# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
# #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools. #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file. #
# For further information please visit http://judft.de/. #
# #
Common functions for converting types to and from XML files
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Iterable, Any, Union
import sys
if sys.version_info >= (3, 10):
from typing import TypeAlias
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
from typing import Literal
from typing_extensions import Literal
from lxml import etree
import logging
from masci_tools.io.parsers import fleur_schema
import re
BaseType: TypeAlias = Literal['int', 'switch', 'string', 'float', 'float_expression', 'complex']
ConvertedType: TypeAlias = Union[int, float, bool, str, complex]
[docs]def convert_to_xml(value: Any | list[Any],
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
text: bool = False,
logger: logging.Logger | None = None,
list_return: bool = False) -> tuple[str | list[str], bool]:
Tries to converts a given string to the types specified in the schema_dict.
First succeeded conversion will be returned
If no logger is given and a attribute cannot be converted an error is raised
:param stringattribute: str, Attribute to convert.
:param schema_dict: Schema dictionary containing all the information
:param name: name of the attribute or element
:param text: bool, decides whether to take the definitions for text or attributes
:param constants: dict, of constants defined in fleur input
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings
if given the errors are logged and the list is returned with the unconverted values
otherwise a error is raised, when the first conversion fails
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:return: The converted value of the first successful conversion
if text:
if name not in schema_dict['text_types']:
raise KeyError(f'Unknown text tag: {name}')
definitions = schema_dict['text_types'][name]
float_format = '16.13'
if name not in schema_dict['attrib_types']:
raise KeyError(f'Unknown attribute name: {name}')
definitions = schema_dict['attrib_types'][name]
float_format = '.10'
return convert_to_xml_explicit(value,
[docs]def convert_from_xml(
xmlstring: str | list[str],
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
text: bool = False,
constants: dict[str, float] | None = None,
logger: logging.Logger | None = None,
list_return: bool = False
) -> tuple[ConvertedType | list[ConvertedType] | list[ConvertedType | list[ConvertedType]], bool]:
Tries to converts a given string to the types specified in the schema_dict.
First succeeded conversion will be returned
If no logger is given and a attribute cannot be converted an error is raised
:param stringattribute: str, Attribute to convert.
:param schema_dict: Schema dictionary containing all the information
:param name: name of the attribute or element
:param text: bool, decides whether to take the definitions for text or attributes
:param constants: dict, of constants defined in fleur input
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings
if given the errors are logged and the list is returned with the unconverted values
otherwise a error is raised, when the first conversion fails
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:return: The converted value of the first successful conversion
if not isinstance(xmlstring, list):
xmlstring = [xmlstring]
if text:
if name not in schema_dict['text_types']:
raise KeyError(f'Unknown text tag: {name}')
definitions = schema_dict['text_types'][name]
xmlstring = [string.strip() for string in xmlstring]
if name not in schema_dict['attrib_types']:
raise KeyError(f'Unknown attribute name: {name}')
definitions = schema_dict['attrib_types'][name]
return convert_from_xml_explicit(xmlstring,
[docs]def convert_from_xml_explicit(
xmlstring: str | list[str],
definitions: list[fleur_schema.AttributeType],
constants: dict[str, float] | None = None,
logger: logging.Logger | None = None,
list_return: bool = False
) -> tuple[ConvertedType | list[ConvertedType] | list[ConvertedType | list[ConvertedType]], bool]:
Tries to converts a given string to the types given in definitions.
First succeeded conversion will be returned
If no logger is given and a attribute cannot be converted an error is raised
:param stringattribute: str, Attribute to convert.
