Source code for
# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
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# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file. #
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# #
In this module you find the kkrparams class that helps defining the KKR input parameters
Also some defaults for the parameters are defined.
import json
import pathlib
from import open_general
# path of this file
_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
__copyright__ = ('Copyright (c), 2017, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH,'
'IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. All rights reserved.')
__license__ = 'MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file'
__version__ = '1.9.1'
__contributors__ = 'Philipp Rüßmann'
# This defines the default parameters for KKR used in the aiida plugin:
__kkr_default_params__ = {
'LMAX': 3, # lmax-cutoff
'INS': 1, # use shape corrections (full potential)
'KSHAPE': 2, # basically the same information as INS (KSHAPE=2*INS should always hold!)
'NSPIN': 2, # spin-polarized calculation (but by default not automatically initialized with external field)
'RMAX': 10., # Madelung sum real-space cutoff
'GMAX': 100., # Madelung sum reciprocal-space cutoff
'RCLUSTZ': 2.3 # size of screening cluster (in alat units)
# prevent kkrparams to add brackets around these keywords automatically
# case insensitive (converted to upper case)
__forbid_brackets__ = ['USE_INPUT_ALAT']
[docs]class kkrparams:
Class for creating and handling the parameter input for a KKR calculation
Optional keyword arguments are passed to init and stored in values dictionary.
Example usage: params = kkrparams(LMAX=3, BRAVAIS=array([[1,0,0], [0,1,0], [0,0,1]]))
Alternatively values can be set afterwards either individually with
params.set_value('LMAX', 3)
or multiple keys at once with
params.set_multiple_values(EMIN=-0.5, EMAX=1)
Other useful functions
- print the description of a keyword: params.get_description([key]) where [key] is a string for a keyword in params.values
- print a list of mandatory keywords: params.get_all_mandatory()
- print a list of keywords that are set including their value: params.get_set_values()
.. note:
KKR-units (e.g. atomic units with energy in Ry, length in a_Bohr) are assumed
except for the keys'<RBLEFT>', '<RBRIGHT>', 'ZPERIODL', and 'ZPERIODR' which should be given in Ang. units!
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Initialize class instance with containing the attribute values that also have
a format, mandatory flags (defaults for KKRcode, changed for example via params_type='voronoi' keyword) and a description.
# keywords for KKRhost and voronoi (all allowed keys for inputcard)
with open(_DIR.joinpath('data_kkrparams/defaults_kkrhost.json'), encoding='utf8') as _f:
self._DEFAULT_KEYWORDS_KKR = json.load(_f)
# keywords for KKRimp (all allowed settings for config file)
with open(_DIR.joinpath('data_kkrparams/defaults_kkrimp.json'), encoding='utf8') as _f:
self._DEFAULT_KEYS_KKRIMP = json.load(_f)
# make keys upper case (needed internally to equality comparison)
self._DEFAULT_KEYWORDS_KKR = {k.upper(): v for k, v in self._DEFAULT_KEYWORDS_KKR.items()}
self._DEFAULT_KEYS_KKRIMP = {k.upper(): v for k, v in self._DEFAULT_KEYS_KKRIMP.items()}
if 'params_type' in kwargs:
self.__params_type = kwargs.pop('params_type')
#parameter are set for kkr or voronoi code? (changes mandatory flags)
self.__params_type = 'kkr' #default value, also possible: 'voronoi', 'kkrimp'
valid_types = ['kkr', 'voronoi', 'kkrimp']
if self.__params_type not in valid_types:
raise ValueError(f'params_type can only be one of {valid_types} but got {self.__params_type}')
# initialize keywords dict
if self.__params_type == 'kkrimp':
keyw = self._create_keywords_dict_kkrimp(**kwargs)
keyw = self._create_keywords_dict(**kwargs)
#values of keywords:
self.values = {}
#formatting info
self.__format = {}
#mandatory flag
self._mandatory = {}
# description of each key
self.__description = {}
self.__listargs = None
self.__special_formatting = None
for key, val in keyw.items():
self.values[key] = val[0]
self.__format[key] = val[1]
self._mandatory[key] = val[2]
self.__description[key] = val[3]
# update mandatory set for voronoi, kkrimp cases
[docs] @classmethod
def get_KKRcalc_parameter_defaults(cls, silent=False):
set defaults (defined in header of this file) and returns dict, kkrparams_version
p = cls()
for key, val in __kkr_default_params__.items():
p.set_value(key, val, silent=silent)
return dict(p.get_set_values()), __version__
[docs] def get_dict(self, group=None, subgroup=None):
Returns values dictionary.
