# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
# #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools. #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file. #
# For further information please visit http://judft.de/. #
# #
This module contains custom conversion functions for the outxml_parser, which
cannot be handled by the standard parsing framework
from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import date
import numpy as np
from masci_tools.util.constants import HTR_TO_EV
from masci_tools.io.common_functions import convert_to_pystd, abs_to_rel, abs_to_rel_f
from typing import Any
from logging import Logger
from . import conversion_function
def convert_htr_to_ev(out_dict: dict[str, Any],
name: str,
converted_name: str | None = None,
pop: bool = False,
add_unit: bool = True,
logger: Logger | None = None) -> dict[str, Any]:
Convert value from htr to eV
if pop:
old = out_dict.pop(name, None)
old = out_dict.get(name)
if converted_name is None:
converted_name = f'{old}_ev'
if add_unit:
out_dict[f'{converted_name}_units'] = 'eV'
if old is None:
if name in out_dict:
if logger is not None:
logger.warning(f'convert_htr_to_ev cannot convert None to eV (Name: {name})')
out_dict[converted_name] = None
return out_dict
old = old[-1]
if old is not None:
out_dict.setdefault(converted_name, []).append(old * HTR_TO_EV)
if logger is not None:
logger.warning(f'convert_htr_to_ev cannot convert None to eV (Name: {name})')
out_dict.setdefault(converted_name, []).append(None)
return out_dict
def calculate_total_magnetic_moment(out_dict: dict[str, Any], logger: Logger) -> dict[str, Any]:
Calculate the the total magnetic moment per cell
:param out_dict: dict with the already parsed information
total_charge = out_dict.get('spin_dependent_charge_total', None)
if total_charge is None:
if logger is not None:
logger.warning('calculate_total_magnetic_moment got None')
return out_dict
total_charge = total_charge[-1]
if isinstance(total_charge, list):
if 'total_magnetic_moment_cell' not in out_dict:
out_dict['total_magnetic_moment_cell'] = []
out_dict['total_magnetic_moment_cell'].append(convert_to_pystd(np.abs(total_charge[0] - total_charge[1])))
return out_dict
def calculate_walltime(out_dict: dict[str, Any], logger: Logger) -> dict[str, Any]:
Calculate the walltime from start and end time
:param out_dict: dict with the already parsed information
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors, if not provided all errors will be raised
if out_dict['start_date']['time'] is not None:
starttimes = out_dict['start_date']['time'].split(':')
starttimes = [0, 0, 0]
msg = 'Starttime was unparsed, inp.xml prob not complete, do not believe the walltime!'
if logger is not None:
if out_dict['end_date']['time'] is not None:
endtimes = out_dict['end_date']['time'].split(':')
endtimes = [0, 0, 0]
msg = 'Endtime was unparsed, inp.xml prob not complete, do not believe the walltime!'
if logger is not None:
if out_dict['start_date']['date'] is not None:
start_date = out_dict['start_date']['date']
start_date = None
msg = 'Startdate was unparsed, inp.xml prob not complete, do not believe the walltime!'
if logger is not None:
if out_dict['end_date']['date'] is not None:
end_date = out_dict['end_date']['date']
end_date = None
msg = 'Enddate was unparsed, inp.xml prob not complete, do not believe the walltime!'