:param definitions: list of :py:class:`~masci_tools.io.parsers.fleur_schema.AttributeType` definitions
:param constants: dict, of constants defined in fleur input
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings
if given the errors are logged and the list is returned with the unconverted values
otherwise a error is raised, when the first conversion fails
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:return: The converted value of the first successful conversion
if not isinstance(xmlstring, list):
xmlstring = [xmlstring]
if logger is not None:
logger.debug('Value to convert from XML: %s', xmlstring)
converted_list: list[ConvertedType | list[ConvertedType]] = []
all_success = True
for text in xmlstring:
split_text = text.split(' ')
while '' in split_text:
text_definitions = []
for definition in definitions:
if definition.length == len(split_text):
if not text_definitions:
for definition in definitions:
if definition.length in ('unbounded', 1):
if not text_definitions:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f"Could not convert '{text}', no matching definition found")
logger.warning("Could not convert '%s', no matching definition found", text)
all_success = False
types = tuple(definition.base_type for definition in text_definitions)
lengths = {definition.length for definition in text_definitions}
if len(text_definitions) == 1:
if text_definitions[0].length == 1:
split_text = [text]
if logger is not None:
logger.debug('Convert from XML: %s using definitions %s', split_text, types)
converted_text, suc = convert_from_xml_single_values(split_text, types, constants=constants, logger=logger)
all_success = all_success and suc
if len(converted_text) == 1 and 'unbounded' not in lengths:
converted_text = converted_text[0] #type:ignore[assignment]
elif len(converted_text) == 0 and 'unbounded' not in lengths:
converted_text = '' #type:ignore
ret_value = converted_list
if len(converted_list) == 1 and not list_return:
ret_value = converted_list[0] #type:ignore[assignment]
if logger is not None:
logger.debug('Converted Value from XML: %s', ret_value)
return ret_value, all_success
[docs]def convert_to_xml_explicit(value: Any | Iterable[Any],
definitions: list[fleur_schema.AttributeType],
logger: logging.Logger | None = None,
float_format: str = '.10',
list_return: bool = False) -> tuple[str | list[str], bool]:
Tries to convert a given list of values to str for a xml file based on the definitions (length and type).
First succeeded conversion will be returned
:param textvalue: value to convert
:param definitions: list of :py:class:`~masci_tools.io.parsers.fleur_schema.AttributeType` definitions
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings
if given the errors are logged and the list is returned with the unconverted values
otherwise a error is raised, when the first conversion fails
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:return: The converted value of the first successful conversion
import numpy as np
lengths = {definition.length for definition in definitions}
if not isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)):
value = [value]
elif not isinstance(value[0], (list, np.ndarray)) and lengths != {1}:
value = [value]
if logger is not None:
logger.debug('Value to convert to XML: %s', value)
converted_list = []
all_success = True
for val in value:
if not isinstance(val, (list, np.ndarray)):
val = [val]
text_definitions = []
for definition in definitions:
if definition.length == len(val):
if not text_definitions:
for definition in definitions:
if definition.length == 'unbounded':
if not text_definitions:
if len(val) == 1 and isinstance(val[0], str):
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f"Could not convert '{val}', no matching definition found")
logger.warning("Could not convert '%s', no matching definition found", val)
all_success = False
types = tuple(definition.base_type for definition in text_definitions)
if logger is not None:
logger.debug('Convert to XML: %s with definitions %s', val, types)
converted_text, suc = convert_to_xml_single_values(val, types, logger=logger, float_format=float_format)
all_success = all_success and suc
converted_list.append(' '.join(converted_text))
ret_value = converted_list
if len(converted_list) == 1 and not list_return:
ret_value = converted_list[0] #type:ignore
if logger is not None:
logger.debug('Converted Value to XML: %s', ret_value)
return ret_value, all_success
[docs]def convert_from_xml_single_values(xmlstring: str | list[str],
possible_types: tuple[BaseType, ...],
constants: dict[str, float] | None = None,
logger: logging.Logger | None = None) -> tuple[list[ConvertedType], bool]:
Tries to converts a given string attribute to the types given in possible_types.
First succeeded conversion will be returned
If no logger is given and a attribute cannot be converted an error is raised
:param stringattribute: str, Attribute to convert.
