# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
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# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file #
# For further information please visit http://www.flapw.de or #
# #
This modules provides common plotting functions dispatching to
different plotting backends. At the moment the following backends are used:
* ``matplotlib`` ('mpl', 'matplotlib')
* ``bokeh`` ('bokeh')
The underlying plotting routines collected here should have the same
signature for the data arguments; keyword arguments can be different.
from enum import Enum
__all__ = (
[docs]def set_default_backend(backend):
Sets the default backend used when no explicit backend is specified.
:param backend: Name of the backend to use
global _DEFAULT_BACKEND #pylint: disable=global-statement
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
_DEFAULT_BACKEND = backend.value
[docs]class PlotBackend(Enum):
Enumeration containing the possible names for each plotting backend
Initialize using the :py:meth:`from_str()` method
At the moment the following are supported (case-insensitive)
* ``matplotlib``: either `'mpl'` or `'matplotlib'`
* ``bokeh``: `'bokeh'`
mpl = 'matplotlib'
bokeh = 'bokeh'
[docs] @staticmethod
def from_str(label):
Initialize the :py:class:`PlotBackend` from a given string
:param label: str to use to initialize the backend
if it is `None` the default is returned
:returns: :py:class:`PlotBackend` instance corresponding to the label
if label is None:
#Default backend
return PlotBackend.default()
if isinstance(label, PlotBackend):
return label
if label.lower() in ('mpl', 'matplotlib'):
return PlotBackend.mpl
if label.lower() in ('bokeh',):
return PlotBackend.bokeh
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @staticmethod
def default():
Return a :py:class:`PlotBackend` instance corresponding to
the current default backend
return PlotBackend.from_str(_DEFAULT_BACKEND)
[docs]def set_defaults(backend=None, **kwargs):
Sets defaults for the plot parameters.
:param backend: For which backend to set the parameters
The Kwargs are used to set the parameters of the specified backend
from .plot_methods import set_mpl_plot_defaults
from .bokeh_plots import set_bokeh_plot_defaults
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
if backend == PlotBackend.mpl:
elif backend == PlotBackend.bokeh:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def reset_defaults(backend=None):
Reset the defaults for theplot parameters to the original state.
:param backend: For which backend to reset the parameters
from .plot_methods import reset_mpl_plot_defaults
from .bokeh_plots import reset_bokeh_plot_defaults
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
if backend == PlotBackend.mpl:
elif backend == PlotBackend.bokeh:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def show_defaults(backend=None):
Show the current set defaults for the plot parameters.
:param backend: For which backend to show the parameters
from .plot_methods import show_mpl_plot_defaults
from .bokeh_plots import show_bokeh_plot_defaults
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
if backend == PlotBackend.mpl:
elif backend == PlotBackend.bokeh:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def save_defaults(backend=None, filename='plot_defaults.json', save_complete=False):
Save the defaults for the plot parameters.
:param backend: For which backend to save the parameters
:param filename: str of the filename to save the defaults to
:param save_complete: bool, if True also the hardcoded defaults are included
from .plot_methods import save_mpl_defaults
from .bokeh_plots import save_bokeh_defaults
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
if backend == PlotBackend.mpl:
save_mpl_defaults(filename=filename, save_complete=save_complete)
elif backend == PlotBackend.bokeh:
save_bokeh_defaults(filename=filename, save_complete=save_complete)
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def load_defaults(backend=None, filename='plot_defaults.json'):
Load defaults for the plot parameters from a file and set the contained defaults.
:param backend: For which backend to save the parameters
:param filename: str of the filename to load the defaults from
from .plot_methods import load_mpl_defaults
from .bokeh_plots import load_bokeh_defaults
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
if backend == PlotBackend.mpl:
elif backend == PlotBackend.bokeh:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def get_help(key, backend=None):
Get a help string for a given parameter.
