Functions for expanding/splitting or converting electron configuration strings
from __future__ import annotations
from masci_tools.util.constants import PERIODIC_TABLE_ELEMENTS, ATOMIC_NUMBERS
all_econfig = [
'1s2', '2s2', '2p6', '3s2', '3p6', '4s2', '3d10', '4p6', '5s2', '4d10', '5p6', '6s2', '4f14', '5d10', '6p6', '7s2',
'5f14', '6d10', '7p6', '8s2', '6f14'
states_spin = {'s': ['1/2'], 'p': ['1/2', '3/2'], 'd': ['3/2', '5/2'], 'f': ['5/2', '7/2']}
max_state_occ = {'s': 2., 'p': 6., 'd': 10., 'f': 14.}
max_state_occ_spin = {'1/2': 2., '3/2': 4., '5/2': 6., '7/2': 8.}
[docs]def get_econfig(element: str | int, full: bool = False) -> str | None:
returns the econfiguration as a string of an element.
:param element: element string
:param full: a bool if True the econfig without [He]... is returned
:returns: a econfig string
if isinstance(element, int):
econ: str | None = PERIODIC_TABLE_ELEMENTS.get(element, {}).get('econfig') #type:ignore
elif isinstance(element, str):
element_num = ATOMIC_NUMBERS.get(element, None)
if element_num is None:
raise ValueError(f'No element available called {element}')
econ: str = PERIODIC_TABLE_ELEMENTS.get(element_num, {}).get('econfig') #type:ignore
raise ValueError('element has to be and int or string')
if full and econ is not None:
econ = rek_econ(econ)
return econ
[docs]def get_coreconfig(element: str | int, full: bool = False) -> str | None:
returns the econfiguration as a string of an element.
:param element: element string
:param full: a bool if True the econfig without [He]... is returned
:return: coreconfig string
econ = get_econfig(element, full=full)
return econ.split('|', maxsplit=1)[0].rstrip() if econ is not None else None
[docs]def rek_econ(econfigstr: str) -> str | None:
recursive routine to return a full econfig
'[Xe] 4f14 | 5d10 6s2 6p4' -> '1s 2s ... 4f14 | 5d10 6s2 6p4'
:param econfigstr: electron config string to expand
:returns: expanded econfig string
split_econ = econfigstr.strip('[').split(']')
if len(split_econ) == 1:
return econfigstr
rest = split_econ[1]
elem = split_econ[0]
econfig = get_econfig(elem)
if econfig is not None:
econ = econfig.replace(' |', '')
return rek_econ(econ + rest) # for now
return None
[docs]def convert_fleur_config_to_econfig(fleurconf_str: str, keep_spin: bool = False) -> str:
'[Kr] (4d3/2) (4d5/2) (4f5/2) (4f7/2)' -> '[Kr] 4d10 4f14', or '[Kr] 4d3/2 4d5/2 4f5/2 4f7/2'
# for now only use for coreconfig, it will fill all orbitals, since it has no information on the filling.
:param fleurconf_str: string of the electron config like it is read from the inp.xml
:param keep_spin: bool if True the spin indices will be kept in the converted string
:returns: string of the electron config to be used in the inpgen
econfstring = fleurconf_str.replace('(', '').replace(')', '')
if keep_spin:
elist = econfstring.split()
econfstring_new = ''
for state in elist:
if '/' in state:
# check if nl was added before if not add it with full occ
base = state[:2]
spin = state[2:]
occ = max_state_occ_spin.get(spin)
if occ is None:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to get maximum occupation for spin {spin}')
if base not in econfstring_new:
econfstring_new = f'{econfstring_new}{base}{int(occ)} '
max_occ = max_state_occ.get(base[1])
if max_occ is None:
raise ValueError(f'Failed to get maximum occupation for orbital {base[1]}')
econfstring_new = econfstring_new.split(base, maxsplit=1)[0] + f'{base}{int(max_occ)} '
# we assume here that the two states come behind each other, ... rather bad
econfstring_new = econfstring_new + state + ' '
econfstring = econfstring_new
return econfstring.strip()