Prints values belonging to a certain group only if the 'group' argument
is one of the following: 'lattice', 'chemistry', 'accuracy',
'external fields', 'scf cycle', 'other'
Additionally the subgroups argument allows to print only a subset of
all keys in a certain group. The following subgroups are available.
- in 'lattice' group '2D mode', 'shape functions'
- in 'chemistry' group 'Atom types', 'Exchange-correlation', 'CPA mode', '2D mode'
- in 'accuracy' group 'Valence energy contour', 'Semicore energy contour',
'CPA mode', 'Screening clusters', 'Radial solver',
'Ewald summation', 'LLoyd'
out_dict = self.values
#check for grouping
group_searchstrings = {
'lattice': 'Description of lattice',
'chemistry': 'Chemistry',
'external fields': 'External fields:',
'accuracy': 'Accuracy',
'scf cycle': 'Self-consistency control:',
'other': ['Running and test options', 'Name of potential and shapefun file']
subgroups_all = {
'lattice': ['2D mode', 'shape functions'],
'chemistry': ['Atom types', 'Exchange-correlation', 'CPA mode', '2D mode'],
'accuracy': [
'Valence energy contour', 'Semicore energy contour', 'CPA mode', 'Screening clusters', 'Radial solver',
'Ewald summation', 'LLoyd'
if group in ['lattice', 'chemistry', 'accuracy', 'external fields', 'scf cycle', 'other']:
print(f'Returning only values belonging to group {group}')
tmp_dict = {}
for key in out_dict:
desc = self.__description[key]
key_in_group = False
if group_searchstrings[group] != 'other':
if group_searchstrings[group] in desc:
key_in_group = True
if group_searchstrings[group][0] in desc or group_searchstrings[group][1] in desc:
key_in_group = True
if key_in_group:
tmp_dict[key] = self.values[key]
#check for subgrouping and overwrite tmp_dict accordingly
if group in ['lattice', 'chemistry', 'accuracy']:
if subgroup in subgroups_all[group]:
print(f'Restrict keys additionally to subgroup {subgroup}')
tmp_dict2 = {}
for key in tmp_dict:
desc = self.__description[key]
key_in_group = False
if subgroup in desc:
key_in_group = True
if key_in_group:
tmp_dict2[key] = self.values[key]
tmp_dict = tmp_dict2
# overwrite out_dict with tmp_dict
out_dict = tmp_dict
return out_dict
def _get_type_from_string(self, fmtstr):
"""Helper function of get_type"""
if 'f' in fmtstr or 'e' in fmtstr:
keytype = float
elif 'i' in fmtstr:
keytype = int
elif 'l' in fmtstr:
keytype = bool
elif 's' in fmtstr:
keytype = str
print('Error: type of keyvalue not found:', fmtstr)
raise TypeError(f'Type not found for format string: {fmtstr}')
return keytype
[docs] def get_type(self, key):
"""Extract expected type of 'key' from format info"""
fmtstr = self.__format[key]
except KeyError:
fmtstr = None
if fmtstr is not None:
# simple format or complex pattern
simplefmt = True
if fmtstr.count('%') > 1:
simplefmt = False
if simplefmt:
keytype = self._get_type_from_string(fmtstr)
fmtlist = fmtstr.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '').split('%')[1:]
keytype = []
for fmtstr in fmtlist:
return keytype
return None
def _check_valuetype(self, key):
"""Consistency check if type of value matches expected type from format info"""
# this is the type which is expected
cmptypes = self.get_type(key)
# check if entry is numpy array and change to list automatically:
tmpval = self.values[key].flatten().tolist()
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
tmpval = self.values[key]
tmptype = type(tmpval)
# get type of value
if tmptype == list:
valtype = []
for index, val in enumerate(tmpval):
if cmptypes == str:
tmpval[index] = str(val) # for pytho2/3 compatibility
if cmptypes == str:
tmpval = str(tmpval) # for pytho2/3 compatibility
tmptype = type(tmpval)
valtype = tmptype
#print(key, valtype, self.get_type(key))
# check if type matches format info
success = True
if cmptypes is not None:
#print(key, type(valtype), valtype, cmptypes)
changed_type_automatically = False
if valtype == int and cmptypes == float:
changed_type_automatically = True
self.values[key] = float(self.values[key])
elif isinstance(valtype, list):
for index, current_type in enumerate(valtype):
if current_type == int and cmptypes == float:
changed_type_automatically = True
self.values[key][index] = float(self.values[key][index])
elif valtype != cmptypes and tmpval is not None:
success = False
print('Error: type of value does not match expected type for ', key, self.values[key], cmptypes,
type(self.values[key]), valtype)
raise TypeError(
'type of value does not match expected type for key={}; value={}; expected type={}; got type={}'.