if logger is not None:
offset = 0
if start_date is not None and end_date is not None:
if start_date != end_date:
date_sl = [int(ent) for ent in start_date.split('/')]
date_el = [int(ent) for ent in end_date.split('/')]
date_s = date(*date_sl)
date_e = date(*date_el)
diff = date_e - date_s
offset = diff.days * 86400
time = offset + (int(endtimes[0]) - int(starttimes[0])) * 60 * 60 + (
int(endtimes[1]) - int(starttimes[1])) * 60 + int(endtimes[2]) - int(starttimes[2])
out_dict['walltime'] = time
out_dict['walltime_units'] = 'seconds'
return out_dict
def convert_ldau_definitions(out_dict: dict[str, Any], logger: Logger) -> dict[str, Any]:
Convert the parsed information from LDA+U into a more readable dict
ldau_info has keys for each species with LDA+U ({species_name}/{atom_number})
and this in turn contains a dict with the LDA+U definition for the given orbital (spdf)
:param out_dict: dict with the already parsed information
parsed_ldau = out_dict['ldau_info'].pop('parsed_ldau')
ldau_species = out_dict['ldau_info'].pop('ldau_species')
if isinstance(ldau_species['name'], str):
ldau_species = {key: [val] for key, val in ldau_species.items()}
if isinstance(parsed_ldau['l'], int):
parsed_ldau = {key: [val] for key, val in parsed_ldau.items()}
ldau_definitions = zip(ldau_species['name'], ldau_species['atomic_number'], parsed_ldau['l'])
for index, ldau_def in enumerate(ldau_definitions):
species_name, atom_number, orbital = ldau_def
species_key = f'{species_name}/{atom_number}'
orbital_key = 'spdf'[orbital]
ldau_dict = out_dict['ldau_info'].setdefault(species_key, {})
ldau_dict[orbital_key] = {
'u': parsed_ldau['u'][index],
'j': parsed_ldau['j'][index],
'unit': 'eV',
'double_counting': 'AMF' if parsed_ldau['l_amf'][index] else 'FLL'
return out_dict
def convert_ldahia_definitions(out_dict: dict[str, Any], logger: Logger) -> dict[str, Any]:
Convert the parsed information from LDA+U into a more readable dict
ldau_info has keys for each species with LDA+U ({species_name}/{atom_number})
and this in turn contains a dict with the LDA+U definition for the given orbital (spdf)
:param out_dict: dict with the already parsed information
parsed_ldahia = out_dict['ldahia_info'].pop('parsed_ldahia')
ldahia_species = out_dict['ldahia_info'].pop('ldahia_species')
if isinstance(ldahia_species['name'], str):
ldahia_species = {key: [val] for key, val in ldahia_species.items()}
if isinstance(parsed_ldahia['l'], int):
parsed_ldahia = {key: [val] for key, val in parsed_ldahia.items()}
ldau_definitions = zip(ldahia_species['name'], ldahia_species['atomic_number'], parsed_ldahia['l'])
for index, ldahia_def in enumerate(ldau_definitions):
species_name, atom_number, orbital = ldahia_def
species_key = f'{species_name}/{atom_number}'
orbital_key = 'spdf'[orbital]
ldahia_dict = out_dict['ldahia_info'].setdefault(species_key, {})
ldahia_dict[orbital_key] = {
'u': parsed_ldahia['u'][index],
'j': parsed_ldahia['j'][index],
'unit': 'eV',
'double_counting': 'AMF' if parsed_ldahia['l_amf'][index] else 'FLL',
'initial_occupation': parsed_ldahia['init_occ'][index]
return out_dict
def convert_relax_info(out_dict: dict[str, Any], logger: Logger) -> dict[str, Any]:
Convert the general relaxation information
:param out_dict: dict with the already parsed information
atoms, cell, pbc = out_dict.pop('parsed_relax_info')
film = not all(pbc)
positions = [convert_to_pystd(site.position) for site in atoms]
if film:
positions = [abs_to_rel_f(position, cell, pbc) for position in positions]
positions = [abs_to_rel(position, cell) for position in positions]
out_dict['relax_brav_vectors'] = cell.tolist()
out_dict['relax_atom_positions'] = [[round(x, 16) for x in pos] for pos in positions]
out_dict['relax_atomtype_info'] = [(site.kind, site.symbol) for site in atoms]
return out_dict
def convert_forces(out_dict: dict[str, Any], logger: Logger) -> dict[str, Any]:
Convert the parsed forces from a iteration
:param out_dict: dict with the already parsed information
parsed_forces = out_dict.pop('parsed_forces')
if 'force_largest_component' not in out_dict:
out_dict['force_largest_component'] = []
out_dict['force_atoms'] = []
out_dict['abspos_atoms'] = []
if isinstance(parsed_forces['atom_type'], int):
parsed_forces = {key: [val] for key, val in parsed_forces.items()}
largest_force = 0.0
forces = []
abspos = []
for index, atomType in enumerate(parsed_forces['atom_type']):
force_x = parsed_forces['f_x'][index]
force_y = parsed_forces['f_y'][index]
force_z = parsed_forces['f_z'][index]
x = parsed_forces['x'][index]
y = parsed_forces['y'][index]
z = parsed_forces['z'][index]
forces.append((atomType, [force_x, force_y, force_z]))
abspos.append((atomType, [x, y, z]))
if abs(force_x) > largest_force:
largest_force = abs(force_x)
if abs(force_y) > largest_force:
largest_force = abs(force_y)
if abs(force_z) > largest_force:
largest_force = abs(force_z)
return out_dict