# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
# #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools. #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file. #
# For further information please visit http://judft.de/. #
# #
Functions for modifying the xml input file of Fleur with explicit xpath arguments
These can still use the schema dict for finding information about the xpath
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Iterable
from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal #type:ignore
from masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder import XPathBuilder
from masci_tools.util.typing import XPathLike, XMLLike
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import eval_xpath_all, add_tag, is_valid_tag
from masci_tools.io.parsers import fleur_schema
from lxml import etree
[docs]def xml_create_tag_schema_dict(xmltree: XMLLike,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
xpath: XPathLike,
base_xpath: str,
element: etree.QName | str | etree._Element,
create_parents: bool = False,
number_nodes: int = 1,
occurrences: int | Iterable[int] | None = None) -> XMLLike:
This method evaluates an xpath expression and creates a tag in a xmltree under the
returned nodes.
If there are no nodes evaluated the subtags can be created with `create_parents=True`
The tag is always inserted in the correct place if a order is enforced by the schema
:param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml
:param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
:param xpath: a path where to place a new tag
:param base_xpath: path where to place a new tag without complex syntax ([] conditions and so on)
:param element: a tag name or etree Element or string representing the XML element to be created
:param create_parents: bool optional (default False), if True and the given xpath has no results the
the parent tags are created recursively
:param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurrence of the parent nodes to create a tag.
By default all nodes are used.
:param number_nodes: how many identical nodes to create
:raises ValueError: If the nodes are missing and `create_parents=False`
:returns: xmltree with created tags
from masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic import xml_create_tag
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import check_complex_xpath, split_off_tag
check_complex_xpath(xmltree, base_xpath, xpath)
tag_info = schema_dict['tag_info'][base_xpath]
if not etree.iselement(element) and not isinstance(element, etree.QName):
if is_valid_tag(element): #type:ignore[arg-type]
#Get original case of the tag
element_name = (tag_info['simple'] | tag_info['complex']).original_case[element]
element = element_name
element = etree.fromstring(element) #type:ignore[arg-type]
except ValueError as exc:
raise ValueError(f"Failed to construct etree Element from '{element}'") from exc
element_name = element.tag
elif isinstance(element, etree.QName):
element_name = element.text
element_name = element.tag
if len(tag_info['order']) == 0:
tag_order = None
tag_order = tag_info['order']
several_tags = element_name in tag_info['several']
if not several_tags and number_nodes > 1:
raise ValueError(f'Can not create {number_nodes} nodes of tag {element_name}: Tag only allowed once')
parent_nodes = eval_xpath_all(xmltree, xpath, etree._Element)
if len(parent_nodes) == 0:
if create_parents:
parent_xpath, parent_name = split_off_tag(base_xpath)
complex_parent_xpath, _ = split_off_tag(xpath)
xmltree = xml_create_tag_schema_dict(xmltree,
raise ValueError(f"Could not create tag '{element_name}' because at least one subtag is missing. "
'Use create=True to create the subtags')
for _ in range(number_nodes):
xml_create_tag(xmltree, xpath, element, tag_order=tag_order, occurrences=occurrences, several=several_tags)
return xmltree
[docs]def eval_xpath_create(xmltree: XMLLike,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
xpath: XPathLike,
base_xpath: str,
create_parents: bool = False,
occurrences: int | Iterable[int] | None = None,
number_nodes: int = 1) -> list[etree._Element]:
Evaluates and xpath and creates tag if the result is empty
:param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml
:param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
:param xpath: a path where to place a new tag
:param base_xpath: path where to place a new tag without complex syntax ([] conditions and so on)
:param create_parents: bool optional (default False), if True also the parents of the tag are created
if they are missing
:param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurrence of the parent nodes to create a tag if the tag is missing.
By default all nodes are used.
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param number_nodes: how many identical nodes to create
:returns: list of nodes from the result of the xpath expression
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import check_complex_xpath, split_off_tag
check_complex_xpath(xmltree, base_xpath, xpath)
nodes = eval_xpath_all(xmltree, xpath, etree._Element)
if len(nodes) == 0:
parent_xpath, tag_name = split_off_tag(base_xpath)
complex_parent_xpath, _ = split_off_tag(xpath)
xmltree = xml_create_tag_schema_dict(xmltree,
nodes = eval_xpath_all(xmltree, xpath, etree._Element)
return nodes
[docs]def xml_set_attrib_value(xmltree: XMLLike,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
xpath: XPathLike,
base_xpath: str,
name: str,
value: Any,
occurrences: int | Iterable[int] | None = None,
create: bool = False) -> XMLLike:
Sets an attribute in a xmltree to a given value. By default the attribute will be set
on all nodes returned for the specified xpath.
