# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
# #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools. #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file. #
# For further information please visit http://judft.de/. #
# #
This module contains utility and functions to work with Green's functions calculated
and written to ``greensf.hdf`` files by fleur
from __future__ import annotations
from itertools import groupby, chain
import warnings
import numpy as np
import h5py
from typing import Iterator, Any, NamedTuple, Generator
from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal #type:ignore
from masci_tools.io.parsers.hdf5 import HDF5Reader
from masci_tools.io.parsers.hdf5.reader import Transformation, AttribTransformation, HDF5Recipe
from masci_tools.util.constants import BOHR_A, HTR_TO_EV
from masci_tools.io.common_functions import get_spin_rotation, get_wigner_matrix
from masci_tools.util.typing import FileLike
[docs]class GreensfElement(NamedTuple):
Namedtuple representing the high-level information about the Green's functions,
i.e. what kind, which atoms, which orbitals
l: int
lp: int
atomType: int
atomTypep: int
sphavg: bool
onsite: bool
kresolved: bool
contour: int
nLO: int
atomDiff: np.ndarray
CoefficientName = Literal['sphavg', 'uu', 'ud', 'du', 'dd', 'ulou', 'uulo', 'ulod', 'dulo', 'uloulo']
def _get_sphavg_recipe(group_name: str, index: int, contour: int, version: int | None = None) -> HDF5Recipe:
Get the HDF5Reader recipe for reading in a spherically averaged Green's function element
:param group_name: str of the group containing the Green's function elements
:param index: integer index of the element to read in (indexing starts at 1)
:param contour: integer index of the energy contour to read in (indexing starts at 1)
:returns: dict with the recipe reading all the necessary information from the ``greensf.hdf`` file
recipe: HDF5Recipe = {
'datasets': {
'sphavg': {
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='convert_to_complex_array', args=(), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(1.0 / HTR_TO_EV,), kwargs={})
'energy_points': {
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='convert_to_complex_array', args=(), kwargs={}),
'negative': True,
Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(HTR_TO_EV,), kwargs={})
'energy_weights': {
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='convert_to_complex_array', args=(), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(HTR_TO_EV,), kwargs={})
'attributes': {
'fermi_energy': {
'fermi_energy of the system',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('FermiEnergy',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={})
'spins': {
'number of spins',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('spins',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={})
'mperp': {
'Switch whether spin offdiagonal elements are included',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('mperp',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='apply_lambda', args=(lambda x: x == 1,), kwargs={})
'lmax': {
'Maximum l considered (Determines size of the matrix)',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('maxl',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={})
if version is not None and version >= 7:
recipe['attributes']['local_spin_frame'] = {
'Switch whether the element is in the global spin frame',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('local_spin_frame',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='apply_lambda', args=(lambda x: x == 1,), kwargs={})
recipe['attributes']['local_real_frame'] = {
'Switch whether the element is in the global real space frame',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('local_real_frame',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='apply_lambda', args=(lambda x: x == 1,), kwargs={})
recipe['attributes']['alpha'] = {
'Noco angle alpha for the first atom',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('alpha',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={})
recipe['attributes']['alphap'] = {
'Noco angle alpha for the second atom',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('alphap',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={})
recipe['attributes']['beta'] = {
'Noco angle beta for the first atom',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('beta',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={})
recipe['attributes']['betap'] = {
'Noco angle beta for the second atom',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('betap',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={})
recipe['attributes']['atom_label'] = {
'Label of the atom for the first set of coefficients',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('atom',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='convert_to_str', args=(), kwargs={'join': True}),
recipe['attributes']['atom_labelp'] = {
'Label of the atom for the second set of coefficients',
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('atomp',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='convert_to_str', args=(), kwargs={'join': True}),