:param possible_types: list of str What types it will try to convert to
:param constants: dict, of constants defined in fleur input
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings
if given the errors are logged and the list is returned with the unconverted values
otherwise a error is raised, when the first conversion fails
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:return: The converted value of the first successful conversion
from masci_tools.util.fleur_calculate_expression import calculate_expression, MissingConstant
if not isinstance(xmlstring, list):
xmlstring = [xmlstring]
converted_value: ConvertedType
converted_list = []
all_success = True
for text in xmlstring:
exceptions: list[Exception] = []
for value_type in possible_types:
if value_type == 'float':
converted_value = float(text)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
elif value_type == 'float_expression':
converted_value = calculate_expression(text, constants=constants)
except ValueError as exc:
except MissingConstant as exc:
new_exc = MissingConstant(f'No value available for expression {exc}\n'
'Please provide the value for this constant'
' by using the get_constants function for example')
elif value_type == 'complex':
converted_value = convert_from_fortran_complex(text)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
elif value_type == 'int':
converted_value = int(text)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
elif value_type == 'switch':
converted_value = convert_from_fortran_bool(text)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
elif value_type == 'string':
converted_value = str(text)
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f"Could not convert '{text}'. Tried: {possible_types}.\n"
'The following errors occurred:\n ' +
'\n '.join([str(error) for error in exceptions]))
logger.warning("Could not convert '%s'. The following errors occurred:", text)
for error in exceptions:
logger.warning(' %s', str(error))
logger.debug(error, exc_info=error)
all_success = False
return converted_list, all_success
[docs]def convert_to_xml_single_values(value: Any | Iterable[Any],
possible_types: tuple[BaseType, ...],
logger: logging.Logger | None = None,
float_format: str = '.10') -> tuple[list[str], bool]:
Tries to converts a given attributevalue to a string for a xml file according
to the types given in possible_types.
First succeeded conversion will be returned
:param value: value to convert.
:param possible_types: list of str What types it will try to convert from
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings
if given the errors are logged and the list is returned with the unconverted values
otherwise a error is raised, when the first conversion fails
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:return: The converted str of the value of the first successful conversion
import numpy as np
if not isinstance(value, (list, np.ndarray)):
value = [value]
if any(val is None for val in value):
if logger is not None:
logger.error("Could not convert '%s' to text. All values have to be not None", value)
raise ValueError(f"Could not convert '{value}' to text. All values have to be not None")
converted_value: str
converted_list = []
exceptions: list[Exception] = []
all_success = True
for val in value:
for value_type in possible_types:
if value_type in ('float', 'float_expression'):
if isinstance(val, complex):
exceptions.append(ValueError(f'Could not convert {val} to fortran float. Value is complex'))
converted_value = f'{val:{float_format}f}'
except ValueError as exc:
elif value_type == 'complex':
converted_value = f'({val.real:{float_format}f},{val.imag:{float_format}f})'
except (ValueError, AttributeError) as exc:
elif value_type == 'switch':
converted_value = convert_to_fortran_bool(val)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as exc:
elif value_type == 'int':
converted_value = f'{val:d}'
except ValueError as exc:
elif value_type == 'string':
converted_value = str(val)
if isinstance(val, str):
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f"Could not convert '{val}' to text. Tried: {possible_types}.\n"
'The following errors occurred:\n ' +
'\n '.join([str(error) for error in exceptions]))
logger.warning("Could not convert '%s' to text. The following errors occurred:", val)
for error in exceptions:
logger.warning(' %s', str(error))
logger.debug(error, exc_info=error)
all_success = False
return converted_list, all_success
[docs]def convert_from_fortran_bool(stringbool: str | bool) -> bool:
Converts a string in this case ('T', 'F', or 't', 'f') to True or False
:param stringbool: a string ('t', 'f', 'F', 'T')
:return: boolean (either True or False)
true_items = ['True', 't', 'T']
false_items = ['False', 'f', 'F']
if isinstance(stringbool, str):
if stringbool in false_items:
return False
if stringbool in true_items:
return True
raise ValueError(f"Could not convert: '{stringbool}' to boolean, "
"which is not 'True', 'False', 't', 'T', 'F' or 'f'")
if isinstance(stringbool, bool):
return stringbool # no conversion needed...
