# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
# #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools. #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file. #
# For further information please visit http://judft.de/. #
# #
Collection of predefined transformations for the :py:class:`~masci_tools.io.parsers.hdf5.reader.HDF5Reader` class
All Transformation have to be able to handle (or fail gracefully with a clear error)
for the following 3 cases:
1. The dataset is still a h5py.Dataset and might need to be transformed to a numpy array
2. The dataset is a numpy array
3. The dataset is a dict. This is needed to read arbitrary child dataset, where not all labels
are known. Two options can be chosen apply the transformation to all keys in the dict
or throw an error
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, TypeVar, Any, cast
import h5py
import numpy as np
from functools import wraps
from collections import defaultdict
from .reader import HDF5Reader
F = TypeVar('F', bound=Callable[..., Any])
"""Generic Callable type"""
def get_first_element(dataset):
Get the first element of the dataset.
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:returns: first element of the dataset
return index_dataset(dataset, 0)
def index_dataset(dataset, index):
Get the n-th element of the dataset.
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:returns: first element of the dataset
if isinstance(dataset, dict):
transformed = {key: data[index] for key, data in dataset.items()}
transformed = dataset[index]
return transformed
def slice_dataset(dataset, slice_arg):
Slice the dataset with the given slice argument.
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param slice_arg: slice to apply to the dataset
:returns: first element of the dataset
if isinstance(dataset, dict):
transformed = {key: data[slice_arg] for key, data in dataset.items()}
transformed = dataset[slice_arg]
return transformed
def get_shape(dataset):
Get the shape of the dataset.
:param dataset: dataset to get the shape
:returns: shape of the dataset
if isinstance(dataset, dict):
transformed = {key: data.shape for key, data in dataset.items()}
transformed = dataset.shape
return transformed
def get_name(dataset, full_path=False):
Get the name of the dataset.
:param dataset: dataset to get the shape
:param full_path: bool, if True the full path to the dataset is returned
:returns: name of the dataset
if isinstance(dataset, (list, np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError('Dataset has to be a h5py.Dataset for get_name')
if isinstance(dataset, dict):
if full_path:
transformed = {key: data.name for key, data in dataset.items()}
transformed = {key: data.name.split('/')[-1] for key, data in dataset.items()}
elif full_path:
transformed = dataset.name
transformed = dataset.name.split('/')[-1]
return transformed
def tile_array(dataset, n_repeats):
Use numpy.tile to repeat array n-times
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param attribute_shape: int, time sto repeat the given array
:returns: dataset repeated n-times
if isinstance(dataset, dict):
transformed = {key: np.tile(dataset, n_repeats) for key, data in dataset.items()}
transformed = np.tile(dataset, n_repeats)
return transformed
def repeat_array(dataset, n_repeats):
Use numpy.repeat to repeat each element in array n-times
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param n_repeats: int, time to repeat each element
:returns: dataset with elements repeated n-times
if isinstance(dataset, dict):
transformed = {key: np.repeat(dataset, n_repeats) for key, data in dataset.items()}
transformed = np.repeat(dataset, n_repeats)
return transformed
def get_all_child_datasets(group, ignore=None, contains=None):
Get all datasets contained in the given group
:param group: h5py object to extract from
:param ignore: str or iterable of str (optional). These
keys will be ignored
:param contains: str or iterable of str (optional). This phrase has to be in the key
:returns: a dict with the contained dataset entered with their names as keys
if ignore is None:
ignore = set()
if isinstance(ignore, str):
ignore = {ignore}
transformed = {}
for key, val in group.items():
if any(phrase in key for phrase in ignore):
if contains is not None:
if any(phrase not in key for phrase in contains):
if isinstance(val, h5py.Dataset):
transformed[key] = val
return transformed
def merge_subgroup_datasets(group,
Get all datasets contained in the given group
:param group: h5py object to extract from
:param ignore_group: str or iterable of str (optional). These
keys will be ignored
:param contains_group: str or iterable of str (optional). This phrase has to be in the key
:param ignore: str or iterable of str (optional). These
keys of the datasets in the subgroup will be ignored
:param contains: str or iterable of str (optional). This phrase has to be in the key of the datasets in the subgroup
:param stack_results: bool if True the resulting list of datasets will be used to construct one numpy array
:returns: a dict with the contained dataset of the subgroups of the given group entered with their names as keys
if ignore_group is None:
ignore_group = set()
if isinstance(ignore_group, str):
ignore_group = {ignore_group}
transformed = defaultdict(list)
for key in sorted(group.keys(), key=sort_key):
val = group[key]
if any(phrase in key for phrase in ignore_group):