If there are no nodes under the specified xpath a tag can be created with `create=True`.
The attribute values are converted automatically according to the types of the attribute
with :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.converters.convert_to_xml()` if they
are not `str` already.
:param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml
:param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
:param xpath: a path where to set the attributes
:param base_xpath: path where to place a new tag without complex syntax ([] conditions and so on)
:param name: the attribute name to set
:param value: value or list of values to set
:param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurrence of the node to set. By default all are set.
:param create: bool optional (default False), if True the tag is created if is missing
:raises ValueError: If the conversion to string failed
:raises ValueError: If the tag is missing and `create=False`
:raises ValueError: If the name is not allowed on the base_xpath
:returns: xmltree with set attribute
from masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic import xml_set_attrib_value_no_create
from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_to_xml
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import check_complex_xpath, split_off_tag
from masci_tools.io.common_functions import is_sequence
check_complex_xpath(xmltree, base_xpath, xpath)
_, tag_name = split_off_tag(base_xpath)
attribs = schema_dict['tag_info'][base_xpath]['attribs']
if name not in attribs:
raise ValueError(f"The key '{name}' is not expected for this version of the input for the '{tag_name}' tag. "
f'Allowed attributes are: {sorted(attribs.original_case.values())}')
name = attribs.original_case[name]
converted_value, _ = convert_to_xml(value, schema_dict, name, text=False)
n_nodes = len(converted_value) if is_sequence(converted_value) else 1
if create:
nodes = eval_xpath_create(xmltree,
nodes = eval_xpath_all(xmltree, xpath, etree._Element)
if len(nodes) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Could not set attribute '{name}' on path '{xpath!r}' "
'because at least one subtag is missing. '
'Use create=True to create the subtags')
return xml_set_attrib_value_no_create(xmltree, xpath, name, converted_value, occurrences=occurrences)
[docs]def xml_set_first_attrib_value(xmltree: XMLLike,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
xpath: XPathLike,
base_xpath: str,
name: str,
value: Any,
create: bool = False) -> XMLLike:
Sets the first occurrence attribute in a xmltree to a given value.
If there are no nodes under the specified xpath a tag can be created with `create=True`.
The attribute values are converted automatically according to the types of the attribute
with :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.converters.convert_to_xml()` if they
are not `str` already.
:param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml
:param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
:param xpath: a path where to set the attribute
:param base_xpath: path where to place a new tag without complex syntax ([] conditions and so on)
:param name: the attribute name to set
:param value: value or list of values to set
:param create: bool optional (default False), if True the tag is created if is missing
:raises ValueError: If the conversion to string failed
:raises ValueError: If the tag is missing and `create=False`
:raises ValueError: If the attributename is not allowed on the base_xpath
:returns: xmltree with set attribute
return xml_set_attrib_value(xmltree, schema_dict, xpath, base_xpath, name, value, create=create, occurrences=0)
[docs]def xml_set_text(xmltree: XMLLike,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
xpath: XPathLike,
base_xpath: str,
text: Any,
occurrences: int | Iterable[int] | None = None,
create: bool = False) -> XMLLike:
Sets the text on tags in a xmltree to a given value. By default the text will be set
on all nodes returned for the specified xpath.
If there are no nodes under the specified xpath a tag can be created with `create=True`.
The text values are converted automatically according to the types
with :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.converters.convert_to_xml()` if they
are not `str` already.
:param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml
:param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
:param xpath: a path where to set the text
:param base_xpath: path where to place a new tag without complex syntax ([] conditions and so on)
:param text: value or list of values to set
:param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurrence of the node to set. By default all are set.