if version is not None and version >= 8:
recipe['attributes']['atoms_elements'] = {
'h5path': '/atoms/atomicNumbers',
'description': 'Atomic numbers',
'transforms': [Transformation(name='periodic_elements')]
recipe['attributes']['atoms_groups'] = {'h5path': '/atoms/equivAtomsGroup'}
return recipe
def _get_radial_recipe(group_name: str,
index: int,
contour: int,
nLO: int = 0,
version: int | None = None) -> HDF5Recipe:
Get the HDF5Reader recipe for reading in a radial Green's function element
:param group_name: str of the group containing the Green's function elements
:param index: integer index of the element to read in (indexing starts at 1)
:param contour: integer index of the energy contour to read in (indexing starts at 1)
:returns: dict with the recipe reading all the necessary information from the ``greensf.hdf`` file
recipe = _get_sphavg_recipe(group_name, index, contour, version=version)
recipe['datasets']['coefficients'] = {
'transforms': [
kwargs={'ignore': ['scalarProducts', 'LOcontribution', 'mmpmat']}),
Transformation(name='convert_to_complex_array', args=(), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(1.0 / HTR_TO_EV,), kwargs={})
if nLO > 0:
recipe['datasets']['lo_coefficients'] = {
'transforms': [
'ignore': 'uloulop-',
'sort_key': lambda x: int(x.split('-', maxsplit=1)[1])
Transformation(name='convert_to_complex_array', args=(), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(1.0 / HTR_TO_EV,), kwargs={})
recipe['datasets']['uloulo'] = {
'transforms': [
'contains': 'uloulop-',
'sort_key': lambda x: int(x.split('-', maxsplit=1)[1])
Transformation(name='convert_to_complex_array', args=(), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='stack_datasets', args=(), kwargs={'axis': 1}),
Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(1.0 / HTR_TO_EV,), kwargs={})
recipe['attributes']['scalarProducts'] = {
'h5path': f'/{group_name}/element-{index}/scalarProducts',
'transforms': [Transformation(name='get_all_child_datasets', args=(), kwargs={})]
recipe['attributes']['radialFunctions'] = {
'h5path': '/RadialFunctions',
'transforms': [Transformation(name='get_all_child_datasets', args=(), kwargs={})]
return recipe
def _get_kresolved_recipe(group_name: str, index: int, contour: int, version: int | None = None) -> HDF5Recipe:
Get the HDF5Reader recipe for reading in a k-resolved Green's function element
:param group_name: str of the group containing the Green's function elements
:param index: integer index of the element to read in (indexing starts at 1)
:param contour: integer index of the energy contour to read in (indexing starts at 1)
:returns: dict with the recipe reading all the necessary information from the ``greensf.hdf`` file
recipe = _get_sphavg_recipe(group_name, index, contour, version=version)
recipe['datasets']['sphavg'] = {
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_all_child_datasets', args=(), kwargs={'contains': ['kresolved-']}),
Transformation(name='convert_to_complex_array', args=(), kwargs={}),
'axis': 0,
'sort_key': lambda x: int(x.split('-', maxsplit=1)[1])
Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(1.0 / HTR_TO_EV,), kwargs={})
recipe['attributes']['nkpts'] = {
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('nkpt',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={}),
recipe['attributes']['kpoints_kind'] = {
'transforms': [
Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('kind',), kwargs={}),
Transformation(name='convert_to_str', args=(), kwargs={'join': True}),
recipe['attributes']['kpoints'] = {
'h5path': '/general/kpts/coordinates',
recipe['attributes']['reciprocal_cell'] = {'h5path': '/general/reciprocalCell'}
recipe['attributes']['special_kpoint_indices'] = {
'h5path': '/general/kpts/specialPointIndices',
'transforms': [Transformation(name='shift_dataset', args=(-1,), kwargs={})]
recipe['attributes']['special_kpoint_labels'] = {
'h5path': '/general/kpts/specialPointLabels',
'transforms': [Transformation(name='convert_to_str', args=(), kwargs={})]
return recipe
def _get_greensf_group_name(hdffile: h5py.File) -> str:
Return the name of the group containing the Green's function elements
:param hdffile: h5py.File of the greensf.hdf file
:returns: str of the group name containing the Green's Function elements
if '/GreensFunctionElements' in hdffile:
return 'GreensFunctionElements'
if '/Hubbard1Elements' in hdffile:
return 'Hubbard1Elements'
raise ValueError("No Green's function group found")
def _read_element_header(hdffile: h5py.File, index: int) -> GreensfElement:
Read the attributes of the given green's function elements
:param hdffile: h5py.File of the greensf.hdf file
:param index: integer index of the element to read in (indexing starts at 1)
:returns: :py:class:`GreensfElement` corresponding to the read in attributes
group_name = _get_greensf_group_name(hdffile)
element = hdffile.get(f'/{group_name}/element-{index}')
l = element.attrs['l'][0]
lp = element.attrs['lp'][0]
atomType = element.attrs['atomType'][0]
atomTypep = element.attrs['atomTypep'][0]
sphavg = element.attrs['l_sphavg'][0] == 1