if contains_group is not None:
if any(phrase not in key for phrase in contains_group):
if isinstance(val, h5py.Group):
subgroup_dsets = get_all_child_datasets(val, ignore=ignore, contains=contains)
for k, v in subgroup_dsets.items():
if stack_results:
transformed = {key: np.stack(val) for key, val in transformed.items()}
return transformed
def stack_datasets(dataset, axis=0, sort_key=None):
Stack the entries in the given dict dataset along the given axis
:param dataset: dict dataset to transform
:param axis: int along which axis should be stacked
:returns: the array resulting from stacking all entries in the dictionary
if not isinstance(dataset, dict):
raise NotImplementedError
keys = sorted(dataset.keys(), key=sort_key)
return np.stack([dataset[key] for key in keys], axis=axis)
def shift_dataset(dataset, scalar_value, negative=False):
Shift the dataset by the given scalar_value
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param scalar_value: value to shift the dataset by
:param negative: bool, if True the scalar_value will be subtracted
:returns: the dataset shifted by the scalar
if it is a dict all entries are shifted
transformed = dataset
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
transformed = {
key: np.array(entry) if isinstance(entry, h5py.Dataset) else entry for key, entry in transformed.items()
elif isinstance(transformed, h5py.Dataset):
transformed = np.array(transformed)
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
if negative:
transformed = {key: entry - scalar_value for key, entry in transformed.items()}
transformed = {key: entry + scalar_value for key, entry in transformed.items()}
if negative:
transformed = transformed - scalar_value
transformed = transformed + scalar_value
return transformed
def multiply_scalar(dataset, scalar_value):
Multiply the given dataset with a scalar_value
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param scalar_value: value to multiply the dataset by
:returns: the dataset multiplied by the scalar
if it is a dict all entries are multiplied
transformed = dataset
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
transformed = {
key: np.array(entry) if isinstance(entry, h5py.Dataset) else entry for key, entry in transformed.items()
elif isinstance(transformed, h5py.Dataset):
transformed = np.array(transformed)
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
transformed = {key: entry * scalar_value for key, entry in transformed.items()}
transformed = transformed * scalar_value
return transformed
def convert_to_complex_array(dataset):
Converts the given dataset of real numbers into
dataset of complex numbers. This follows the convention of
how complex numbers are normally written out by Fleur
(last index 0 real part, last index 1 imag part)
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:returns: dataset with complex values
transformed = dataset
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
transformed = {
key: np.array(entry) if isinstance(entry, h5py.Dataset) else entry for key, entry in transformed.items()
elif isinstance(transformed, h5py.Dataset):
transformed = np.array(transformed)
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
transformed = {key: entry[..., 0] + 1j * entry[..., 1] for key, entry in transformed.items()}
transformed = transformed[..., 0] + 1j * transformed[..., 1]
return transformed
def multiply_array(dataset, matrix, transpose=False):
Multiply the given dataset with a matrix
:param dataset: dataset to multiply
:param matrix: matrix to multiply by
:param transpose: bool, if True the given matrix is transposed
:returns: dataset multiplied with the given matrix
transformed = dataset
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
transformed = {
key: np.array(entry) if isinstance(entry, h5py.Dataset) else entry for key, entry in transformed.items()
elif isinstance(transformed, h5py.Dataset):
transformed = np.array(dataset)
if transpose:
matrix = matrix.T
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
transformed = {key: entry.dot(matrix) for key, entry in transformed.items()}
transformed = transformed.dot(matrix)
return transformed
def calculate_norm(dataset, between_neighbours=False):
Calculate norms on the given dataset. Calculates the norm of each row in the dataset
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param between_neighbours: bool, if True the distance between subsequent entries in the dataset is calculated
:returns: norms of the given dataset
transformed = dataset
if isinstance(dataset, h5py.Dataset):
transformed = np.array(dataset)
if isinstance(dataset, dict):
raise NotImplementedError
if between_neighbours:
transformed = np.array([np.linalg.norm(ki - kj) for ki, kj in zip(transformed[1:], transformed[:-1])])
transformed = np.linalg.norm(transformed, axis=0)
return transformed
def cumulative_sum(dataset, beginning_zero=True):
Calculate the cumulative sum of the dataset
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:returns: cumulative sum of the dataset
if isinstance(dataset, dict):
raise NotImplementedError
transformed = dataset
if isinstance(dataset, h5py.Dataset):
transformed = np.array(dataset)
if beginning_zero:
transformed = np.insert(transformed, 0, 0.0)
transformed = np.cumsum(transformed)
return transformed
def get_attribute(dataset, attribute_name):
"""Extracts a specified attribute's value.
