# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
# #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools. #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file. #
# For further information please visit http://judft.de/. #
# #
This module contains helper functions for extracting information easily from the
schema_dicts defined for the Fleur input/output
Also provides convenient functions to use just a attribute name for extracting the
attribute from the right place in the given etree
from __future__ import annotations
from masci_tools.io.parsers import fleur_schema
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import add_tag, split_off_tag, split_off_attrib
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import check_complex_xpath, process_xpath_argument
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import eval_xpath_all, get_xml_attribute
from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_from_xml
from masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder import XPathBuilder, FilterType
from masci_tools.util.typing import XPathLike, XMLLike
from lxml import etree
from logging import Logger
import warnings
import copy
import os
from typing import Iterable, Any, overload
from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal #type:ignore
[docs]def read_constants(root: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
logger: Logger | None = None) -> dict[str, float]:
Reads in the constants defined in the inp.xml
and returns them combined with the predefined constants from
fleur as a dictionary
:param root: root of the etree of the inp.xml file
:param schema_dict: schema_dictionary of the version of the file to read (inp.xml or out.xml)
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors
:return: a python dictionary with all defined constants
from masci_tools.io.fleur_xml import get_constants #pylint: disable=cyclic-import
warnings.warn('read_constants is moved to masci_tools.io.fleur_xml', DeprecationWarning)
return get_constants(root, schema_dict, logger=logger) #type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs]def evaluate_attribute(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
constants: dict[str, float] | None = None,
logger: Logger | None = None,
complex_xpath: XPathLike | None = None,
filters: FilterType | None = None,
iteration_path: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Evaluates the value of the attribute based on the given name
and additional further specifications with the available type information
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the attribute
:param constants: dict, contains the defined constants
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors, if not provided all errors will be raised
:param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param tag_name: str, name of the tag where the attribute should be parsed
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param exclude: list of str, here specific types of attributes can be excluded
valid values are: settable, settable_contains, other
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param optional: bool, if True and no logger given none or an empty list is returned
:returns: list or single value, converted in convert_xml_attribute
list_return = kwargs.pop('list_return', False)
optional = kwargs.pop('optional', False)
attrib_xpath = _select_attrib_xpath(node, schema_dict, name, iteration_path=iteration_path, **kwargs)
complex_xpath = process_xpath_argument(attrib_xpath, complex_xpath, filters)
check_complex_xpath(node, attrib_xpath, complex_xpath)
stringattribute = eval_xpath_all(node, complex_xpath, str, logger=logger)
if len(stringattribute) == 0:
if logger is None:
if not optional:
raise ValueError(f'No values found for attribute {name}')
logger.warning('No values found for attribute %s', name)
if list_return:
return []
return None
converted_value, suc = convert_from_xml(stringattribute,
if not suc:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to evaluate attribute {name}, Got value: {stringattribute}')
logger.warning('Failed to evaluate attribute %s, Got value: %s', name, stringattribute)
return converted_value
[docs]def evaluate_text(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
constants: dict[str, float] | None = None,
logger: Logger | None = None,
complex_xpath: XPathLike | None = None,
iteration_path: bool = False,
filters: FilterType | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Evaluates the text of the tag based on the given name
and additional further specifications with the available type information
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param constants: dict, contains the defined constants
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors, if not provided all errors will be raised
:param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param optional: bool, if True and no logger given none or an empty list is returned
:returns: list or single value, converted in convert_xml_text
list_return = kwargs.pop('list_return', False)
optional = kwargs.pop('optional', False)
tag_xpath = _select_tag_xpath(node, schema_dict, name, iteration_path=iteration_path, **kwargs)
complex_xpath = process_xpath_argument(tag_xpath, complex_xpath, filters)