onsite = element.attrs['l_onsite'][0] == 1
contour = element.attrs['iContour'][0]
kresolved = element.attrs.get('l_kresolved', [0])[0] == 1
atomDiff = np.array(element.attrs['atomDiff'])
atomDiff[abs(atomDiff) < 1e-12] = 0.0
atomDiff *= BOHR_A
nLO = element.attrs['numLOs'][0]
return GreensfElement(l, lp, atomType, atomTypep, sphavg, onsite, kresolved, contour, nLO, atomDiff)
def _get_version(hdffile: h5py.File) -> int | None:
Get the file version of the given greensf.hdf file
:param hdffile: h5py.File of the greensf.hdf file
meta = hdffile.get('/meta')
version = None
if meta is not None:
version = int(meta.attrs['version'][0])
if version is None:
raise ValueError('Failed to extract file version of greensf.hdf file')
return version
def _read_gf_element(file: Any, index: int) -> tuple[GreensfElement, dict[str, Any], dict[str, Any]]:
Read the information needed for a given Green's function element form a ``greensf.hdf``
:param file: filepath or handle to be read
:param index: integer index of the element to read in (indexing starts at 1)
:returns: tuple of the information containing the :py:class:`GreensfElement` for the element
and the datasets and attributes dict produced by the corresponding
with HDF5Reader(file) as h5reader:
version = _get_version(h5reader.file)
gf_element = _read_element_header(h5reader.file, index)
group_name = _get_greensf_group_name(h5reader.file)
if gf_element.kresolved:
recipe = _get_kresolved_recipe(group_name, index, gf_element.contour, version=version)
elif gf_element.sphavg:
recipe = _get_sphavg_recipe(group_name, index, gf_element.contour, version=version)
recipe = _get_radial_recipe(group_name, index, gf_element.contour, nLO=gf_element.nLO, version=version)
data, attributes = h5reader.read(recipe=recipe)
return gf_element, data, attributes
[docs]class GreensFunction:
Class for working with Green's functions calculated by the fleur code
:param element: :py:class:`GreensfElement` namedtuple containing the information about the element
:param data: datasets dict produced by one of the hdf recipes for reading Green's functions
:param attributes: attributes dict produced by one of the hdf recipes for reading Green's functions
def __init__(self, element: GreensfElement, data: dict[str, Any], attributes: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
self.element = element
self.points = data.pop('energy_points')
self.weights = data.pop('energy_weights')
self.spins: int = attributes['spins']
self.mperp: bool = attributes['mperp']
self.lmax: int = attributes['lmax']
#Convert from Fortran to python indexing order
self._data: dict[CoefficientName, np.ndarray] = {name: d.T for name, d in data.items()} #type: ignore[misc]
if self.mperp:
axes = list(range(len(self._data[next(iter(self._data.keys()))].shape)))
axes[2] = 1
axes[1] = 2
self._data = {
name: np.concatenate((d, np.transpose(d[:, :, :, [2], ...].conj(), axes=axes)), axis=3)
for name, d in self._data.items()
self.extras = attributes
self._angle_alpha = attributes.get('alpha', 0.0), attributes.get('alphap', 0.0)
self._angle_beta = attributes.get('beta', 0.0), attributes.get('betap', 0.0)
self._local_spin_frame = attributes.get('local_spin_frame', True)
self._local_real_frame = attributes.get('local_real_frame', True)
self.extras['element'] = 'Unknown'
self.extras['elementp'] = 'Unknown'
if 'atoms_elements' in self.extras:
element_map = self.extras['atoms_elements']
self.extras['element'] = element_map[list(self.extras['atoms_groups']).index(self.atomType)]
self.extras['elementp'] = element_map[list(self.extras['atoms_groups']).index(self.atomTypep)]
self.kpoints = None
self.kpath = None
self._nkpts = attributes.get('nkpts', 0)
if self.kresolved:
self.kpoints = attributes['kpoints']
if attributes['kpoints_kind'] == 'path':
#Project kpoints onto 1D path
self.kpath = self.kpoints @ attributes['reciprocal_cell'].T
self.kpath = np.array([np.linalg.norm(ki - kj) for ki, kj in zip(self.kpath[1:], self.kpath[:-1])])
self.kpath = np.insert(self.kpath, 0, 0.0)
self.kpath = np.cumsum(self.kpath)
elif not self.sphavg:
#Remove trailing n or p
self.scalar_products = {key.strip('pn'): val for key, val in attributes['scalarProducts'].items()}
self.radial_functions = attributes['radialFunctions']
if self.nLO > 0:
all_local_orbitals = self.radial_functions['llo']
#Important: Indices have to be shifted to start with 0
lo_list_atomtype = [
indx - 1 for indx, l in enumerate(all_local_orbitals[self.atomType - 1]) if l == self.l
lo_list_atomtypep = [
indx - 1 for indx, l in enumerate(all_local_orbitals[self.atomTypep - 1]) if l == self.lp
for key, val in self.scalar_products.items():
if key == 'uloulo':
self.scalar_products[key] = np.array(
[val.T[indx, lo_list_atomtypep, ...] for indx in lo_list_atomtype])
elif key.startswith('ulo'):
self.scalar_products[key] = val.T[lo_list_atomtype, ...]
elif key.endswith('ulo'):
self.scalar_products[key] = val.T[lo_list_atomtypep, ...]
all_ulo = self.radial_functions['ulo']
self.radial_functions['ulo'] = all_ulo[self.atomType - 1, :, lo_list_atomtype, ...]
self.radial_functions['ulop'] = all_ulo[self.atomTypep - 1, :, lo_list_atomtypep, ...]
