
raise StopIteration
[docs]def normalize_list_or_array(data, key, out_data, flatten_np=False, forbid_split_up=False):
Split up a given list/numpy array or pd.Series to be used in the plotting methods
:param data: The (array-like) data to be normalized
:param key: key under which to enter the new data
:param out_data: dict containing previously normalized data
:param flatten_np: bool, if True multidimensional numpy arrays are flattened
:param forbid_split_up: bool, if True multidimensional arrays are not split up
The rules are the following:
- if ``data`` is a multidimensional array (list of lists, etc.)
and it is not forbidden by the given argument the first dimension
of the array is iterated over and interpreted as separate entries
(if the data was previously split up into multiple sets a length check is performed)
- if ``data`` is a one-dimensional array and of a different length than the
number of defined data sets it is added to all previously existing entries
- if ``data`` is a one-dimensional array and of the same length as the
number of defined data sets each entry is added to the corresponding data set
:returns: list of dicts or dict containing the nomralized data
LIST_TYPES = (tuple, list, np.ndarray, pd.Series)
if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and flatten_np:
data = data.flatten()
if isinstance(data, LIST_TYPES):
if isinstance(data[0], LIST_TYPES) and not forbid_split_up:
#Split up
if isinstance(out_data, (list, tuple)):
if len(out_data) != len(data):
raise ValueError(
f"Mismatch of dimensions: Got two different dimensions 'key' {len(data)} 'previous' {len(out_data)}"
for indx, (entry, new_data) in enumerate(zip(out_data, data)):
entry[f'{key}_{indx}'] = new_data
new_list = []
for indx, new_data in enumerate(data):
old_data = out_data.copy()
(f'{key}_{indx}' if val is not None else key): val for key, val in old_data.items()
new_list[-1][f'{key}_{indx}'] = new_data
out_data = new_list
return out_data
if isinstance(out_data, (list, tuple)):
if len(out_data) == len(data):
for indx, (entry, new_data) in enumerate(zip(out_data, data)):
entry[f'{key}_{indx}'] = new_data
return out_data
if isinstance(out_data, (list, tuple)):
for indx, entry in enumerate(out_data):
entry[f'{key}_{indx}'] = data
out_data[key] = data
return out_data
def _normalize_dict_entries(dict_data):
LIST_TYPES = (list, np.ndarray, pd.Series)
length = max(len(data) for data in dict_data.values() if isinstance(data, LIST_TYPES))
for key, val in dict_data.items():
if not isinstance(val, LIST_TYPES):
dict_data[key] = np.ones(length) * val
elif len(val) != length:
raise ValueError('Different lengths of data sets are not allowed for this plot'
f"Expected '{length}' got '{len(val)}'")
return dict_data
[docs]def process_data_arguments(data=None,
Initialize PlotData from np.arrays or lists of np.arrays or lists or a already given
data argument, i.e. mapping
:param data: either None or Mapping to be used as the data in the PlotData class
:param single_plot: bool, if True only a single dataset is allowed
:param use_column_source: bool, if True all data arguments are converted to ColumnDataSource of bokeh
:param flatten_np: bool, if True multidimensional numpy arrays are flattened (Only if data not given)
:param forbid_split_up: set of keys for which not to split up multidimensional arrays
:param same_length: bool if True and any sources are dicts it will be checked for same dimensions
in (ALL) entries (not only for keys plotted against each other)
:param copy_data: bool, if True the data argument will be copied
Kwargs define which keys belong to which data entries if data is given or they contain
the data to be normalized
The following two example calls will both create a PlotData object with the same two
plot data sets with the entries ``x`` and ``y``::
import numpy as np
x = np.linspace(-10,10,100)
y1 = y**2
y2 = np.sin(x)
#Use a predefined data argument (a dict in this case) and the keys in the kwargs
p = process_data_arguments({'x': x, 'y1': y1, 'y2': y2}, x='x', y=['y1','y2'])
#Let the function normalize the given arrays
p = process_data_arguments=(x=x,y=[y1, y2])
:returns: A :py:class:`PlotData` object corresponding to the given data
if forbid_split_up is None:
forbid_split_up = set()
if data is None:
data = {}
keys = {}
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if val is None:
data = normalize_list_or_array(val,
forbid_split_up=key in forbid_split_up)
for key, val in kwargs.items():
if val is not None:
if isinstance(data, list):
keys[key] = [f'{key}_{indx}' for indx in range(len(data))]
keys[key] = key
keys[key] = None
keys = kwargs
p_data = PlotData(data, use_column_source=use_column_source, same_length=same_length, copy_data=copy_data, **keys)
if len(p_data) != 1 and single_plot:
raise ValueError(f'Got multiple data sets ({len(p_data)}) but expected 1')
return p_data