Source code for

# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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# The code is hosted on GitHub at   #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file.           #
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Here I collect all functions needed to parse the output of a KKR calculation.
These functions do not need aiida and are therefore separated from the actual
parser file where parse_kkr_outputfile is called
import numpy as np
from numpy import ndarray, array, loadtxt, shape
from import (search_string, get_version_info, angles_to_vec,
                                             get_corestates_from_potential, get_highest_core_state, convert_to_pystd,
from import get_Ry2eV
import traceback

__copyright__ = ('Copyright (c), 2017, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH,'
                 'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__contributors__ = 'Philipp Rüßmann, David Antognini Silva'
__version__ = '1.8.3'


[docs]def parse_array_float(outfile, searchstring, splitinfo, replacepair=None, debug=False): """ Search for keyword `searchstring` in `outfile` and extract array of results .. note: `splitinfo` can be of the form [1, 'X', 1] or [2, 'X', 1, 0] where splitinfo[0] can only be 1 or 2 (determines the mode), splitinfo[1] is the string at which the line is split, splitinfo[2] is the index which is used, splitinfo[3] (only for splitinfo[0]==2) is the part that is taken after applying split() a second time (split at whitespace). .. note: If `replacepair` is not None the substring replacepair[0] is replaced by replacepair[1] before processing further Returns: array of results """ tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile) itmp = 0 res = [] while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string(searchstring, tmptxt) if debug: print(('in parse_array_float (itmp, searchstring, outfile):', itmp, searchstring, outfile)) if itmp >= 0: tmpval = tmptxt.pop(itmp) if replacepair is not None: tmpval = tmpval.replace(replacepair[0], replacepair[1]) if splitinfo[0] == 1: tmpval = float(tmpval.split(splitinfo[1])[splitinfo[2]]) elif splitinfo[0] == 2: tmpval = float(tmpval.split(splitinfo[1])[splitinfo[2]].split()[splitinfo[3]]) else: raise ValueError('splitinfo[0] has to be either 1 or 2') res.append(tmpval) res = array(res) return res
[docs]def get_rms(outfile, outfile2, debug=False, is_imp_calc=False): """ Get rms error per atom (both values for charge and spin) and total (i.e. average) value """ if debug: print((outfile, outfile2)) rms_charge = parse_array_float(outfile, 'average rms-error', [2, '=', 1, 0], ['D', 'E'], debug=debug) if debug: print(rms_charge) if is_imp_calc: rms_ldau = parse_array_float(outfile, 'TOTAL RMS-ERROR for LDA+U:', [2, ':', 1, 0], debug=debug) if debug: print(rms_ldau) rms_spin = parse_array_float( outfile, ' v+ - v-', [1, '=', 1], ['D', 'E']) # this should be in the line after 'average rms-error' but is only present if NSPIN==2 if debug: print(rms_spin) rms_charge_atoms = parse_array_float(outfile2, 'rms-error for atom', [2, '=', 1, 0], ['D', 'E']) if debug: print(rms_charge_atoms) rms_spin_atoms = parse_array_float(outfile2, 'rms-error for atom', [2, '=', 1, 0], ['D', 'E']) # only present for NSPIN==2 if debug: print(rms_spin_atoms) niter = len(rms_charge) # number of iterations if debug: print(niter) natoms = int(len(rms_charge_atoms) // niter) # number of atoms in system, needed to take only atom resolved rms of last iteration if debug: print(natoms) if is_imp_calc: return rms_charge, rms_ldau, rms_spin, rms_charge_atoms[-natoms:], rms_spin_atoms[-natoms:] return rms_charge, rms_spin, rms_charge_atoms[-natoms:], rms_spin_atoms[-natoms:]
[docs]def get_noco_rms(outfile, debug=False): """ Get average noco rms error """ if debug: print(outfile) try: rms_noco = parse_array_float(outfile, 'Total RMS(angles)', [1, ':', 1], debug=debug) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except rms_noco = [] if debug: traceback.print_exc() return rms_noco