check_complex_xpath(node, tag_xpath, complex_xpath)
stringtext = eval_xpath_all(node, add_tag(complex_xpath, 'text()'), str, logger=logger)
for text in stringtext.copy():
if text.strip() == '':
if len(stringtext) == 0:
if logger is None:
if not optional:
raise ValueError(f'No text found for tag {name}')
logger.warning('No text found for tag %s', name)
if list_return:
return []
return None
converted_value, suc = convert_from_xml(stringtext,
if not suc:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to evaluate text for tag {name}, Got text: {stringtext}')
logger.warning('Failed to evaluate text for tag %s, Got text: %s', name, stringtext)
return converted_value
[docs]def evaluate_tag(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
constants: dict[str, float] | None = None,
logger: Logger | None = None,
subtags: bool = False,
text: bool = True,
complex_xpath: XPathLike | None = None,
iteration_path: bool = False,
filters: FilterType | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Evaluates all attributes of the tag based on the given name
and additional further specifications with the available type information
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param constants: dict, contains the defined constants
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors, if not provided all errors will be raised
:param subtags: optional bool, if True the subtags of the given tag are evaluated
:param text: optional bool, if True the text of the tag is also parsed
:param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param only_required: bool (optional, default False), if True only required attributes are parsed
:param ignore: list of str (optional), attributes not to parse
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param strict_missing_error: if True, and no logger is given an error is raised if any attribute is not found
:returns: dict, with attribute values converted via convert_xml_attribute
only_required = kwargs.pop('only_required', False)
strict_missing_error = kwargs.pop('strict_missing_error', False)
ignore = kwargs.pop('ignore', None)
list_return = kwargs.pop('list_return', False)
tag_xpath = _select_tag_xpath(node, schema_dict, name, iteration_path=iteration_path, **kwargs)
complex_xpath = process_xpath_argument(tag_xpath, complex_xpath, filters)
check_complex_xpath(node, tag_xpath, complex_xpath)
tag_info = _select_tag_info(node, schema_dict, name, iteration_path=iteration_path, **kwargs)
except ValueError as err:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to evaluate attributes from tag {name}: '
'No attributes to parse either the tag does not '
'exist or it has no attributes') from err
'Failed to evaluate attributes from tag %s: '
'No attributes to parse either the tag does not '
'exist or it has no attributes', name)
return {}
attribs = tag_info['attribs']
optional = tag_info['optional_attribs']
tags = tag_info['simple'] | tag_info['complex']
optional_tags = tag_info['optional']
if only_required:
attribs = attribs.difference(optional)
tags = tags.difference(optional_tags)
if ignore:
attribs = attribs.difference(ignore)
tags = tags.difference(ignore)
parse_text = name in schema_dict['text_tags'] and text
if not attribs and not parse_text and not tags:
if subtags:
return {}
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to evaluate attributes from tag {name}: '
'No attributes to parse either the tag does not '
'exist or it has no attributes')
'Failed to evaluate attributes from tag %s: '
'No attributes to parse either the tag does not '
'exist or it has no attributes', name)
attrib_list = sorted(list(attribs.original_case.values()))
out_dict: dict[str, Any] = {}
for attrib in attrib_list:
stringattribute = eval_xpath_all(node, add_tag(complex_xpath, f'@{attrib}'), str, logger=logger)
if len(stringattribute) == 0:
if logger is None:
if strict_missing_error and attrib not in optional:
raise ValueError(f'No values found for attribute {attrib} at tag {name}')
logger.warning('No values found for attribute %s at tag %s', attrib, name)
if list_return:
out_dict[attrib] = []
out_dict[attrib] = None
out_dict[attrib], suc = convert_from_xml(stringattribute,
if not suc:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to evaluate attribute {attrib}, Got value: {stringattribute}')
logger.warning('Failed to evaluate attribute %s, Got value: %s', attrib, stringattribute)
if parse_text:
_, name = split_off_tag(tag_xpath)
stringtext = eval_xpath_all(node, add_tag(complex_xpath, 'text()'), str, logger=logger)
for textval in stringtext.copy():
if textval.strip() == '':
if len(stringtext) == 0:
if logger is None:
if not optional:
raise ValueError(f'No text found for tag {name}')
logger.warning('No text found for tag %s', name)
if list_return:
out_dict[name] = []
out_dict[name] = None
out_dict[name], suc = convert_from_xml(stringtext,
if subtags:
for tag in tags:
if tag in out_dict:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f'Conflicting key {tag}: Key is already in the output dictionary')
logger.error('Conflicting key %s: Key is already in the output dictionary', tag)
out_dict[tag] = []
sub_nodes = eval_xpath_all(node, complex_xpath, etree._Element, logger=logger)
for sub_node in sub_nodes:
for tag in tags:
if tag_exists(sub_node, schema_dict, tag):
for tag in tags:
for indx, sub_dict in enumerate(out_dict[tag]):
if not sub_dict:
elif len(sub_dict) == 1 and tag in sub_dict:
out_dict[tag][indx] = sub_dict[tag]
for tag in tags:
if len(out_dict[tag]) == 1:
out_dict[tag] = out_dict[tag][0]
elif len(out_dict[tag]) == 0:
return out_dict
[docs]def evaluate_single_value_tag(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
constants: dict[str, float] | None = None,
logger: Logger | None = None,
complex_xpath: XPathLike | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Evaluates the value and unit attribute of the tag based on the given name
and additional further specifications with the available type information
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param constants: dict, contains the defined constants
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors, if not provided all errors will be raised
:param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param only_required: bool (optional, default False), if True only required attributes are parsed
:param ignore: list of str (optional), attributes not to parse
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param strict_missing_error: if True, and no logger is given an error is raised if any attribute is not found
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:returns: value and unit, both converted in convert_xml_attribute
only_required = kwargs.get('only_required', False)
ignore = kwargs.pop('ignore', ['comment'])
value_dict = evaluate_tag(node,
if value_dict.get('value') is None:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f"Failed to evaluate singleValue from tag {name}: Has no 'value' attribute")
logger.warning("Failed to evaluate singleValue from tag %s: Has no 'value' attribute", name)
if value_dict.get('units') is None and not only_required and 'units' not in ignore:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f"Failed to evaluate singleValue from tag {name}: Has no 'units' attribute")
logger.warning("Failed to evaluate singleValue from tag %s: Has no 'units' attribute", name)
return value_dict
[docs]def evaluate_parent_tag(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
constants: dict[str, float] | None = None,
logger: Logger | None = None,
complex_xpath: XPathLike | None = None,
iteration_path: bool = False,
filters: FilterType | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Evaluates all attributes of the parent tag based on the given name
and additional further specifications with the available type information
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param constants: dict, contains the defined constants
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors, if not provided all errors will be raised
:param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param only_required: bool (optional, default False), if True only required attributes are parsed
:param ignore: list of str (optional), attributes not to parse
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param strict_missing_error: if True, and no logger is given an error is raised if any attribute is not found
:returns: dict, with attribute values converted via convert_xml_attribute
strict_missing_error = kwargs.pop('strict_missing_error', False)
list_return = kwargs.pop('list_return', False)
only_required = kwargs.pop('only_required', False)
ignore = kwargs.pop('ignore', None)
tag_xpath = _select_tag_xpath(node, schema_dict, name, iteration_path=iteration_path, **kwargs)
complex_xpath = process_xpath_argument(tag_xpath, complex_xpath, filters)
check_complex_xpath(node, tag_xpath, complex_xpath)
#Which attributes are expected
tag_info = _select_tag_info(node, schema_dict, name, parent=True, iteration_path=iteration_path, **kwargs)
except ValueError as err:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to evaluate attributes from parent tag of {name}: '
'No attributes to parse either the tag does not '
'exist or it has no attributes') from err
'Failed to evaluate attributes from parent tag of %s: '
'No attributes to parse either the tag does not '
'exist or it has no attributes', name)
return {}
attribs = tag_info['attribs']
optional = tag_info['optional_attribs']
if only_required:
attribs = attribs.difference(optional)
if ignore is not None:
attribs = attribs.difference(ignore)
if not attribs:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to evaluate attributes from parent tag of {name}: '
'No attributes to parse either the tag does not '
'exist or it has no attributes')
'Failed to evaluate attributes from parent tag of %s: '
'No attributes to parse either the tag does not '
'exist or it has no attributes', name)
attrib_list = sorted(list(attribs.original_case.values()))
elems = eval_xpath_all(node, complex_xpath, etree._Element, logger=logger)
out_dict: dict[str, Any] = {}
for attrib in attrib_list:
out_dict[attrib] = []
for elem in elems:
parent = elem.getparent()
if parent is None:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f'No parent found tag {name}')
logger.warning('No parent found tag %s', name)
for attrib in attrib_list:
stringattribute = get_xml_attribute(parent, attrib, logger=logger)
except ValueError:
stringattribute = None
if stringattribute is None:
if logger is None:
if strict_missing_error and attrib not in optional:
raise ValueError(f'No values found for attribute {attrib} for parent tag of {name}')
logger.warning('No values found for attribute %s for parent tag of %s', attrib, name)
value, suc = convert_from_xml(stringattribute,
text=attrib in tag_info['text'],
if not suc:
if logger is None:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to evaluate attribute {attrib}, Got value: {stringattribute}')
logger.warning('Failed to evaluate attribute %s, Got value: %s', attrib, stringattribute)
if all(len(x) == 1 for x in out_dict.values()) and not list_return:
out_dict = {key: val[0] for key, val in out_dict.items()}
return out_dict
[docs]def attrib_exists(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
logger: Logger | None = None,
iteration_path: bool = False,
filters: FilterType | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> bool:
Evaluates whether the attribute exists in the xmltree based on the given name
and additional further specifications with the available type information
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the attribute
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors, if not provided all errors will be raised
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param tag_name: str, name of the tag where the attribute should be parsed
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param exclude: list of str, here specific types of attributes can be excluded
valid values are: settable, settable_contains, other
:returns: bool, True if any tag with the attribute exists
attrib_xpath = _select_attrib_xpath(node, schema_dict, name, iteration_path=iteration_path, **kwargs)
tag_xpath, attrib_name = split_off_attrib(attrib_xpath)
tag_xpath_builder = XPathBuilder(tag_xpath, filters=filters, strict=True)
tags = eval_xpath_all(node, tag_xpath_builder, etree._Element, logger=logger)
return any(attrib_name in tag.attrib for tag in tags)
[docs]def tag_exists(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
logger: Logger | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> bool:
Evaluates whether the tag exists in the xmltree based on the given name
and additional further specifications with the available type information
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors, if not provided all errors will be raised
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:returns: bool, True if any nodes with the path exist
return get_number_of_nodes(node, schema_dict, name, logger=logger, **kwargs) != 0
[docs]def get_number_of_nodes(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
logger: Logger | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> int:
Evaluates the number of occurrences of the tag in the xmltree based on the given name
and additional further specifications with the available type information
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors, if not provided all errors will be raised
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:returns: number of nodes for the given tag
result = eval_simple_xpath(node, schema_dict, name, logger=logger, list_return=True, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(result, list):
raise ValueError(f'Invalid result for length determination: {str(result)}')
return len(result)
def eval_simple_xpath(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
logger: Logger | None = ...,
iteration_path: bool = ...,
filters: FilterType | None = ...,
list_return: Literal[True] = ...,
**kwargs: Any) -> list[etree._Element]:
def eval_simple_xpath(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
logger: Logger | None = ...,
iteration_path: bool = ...,
filters: FilterType | None = ...,
list_return: Literal[False] = ...,
**kwargs: Any) -> etree._Element | list[etree._Element]:
[docs]def eval_simple_xpath(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
logger: Logger | None = None,
iteration_path: bool = False,
filters: FilterType | None = None,
list_return: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any) -> etree._Element | list[etree._Element]:
Evaluates a simple xpath expression of the tag in the xmltree based on the given name
and additional further specifications with the available type information
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors, if not provided all errors will be raised
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param list_return: bool, if True a list is always returned
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:returns: etree Elements obtained via the simple xpath expression
tag_xpath = _select_tag_xpath(node, schema_dict, name, iteration_path=iteration_path, **kwargs)
tag_xpath_builder = XPathBuilder(tag_xpath, strict=True, filters=filters)
res = eval_xpath_all(node, tag_xpath_builder, etree._Element, logger=logger)
if not list_return and len(res) == 1:
return res[0]
return res
[docs]def reverse_xinclude(xmltree: etree._ElementTree, schema_dict: fleur_schema.InputSchemaDict,
included_tags: Iterable[str],
**kwargs: os.PathLike) -> tuple[etree._ElementTree, dict[os.PathLike | str, etree._ElementTree]]:
Split the xmltree back up according to the given included tags.