format(key, self.values[key], cmptypes, type(self.values[key])))
if changed_type_automatically:
'Warning: filling value of "%s" with integer but expects float. Converting automatically and continue'
% key)
return success
[docs] def get_value(self, key):
"""Gets value of keyword 'key'"""
if key not in self.values:
print(f'Error key ({key}) not found in values dict! {self.values}')
raise KeyError
# deal with special cases of runopt and testopt (lists of codewords)
if key in ['RUNOPT', 'TESTOPT'] and self.values[key] is None:
return []
return self.values[key]
[docs] def set_value(self, key, value, silent=False):
"""Sets value of keyword 'key'"""
if value is None:
if not silent:
print('Warning setting value None is not permitted!')
print(f'Use remove_value function instead! Ignore keyword {key}')
key = key.upper() # make case insensitive
if self.__params_type == 'kkrimp' and key == 'XC':
value = self.change_XC_val_kkrimp(value)
self.values[key] = value
[docs] def remove_value(self, key):
"""Removes value of keyword 'key', i.e. resets to None"""
self.values[key] = None
[docs] def set_multiple_values(self, **kwargs):
"""Set multiple values (in example value1 and value2 of keywords 'key1' and 'key2') given as key1=value1, key2=value2"""
for key, val in kwargs.items():
key2 = self._add_brackets_to_key(key, self.values)
#print('setting', key2, kwargs[key])
self.set_value(key2, val)
[docs] def get_set_values(self):
"""Return a list of all keys/values that are set (i.e. not None)"""
set_values = [[key, val] for key, val in self.values.items() if val is not None]
if not set_values:
print('No values set')
return set_values
[docs] def get_all_mandatory(self):
"""Return a list of mandatory keys"""
return [key for key in self.values if self.is_mandatory(key)]
[docs] def is_mandatory(self, key):
"""Returns mandatory flag (True/False) for keyword 'key'"""
return self._mandatory[key]
[docs] def get_description(self, key=None, search=None): # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
Returns description of keyword 'key'
If 'key' is None, print all descriptions of all available keywords
If 'search' is not None, print all keys+descriptions where the search string is found
if key is not None:
return self.__description[key]
for key2 in self.values:
if search is None or search.lower() in key2.lower() or search.lower() in self.__description[key2].lower():
print(f'{key2:25}', self.__description[key2])
def _create_keywords_dict(self, **kwargs):
Creates KKR inputcard keywords dictionary and fills entry if value is given in **kwargs
entries of keyword dictionary are: 'keyword', [value, format, keyword_mandatory, description]
- 'value' can be a single entry or a list of entries
- 'format' contains formatting info
- 'keyword_mandatory' is a logical stating if keyword needs to be defined to run a calculation
- 'description' is a string containing human redable info about the keyword
default_keywords = self._DEFAULT_KEYWORDS_KKR
for key, val in kwargs.items():
key2 = self._add_brackets_to_key(key, default_keywords)
if self.__params_type == 'kkrimp':
if key == 'KEXCORE':
key2 = 'XC'
if key == 'R_LOG':
if key == 'STRMIX':
key2 = 'MIXFAC'
if key == 'RUNOPT':
key2 = 'RUNFLAG'
if key == 'TESTOPT':
key2 = 'TESTFLAG'
if key == 'NSTEPS':
key2 = 'SCFSTEPS'
# workaround to fix inconsistency of XC input between host and impurity code
if self.__params_type == 'kkrimp' and key2 == 'XC':
kwargs[key] = self.change_XC_val_kkrimp(val)
# enforce upper case for key2
key2 = key2.upper()
if key2 in default_keywords:
default_keywords[key2][0] = val
print(f'Warning: {key2} not part of known keywords, ignore it.')