:param create: bool optional (default False), if True the tag is created if is missing
:raises ValueError: If the conversion to string failed
:raises ValueError: If the tag is missing and `create=False`
:returns: xmltree with set text
from masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic import xml_set_text_no_create
from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_to_xml
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import check_complex_xpath, split_off_tag
from masci_tools.io.common_functions import is_sequence
check_complex_xpath(xmltree, base_xpath, xpath)
_, tag_name = split_off_tag(base_xpath)
converted_text, _ = convert_to_xml(text, schema_dict, tag_name, text=True)
n_nodes = len(converted_text) if is_sequence(converted_text) else 1
if create:
nodes = eval_xpath_create(xmltree,
nodes = eval_xpath_all(xmltree, xpath, etree._Element)
if len(nodes) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Could not set text on path '{xpath!r}' because at least one subtag is missing. "
'Use create=True to create the subtags')
return xml_set_text_no_create(xmltree, xpath, converted_text, occurrences=occurrences)
[docs]def xml_set_first_text(xmltree: XMLLike,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
xpath: XPathLike,
base_xpath: str,
text: Any,
create: bool = False) -> XMLLike:
Sets the text on the first occurrence of a tag in a xmltree to a given value.
If there are no nodes under the specified xpath a tag can be created with `create=True`.
The text values are converted automatically according to the types
with :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.xml.converters.convert_to_xml()` if they
are not `str` already.
:param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml
:param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
:param xpath: a path where to set the text
:param base_xpath: path where to place a new tag without complex syntax ([] conditions and so on)
:param text: value or list of values to set
:param create: bool optional (default False), if True the tag is created if is missing
:raises ValueError: If the conversion to string failed
:raises ValueError: If the tag is missing and `create=False`
:returns: xmltree with set text
return xml_set_text(xmltree, schema_dict, xpath, base_xpath, text, create=create, occurrences=0)
[docs]def xml_add_number_to_attrib(xmltree: XMLLike,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
xpath: XPathLike,
base_xpath: str,
name: str,
number_to_add: Any,
mode: Literal['abs', 'absolute', 'rel', 'relative'] = 'absolute',
occurrences: int | Iterable[int] | None = None) -> XMLLike:
Adds a given number to the attribute value in a xmltree. By default the attribute will be shifted
on all nodes returned for the specified xpath.
If there are no nodes under the specified xpath an error is raised
:param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml
:param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
:param xpath: a path where to set the attributes
:param base_xpath: path where to place a new tag without complex syntax ([] conditions and so on)
:param name: the attribute name to change
:param number_to_add: number to add/multiply with the old attribute value
:param mode: str (either `rel`/`relative` or `abs`/`absolute`).
`rel`/`relative` multiplies the old value with `number_to_add`
`abs`/`absolute` adds the old value and `number_to_add`
:param occurrences: int or list of int. Which occurrence of the node to set. By default all are set.
:raises ValueError: If the attribute is unknown or cannot be float or int
:raises ValueError: If the evaluation of the old values failed
:raises ValueError: If a float result is written to a integer attribute
:returns: xmltree with shifted attribute
from masci_tools.io.fleur_xml import get_constants
from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_from_xml
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import check_complex_xpath, split_off_attrib, split_off_tag
check_complex_xpath(xmltree, base_xpath, xpath)
if name not in schema_dict['attrib_types']:
raise ValueError(f"You try to shift the attribute:'{name}' , but the key is unknown to the fleur plug-in")
possible_types = schema_dict['attrib_types'][name]
constants = get_constants(xmltree, schema_dict) #type:ignore[arg-type]
types = {definition.base_type for definition in possible_types}
if 'float' not in types and \
'float_expression' not in types and \
'int' not in types:
raise ValueError(f"Given attribute name '{name}' is not float or int")
attribs = schema_dict['tag_info'][base_xpath]['attribs']
_, tag_name = split_off_tag(base_xpath)
if name not in attribs:
raise ValueError(f"The key '{name}' is not expected for this version of the input for the '{tag_name}' tag. "
f'Allowed attributes are: {sorted(attribs.original_case.values())}')
name = attribs.original_case[name]
if isinstance(xpath, XPathBuilder):
if '@' not in xpath.components[-1]:
elif not str(xpath).endswith(f'/@{name}'):
xpath = '/@'.join([str(xpath), name])
tag_xpath, name = split_off_attrib(xpath)
stringattribute = eval_xpath_all(xmltree, xpath, str)