def get_neutr(outfile): res = parse_array_float(outfile, 'charge neutrality in unit cell', [1, '=', 1]) return res def get_magtot(outfile): res = parse_array_float(outfile, 'TOTAL mag. moment in unit cell', [1, '=', 1]) return res def get_EF(outfile): res = parse_array_float(outfile, 'E FERMI', [2, 'FERMI', 1, 0]) return res def get_DOS_EF(outfile): res = parse_array_float(outfile, 'DOS(E_F)', [1, '=', 1]) return res def get_Etot(outfile): res = parse_array_float(outfile, 'TOTAL ENERGY in ryd.', [1, ':', 1]) return res def find_warnings(outfile): tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile) tmptxt_caps = [txt.upper() for txt in tmptxt] itmp = 0 res = [] while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('WARNING', tmptxt_caps) if itmp >= 0: tmpval = tmptxt_caps.pop(itmp) tmpval = tmptxt.pop(itmp) res.append(tmpval.strip()) return array(res) def extract_timings(outfile): tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile) itmp = 0 res = [] search_keys = [ 'main0', 'main1a - tbref', 'main1a ', # two spaces to differentiate from following key 'main1b - calctref13', 'main1b ', # two spaces! 'main1c - serial part', 'main1c ', # two spaces! 'main2', 'Time in Iteration' ] while itmp >= 0: tmpvals = [] for isearch in search_keys: itmp = search_string(isearch, tmptxt) if itmp >= 0: tmpval = [isearch, float(tmptxt.pop(itmp).split()[-1])] tmpvals.append(tmpval) if len(tmpvals) > 0: res.append(tmpvals) res = res[0] return dict(res) def get_charges_per_atom(outfile_000): res1 = parse_array_float(outfile_000, 'charge in wigner seitz', [1, '=', 1]) # these two are not in output of DOS calculation (and are then ignored) res2 = parse_array_float(outfile_000, 'nuclear charge', [2, 'nuclear charge', 1, 0]) try: res3 = parse_array_float(outfile_000, 'core charge', [1, '=', 1]) except IndexError: res3 = parse_array_float(outfile_000, 'core charge', [1, ':', 1]) return res1, res2, res3
[docs]def get_single_particle_energies(outfile_000): """ extracts single particle energies from outfile_000 (output.000.txt) returns the valence contribution of the single particle energies """ tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_000) itmp = 0 res = [] while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('band energy per atom', tmptxt) if itmp >= 0: tmpval = float(tmptxt.pop(itmp).split()[-1]) res.append(tmpval) return array(res)
def get_econt_info(outfile_0init): tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) itmp = search_string('E min', tmptxt) emin = float(tmptxt[itmp].split('min')[1].split('=')[1].split()[0]) itmp = search_string('Temperature', tmptxt) tempr = float(tmptxt[itmp].split('Temperature')[1].split('=')[1].split()[0]) itmp = search_string('Number of energy points', tmptxt) Nepts = int(tmptxt[itmp].split(':')[1].split()[0]) doscalc = search_string('Density-of-States calculation', tmptxt) semi_circ = search_string('integration on semi-circle contour', tmptxt) # dummy values N1, N2, N3, Npol = None, None, None, None Nsemi_circ, im_e_min = None, None # for DOS contour if doscalc == -1: # scf contour if semi_circ == -1: # npol itmp = search_string('poles =', tmptxt) Npol = int(tmptxt[itmp].split('=')[1].split()[0]) # npt1, npt2, npt3 itmp = search_string('contour:', tmptxt) tmp = tmptxt[itmp].replace(',', '').replace('=', '= ').split(':')[1].split() N1 = int(tmp[2]) N2 = int(tmp[5]) N3 = int(tmp[8]) else: # semi-circular contour Nsemi_circ = Nepts itmp = search_string('smallest imaginary part ', tmptxt) im_e_min = tmptxt[itmp].split('=')[1].split()[0] else: # DOS contour Npol, N1, N2, N3 = 0, 0, Nepts, 0 return emin, tempr, Nepts, Npol, N1, N2, N3, Nsemi_circ, im_e_min def get_core_states(potfile): ncore, energies, lmoments = get_corestates_from_potential(potfile=potfile) emax, lmax, descr_max = [], [], [] for ipot, nc in enumerate(ncore): if nc > 0: lvalmax, energy_max, descr = get_highest_core_state(nc, energies[ipot], lmoments[ipot]) else: lvalmax, energy_max, descr = None, None, 'no core states' emax.append(energy_max) lmax.append(lvalmax) descr_max.append(descr) return array(ncore), array(emax), array(lmax), array(descr_max) def get_alatinfo(outfile_0init): tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) itmp = search_string('Lattice constants :', tmptxt) alat = float(tmptxt[itmp].split(':')[1].split('=')[1].split()[0]) twopialat = float(tmptxt[itmp].split(':')[1].split('=')[2].split()[0]) return alat, twopialat def get_scfinfo(outfile_0init, outfile_000, outfile): tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_000) itmp = search_string('ITERATION :', tmptxt) tmpval = tmptxt[itmp].split(':')[1].split() niter = int(tmpval[0]) nitermax = int(tmpval[3]) tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile) itmp1 = search_string('SCF ITERATION CONVERGED', tmptxt) itmp2 = search_string('NUMBER OF SCF STEPS EXHAUSTED', tmptxt) converged = itmp1 >= 0 nmax_reached = itmp2 >= 0 tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) itmp = search_string('STRMIX FCM QBOUND', tmptxt) tmpval = tmptxt[itmp + 1].split() strmix = float(tmpval[0]) fcm = float(tmpval[1]) qbound = float(tmpval[2]) tmpval = tmptxt[itmp + 4].split() brymix = float(tmpval[0]) itmp = search_string('IMIX IGF ICC', tmptxt) imix = int(tmptxt[itmp + 1].split()[0]) idtbry = int(tmptxt[itmp + 4].split()[0]) mixinfo = [imix, strmix, qbound, fcm, idtbry, brymix] return niter, nitermax, converged, nmax_reached, mixinfo
[docs]def get_kmeshinfo(outfile_0init, outfile_000): """ Extract kmesh info from output.0.txt and output.000.txt """ # first get info from output.0.txt tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) nkmesh = [] itmp = search_string('number of different k-meshes', tmptxt) nkmesh.append(int(tmptxt[itmp].split(':')[1].split()[0])) itmp = search_string('NofKs', tmptxt) nofks, nkx, nky, nkz = [], [], [], [] if itmp >= 0: for ik in range(nkmesh[0]): tmpval = tmptxt[itmp + 2 + ik].split() nofks.append(int(tmpval[1])) nkx.append(int(tmpval[2])) nky.append(int(tmpval[3])) nkz.append(int(tmpval[4])) tmpdict = {'number_of_kpts': nofks, 'n_kx': nkx, 'n_ky': nky, 'n_kz': nkz} nkmesh.append(tmpdict) #next get kmesh_ie from output.000.txt tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_000) kmesh_ie = [] itmp = 0 while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('KMESH =', tmptxt) if itmp >= 0: tmpval = int(tmptxt.pop(itmp).split()[-1]) kmesh_ie.append(tmpval) return nkmesh, kmesh_ie
def get_symmetries(outfile_0init): tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) try: itmp = search_string('symmetries found for this lattice:', tmptxt) nsym = int(tmptxt[itmp].split(':')[1].split()[0]) except IndexError: itmp = search_string('< FINDGROUP > : Finding symmetry operations', tmptxt) tmptxt2 = tmptxt[itmp:] itmp = search_string('found for this lattice:', tmptxt2) nsym = int(tmptxt2[itmp].split(':')[1].split()[0]) itmp = search_string('symmetries will be used', tmptxt) nsym_used = int(tmptxt[itmp].split()[3]) itmp = search_string('<SYMTAUMAT>', tmptxt) tmpdict = {} for isym in range(nsym_used): tmpval = tmptxt[itmp + 5 + isym].replace('0-', '0 -').replace('1-', '1 -').split() # bugfix for -120 degree euler angle desc = tmpval[1] inversion = int(tmpval[2]) euler = [float(tmpval[3]), float(tmpval[4]), float(tmpval[5])] unitary = int(tmpval[6].replace('T', '1').replace('F', '0')) tmpdict[desc] = {'has_inversion': inversion, 'is_unitary': unitary, 'euler_angles': euler} desc = tmpdict return nsym, nsym_used, desc def get_ewald(outfile_0init): tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) itmp = search_string('setting bulk Madelung coefficients', tmptxt) if itmp >= 0: info = '3D' else: info = '2D' if info == '3D': itmp = search_string('< LATTICE3D >', tmptxt) tmpval = tmptxt[itmp + 7].split()[2:] rsum = float(tmpval[2]), int(tmpval[0]), int(tmpval[1]) tmpval = tmptxt[itmp + 8].split()[2:] gsum = float(tmpval[2]), int(tmpval[0]), int(tmpval[1]) else: itmp = search_string('< LATTICE2D >', tmptxt) tmpval = tmptxt[itmp + 13].split()[2:] rsum = float(tmpval[2]), int(tmpval[0]), int(tmpval[1]) tmpval = tmptxt[itmp + 14].split()[2:] gsum = float(tmpval[2]), int(tmpval[0]), int(tmpval[1]) return rsum, gsum, info
[docs]def get_nspin(outfile_0init): """ extract NSPIN value from output.0.txt """ tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) itmp = search_string('NSPIN', tmptxt) nspin = int(tmptxt[itmp + 1].split()[0]) return nspin