The original xmltree will be returned with the corresponding xinclude tags
and the included trees are returned in a dict mapping the inserted filename
to the extracted tree
Tags for which no known filename is known are returned under unknown-1.xml, ...
The following tags have known filenames:
- `relaxation`: ``relax.xml``
- `kPointLists`: ``kpts.xml``
- `symmetryOperations`: ``sym.xml``
- `atomSpecies`: ``species.xml``
- `atomGroups`: ``atoms.xml``
Additional mappings can be given in the keyword arguments
:param xmltree: an xml-tree which will be processed
:param schema_dict: Schema dictionary containing all the necessary information
:param included_tags: Iterable of str, containing the names of the tags to be excluded
:returns: xmltree with the inseerted xinclude tags and a dict mapping the filenames
to the excluded trees
:raises ValueError: if the tag can not be found in the given xmltree
excluded_tree = copy.deepcopy(xmltree)
include_file_names: dict[str, os.PathLike | str] = {
'relaxation': 'relax.xml',
'kPointLists': 'kpts.xml',
'symmetryOperations': 'sym.xml',
'atomSpecies': 'species.xml',
'atomGroups': 'atoms.xml'
include_file_names = {**include_file_names, **kwargs}
unknown_file_names = 0
included_trees = {}
root = excluded_tree.getroot()
if not all(isinstance(tag, str) for tag in included_tags):
raise ValueError(f'included_tags is not made up of strings: {included_tags}')
for tag in included_tags:
if tag in include_file_names:
file_name = include_file_names[tag]
warnings.warn(f'No filename known for tag {tag}')
unknown_file_names += 1
file_name = f'unknown-{unknown_file_names}.xml'
tag_xpath = schema_dict.tag_xpath(tag)
except Exception as err:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot determine place of included tag {tag}') from err
included_tag_res = eval_xpath_all(root, tag_xpath, etree._Element)
if len(included_tag_res) != 1:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot determine place of included tag {tag}')
included_tag = included_tag_res[0]
included_trees[file_name] = etree.ElementTree(included_tag)
parent = included_tag.getparent()
if parent is None:
raise ValueError('Could not find parent of included tag')
parent.replace(included_tag, _get_xinclude_elem(file_name))
#The relax.xml include should always be there
ensure_relaxation_xinclude(excluded_tree, schema_dict)
for tree in included_trees.values():
return excluded_tree, included_trees
[docs]def ensure_relaxation_xinclude(xmltree: etree._ElementTree, schema_dict: fleur_schema.InputSchemaDict) -> None:
Ensure that the xinclude tag for the ``relax.xml`` is added if no
``relaxation`` is present in the ``inp.xml``
:param xmltree: an xml-tree which will be processed
:param schema_dict: Schema dictionary containing all the necessary information
:returns: xmltree, which either contains the relaxation section or a xinclude tag
if schema_dict.inp_version <= (0, 28):
INCLUDE_NSMAP = {'xi': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude'}
if not tag_exists(xmltree, schema_dict, 'relaxation') and \
len(eval_xpath_all(xmltree, '//xi:include[@href=$file]', etree._Element, namespaces=INCLUDE_NSMAP, file='relax.xml')) == 0:
root = xmltree.getroot()
def _get_xinclude_elem(include_file: str | os.PathLike) -> etree._Element:
Get the XInclude element for the given file name
:param include_file: file name or pathlike for the file to be included
:returns: etree Element for the XInclude of the given file
INCLUDE_NSMAP = {'xi': 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude'}
INCLUDE_TAG = etree.QName(INCLUDE_NSMAP['xi'], 'include')
FALLBACK_TAG = etree.QName(INCLUDE_NSMAP['xi'], 'fallback')
xinclude_elem = etree.Element(INCLUDE_TAG, href=os.fspath(include_file), nsmap=INCLUDE_NSMAP)
return xinclude_elem
def _select_tag_xpath(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
iteration_path: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any) -> str:
Select the simple tag xpath used for the evaluation function in this module
based on the given node and the specifications
1. If the node is an xmltree or an element with the tag of a root tag
the normal tag_xpath method is used
2. If the node is an etree Element not of an root tag the
relative_tag_xpath method is used
3. If iteration_path=True and the schema dict is an OutputSchemaDict
use the iteration_tag_xpath/relative_iteration_tag_xpath according to