[docs] @classmethod
def fromFile(cls, file: Any, index: int | None = None, **selection_params: Any) -> GreensFunction:
Classmethod for creating a :py:class:`GreensFunction` instance directly from a hdf file
:param file: path or opened file handle to a greensf.hdf file
:param index: optional int index of the element to read in
If index is not given Keyword arguments with the keys being the names of the fields of
:py:class:`GreensfElement` can be given to select the right Green's function. The specification
has to match only one element in the file
if index is None:
elements = listElements(file)
if len(elements) > 1 and not selection_params:
raise ValueError('If index is not given, parameters for selection need to be provided')
indices = select_element_indices(elements, **selection_params)
if len(indices) == 1:
index = indices[0] + 1
raise ValueError(
f'Found multiple possible matches for the given criteria. Indices {indices} are possible')
if selection_params:
raise ValueError('If index is given no further selection parameters are allowed')
element, data, attributes = _read_gf_element(file, index)
return cls(element, data, attributes)
def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> Any:
This __getattr__ method redirects lookups of field names of the stored :py:class:`GreensfElement`
to return the value from the namedtuple
:param attr: attribute to look up
:returns: value of the attribute if it is a field name of :py:class:`GreensfElement`
if attr in GreensfElement._fields:
return self.element._asdict()[attr]
raise AttributeError(f'{self.__class__.__name__!r} object has no attribute {attr!r}')
def _ensure_spinoffdiagonal(self) -> None:
Ensure that the Green's function stores the spin-offdiagonal elements
if self.mperp:
return #Nothing to do
self.mperp = True
EMPTY = None
for name, data in self._data.items():
if EMPTY is None:
EMPTY = np.zeros_like(data[:, :, :, [0, 1], ...])
self._data[name] = np.concatenate((data, EMPTY), axis=3)
def _get_spin_matrix(self, name: CoefficientName) -> np.ndarray:
Get the 2x2 spin matrix for the given coefficient
:param name: name of the coefficient
:returns: numpy array for the 2x2 spin matrix coefficient
data = self._data[name]
if not self.mperp:
data = np.concatenate((data, np.zeros_like(data[:, :, :, [0, 1], ...])), axis=3)
#Reorder spin entries so that the spin-diagonal contributions also
#end up on the diagonal of the 2x2 matrix
# the final matrix looks like this (indices like spin dimension above)
# | 0 2 |
# | 3 1 |
spin_order = [0, 2, 3, 1]
data = data[:, :, :, spin_order, ...]
shape = tuple(chain(data.shape[:3], (2, 2), data.shape[4:]))
data = np.reshape(data, shape)
return data
def _set_spin_matrix(self, name: CoefficientName, spin_matrix: np.ndarray) -> None:
Set the data according to the 2x2 spin matrix for the given coefficient
:param name: name of the coefficient
:param spin_matrix: data for the coefficient
if not self.mperp:
warnings.warn('Setting the spin matrix with mperp=False will dismiss the offdiagonal part')
data = self._data[name]
data[:, :, :, 0, ...] = spin_matrix[:, :, :, 0, 0, ...]
data[:, :, :, 1, ...] = spin_matrix[:, :, :, 1, 1, ...]
if self.mperp:
data[:, :, :, 2, ...] = spin_matrix[:, :, :, 1, 0, ...]
data[:, :, :, 3, ...] = spin_matrix[:, :, :, 0, 1, ...]