[docs]def get_natom(outfile_0init): """ extract NATYP value from output.0.txt """ tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) itmp = search_string('NATYP', tmptxt) natom = int(tmptxt[itmp + 1].split()[0]) return natom
[docs]def use_newsosol(outfile_0init): """ extract NEWSOSOL info from output.0.txt """ tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) newsosol = False # old style (RUNOPT output) itmp = search_string('NEWSOSOL', tmptxt) if itmp >= 0 and 'NEWSOSOL' in tmptxt[itmp].upper(): newsosol = True itmp = search_string('<use_Chebychev_solver>=', tmptxt) # new style: check for output of runoptions if itmp >= 0: if tmptxt[itmp].split()[1][:1].upper() == 'T': newsosol = True if tmptxt[itmp].split()[1][:1].upper() == 'F': newsosol = False return newsosol
[docs]def use_BdG(outfile_0init): """ extract BdG run info from output.0.txt """ tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) val_use_BdG = False itmp = search_string('<use_BdG>=', tmptxt) if itmp >= 0: if tmptxt[itmp].split()[1][:1].upper() == 'T': val_use_BdG = True if tmptxt[itmp].split()[1][:1].upper() == 'F': val_use_BdG = False return val_use_BdG
[docs]def get_spinmom_per_atom(outfile, natom, nonco_out_file=None): """ Extract spin moment information from outfile and nonco_angles_out (if given) """ tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile) itmp = 0 result = [] while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('m_spin', tmptxt) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = tmptxt.pop(itmp) tmparray = [] for iatom in range(natom): tmpline = tmptxt.pop(itmp) tmparray.append(float(tmpline.split()[3])) result.append(tmparray) # if the file is there, i.e. NEWSOSOL is used, then extract also direction of spins (angles theta and phi) if nonco_out_file is not None and result: angles = loadtxt(nonco_out_file, usecols=[0, 1]) # make sure only theta and phi are read in if len(shape(angles)) == 1: angles = array([angles]) vec = angles_to_vec(result[-1], angles[:, 0] / 180. * np.pi, angles[:, 1] / 180. * np.pi) else: vec, angles = [], [] return array(result), vec, angles
[docs]def get_orbmom(outfile, natom): """ read orbmom info from outfile and return array (iteration, atom)=orbmom """ tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile) itmp = 0 result = [] while itmp >= 0: itmp = search_string('m_spin', tmptxt) if itmp >= 0: tmpline = tmptxt.pop(itmp) tmparray = [] for iatom in range(natom): tmpline = tmptxt.pop(itmp) tmparray.append(float(tmpline.split()[4])) result.append(tmparray) return array(result) #, vec, angles
[docs]def get_lattice_vectors(outfile_0init): """ read direct and reciprocal lattice vectors in internal units (useful for qdos generation) """ tmptxt = get_outfile_txt(outfile_0init) vecs, rvecs = [], [] tmpvecs = [] for search_txt in ['a_1: ', 'a_2: ', 'a_3: ', 'b_1: ', 'b_2: ', 'b_3: ']: itmp = search_string(search_txt, tmptxt) if itmp >= 0: tmpvec = tmptxt[itmp].split(':')[1].split() tmpvecs.append([float(tmpvec[0]), float(tmpvec[1]), float(tmpvec[1])]) if search_txt in ['a_3: ', 'b_3: '] and itmp < 0: # reset vecs for 2D case tmpvecs[0] = tmpvecs[0][:2] tmpvecs[1] = tmpvecs[1][:2] if search_txt == 'a_3: ': vecs = tmpvecs tmpvecs = [] elif search_txt == 'b_3: ': rvecs = tmpvecs return vecs, rvecs
[docs]def parse_kkr_outputfile(out_dict, outfile, outfile_0init, outfile_000, timing_file, potfile_out, nonco_out_file, outfile_2='output.2.txt', skip_readin=False, debug=False): """ Parser method for the kkr outfile. It returns a dictionary with results """ # scaling factors etc. defined globally doscalc = False # collection of parsing error messages msg_list = [] try: code_version, compile_options, serial_number = get_version_info(outfile) tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict['code_version'] = code_version tmp_dict['compile_options'] = compile_options tmp_dict['calculation_serial_number'] = serial_number out_dict['code_info_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: Version Info' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: nspin = get_nspin(outfile_0init) natom = get_natom(outfile_0init) newsosol = use_newsosol(outfile_0init) out_dict['nspin'] = nspin out_dict['number_of_atoms_in_unit_cell'] = natom out_dict['use_newsosol'] = newsosol except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: nspin/natom' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: # extract some BdG infos out_dict['use_BdG'] = use_BdG(outfile_0init) except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: BdG' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: result = find_warnings(outfile) tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict['number_of_warnings'] = len(result) tmp_dict['warnings_list'] = result out_dict['warnings_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: search for warnings' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: result = extract_timings(timing_file) out_dict['timings_group'] = result out_dict['timings_unit'] = 'seconds' except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: timings' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: emin, tempr, Nepts, Npol, N1, N2, N3, Nsemi_circ, im_e_min = get_econt_info(outfile_0init) tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict['emin'] = emin tmp_dict['emin_unit'] = 'Rydberg' tmp_dict['number_of_energy_points'] = Nepts if Nsemi_circ is None: # normal scf or DOS contour tmp_dict['temperature'] = tempr tmp_dict['temperature_unit'] = 'Kelvin' tmp_dict['npol'] = Npol tmp_dict['n1'] = N1 tmp_dict['n2'] = N2 tmp_dict['n3'] = N3 else: # semi-circle contour tmp_dict['im_e_min'] = im_e_min tmp_dict['im_e_min_unit'] = 'Ry' # now fill energy contour group out_dict['energy_contour_group'] = tmp_dict if Npol == 0: doscalc = True except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: energy contour' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: alat, twopioveralat = get_alatinfo(outfile_0init) out_dict['alat_internal'] = alat out_dict['two_pi_over_alat_internal'] = twopioveralat out_dict['alat_internal_unit'] = 'a_Bohr' out_dict['two_pi_over_alat_internal_unit'] = '1/a_Bohr' except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: alat, 2*pi/alat' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: nkmesh, kmesh_ie = get_kmeshinfo(outfile_0init, outfile_000) tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict['number_different_kmeshes'] = nkmesh[0] tmp_dict['number_kpoints_per_kmesh'] = nkmesh[1] tmp_dict['kmesh_energypoint'] = kmesh_ie out_dict['kmesh_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: kmesh' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: nsym, nsym_used, desc = get_symmetries(outfile_0init) tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict['number_of_lattice_symmetries'] = nsym tmp_dict['number_of_used_symmetries'] = nsym_used tmp_dict['symmetry_description'] = desc out_dict['symmetries_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: symmetries' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() if not doscalc: # in case of dos calculation no ewald summation is done try: rsum, gsum, info = get_ewald(outfile_0init) tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict['ewald_summation_mode'] = info tmp_dict['rsum_cutoff'] = rsum[0] tmp_dict['rsum_number_of_vectors'] = rsum[1] tmp_dict['rsum_number_of_shells'] = rsum[2] tmp_dict['rsum_cutoff_unit'] = 'a_Bohr' tmp_dict['gsum_cutoff'] = gsum[0] tmp_dict['gsum_number_of_vectors'] = gsum[1] tmp_dict['gsum_number_of_shells'] = gsum[2] tmp_dict['gsum_cutoff_unit'] = '1/a_Bohr' out_dict['ewald_sum_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: ewald summation for madelung poterntial' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: bv, recbv = get_lattice_vectors(outfile_0init) out_dict['direct_bravais_matrix'] = bv out_dict['reciprocal_bravais_matrix'] = recbv out_dict['direct_bravais_matrix_unit'] = 'alat' out_dict['reciprocal_bravais_matrix_unit'] = '2*pi / alat' except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: lattice vectors (direct/reciprocal)' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() # this is skipped for qdos run for example if not skip_readin and not doscalc: try: ncore, emax, lmax, descr_max = get_core_states(potfile_out) tmp_dict = {} tmp_dict['number_of_core_states_per_atom'] = ncore tmp_dict['energy_highest_lying_core_state_per_atom'] = emax tmp_dict['energy_highest_lying_core_state_per_atom_unit'] = 'Rydberg' tmp_dict['descr_highest_lying_core_state_per_atom'] = descr_max out_dict['core_states_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: core_states' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() tmp_dict = {} # used to group convergence info (rms, rms per atom, charge neutrality) # also initialize convegence_group where all info stored for all iterations is kept out_dict['convergence_group'] = tmp_dict try: rms_charge, rms_spin, result_atoms_last_charge, result_atoms_last_spin = get_rms( # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking outfile, outfile_000, debug=debug) tmp_dict['rms'] = rms_charge[-1] tmp_dict['rms_all_iterations'] = rms_charge tmp_dict['rms_per_atom'] = result_atoms_last_charge if len(rms_spin) > 0: tmp_dict['rms_spin'] = rms_spin[-1] else: tmp_dict['rms_spin'] = None tmp_dict['rms_spin_all_iterations'] = rms_spin tmp_dict['rms_spin_per_atom'] = result_atoms_last_spin tmp_dict['rms_unit'] = 'unitless' out_dict['convergence_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: rms-error' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: result = get_neutr(outfile) tmp_dict['charge_neutrality'] = result[-1] out_dict['convergence_group']['charge_neutrality_all_iterations'] = result tmp_dict['charge_neutrality_unit'] = 'electrons' out_dict['convergence_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: charge neutrality' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() tmp_dict = {} # used to group magnetism info (spin and orbital moments) try: result = get_magtot(outfile) if len(result) > 0: tmp_dict['total_spin_moment'] = result[-1] out_dict['convergence_group']['total_spin_moment_all_iterations'] = result tmp_dict['total_spin_moment_unit'] = 'mu_Bohr' out_dict['magnetism_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: total magnetic moment' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: if nspin > 1: if not newsosol: #reset automatically to None to turn off reading of nonco angles file nonco_out_file = None result, vec, angles = get_spinmom_per_atom(outfile, natom, nonco_out_file) if len(result) > 0: tmp_dict['spin_moment_per_atom'] = result[-1, :] if newsosol: tmp_dict['spin_moment_vector_per_atom'] = vec[:] tmp_dict['spin_moment_angles_per_atom'] = angles[:] tmp_dict['spin_moment_angles_per_atom_unit'] = 'degree' out_dict['convergence_group']['spin_moment_per_atom_all_iterations'] = result[:, :] tmp_dict['spin_moment_unit'] = 'mu_Bohr' out_dict['magnetism_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: spin moment per atom' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() # add orbital moments to magnetis group in parser output try: if nspin > 1 and newsosol: #TODO orbital moment full vectors # so far the KKR code writes only the component of the orbital moment # parallel to the spin moment, thus vec and angles are returned empty # by construction. This might change in the future #result, vec, angles = get_orbmom(outfile, natom, nonco_angles_orbmom) # so for now return only result= array containing all iterations, all atoms, orbital moment parallel to spin quantization axis result = get_orbmom(outfile, natom) if len(result) > 0: tmp_dict['total_orbital_moment'] = sum(result[-1, :]) tmp_dict['orbital_moment_per_atom'] = result[-1, :] #tmp_dict['orbital_moment_vector_per_atom'] = vec[-1,:] #tmp_dict['orbital_moment_angles_per_atom'] = angles[-1,:] out_dict['convergence_group']['orbital_moment_per_atom_all_iterations'] = result[:, :] tmp_dict['orbital_moment_unit'] = 'mu_Bohr' #tmp_dict['orbital_moment_angles_per_atom_unit'] = 'degree' out_dict['magnetism_group'] = tmp_dict except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: orbital moment' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() # get RMS info for nonco angles try: if nspin > 1 and newsosol: result = get_noco_rms(outfile, debug) if len(result) > 0: out_dict['convergence_group']['noco_angles_rms_all_iterations'] = result[:] out_dict['convergence_group']['noco_angles_rms_all_iterations_unit'] = 'degrees' except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: noco angles rms value' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: result = get_EF(outfile) out_dict['fermi_energy'] = result[-1] out_dict['fermi_energy_units'] = 'Ry' out_dict['convergence_group']['fermi_energy_all_iterations'] = result out_dict['convergence_group']['fermi_energy_all_iterations_units'] = 'Ry' except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: EF' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: result = get_DOS_EF(outfile) out_dict['dos_at_fermi_energy'] = result[-1] out_dict['convergence_group']['dos_at_fermi_energy_all_iterations'] = result except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: DOS@EF' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: result = get_Etot(outfile) out_dict['energy'] = result[-1] * get_Ry2eV() out_dict['energy_unit'] = 'eV' out_dict['total_energy_Ry'] = result[-1] out_dict['total_energy_Ry_unit'] = 'Rydberg' out_dict['convergence_group']['total_energy_Ry_all_iterations'] = result except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: total energy' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: result = get_single_particle_energies(outfile_000) out_dict['single_particle_energies'] = result * get_Ry2eV() out_dict['single_particle_energies_unit'] = 'eV' except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: single particle energies' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: result_WS, result_tot, result_C = get_charges_per_atom(outfile_000) niter = len(out_dict['convergence_group']['rms_all_iterations']) natyp = int(len(result_tot) // niter) out_dict['total_charge_per_atom'] = result_tot[-natyp:] out_dict['charge_core_states_per_atom'] = result_C[-natyp:] # this check deals with the DOS case where output is slightly different if len(result_WS) == len(result_C): out_dict['charge_valence_states_per_atom'] = result_WS[-natyp:] - result_C[-natyp:] out_dict['total_charge_per_atom_unit'] = 'electron charge' out_dict['charge_core_states_per_atom_unit'] = 'electron charge' out_dict['charge_valence_states_per_atom_unit'] = 'electron charge' except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: charges' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() try: try: niter, nitermax, converged, nmax_reached, mixinfo = get_scfinfo(outfile_0init, outfile_000, outfile) except IndexError: niter, nitermax, converged, nmax_reached, mixinfo = get_scfinfo(outfile_0init, outfile_2, outfile) out_dict['convergence_group']['number_of_iterations'] = niter out_dict['convergence_group']['number_of_iterations_max'] = nitermax out_dict['convergence_group']['calculation_converged'] = converged out_dict['convergence_group']['nsteps_exhausted'] = nmax_reached out_dict['convergence_group']['imix'] = mixinfo[0] out_dict['convergence_group']['strmix'] = mixinfo[1] out_dict['convergence_group']['qbound'] = mixinfo[2] out_dict['convergence_group']['fcm'] = mixinfo[3] out_dict['convergence_group']['idtbry'] = mixinfo[4] out_dict['convergence_group']['brymix'] = mixinfo[5] except: # pylint: disable=bare-except msg = 'Error parsing output of KKR: scfinfo' msg_list.append(msg) if debug: traceback.print_exc() #convert numpy arrays to standard python lists out_dict = convert_to_pystd(out_dict) # return output with error messages if there are any return len(msg_list) == 0, msg_list, out_dict
[docs]def check_error_category(err_cat, err_msg, out_dict): """ Check if parser error of the non-critical category (err_cat != 1) are actually consistent and may be discarded. :param err_cat: the error-category of the error message to be investigated :param err_msg: the error-message :param out_dict: the dict of results obtained from the parser function :returns: True/False if message is an error or warning """ # check special cases: # 1. nonco_angle_file not present, but newsosol==False anyways if 'NONCO_ANGLES_OUT' in err_msg: return out_dict.get('use_newsosol', True) # default behavior return err_cat == 1