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param attribute_name: str of the attribute to extract from the dataset
:returns: value of the attribute on the dataset
if isinstance(dataset, (np.ndarray, dict)):
raise NotImplementedError
transformed = dataset.attrs[attribute_name]
return transformed
def attributes(dataset):
"""Extracts all attributes of the dataset
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:returns: dict with all the set attributes on the dataset
if isinstance(dataset, (np.ndarray, dict)):
raise NotImplementedError
transformed = dict(dataset.attrs)
return transformed
def move_to_memory(dataset):
"""Moves the given dataset to memory, if it's not already there
Creates numpy arrays for each dataset it finds
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:returns: dataset with h5py.Datasets converted to numpy arrays
transformed = dataset
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
for key, val in transformed.items():
transformed[key] = move_to_memory(val)
elif isinstance(transformed, h5py.Dataset):
transformed = np.array(dataset)
return transformed
def flatten_array(dataset, order='C'):
Flattens the given dataset to one dimensional array.
Copies the array !!
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param order: str {`C`, `F`, `A`, `K`} flatten in column major
or row-major order (see numpy.flatten documentation)
:returns: flattened dataset
transformed = dataset
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
transformed = {
key: np.array(entry) if isinstance(entry, h5py.Dataset) else entry for key, entry in transformed.items()
elif isinstance(transformed, h5py.Dataset):
transformed = np.array(transformed)
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
transformed = {key: entry.flatten(order=order) for key, entry in transformed.items()}
transformed = transformed.flatten(order=order)
return transformed
def split_array(dataset, suffixes=None, name=None):
Split the arrays in a dataset into multiple entries
by their first index
If the dataset is a dict the entries will be split up.
If the dataset is not a dict a dict is created with the dataset
entered under `name` and this will be split up
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param suffix: Optional list of str to use for suffixes
for the split up entries. by default it is
the value of the first index of the original
:param name: str for the case of the dataset not being a
dict. Key for the entry in the new dict for
the original dataset. The returned dataset will only
contain the split up entries
:param dataset: dict with the entries split up
if not isinstance(dataset, dict) and name is None:
raise ValueError('split_arrays has to be given a name if the dataset is not a dict')
transformed = dataset
if not isinstance(dataset, dict):
transformed = {name: dataset}
transformed = {
key: np.array(entry) if isinstance(entry, h5py.Dataset) else entry for key, entry in transformed.items()
max_length = max(len(entry) for entry in transformed.values())
if suffixes is None:
suffixes = list(range(max_length))
if len(suffixes) < max_length:
raise ValueError(f'Too few suffixes provided: Expected {max_length} Got: {len(suffixes)}')
for key in list(transformed.keys()):
val = transformed.pop(key)
for suffix, entry in zip(suffixes, val):
transformed[f'{key}_{suffix}'] = entry
return transformed
def convert_to_str(dataset, join=False):
"""Converts the given dataset to a numpy array of type string
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param join: bool if True the result will be joined together
:returns: numpy array of dtype str
transformed = np.array(dataset).astype(str)
if join:
transformed = ''.join(transformed)
return transformed
def apply_lambda(dataset, lambda_func):
"""Applies a given lambda function to the dataset
This should be used with care. One possible example is
converting to a boolean with lambda x: x==1
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param lambda_func: lambda function to apply to the dataset
:returns: return value of the lambda function
transformed = dataset
if isinstance(transformed, dict):
transformed = {key: lambda_func(entry) for key, entry in transformed.items()}
transformed = lambda_func(dataset)
return transformed
def periodic_elements(dataset):
"""Converts the given dataset (int or list of ints)
To the atomic symbols corresponding to the atomic number
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:returns: str or array of str with the atomic elements
from masci_tools.util.constants import PERIODIC_TABLE_ELEMENTS
if isinstance(dataset, dict):
raise NotImplementedError
if isinstance(dataset, int):
transformed = PERIODIC_TABLE_ELEMENTS[dataset]['symbol']
transformed = np.array([PERIODIC_TABLE_ELEMENTS[entry]['symbol'] for entry in dataset], dtype=str)
return transformed
def sum_over_dict_entries(dataset, overwrite_dict=False, entries=None, dict_entry='sum', entry_format=None):
Sum the datasets contained in the given dict dataset
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param overwrite_dict: bool if True, the result will overwrite the dictionary
if False it is entered under `sum` in the dict
:returns: dataset with summed entries
if not isinstance(dataset, dict):