[docs] def to_global_frame(self) -> None:
Rotate the Green's function into the global real space and spin space frame
if not self._local_real_frame and not self._local_spin_frame:
return # Nothing to do
alpha, alphap = self._angle_alpha
beta, betap = self._angle_beta
if self._local_spin_frame:
rot_spin = get_spin_rotation(-alpha, -beta)
rotp_spin = get_spin_rotation(-alphap, -betap)
for name in self._data.keys():
data = self._get_spin_matrix(name)
data = np.einsum('ij,xyzjk...,km->xyzim...', rot_spin, data, rotp_spin.T.conj())
self._set_spin_matrix(name, data)
self._local_spin_frame = False
if self._local_real_frame:
rot_real_space = get_wigner_matrix(self.l, alpha, beta, inverse=True)
rotp_real_space = get_wigner_matrix(self.lp, alphap, betap, inverse=True)
for name, data in self._data.items():
data = np.einsum('ij,xjk...,km->xim...', rot_real_space.T.conj(), data, rotp_real_space)
self._data[name] = data
self._local_real_frame = False
[docs] def to_local_frame(self) -> None:
Rotate the Green's function into the local real space and spin space frame
if self._local_real_frame and self._local_spin_frame:
return # Nothing to do
alpha, alphap = self._angle_alpha
beta, betap = self._angle_beta
if not self._local_spin_frame:
rot_spin = get_spin_rotation(alpha, beta)
rotp_spin = get_spin_rotation(alphap, betap)
for name in self._data.keys():
data = self._get_spin_matrix(name)
data = np.einsum('ij,xyzjk...,km->xyzim...', rot_spin, data, rotp_spin.T.conj())
self._set_spin_matrix(name, data)
self._local_spin_frame = True
if not self._local_real_frame:
rot_real_space = get_wigner_matrix(self.l, alpha, beta)
rotp_real_space = get_wigner_matrix(self.lp, alphap, betap)
for name, data in self._data.items():
data = np.einsum('ij,xjk...,km->xim...', rot_real_space.T.conj(), data, rotp_real_space)
self._data[name] = data
self._local_real_frame = True
[docs] def get_coefficient(self, name: CoefficientName, spin: int | None = None, radial: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
Get the coefficient with the given name from the data attribute
:param name: name of the coefficient
:param radial: if the Green's function is stored by coefficient and radial is True
it is multiplied by the corresponding radial function
otherwise the scalar product is multiplied
:param spin: integer index of the spin to retrieve
:returns: numpy.ndarray for the given coefficient and spin
if spin is not None:
spin -= 1
spin_index = min(spin, 3 if self.mperp else self.nspins - 1)
if radial and self.sphavg:
raise ValueError("No radial dependence possible. Green's function is spherically averaged")
coeff: Any = 1 if spin is not None else np.ones((2, 2))
if name != 'sphavg':
if radial:
if name.startswith('ulo'):
r = self.radial_functions['ulo']
elif name.startswith('u'):
r = self.radial_functions['u'][self.atomType - 1]
r = self.radial_functions['d'][self.atomType - 1]
if name.endswith('ulo'):
rp = self.radial_functions['ulop']
elif name.endswith('u'):
rp = self.radial_functions['u'][self.atomTypep - 1]
rp = self.radial_functions['d'][self.atomTypep - 1]
if not self.onsite:
#The radial functions are stored as r*u(r), meaning
#when multiplied they produce the right factor for
#integration. For intersite components these are
#independent so we need to multiply each radial function by r
r *= self.radial_functions['rmsh'][self.atomType - 1]
rp *= self.radial_functions['rmsh'][self.atomTypep - 1]
if spin is not None:
spin1, spin2 = self.to_spin_indices(spin)
coeff = self.scalar_products[name][..., spin1, spin2].T
coeff = self.scalar_products[name].T
elif not self.sphavg:
raise ValueError("No entry sphavg available. Green's function is stored radially resolved")
if spin is not None:
data = self._data[name][:, :, :, spin_index, ...]
data = self._get_spin_matrix(name)
if self.kresolved:
#Move upper/lower contour index to last one
return np.swapaxes(data, -2, -1)
if radial:
raise NotImplementedError()
if spin is not None:
if name == 'uloulo':
return np.einsum('...ij,...ij->...ij', data, coeff)
if 'lo' in name:
return np.einsum('...i,...i->...i', data, coeff)
return data * coeff
if name == 'uloulo':
return np.einsum('...ijklm,...ijkl->...ijklm', data, coeff)
if 'lo' in name:
return np.einsum('...ijkl,...ijk->...ijkl', data, coeff)
return np.einsum('...ijl,...ij->...ijl', data, coeff)
[docs] @staticmethod
def to_m_index(m: int) -> int:
Convert between magnetic quantum numbers between -l and l
to 0 and 2l+1 for easier indexing
:param m: int magnetic quantum number to convert
:returns: converted magnetic quantum number
if abs(m) > 3:
raise ValueError('Invalid magnetic quantum number (>3)')
return m + 3
[docs] @staticmethod
def to_spin_indices(spin: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
Convert between spin index (0 to 3) to the corresponding
two spin indices (0 or 1)
:param spin: int spin index to convert
:returns: tuple of spin indices
if spin < 0 or spin > 3:
raise ValueError('Invalid spin index')
if spin < 2:
spin1 = spin
spin2 = spin
elif spin == 2:
spin1 = 1
spin2 = 0
spin1 = 0
spin2 = 1
return spin1, spin2
def nspins(self) -> int:
Return the number of spins of the current element.