if len(stringattribute) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"No attribute values found for '{name}'. Cannot add number")
res: tuple[list[int | float], bool] = convert_from_xml(stringattribute,
list_return=True) #type:ignore
values, _ = res
if occurrences is not None:
if not isinstance(occurrences, Iterable):
occurrences = [occurrences]
values = [values[occ] for occ in occurrences]
except IndexError as exc:
raise ValueError('Wrong value for occurrences') from exc
if mode in ('abs', 'absolute'):
values = [value + float(number_to_add) for value in values]
elif mode in ('rel', 'relative'):
values = [value * float(number_to_add) for value in values]
raise ValueError(f'Unknown mode for modifying value: {mode}. '
'Only rel, relative, abs and absolute are allowed')
if 'float' in types or 'float_expression' in types:
new_values = values
elif 'int' in types:
if any(isinstance(value, float) and not value.is_integer() for value in values):
raise ValueError('You are trying to write a float to an integer attribute')
new_values = [int(value) for value in values]
xmltree = xml_set_attrib_value(xmltree,
return xmltree
[docs]def xml_add_number_to_first_attrib(xmltree: XMLLike,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
xpath: XPathLike,
base_xpath: str,
name: str,
number_to_add: Any,
mode: Literal['abs', 'absolute', 'rel', 'relative'] = 'absolute') -> XMLLike:
Adds a given number to the first occurrence of a attribute value in a xmltree.
If there are no nodes under the specified xpath an error is raised
:param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml
:param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
:param xpath: a path where to set the attributes
:param base_xpath: path where to place a new tag without complex syntax ([] conditions and so on)
:param name: the attribute name to change
:param number_to_add: number to add/multiply with the old attribute value
:param mode: str (either `rel`/`relative` or `abs`/`absolute`).
`rel`/`relative` multiplies the old value with `number_to_add`
`abs`/`absolute` adds the old value and `number_to_add`
:raises ValueError: If the attribute is unknown or cannot be float or int
:raises ValueError: If the evaluation of the old values failed
:raises ValueError: If a float result is written to a integer attribute
:returns: xmltree with shifted attribute
return xml_add_number_to_attrib(xmltree,
[docs]def xml_set_simple_tag(xmltree: XMLLike,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
xpath: XPathLike,
base_xpath: str,
tag_name: str,
changes: list[dict[str, Any]] | dict[str, Any],
create_parents: bool = False) -> XMLLike:
Sets one or multiple `simple` tag(s) in an xmltree. A simple tag can only hold attributes and has no
If the tag can occur multiple times all existing tags are DELETED and new ones are written.
If the tag only occurs once it will automatically be created if its missing.
:param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml
:param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
:param xpath: a path where to set the attributes
:param base_xpath: path where to place a new tag without complex syntax ([] conditions and so on)
:param tag_name: name of the tag to set
:param changes: list of dicts or dict with the changes. Elements in list describe multiple tags.
Keys in the dictionary correspond to {'name': value}
:param create_parents: bool optional (default False), if True and the path, where the simple tags are
set does not exist it is created
:returns: xmltree with set simple tags
from masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic import xml_delete_tag
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import check_complex_xpath
check_complex_xpath(xmltree, base_xpath, xpath)
tag_info = schema_dict['tag_info'][base_xpath]
tag_xpath = add_tag(xpath, tag_name)
tag_base_xpath = f'{base_xpath}/{tag_name}'
if tag_name in tag_info['several']:
#change_dict can either be a list or a dict
if isinstance(changes, dict):
changes = [changes]
if len(eval_xpath_all(xmltree, tag_xpath, etree._Element)) > 0:
# policy: we DELETE all existing tags, and create new ones from the given parameters.
xml_delete_tag(xmltree, tag_xpath)
for indx, change in enumerate(changes):
for attrib, value in change.items():
occurrences = [
k * len(changes) + indx
for k in range(len(eval_xpath_all(xmltree, tag_xpath, etree._Element)) // len(changes))
if not isinstance(changes, dict):
raise ValueError(f"Tag '{tag_name}' can only occur once. But 'set_simple_tag' got a list")
#eval and ggf. create tag
eval_xpath_create(xmltree, schema_dict, tag_xpath, tag_base_xpath, create_parents=create_parents)
for attrib, value in changes.items():
xml_set_attrib_value(xmltree, schema_dict, tag_xpath, tag_base_xpath, attrib, value)
return xmltree
[docs]def xml_set_complex_tag(xmltree: XMLLike,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
xpath: XPathLike,
base_xpath: str,
changes: dict[str, Any],
create: bool = False) -> XMLLike:
Recursive function to correctly set tags/attributes for a given tag and it's subtags.