raise TypeError(f"Could not convert: '{stringbool}' to boolean, only accepts str or boolean")
[docs]def convert_to_fortran_bool(boolean: bool | str) -> Literal['T', 'F']:
Converts a Boolean as string to the format defined in the input
:param boolean: either a boolean or a string ('True', 'False', 'F', 'T')
:return: a string (either 't' or 'f')
if isinstance(boolean, bool):
if boolean:
return 'T'
return 'F'
if isinstance(boolean, str): # basestring):
if boolean in ('True', 't', 'T'):
return 'T'
if boolean in ('False', 'f', 'F'):
return 'F'
raise ValueError(f"A string: {boolean} for a boolean was given, which is not 'True',"
"'False', 't', 'T', 'F' or 'f'")
raise TypeError(f'convert_to_fortran_bool accepts only a string or bool as argument, given {boolean} ')
[docs]def convert_from_fortran_complex(number_str: str) -> complex:
Converts a string of the form (float,float) to a complex number
:param number_str: string to convert
:returns: complex number
number_str = number_str.strip()
RE_COMPLEX_NUMBER = r'\([-+]?(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+)\,[-+]?(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+)\)'
RE_SINGLE_FLOAT = r'[-+]?(?:\d*\.\d+|\d+)'
if re.fullmatch(RE_COMPLEX_NUMBER, number_str) is None:
raise ValueError(f"String '{number_str}' is not of the format (float,float)")
real_str, imag_str = re.findall(RE_SINGLE_FLOAT, number_str)
return float(real_str) + 1j * float(imag_str)
[docs]def convert_fleur_lo(loelements: list[etree._Element], allow_special_los: bool = True) -> str:
Converts lo xml elements from the inp.xml file into a lo string for the inpgen
# Developer hint: Be careful with using '' and "", basestring and str are not the same...
# therefore other conversion methods might fail, or the wrong format could be written.
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import get_xml_attribute
shell_map = {0: 's', 1: 'p', 2: 'd', 3: 'f'}
lo_string = ''
for element in loelements:
lo_type = get_xml_attribute(element, 'type')
if lo_type != 'SCLO' and not allow_special_los: # non standard los not supported for now
eDeriv = get_xml_attribute(element, 'eDeriv')
if allow_special_los and eDeriv not in ('0', '1'): # LOs with higher derivatives are also dropped
if not allow_special_los and eDeriv != '0':
l_num = get_xml_attribute(element, 'l')
n_num = get_xml_attribute(element, 'n')
if l_num is None or n_num is None:
raise ValueError('Failed to evaluate l and n attribute of LO element')
lostr = f'{n_num}{shell_map[int(l_num)]}'
lo_string = lo_string + ' ' + lostr
return lo_string.strip()
[docs]def convert_fleur_electronconfig(econfig_element: etree._Element) -> str:
Convert electronConfig tag to eConfig string
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import eval_xpath_one
from masci_tools.util.econfig import convert_fleur_config_to_econfig
core_config = eval_xpath_one(econfig_element, 'coreConfig/text()', str)
valence_config = eval_xpath_one(econfig_element, 'valenceConfig/text()', str)
core_config_str = convert_fleur_config_to_econfig(core_config)
valence_config_str = convert_fleur_config_to_econfig(valence_config)
return f'{core_config_str} | {valence_config_str}'
[docs]def convert_str_version_number(version_str: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
Convert the version number as a integer for easy comparisons
:param version_str: str of the version number, e.g. '0.33'
:returns: tuple of ints representing the version str
version_numbers = version_str.split('.')
if len(version_numbers) != 2:
raise ValueError(f"Version number is malformed: '{version_str}'")
return tuple(int(part) for part in version_numbers) #type:ignore