:param key: name of the parameter to get the parameter for
:param backend: For which backend to get the description of the parameter
from .plot_methods import get_mpl_help
from .bokeh_plots import get_bokeh_help
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
if backend == PlotBackend.mpl:
elif backend == PlotBackend.bokeh:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def get_plotter(backend=None):
Get the instance of the :py:class:`~masci_tools.vis.parameters.Plotter` subclass
used for the given plotting backend
:param backend: For which backend to get the Plotter instance
import masci_tools.vis.plot_methods as mpl
import masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots as bok
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
if backend == PlotBackend.mpl:
return mpl.plot_params
if backend == PlotBackend.bokeh:
return bok.plot_params
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def dos(energy_grid, dos_data, backend=None, data=None, **kwargs):
Plot the provided data as a density of states (not spin-polarized). Can be done
horizontally or vertical via the switch `xyswitch`
:param energy_grid: data for the energy grid of the DOS
:param dos_data: data for all the DOS components to plot
:param data: source for the data of the plot (optional) (pandas Dataframe for example)
:param backend: name of the backend to use (uses a default if None is given)
Kwargs are passed on to the backend plotting functions:
- ``matplotlib``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_dos()`
- ``bokeh``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_dos()`
:returns: Figure object for the used plotting backend
from .plot_methods import plot_dos
from .bokeh_plots import bokeh_dos
plot_funcs = {PlotBackend.mpl: plot_dos, PlotBackend.bokeh: bokeh_dos}
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
return plot_funcs[backend](energy_grid, dos_data, data=data, **kwargs)
[docs]def spinpol_dos(energy_grid, dos_data_up, dos_data_dn, backend=None, data=None, **kwargs):
Plot the provided data as a density of states (spin-polarized). Can be done
horizontally or vertical via the switch `xyswitch`
:param energy_grid: data for the energy grid of the DOS
:param dos_data_up: data for all the DOS components to plot for spin-up
:param dos_data_dn: data for all the DOS components to plot for spin-down
:param data: source for the data of the plot (optional) (pandas Dataframe for example)
:param backend: name of the backend to use (uses a default if None is given)
Kwargs are passed on to the backend plotting functions:
- ``matplotlib``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_spinpol_dos()`
- ``bokeh``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_spinpol_dos()`
:returns: Figure object for the used plotting backend
from .plot_methods import plot_spinpol_dos
from .bokeh_plots import bokeh_spinpol_dos
plot_funcs = {PlotBackend.mpl: plot_spinpol_dos, PlotBackend.bokeh: bokeh_spinpol_dos}
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
return plot_funcs[backend](energy_grid, dos_data_up, dos_data_dn, data=data, **kwargs)
[docs]def bands(kpath, eigenvalues, backend=None, data=None, **kwargs):
Plot the provided data for a bandstructure (non spin-polarized)
Non-weighted, weighted, as a line plot or scatter plot,
color-mapped or fixed colors are all possible options
:param kpath: data for the kpoints path (flattened to 1D)
:param eigenvalues: data for the eigenvalues
:param data: source for the data of the plot (optional) (pandas Dataframe for example)
:param backend: name of the backend to use (uses a default if None is given)
Kwargs are passed on to the backend plotting functions:
- ``matplotlib``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_bands()`
- ``bokeh``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_bands()`
:returns: Figure object for the used plotting backend
from .plot_methods import plot_bands
from .bokeh_plots import bokeh_bands
plot_funcs = {PlotBackend.mpl: plot_bands, PlotBackend.bokeh: bokeh_bands}
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
return plot_funcs[backend](kpath, eigenvalues, data=data, **kwargs)
[docs]def spinpol_bands(kpath, eigenvalues_up, eigenvalues_dn, backend=None, data=None, **kwargs):
Plot the provided data for a bandstructure (spin-polarized)
Non-weighted, weighted, as a line plot or scatter plot,
color-mapped or fixed colors are all possible options
:param kpath: data for the kpoints path (flattened to 1D)
:param eigenvalues_up: data for the eigenvalues for spin-up
:param eigenvalues_dn: data for the eigenvalues for spin-down
:param data: source for the data of the plot (optional) (pandas Dataframe for example)
:param backend: name of the backend to use (uses a default if None is given)
Kwargs are passed on to the backend plotting functions:
- ``matplotlib``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_spinpol_bands()`
- ``bokeh``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_spinpol_bands()`
:returns: Figure object for the used plotting backend
from .plot_methods import plot_spinpol_bands
from .bokeh_plots import bokeh_spinpol_bands
plot_funcs = {PlotBackend.mpl: plot_spinpol_bands, PlotBackend.bokeh: bokeh_spinpol_bands}
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
return plot_funcs[backend](kpath, eigenvalues_up, eigenvalues_dn, data=data, **kwargs)