return default_keywords
def _update_mandatory(self):
"""Check if mandatory flags need to be updated if certain keywords are set"""
# initialize all mandatory flags to False and update list afterwards
for key in self.values:
self._mandatory[key] = False
runopts = []
if self.values.get('RUNOPT', None) is not None:
for runopt in self.values['RUNOPT']:
#For a KKR calculation these keywords are always mandatory:
mandatory_list = ['ALATBASIS', 'BRAVAIS', 'NAEZ', '<RBASIS>', 'NSPIN', 'LMAX', 'RMAX', 'GMAX', '<ZATOM>']
if self.values.get('NPOL', None) is not None and self.values['NPOL'] != 0:
mandatory_list += ['EMIN']
#Mandatory in 2D
if self.values.get('INTERFACE', None):
mandatory_list += ['<NLBASIS>', '<RBLEFT>', 'ZPERIODL', '<NRBASIS>', '<RBRIGHT>', 'ZPERIODR']
#Mandatory in LDA+U
if 'NAT_LDAU' in self.values and 'LDAU' in runopts:
mandatory_list += ['NAT_LDAU', 'LDAU_PARA']
#Mandatory in CPA
if self.values.get('NATYP', None) is not None and self.values['NATYP'] > self.values['NAEZ']:
mandatory_list += ['NATYP', '<SITE>', '<CPA-CONC>']
#Mandatory in SEMICORE
if 'EBOTSEMI' in self.values and 'SEMICORE' in runopts:
mandatory_list += ['EBOTSEMI', 'EMUSEMI', 'TKSEMI', 'NPOLSEMI', 'N1SEMI', 'N2SEMI', 'N3SEMI', 'FSEMICORE']
if self.values['INS'] == 1 and 'WRITEALL' not in runopts:
mandatory_list += ['<SHAPE>']
for key in mandatory_list:
self._mandatory[key] = True
# overwrite if mandatory list needs to be changed (determined from value of self.__params_type):
if self.__params_type == 'voronoi':
if self.__params_type == 'kkrimp':
def _check_mandatory(self):
"""Check if all mandatory keywords are set"""
for key, value in self.values.items():
if self.is_mandatory(key) and value is None:
print('Error not all mandatory keys are set!')
set_of_mandatory = set(self.get_all_mandatory())
set_of_keys = {key[0] for key in self.get_set_values()}
print(set_of_mandatory - set_of_keys, 'missing')
raise ValueError(f'Missing mandatory key(s): {set_of_mandatory - set_of_keys}')
def _check_array_consistency(self):
"""Check all keys in __listargs if they match their specification (mostly 1D array, except for special cases e.g. <RBASIS>)"""
from numpy import array, ndarray
vec3_entries = ['<RBASIS>', '<RBLEFT>', '<RBRIGHT>', 'ZPERIODL', 'ZPERIODR']
#success = [True]
for key, listarg in self.__listargs.items():
if self.values[key] is not None:
tmpsuccess = True
if self.verbose:
print('checking', key, self.values[key], self.__listargs[key]) # pylint: disable=unnecessary-dict-index-lookup
if not isinstance(self.values[key], (list, ndarray)):
self.values[key] = array([self.values[key]])
if isinstance(listarg, tuple):
cmpdims = listarg
cmpdims = (listarg,)
if key in vec3_entries:
cmpdims = (listarg, 3)
# automatically convert if naez==1 and only 1D array is given
if listarg == 1 and len(array(self.values[key]).shape) == 1 and key not in ['ZPERIODL', 'ZPERIODR']:
print(f'Warning: expected 2D array for {key} but got 1D array, converting automatically')
self.values[key] = array([self.values[key]])
tmpdims = array(self.values[key]).shape
if tmpdims[0] != cmpdims[0]:
tmpsuccess = False
if len(tmpdims) == 2 and tmpdims[1] != cmpdims[1]:
tmpsuccess = False
if not tmpsuccess:
print('check consistency:', key, self.values[key], cmpdims, tmpdims, tmpsuccess)
raise TypeError(f'Error: array input not consistent for key {key}')
def _check_input_consistency(self, set_lists_only=False, verbose=False):
"""Check consistency of input, to be done before wrinting to inputcard"""
from numpy import array
self.verbose = verbose # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
# first check if all mandatory values are there
if not set_lists_only:
# lists of array arguments
if self.__params_type != 'kkrimp':
keywords = self.values
naez = keywords['NAEZ']
if keywords['NATYP'] is not None:
natyp = keywords['NATYP']
natyp = keywords['NAEZ']
if keywords['<NLBASIS>'] is not None:
nlbasis = keywords['<NLBASIS>']
nlbasis = 1
if keywords['<NRBASIS>'] is not None:
nrbasis = keywords['<NRBASIS>']
nrbasis = 1
lmax = keywords['LMAX']
num_triplet = keywords['<BDG_NUM_TRIPLET_CHANNELS>']
#yapf: disable
listargs = dict([
['BZDIVIDE', 3], ['ZPERIODL', 3], ['ZPERIODR', 3], ['LDAU_PARA', 5],
['CPAINFO', 2], ['<DELTAE>', 2], ['FILES', 2], ['DECIFILES', 2]
if naez is not None:
for key in ['<RBASIS>', '<RMTCORE>', '<MTWAU>', '<MTWAL>']:
listargs[key] = naez
if natyp is not None:
for key in ['<SHAPE>', '<ZATOM>', '<SOCSCL>', '<SITE>', '<CPA-CONC>', 'XINIPOL', '<RMTREF>', '<FPRADIUS>', '<AT_SCALE_BDG>', '<PHASE_BDG>']:
listargs[key] = natyp
if nlbasis is not None:
for key in ['<RBLEFT>', '<KAOEZL>', '<RMTREFL>', '<RBLEFT>', '<LFMTWAU>', '<LFMTWAL>']:
listargs[key] = nlbasis
if nrbasis is not None:
for key in ['<RBRIGHT>', '<KAOEZR>', '<RMTREFR>', '<RBRIGHT>', '<RTMTWAU>', '<RTMTWAL>']:
listargs[key] = nrbasis
if lmax is not None:
listargs['<LM_SCALE_BDG>'] = (lmax + 1)**2
if num_triplet is not None:
listargs['<BDG_TRIPLET_LAMBDAS>'] = (num_triplet, 4)
listargs['<BDG_TRIPLET_DVEC>'] = (num_triplet, 3)
listargs['<BDG_TRIPLET_DELTA0>'] = num_triplet
#yapf: enable
# deal with special stuff for voronoi:
if self.__params_type == 'voronoi':
listargs['<RMTCORE>'] = naez
special_formatting = ['RUNFLAG', 'TESTFLAG']
listargs = dict([['HFIELD', 2]])
self.__special_formatting = special_formatting
self.__listargs = listargs
print('listargs:', listargs)
print('special_formatting:', special_formatting)
# ruturn after setting __special_formatting and __listargs lists
if set_lists_only:
# check for consistency of array arguments
if self.__params_type != 'kkrimp':
# some special checks
bulkmode = False
set_values = [key[0] for key in self.get_set_values()]
if 'INTERFACE' not in set_values or self.values['INTERFACE']:
bulkmode = True
bravais = array(self.values['BRAVAIS'])
if bulkmode and sum(bravais[2]**2) == 0:
print("Error: 'BRAVAIS' matches 2D calculation but 'INTERFACE' is not set to True!")
raise ValueError
# check if KSHAPE and INS are consistent and add missing values automatically
# WARNING: KSHAPE should be 2*INS !!!
if 'INS' not in set_values and 'KSHAPE' in set_values:
self.set_value('INS', self.get_value('KSHAPE') // 2)
print(f"setting INS automatically with KSHAPE value ({self.get_value('KSHAPE') // 2})")
elif 'INS' in set_values and 'KSHAPE' not in set_values:
self.set_value('KSHAPE', self.get_value('INS') * 2)
print(f"setting KSHAPE automatically with INS value ({self.get_value('INS') * 2})")
elif 'INS' in set_values and 'KSHAPE' in set_values:
ins = self.get_value('INS')
kshape = self.get_value('KSHAPE')
if (ins != 0 and kshape == 0) or (ins == 0 and kshape != 0):
"Error: values of 'INS' and 'KSHAPE' are both found but are inconsistent (should be 0/0 or 1/2)"
raise ValueError('INS,KSHAPE mismatch')
[docs] def fill_keywords_to_inputfile(self, is_voro_calc=False, output='inputcard', no_check=False, verbose=False):
Fill new inputcard with keywords/values
automatically check for input consistency (can be disabled by the no_check input)
if is_voro_calc==True change mandatory list to match voronoi code, default is KKRcode
from numpy import array
# first check input consistency
if is_voro_calc:
self.__params_type = 'voronoi'
# check for inconsistencies in input before writing file
self._check_input_consistency(set_lists_only=no_check, verbose=verbose)
#rename for easy reference
keywords = self.values
keyfmts = self.__format
if self.__params_type != 'kkrimp':
sorted_keylist = [ #run/testopts
# chemistry
# external fields
# accuracy
# scf cycle
#file names
sorted_keylist = [
#add everything that was forgotten in sorted_keylist above
for key in list(keywords.keys()):
if key not in sorted_keylist:
sorted_keylist += [key]
# set accuracy of float writeouts
# ensure high enough precision in inputcard writeout, limit to 12 places everything else is overkill
for key in list(keyfmts.keys()):
keyfmts[key] = keyfmts[key].replace('%f', '%21.12f')
# write all set keys to file
tmpl = ''
for key in sorted_keylist:
if keywords[key] is not None:
if verbose:
print('writing', key, keywords[key])
# go through different formatting options (first normal case then special cases)
if key not in self.__listargs and key not in self.__special_formatting:
tmpfmt = keyfmts[key].replace('%l', '%s')
if self.__params_type == 'kkrimp' and key == 'XC':
# workaround to fix inconsistency of XC input between host and impurity code
keywords[key] = self.change_XC_val_kkrimp(keywords[key])
repltxt = tmpfmt % (keywords[key])
except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
#print(key, tmpfmt, keywords[key])
repltxt = ''
for index, fmt in enumerate(tmpfmt):
repltxt += ' ' + fmt % (keywords[key][index])
tmpl += f'{key}= {repltxt}\n'
elif key == 'BRAVAIS':
self.values[key] = array(self.values[key])
tmpl += ('BRAVAIS\n' + keyfmts[key] +
'\n') % (self.values[key][0, 0], self.values[key][0, 1], self.values[key][0, 2],
self.values[key][1, 0], self.values[key][1, 1], self.values[key][1, 2],
self.values[key][2, 0], self.values[key][2, 1], self.values[key][2, 2])
elif key == 'RUNOPT':
runops = keywords[key]
tmpl += 'RUNOPT\n'
for op in runops:
nblanks = 8 - len(op)
if nblanks < 0:
print(f'WARNING for replacement of RUNOPTION {op}: too long?')