If mperp is True for the element it is 4 otherwise it
is determined by the spins attribute
if self.mperp:
return 4
return self.spins
def __str__(self) -> str:
String representation of the :py:class:`GreensFunction`. Chosen to be the
str representation of the stored :py:class:`GreensfElement` instance.
return str(self.element)
[docs] def energy_dependence_full_matrix(self, imag: bool = True, both_contours: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
Get the full matrix :math:`N_{\mathrm{spins}}(2l+1) \times N_{\mathrm{spins}}(2l^\prime+1)`
:param both_contours: bool id True the data is not added for both energy contours
:param imag: bool if True and both_contours is False the imaginary part :math:`\frac{1}{2i}\left[G\left(z\right)-G\left(z^\ast\right)\right]` is returned
otherwise the real part :math:`\frac{1}{2}\left[G\left(z\right)+G\left(z^\ast\right)\right]`
:returns: numpy array with the selected data
if self.kresolved:
raise NotImplementedError("full_matrix not implemented for kresolved green's function")
data = self.energy_dependence(imag=imag, both_contours=both_contours)
if both_contours:
block_plus = np.block([[data[..., 0, 0, 0], data[..., 0, 1, 0]],
[data[..., 1, 0, 0], data[:, :, :, 1, 1, 0]]])
block_minus = np.block([[data[..., 0, 0, 1], data[..., 0, 1, 1]],
[data[..., 1, 0, 1], data[:, :, :, 1, 1, 1]]])
return np.concatenate((block_plus[..., np.newaxis], block_minus[..., np.newaxis]), axis=-1)
return np.block([[data[..., 0, 0], data[..., 0, 1]], [data[..., 1, 0], data[..., 1, 1]]])
[docs] def energy_dependence(self,
m: int | None = None,
mp: int | None = None,
spin: int | None = None,
imag: bool = True,
both_contours: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
Select data with energy dependence
:param m: optional integer magnetic quantum number between -l and l
:param mp: optional integer magnetic quantum number between -lp and lp
:param spin: optional integer spin between 1 and nspins
:param both_contours: bool id True the data is not added for both energy contours
:param imag: bool if True and both_contours is False the imaginary part:math:`\frac{1}{2i}\left[G\left(z\right)-G\left(z^\ast\right)\right]` is returned
otherwise the real part :math:`\frac{1}{2}\left[G\left(z\right)+G\left(z^\ast\right)\right]`
:returns: numpy array with the selected data
m_index: int | slice
mp_index: int | slice
if m is not None:
m_index = self.to_m_index(m)
m_index = slice(self.lmax - self.l, self.lmax + self.l + 1, 1)
if mp is not None:
mp_index = self.to_m_index(mp)
mp_index = slice(self.lmax - self.l, self.lmax + self.lp + 1, 1)
kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {
'spin': spin,
if self.sphavg:
gf = self.get_coefficient('sphavg', **kwargs)[:, m_index, mp_index, ...]
gf = self.get_coefficient('uu', **kwargs)[:,m_index,mp_index,...] \
+ self.get_coefficient('ud', **kwargs)[:,m_index,mp_index,...] \
+ self.get_coefficient('du', **kwargs)[:,m_index,mp_index,...] \
+ self.get_coefficient('dd', **kwargs)[:,m_index,mp_index,...] \
+ np.sum(self.get_coefficient('uulo', **kwargs)[:,m_index,mp_index,...], axis=-1) \
+ np.sum(self.get_coefficient('ulou', **kwargs)[:,m_index,mp_index,...], axis=-1) \
+ np.sum(self.get_coefficient('dulo', **kwargs)[:,m_index,mp_index,...], axis=-1) \
+ np.sum(self.get_coefficient('uloulo', **kwargs)[:,m_index,mp_index,...], axis=(-1,-2))
if both_contours:
return gf
if imag:
data = -1 / (2 * np.pi * 1j) * (gf[..., 0] - gf[..., 1])
data = -1 / (2 * np.pi) * (gf[..., 0] + gf[..., 1])
return data.real
[docs] def trace_energy_dependence(self, spin: int | None = None, imag: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
Select trace of data with energy dependence
:param spin: integer spin between 1 and nspins
:param imag: bool if True the imaginary part :math:`\frac{1}{2i}\left[G\left(z\right)-G\left(z^\ast\right)\right]` is returned
otherwise the real part :math:`\frac{1}{2}\left[G\left(z\right)+G\left(z^\ast\right)\right]`
:returns: numpy array with the selected and traced over data
if self.l != self.lp:
raise ValueError('Trace only supported for l==lp')
shape = self.points.shape
if spin is None:
shape += (
if self.kresolved:
shape += (self._nkpts,)
data = np.zeros(shape)
for m in range(-self.l, self.l + 1):
data += self.energy_dependence(m=m, mp=m, spin=spin, imag=imag)
return data
[docs] def moment(self, n: int, spin: int | None = None) -> np.ndarray:
Calculate the integral
.. math::
M_n\ =\ -\frac{1}{4\pi i} \mathrm{Im} \int_\mathrm{Contour}\!\mathrm{dz} z^n G(z)
:param n: power of z in the integral
:param spin: optional integer spin between 1 and nspins
gz = self.energy_dependence(spin=spin, both_contours=True)
weights = np.array([self.weights, -self.weights.conj()]).T
zn = np.array([self.points**n, self.points.conj()**n]).T
moment = 1j / (4 * np.pi) * np.einsum('zm,zm,z...m->...', weights, zn, gz)