[docs]def scatter(xdata, ydata, backend=None, data=None, **kwargs):
Plot the provided data as a scatter plot. Varying size and color
are possible. Multiple data sets are possible
:param xdata: data for the x-axis
:param xdata: data for the y-axis
:param data: source for the data of the plot (optional) (pandas Dataframe for example)
:param backend: name of the backend to use (uses a default if None is given)
Kwargs are passed on to the backend plotting functions:
- ``matplotlib``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.multi_scatter_plot()`
- ``bokeh``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_multi_scatter()`
:returns: Figure object for the used plotting backend
from .plot_methods import multi_scatter_plot
from .bokeh_plots import bokeh_multi_scatter
plot_funcs = {PlotBackend.mpl: multi_scatter_plot, PlotBackend.bokeh: bokeh_multi_scatter}
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
return plot_funcs[backend](xdata, ydata, data=data, **kwargs)
[docs]def line(xdata, ydata, backend=None, data=None, **kwargs):
Plot the provided data as a line plot. Multiple data sets are possible
:param xdata: data for the x-axis
:param xdata: data for the y-axis
:param data: source for the data of the plot (optional) (pandas Dataframe for example)
:param backend: name of the backend to use (uses a default if None is given)
Kwargs are passed on to the backend plotting functions:
- ``matplotlib``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.multiple_scatterplots()`
- ``bokeh``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_line()`
:returns: Figure object for the used plotting backend
from .plot_methods import multiple_scatterplots
from .bokeh_plots import bokeh_line
plot_funcs = {PlotBackend.mpl: multiple_scatterplots, PlotBackend.bokeh: bokeh_line}
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
return plot_funcs[backend](xdata, ydata, data=data, **kwargs)
def spectral_function(kpath, energy_grid, spectral_func, backend=None, data=None, **kwargs):
Plot the provided data as a spectral function over the given kpath using a colormesh plot
:param kpath: data for the kpoint path
:param energy_grid: data for the energy_grid
:param spectral_func: data for the spectrla function resolved on the given grid
:param data: source for the data of the plot (optional) (pandas Dataframe for example)
:param backend: name of the backend to use (uses a default if None is given)
Kwargs are passed on to the backend plotting functions:
- ``matplotlib``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_spectral_function()`
- ``bokeh``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.bokeh_spectral_function()`
:returns: Figure object for the used plotting backend
from .plot_methods import plot_spectral_function
from .bokeh_plots import bokeh_spectral_function
plot_funcs = {PlotBackend.mpl: plot_spectral_function, PlotBackend.bokeh: bokeh_spectral_function}
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
return plot_funcs[backend](kpath, energy_grid, spectral_func, data=data, **kwargs)
def eos_plot(scaling, total_energy, backend=None, data=None, **kwargs):
Plot the provided data as a volume/scaling vs. energy plot. Multiple data sets are possible
:param scaling: data for the scaling on the x-axis
:param total_energy: data for the energy
:param data: source for the data of the plot (optional) (pandas Dataframe for example)
:param backend: name of the backend to use (uses a default if None is given)
Kwargs are passed on to the backend plotting functions:
- ``matplotlib``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_lattice_constant()`
- ``bokeh``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.plot_lattice_constant()`
:returns: Figure object for the used plotting backend
from .plot_methods import plot_lattice_constant as mpl_lattice_constant
from .bokeh_plots import plot_lattice_constant as bokeh_lattice_constant
plot_funcs = {PlotBackend.mpl: mpl_lattice_constant, PlotBackend.bokeh: bokeh_lattice_constant}
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
return plot_funcs[backend](scaling, total_energy, data=data, **kwargs)
def convergence_plot(iterations, distances, total_energies, backend=None, data=None, **kwargs):
Plot the provided data as a iteration vs energy difference and iteration vs. distance plots.
Multiple data sets are possible
:param iterations: data for the number of iterations on the x-axis
:param distances: data for the charge density distances
:param total_energies: data for the energy
:param data: source for the data of the plot (optional) (pandas Dataframe for example)
:param backend: name of the backend to use (uses a default if None is given)
Kwargs are passed on to the backend plotting functions:
- ``matplotlib``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.plot_methods.plot_convergence()`
- ``bokeh``: :py:func:`~masci_tools.vis.bokeh_plots.plot_convergence()`
:returns: Figure object for the used plotting backend
from .plot_methods import plot_convergence as mpl_convergence
from .bokeh_plots import plot_convergence as bokeh_convergence
plot_funcs = {PlotBackend.mpl: mpl_convergence, PlotBackend.bokeh: bokeh_convergence}
backend = PlotBackend.from_str(backend)
return plot_funcs[backend](iterations, distances, total_energies, data=data, **kwargs)