print(f'RUNOPT {op} is ignored and was not set!')
op = op + ' ' * nblanks
tmpl += op
tmpl += '\n'
elif key == 'TESTOPT':
testops = keywords[key]
tmpl += 'TESTOPT\n'
for index, op in enumerate(testops):
nblanks = 8 - len(op)
if nblanks < 0:
print(f'WARNING for replacement of TESTOPTION {op}: too long?')
print(f'TESTOPT {op} is ignored and was not set!')
op = op + ' ' * nblanks
tmpl += op
if index == 8:
tmpl += '\n'
tmpl += '\n'
elif key == 'XINIPOL':
tmpl += f'{key}='
for ival in range(len(self.values[key])):
tmpl += f' {keyfmts[key]}' % self.values[key][ival]
tmpl += '\n'
elif key == 'FILES':
files_changed = 0
if self.values[key][0] == '':
self.values[key][0] = 'potential'
files_changed += 1
if self.values[key][1] == '':
self.values[key][1] = 'shapefun'
files_changed += 1
if files_changed > 0 or 'DECIFILES' in self.values: # force writing FILES line if DECIFILES should be set
if files_changed > 0:
'Warning: Changing file name of potential file to "%s" and of shapefunction file to "%s"'
% (self.values[key][0], self.values[key][1]))
tmpl += 'FILES\n'
tmpl += '\n'
tmpl += f'{self.values[key][0]}\n'
tmpl += '\n'
tmpl += f'{self.values[key][1]}\n'
tmpl += 'scoef\n'
elif key == 'DECIFILES':
tmpl += 'DECIFILES\n'
tmpl += f'{self.values[key][0]}\n'
tmpl += f'{self.values[key][1]}\n'
elif key in ['JIJSITEI', 'JIJSITEJ']:
tmpl += f'{key}= '
jijsite = self.values[key]
tmpl += '%i ' % jijsite[0]
for isite in range(jijsite[0]):
tmpl += '%i ' % jijsite[1 + isite]
tmpl += '\n'
elif self.__params_type == 'kkrimp' and key == 'RUNFLAG' or key == 'TESTFLAG':
# for kkrimp
ops = keywords[key]
tmpl += f'{key}='
if ops:
tmpl += ' ' + ' '.join(map(str, ops))
tmpl += '\n'
elif key in self.__listargs:
if verbose:
print('key is in listargs', key)
# keys that have array values
if key in ['<RBASIS>', '<RBLEFT>',
'<RBRIGHT>']: # RBASIS needs special formatting since three numbers are filled per line
tmpl += f'{key}\n'
for ival in range(self.__listargs[key]):
tmpl += (keyfmts[key] + '\n') % (self.values[key][ival][0], self.values[key][ival][1],
elif key in ['<BDG_TRIPLET_LAMBDAS>']: # 4 values per line
tmpl += f'{key}\n'
for ival in range(self.__listargs[key][0]):
tmpl += (' ' + keyfmts[key] +
'\n') % (self.values[key][ival][0], self.values[key][ival][1],
self.values[key][ival][2], self.values[key][ival][3])
elif key in ['<BDG_TRIPLET_DVEC>']: # 3 values per line
tmpl += f'{key}\n'
for ival in range(self.__listargs[key][0]):
tmpl += (' ' + keyfmts[key] + '\n') % (
self.values[key][ival][0], self.values[key][ival][1], self.values[key][ival][2])
elif key in ['CPAINFO', '<DELTAE>']:
tmpl += f'{key}= '
tmpl += (keyfmts[key] + '\n') % (self.values[key][0], self.values[key][1])
elif key in ['BZDIVIDE', 'ZPERIODL', 'ZPERIODR']:
tmpl += f'{key}= '
tmpl += (keyfmts[key] + '\n') % (self.values[key][0], self.values[key][1], self.values[key][2])
elif key in ['LDAU_PARA']:
tmpl += f'{key}= '
tmpl += (keyfmts[key] + '\n') % (self.values[key][0], self.values[key][1], self.values[key][2],
self.values[key][3], self.values[key][4])
elif self.__params_type == 'kkrimp' and key in ['HFIELD']: # for kkrimp
tmpl += f'{key}= '
tmpl += (keyfmts[key] + '\n') % (self.values[key][0], self.values[key][1])
#print(key, self.__listargs[key], len(self.values[key]))
tmpl += f'{key}\n'
for ival in range(self.__listargs[key]):
tmpl += (keyfmts[key] + '\n') % (self.values[key][ival])
print(f'Error trying to write keyword {key} but writing failed!')