return moment
[docs] def occupation(self, spin: int | None = None) -> np.ndarray:
Calculate the 0-th moment of the green's function
.. math::
n\ =\ -\frac{1}{4\pi i} \mathrm{Im} \int_\mathrm{Contour}\!\mathrm{dz} G(z)
.. note::
Only if the energy contour ends at the fermi energy/is correlty weighted
to produce occupations, will this function produce occupations
:param spin: optional integer spin between 1 and nspins
return self.moment(0, spin=spin)
[docs]class colors:
Color strings for coloring terminal output
You may need to change color settings in iPython
red = '\033[31m'
endc = '\033[m'
green = '\033[32m'
[docs]def printElements(elements: list[GreensfElement],
index: list[int] | None = None,
mark: list[int] | None = None) -> None:
Print the given list of :py:class:`GreensfElement` in a nice table
:param elements: list of :py:class:`GreensfElement` to be printed
:param index: optional list of indices to show instead of the default index in the list
:param mark: optional list of int with elements to emphasize with an arrow and color
print('Index | l | lp | atom | atomp | sphavg | onsite | iContour | atomDiff |')
elem_iter: Iterator[tuple[int, GreensfElement]]
if index is None:
elem_iter = enumerate(elements)
elem_iter = zip(index, elements)
for elem_index, element in elem_iter:
if mark is not None and elem_index + 1 in mark:
markStr = '<---'
color = colors.green
markStr = ''
color = ''
atomdiff_str = np.array2string(element.atomDiff,
sign=' ',
color +
+ colors.endc)
[docs]def listElements(hdffile: FileLike, show: bool = False) -> list[GreensfElement]:
Find the green's function elements contained in the given ``greens.hdf`` file
:param hdffile: filepath or file handle to a greensf.hdf file
:param show: bool if True the found elements are printed in a table
:returns: list of :py:class:`GreensfElement`
with h5py.File(hdffile, 'r') as h5_file:
group_name = _get_greensf_group_name(h5_file)
num_elements = h5_file.get(group_name).attrs['NumElements'][0]
elements = []
for index in range(1, num_elements + 1):
elements.append(_read_element_header(h5_file, index))
if show:
print(f'These Elements are found in {hdffile!r}:')
return elements
[docs]def select_elements_from_file(hdffile: FileLike,
show: bool = False,
**selection_params: Any) -> Generator[GreensFunction, None, None]:
Construct the green's function matching specified criteria from a given ``greensf.hdf`` file
:param hdffile: file or file path to the ``greensf.hdf`` file
:param show: bool if True the found elements will be printed
The Keyword arguments correspond to the names of the fields and their desired value
:returns: iterator over the matching :py:class:`GreensFunction`
elements = listElements(hdffile, show=show)
found_elements = select_element_indices(elements, show=show, **selection_params)
def gf_iterator(found_elements: list[int]) -> Generator[GreensFunction, None, None]:
for index in found_elements:
yield GreensFunction.fromFile(hdffile, index=index + 1)
return gf_iterator(found_elements)
[docs]def select_elements(greensfunctions: list[GreensFunction],
show: bool = False,
**selection_params: Any) -> Generator[GreensFunction, None, None]:
Select :py:class:`GreensFunction` objects from a list based on constraints on the
values of their underlying :py:class:`GreensfElement`
:param greensfunctions: list of :py:class:`GreensFunction` to choose from
:param show: bool if True the found elements will be printed
The Keyword arguments correspond to the names of the fields and their desired value
:returns: iterator over the matching :py:class:`GreensFunction`
elements = [gf.element for gf in greensfunctions]
found_elements = select_element_indices(elements, show=show, **selection_params)
def gf_iterator(found_elements: list[int]) -> Generator[GreensFunction, None, None]:
for index in found_elements:
yield greensfunctions[index]
return gf_iterator(found_elements)
[docs]def select_element_indices(elements: list[GreensfElement], show: bool = False, **selection_params: Any) -> list[int]:
Select :py:class:`GreensfElement` objects from a list based on constraints on their
:param elements: list of :py:class:`GreensfElement` to choose from
:param show: bool if True the found elements will be printed
The Keyword arguments correspond to the names of the fields and their desired value
:returns: list of the indices matching the criteria
for key in selection_params:
if key not in GreensfElement._fields:
raise KeyError(f"Key {key} is not allowed for selecting Green's function elements")
found_elements = []
for index, elem in enumerate(elements):
if all(elem._asdict()[key] ==
val if not isinstance(elem._asdict()[key], np.ndarray) else np.allclose(elem._asdict()[key], val)
for key, val in selection_params.items()):
if show:
printElements(elements, index=found_elements)