the rules above
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:returns: str of the tag xpath
if iteration_path:
if not isinstance(schema_dict, fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict):
raise ValueError('iteration_path=True can only be used with OutputSchemaDict')
root_tags: tuple[str, ...] = (schema_dict['root_tag'],)
if isinstance(schema_dict, fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict):
root_tags += tuple(schema_dict['iteration_tags'])
xpath = None
if isinstance(node, etree._Element):
if node.tag not in root_tags:
if iteration_path:
xpath = schema_dict.relative_iteration_tag_xpath(name, node.tag, **kwargs) #type:ignore
xpath = schema_dict.relative_tag_xpath(name, node.tag, **kwargs)
if xpath is None:
if iteration_path:
xpath = schema_dict.iteration_tag_xpath(name, **kwargs) #type:ignore
xpath = schema_dict.tag_xpath(name, **kwargs)
return xpath
def _select_attrib_xpath(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
iteration_path: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any) -> str:
Select the simple attrib xpath used for the evaluation function in this module
based on the given node and the specifications
1. If the node is an xmltree or an element with the tag of a root tag
the normal attrib_xpath method is used
2. If the node is an etree Element not of an root tag the
relative_attrib_xpath method is used
3. If iteration_path=True and the schema dict is an OutputSchemaDict
use the iteration_attrib_xpath/relative_iteration_attrib_xpath according to
the rules above
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the attribute
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param tag_name: str, name of the tag where the attribute should be parsed
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param exclude: list of str, here specific types of attributes can be excluded
valid values are: settable, settable_contains, other
:returns: str of the tag xpath
if iteration_path:
if not isinstance(schema_dict, fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict):
raise ValueError('iteration_path=True can only be used with OutputSchemaDict')
root_tags: tuple[str, ...] = (schema_dict['root_tag'],)
if isinstance(schema_dict, fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict):
root_tags += tuple(schema_dict['iteration_tags'])
xpath = None
if isinstance(node, etree._Element):
if node.tag not in root_tags:
if iteration_path:
xpath = schema_dict.relative_iteration_attrib_xpath(name, node.tag, **kwargs) #type:ignore
xpath = schema_dict.relative_attrib_xpath(name, node.tag, **kwargs)
if xpath is None:
if iteration_path:
xpath = schema_dict.iteration_attrib_xpath(name, **kwargs) #type:ignore
xpath = schema_dict.attrib_xpath(name, **kwargs)
return xpath
def _select_tag_info(node: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.SchemaDict,
name: str,
iteration_path: bool = False,
iteration_tag: str = 'iteration',
contains: str | Iterable[str] | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> fleur_schema.schema_dict.TagInfo:
Get the tag information used for the evaluation function in this module
based on the given node and the specifications
:param node: etree Element, on which to execute the xpath evaluations
:param schema_dict: dict, containing all the path information and more
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param iteration_tag: name of the iteration tag. Onlt used for iteration_path=True
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
All other Kwargs are passed on to the tag_info method
:returns: dict with the tag information
if contains is None:
contains = set()
elif isinstance(contains, str):
contains = {contains}
contains = set(contains)
if iteration_path:
if not isinstance(schema_dict, fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict):
raise ValueError('iteration_path=True can only be used with OutputSchemaDict')
root_tags: tuple[str, ...] = (schema_dict['root_tag'],)
if isinstance(schema_dict, fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict):
root_tags += tuple(schema_dict['iteration_tags'])
if isinstance(node, etree._Element):
if node.tag not in root_tags:
if iteration_path:
iteration_xpath = schema_dict.tag_xpath(iteration_tag)
if f'/{node.tag}' not in iteration_xpath:
return schema_dict.tag_info(name, contains=contains, **kwargs)