raise ValueError
# to make inputcard more readable insert some blank lines after certain keys
if self.__params_type == 'kkrimp':
breaklines = ['TESTFLAG', 'NSPIN', 'QBOUND', 'NCHEB', 'HFIELD']
breaklines = [
if key in breaklines:
tmpl += '\n'
# finally write to file
with open_general(output, 'w') as f:
[docs] def read_keywords_from_inputcard(self, inputcard='inputcard', verbose=False):
Read list of keywords from inputcard and extract values to keywords dict
:example usage: p = kkrparams(); p.read_keywords_from_inputcard('inputcard')
:note: converts '<RBLEFT>', '<RBRIGHT>', 'ZPERIODL', and 'ZPERIODR' automatically to Ang. units!
from numpy import shape, array
from import get_aBohr2Ang
debug = False
if verbose:
print(f'start reading {inputcard}')
debug = True
with open_general(inputcard, 'r') as f:
txt = f.readlines()
keywords = self.values
keyfmts = self.__format
#TODO loop over known keywords and fill with values found in inputcard
# first read array dimensions
read_first = ['NAEZ', 'NATYP', '<NLBASIS>', '<NRBASIS>', 'LMAX']
read_already = []
for key in read_first:
valtxt = self._find_value(key, txt, debug=debug)
if valtxt is None: # try to read key without '<', '>'
valtxt = self._find_value(key.replace('<', '').replace('>', ''), txt, debug=debug)
# now set value in kkrparams
if valtxt is not None:
value = self.get_type(key)(valtxt)
self.set_value(key, value)
# then set self.__special_formatting and self.__listargs in _check_input_consistency
# needs NAEZ, NATYP, NLBASIS, NRBASIS to be set to get array dimensions correct
self._check_input_consistency(set_lists_only=True, verbose=verbose)
# try to read keywords from inputcard and fill self.values
for key in keywords:
if key not in read_already:
item, num = 1, 1 # starting column and number of columns that are read in
if keyfmts[key].count('%') > 1:
num = keyfmts[key].count('%')
if key not in self.__special_formatting:
# determine if more than one line is read in
if key in self.__listargs and key not in ['ZPERIODL', 'ZPERIODR', 'BZDIVIDE']:
itmp = self.__listargs[key]
if itmp is None:
itmp = 0
lines = list(range(1, itmp + 1))
lines = [1]
else: # special formatting keys
if key == 'RUNOPT':
lines = [1]
num = 8
keyfmts[key] = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s'
elif key == 'TESTOPT':
lines = [1, 2]
num = 8
keyfmts[key] = '%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s'
elif key == 'BRAVAIS':
lines = [1, 2, 3]
num = 3
keyfmts[key] = '%f %f %f'
elif key == 'BZDIVIDE':
lines = [1]
num = 3
keyfmts[key] = '%f'
elif key == 'FILES':
lines = [2, 4]
num = 1
keyfmts[key] = '%s'
elif key == 'DECIFILES':
lines = [1, 2]
num = 1
keyfmts[key] = '%s'
# read in all lines for this key
values = []
for iline in lines:
valtxt = self._find_value(key, txt, iline, item, num, debug=debug)
if valtxt is not None:
# first deal with run and testopts (needs to spearate keys)
if key in ('RUNOPT', 'TESTOPT'):
valtxt = self.split_kkr_options(valtxt)
# then continue with valtxt
if isinstance(valtxt, list):
tmp = []
for index, value in enumerate(valtxt):
tmptype = self.get_type(key)[index]
if tmptype == float and ('d' in value or 'D' in value):
valtxt[index] = value.replace('d', 'e').replace('D', 'e')
tmptype = self.get_type(key)
if tmptype == float and ('d' in valtxt or 'D' in valtxt):
valtxt = valtxt.replace('d', 'e').replace('D', 'e')
if tmptype == bool:
if valtxt.upper() in ['F', 'FALSE', '.FALSE.', 'NO', '0']:
valtxt = '' # only empty string evaluates to False!!!