Goes through the changes dictionary and decides based on the schema_dict, how the corresponding
key has to be handled.
- attributes
- tags with text only
- simple tags, i.e. only attributes (can be optional single/multiple)
- complex tags, will recursively create/modify them
:param xmltree: an xmltree that represents inp.xml
:param schema_dict: InputSchemaDict containing all information about the structure of the input
:param xpath: a path where to set the attributes
:param base_xpath: path where to place a new tag without complex syntax ([] conditions and so on)
:param tag_name: name of the tag to set
:param changes: Keys in the dictionary correspond to names of tags and the values are the modifications
to do on this tag (attributename, subdict with changes to the subtag, ...)
:param create: bool optional (default False), if True and the path, where the complex tag is
set does not exist it is created
:returns: xmltree with changes to the complex tag
#TODO: Should changes be allowed to be a list to set multiple tags like in set_simple_tag
import copy
from masci_tools.util.xml.xml_setters_basic import xml_delete_tag
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import check_complex_xpath, split_off_tag
check_complex_xpath(xmltree, base_xpath, xpath)
tag_info = schema_dict['tag_info'][base_xpath]
_, tag_name = split_off_tag(base_xpath)
if create:
#eval complex tag and ggf create
eval_xpath_create(xmltree, schema_dict, xpath, base_xpath, create_parents=True)
for key, val in changes.items():
if key not in tag_info['complex'] | tag_info['simple'] | tag_info['attribs']:
raise ValueError(
f"The key '{key}' is not expected for this version of the input for the '{tag_name}' tag. "
f"Allowed tags are: {sorted((tag_info['complex']|tag_info['simple']).original_case.values())}"
f"Allowed attributes are: {sorted(tag_info['attribs'].original_case.values())}")
key = (tag_info['complex'] | tag_info['simple'] | tag_info['attribs']).original_case[key]
sub_xpath = add_tag(xpath, key)
sub_base_xpath = f'{base_xpath}/{key}'
if key in tag_info['attribs']:
xml_set_attrib_value(xmltree, schema_dict, xpath, base_xpath, key, val, create=create)
elif key in tag_info['text']:
xml_set_text(xmltree, schema_dict, sub_xpath, sub_base_xpath, val, create=create)
elif key in tag_info['simple']:
xml_set_simple_tag(xmltree, schema_dict, xpath, base_xpath, key, val, create_parents=create)
elif key not in tag_info['several']: #Complex tag but only one (electronConfig)
# eval and ggf create tag at right place.
eval_xpath_create(xmltree, schema_dict, sub_xpath, sub_base_xpath, create_parents=create)
xmltree = xml_set_complex_tag(xmltree, schema_dict, sub_xpath, sub_base_xpath, val, create=create)
if len(eval_xpath_all(xmltree, sub_xpath, etree._Element)) > 0:
# policy: we DELETE all existing tags, and create new ones from the given parameters.
xml_delete_tag(xmltree, sub_xpath)
if isinstance(val, dict):
val = [val]
for indx in range(0, len(val)):
xml_create_tag_schema_dict(xmltree, schema_dict, xpath, base_xpath, key, create_parents=create)
for indx, tagdict in enumerate(val):
for k in range(len(eval_xpath_all(xmltree, sub_xpath, etree._Element)) // len(val)):
current_elem_xpath: XPathLike
if isinstance(sub_xpath, XPathBuilder):
current_elem_xpath = copy.deepcopy(sub_xpath)
current_elem_xpath.add_filter(sub_xpath.components[-1], {'index': k * len(val) + indx + 1})
elif isinstance(sub_xpath, etree.XPath):
current_elem_xpath = etree.XPath(f'{str(sub_xpath)}[{k*len(val)+indx+1}]')
current_elem_xpath = f'{str(sub_xpath)}[{k*len(val)+indx+1}]'
xmltree = xml_set_complex_tag(xmltree,
return xmltree