return found_elements
[docs]def intersite_shells_from_file(hdffile: FileLike,
reference_atom: int,
show: bool = False,
max_shells: int | None = None
) -> Generator[tuple[np.floating[Any], GreensFunction, GreensFunction], None, None]:
Construct the green's function pairs to calculate the Jij exchange constants
for a given reference atom from a given ``greensf.hdf`` file
:param hdffile: filepath or file handle to a greensf.hdf file
:param reference_atom: integer of the atom to calculate the Jij's for (correspinds to the i)
:param show: if True the elements belonging to a shell are printed in a shell
:param max_shells: optional int, if given only the first max_shells shells are constructed
:returns: flat iterator with distance and the two corresponding :py:class:`GreensFunction`
instances for each Jij calculation
elements = listElements(hdffile)
jij_pairs = intersite_shell_indices(elements, reference_atom, show=show, max_shells=max_shells)
def shell_iterator(
shells: list[tuple[np.floating[Any], list[tuple[int, int]]]]
) -> Generator[tuple[np.floating[Any], GreensFunction, GreensFunction], None, None]:
for distance, pairs in shells:
for g1, g2 in pairs:
#Plus 1 because the indexing starts at 1 in the hdf file
yield (distance,
GreensFunction.fromFile(hdffile, g1+1),\
GreensFunction.fromFile(hdffile, g2+1))
return shell_iterator(jij_pairs)
[docs]def intersite_shells(greensfunctions: list[GreensFunction],
reference_atom: int,
show: bool = False,
max_shells: int | None = None
) -> Generator[tuple[np.floating[Any], GreensFunction, GreensFunction], None, None]:
Construct the green's function pairs to calculate the Jij exchange constants
for a given reference atom from a list of given :py:class:`GreensFunction`
:param greensfunctions: List of Greens Function to use
:param reference_atom: integer of the atom to calculate the Jij's for (correspinds to the i)
:param show: if True the elements belonging to a shell are printed in a shell
:param max_shells: optional int, if given only the first max_shells shells are constructed
:returns: flat iterator with distance and the two corresponding :py:class:`GreensFunction`
instances for each Jij calculation
elements = [gf.element for gf in greensfunctions]
jij_pairs = intersite_shell_indices(elements, reference_atom, show=show, max_shells=max_shells)
def shell_iterator(
shells: list[tuple[np.floating[Any], list[tuple[int, int]]]]
) -> Generator[tuple[np.floating[Any], GreensFunction, GreensFunction], None, None]:
for distance, pairs in shells:
for g1, g2 in pairs:
yield (distance, greensfunctions[g1], greensfunctions[g2])
return shell_iterator(jij_pairs)
[docs]def intersite_shell_indices(elements: list[GreensfElement],
reference_atom: int,
show: bool = False,
max_shells: int | None = None) -> list[tuple[np.floating[Any], list[tuple[int, int]]]]:
Construct the green's function pairs to calculate the Jij exchange constants
for a given reference atom from a list of :py:class:`GreensfElement`
:param elements: list of GreenfElements to use
:param reference_atom: integer of the atom to calculate the Jij's for (correspinds to the i)
:param show: if True the elements belonging to a shell are printed in a shell
:param max_shells: optional int, if given only the first max_shells shells are constructed
:returns: list of tuples with distance and all indices of pairs in the shell
distances = [round(np.linalg.norm(elem.atomDiff), 12) for elem in elements]
#sort the elements according to shells
index_sorted = sorted(range(len(elements)), key=lambda k: distances[k])
elements_sorted = [elements[index] for index in index_sorted]
jij_pairs: list[tuple[np.floating[Any], list[tuple[int, int]]]] = []
num_shells = 0
for dist, shell in groupby(zip(index_sorted, elements_sorted), key=lambda k: distances[k[0]]):
if dist > 1e-12:
num_shells += 1
if max_shells is not None and num_shells > max_shells:
return jij_pairs
if show:
print(f'\nFound shell at distance: {dist}')
print('The following elements are present:')
shell_list = list(shell)
jij_pairs_shell = []
#Try to find gij gji pairs for Jij calculations
for indexij, elemij in shell_list:
for indexji, elemji in shell_list:
if elemij.contour != elemji.contour:
if elemij.atomType != reference_atom:
if elemij.atomType != elemji.atomTypep:
if elemij.atomTypep != elemji.atomType:
if elemij.l != elemji.l:
if elemij.lp != elemji.lp:
if np.linalg.norm(elemij.atomDiff + elemji.atomDiff) > 1e-12:
#here we have found a pair
if (indexji, indexij) not in jij_pairs_shell or \
elemij.atomType == elemij.atomTypep:
jij_pairs_shell.append((indexij, indexji))
if len(jij_pairs_shell) > 0:
jij_pairs.append((dist, jij_pairs_shell))
if show:
#print the elements in the shell
elem = [x[1] for x in shell_list]
index = [x[0] for x in shell_list]
printElements(elem, index=index)
return jij_pairs