raise ValueError('sum_over_dict_entries is only available for dict datasets')
if entries is None:
entries = dataset.keys()
if entry_format is not None:
entries = [entry_format(entry) for entry in entries]
transformed = dataset
if overwrite_dict:
transformed = np.sum([entry for key, entry in dataset.items() if key in entries], axis=0)
transformed[dict_entry] = np.sum([entry for key, entry in dataset.items() if key in entries], axis=0)
return transformed
def add_partial_sums_fixed(dataset, patterns, replace_entries=None):
Add entries to the dataset dict (Only available for dict datasets) with sums
over entries containing a given pattern
Used for example in the FleurBands recipe to calculate total atom weights
with the patterns `['MT:1', 'MT:2', ...]`
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param patterns: list of str to sum entries over
:param replace_entries: list of str under which to enter the entries back
:returns: dataset with new entries containing the sums over entries matching the given pattern
from collections.abc import Iterable
import re
if not isinstance(dataset, dict):
raise ValueError('add_partial_sums_fixed only available for dict datasets')
if not isinstance(patterns, Iterable) and not isinstance(patterns, str):
raise ValueError('patterns has be an Iterable')
if replace_entries is None:
replace_entries = patterns
transformed = dataset.copy()
for pattern, replace_entry in zip(patterns, replace_entries):
entries = [key for key in transformed.keys() if re.match(pattern, key)]
transformed[replace_entry] = sum_over_dict_entries(dataset, overwrite_dict=True, entries=entries)
return transformed
#Functions that can use an attribute value (These are passed in from _transform_dataset)
#The transformation don't have access to all the attributes
def multiply_by_attribute(dataset, attribute_value, transpose=False):
Multiply the given dataset with a previously parsed attribute, either scalar or matrix like
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param attribute_value: value to multiply by (attribute value passed in from `_transform_dataset`)
Only relevant for matrix multiplication:
:param transpose: bool if True the Matrix order is transposed before multiplying
:returns: dataset multiplied with the given attribute_value
if isinstance(attribute_value, h5py.Dataset):
attribute_value = np.array(attribute_value)
if isinstance(attribute_value, np.ndarray):
transformed = multiply_array(dataset, attribute_value, transpose=transpose)
transformed = multiply_scalar(dataset, attribute_value)
return transformed
def shift_by_attribute(dataset, attribute_value, negative=False):
Shift the dataset by the given value of the attribute
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param attribute_value: value to shift the dataset by
:param negative: bool, if True the scalar_value will be subtracted
:returns: the dataset shifted by the scalar
if it is a dict all entries are shifted
return shift_dataset(dataset, attribute_value, negative=negative)
def add_partial_sums(dataset, attribute_value, pattern_format, make_set=False, replace_format=None):
Add entries to the dataset dict (Only available for dict datasets) with sums
over entries containing a given pattern formatted with a attribute_value
Used for example in the FleurBands recipe to calculate total atom weights
with the pattern_format `'MT:{}'.format` and the atomtype as the attribute_value
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param attribute_value: value to multiply by (attribute value passed in from `_transform_dataset`)
:param pattern_format: callable returning a formatted string
This will be called with every entry in the attribute_value list
:param replace_format: callable returning a formatted string
This will be called with every entry in the attribute_value list
:returns: dataset with new entries containing the sums over entries matching the given pattern
import re
if isinstance(attribute_value, h5py.Dataset):
attribute_value = np.array(attribute_value)
if not isinstance(dataset, dict):
raise ValueError('add_partial_sums only available for dict datasets')
if not isinstance(attribute_value, (list, np.ndarray)):
raise ValueError('attribute_value has be a list or array')
if make_set:
attribute_value = set(attribute_value)
sum_patterns = []
replace_entries = None
if replace_format is not None:
replace_entries = []
for val in attribute_value:
if any(re.match(pattern_format(val), key) for key in dataset.keys()):
if replace_format is not None:
return add_partial_sums_fixed(dataset, sum_patterns, replace_entries=replace_entries)
def repeat_array_by_attribute(dataset, attribute_value):
Use numpy.repeat to repeat each element in array n-times (given by attribute_value)
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param attribute_shape: int, time to repeat the elements in the given array
:returns: dataset with elements repeated n-times
return repeat_array(dataset, attribute_value)
def tile_array_by_attribute(dataset, attribute_value):
Use numpy.tile to repeat array n-times (given by attribute_value)
:param dataset: dataset to transform
:param attribute_shape: int, time sto repeat the given array
:returns: dataset repeated n-times
return tile_array(dataset, attribute_value)