valtxt = 'True'
tmp = tmptype(valtxt)
if len(values) == 1:
values = values[0]
if key == 'TESTOPT': # flatten list
if shape(values)[0] == 2 and isinstance(values[0], list):
tmp = []
for itmp in values:
for ii in itmp:
values = tmp
# finally set values in kkrparams object
if values != []:
self.set_value(key, values)
# finally check if some input of the old style was given and read it in
natyp = self.get_value('NATYP')
if natyp is None:
if debug:
print('set NATYP=NAEZ')
natyp = self.get_value('NAEZ')
# look for old RBASIS input style
if self.get_value('<RBASIS>') is None:
if debug:
print('look for RBASIS instead of <RBASIS>')
rbasis = []
for iatom in range(natyp):
rbasis.append([float(i) for i in self._find_value('RBASIS', txt, 1 + iatom, 1, 3, debug=debug)])
self.set_value('<RBASIS>', rbasis)
# look for old atominfo input style
atominfo_c = self._find_value('ATOMINFOC', txt, 2, debug=debug)
if atominfo_c is None:
atominfo_c = False
atominfo_c = True
atominfo = self._find_value('ATOMINFO', txt, 2, debug=debug)
if atominfo is None:
atominfo = False
atominfo = True
tmp = []
if atominfo_c:
if debug:
print('read ATOMINFOC')
for iatom in range(natyp):
tmp.append(self._find_value('ATOMINFOC', txt, 2 + iatom, 1, 14, debug=debug))
elif atominfo:
if debug:
print('read ATOMINFO')
for iatom in range(natyp):
tmp.append(self._find_value('ATOMINFO', txt, 2 + iatom, 1, 12, debug=debug))
if atominfo_c or atominfo:
tmp = array(tmp)
cls_list = [int(i) for i in tmp[:, 6]]
self.set_multiple_values(ZATOM=[float(i) for i in tmp[:, 0]],
SHAPE=[int(i) for i in tmp[:, 8]],
RMTREF=[float(i) for i in tmp[:, 11]])
if atominfo_c:
self.set_value('SITE', [int(i) for i in tmp[:, 12]])
self.set_value('<CPA-CONC>', [float(i) for i in tmp[:, 13]])
cls_list = list(range(1, natyp + 1))
# look for old left/right basis input style
if self.get_value('INTERFACE'):
leftbasis = self._find_value('LEFTBASIS', txt, debug=debug)
if leftbasis is None:
leftbasis = False
leftbasis = True
nlbasis = self.get_value('<NLBASIS>')
rightbasis = self._find_value('RIGHBASIS', txt, debug=debug) # RIGHBASIS is no typo!!
if rightbasis is None:
rightbasis = False
rightbasis = True
nrbasis = self.get_value('<NRBASIS>')
if leftbasis:
tmp = []
for iatom in range(nlbasis):
tmp.append(self._find_value('LEFTBASIS', txt, 1 + iatom, 1, 5, debug=debug))
tmp = array(tmp)
self.set_multiple_values(RBLEFT=[[float(i[j]) for j in range(3)] for i in tmp[:, 0:3]],
KAOEZL=[int(i) for i in tmp[:, 3]])
tmp2 = []
for icls in tmp[:, 3]:
rmtref = self.get_value('<RMTREF>')[cls_list.index(int(icls))]
self.set_value('<RMTREFL>', tmp2)
if rightbasis:
tmp = []
for iatom in range(nrbasis):
tmp.append(self._find_value('RIGHBASIS', txt, 1 + iatom, 1, 5, debug=debug))
tmp = array(tmp)
self.set_multiple_values(RBRIGHT=[[float(i[j]) for j in range(3)] for i in tmp[:, 0:3]],
KAOEZR=[int(i) for i in tmp[:, 3]])
tmp2 = []
for icls in tmp[:, 3]:
rmtref = self.get_value('<RMTREF>')[cls_list.index(int(icls))]
self.set_value('<RMTREFR>', tmp2)
# convert RBLEFT etc. from alat units to Ang. units (this is assumed in generate_inputcard)
rbl = self.get_value('<RBLEFT>')
rbr = self.get_value('<RBRIGHT>')
zper_l = self.get_value('ZPERIODL')
zper_r = self.get_value('ZPERIODR')
alat2ang = self.get_value('ALATBASIS')
if alat2ang is not None:
alat2ang *= get_aBohr2Ang()
if rbl is not None:
self.set_value('<RBLEFT>', array(rbl) * alat2ang)
if rbr is not None:
self.set_value('<RBRIGHT>', array(rbr) * alat2ang)
if zper_l is not None:
self.set_value('ZPERIODL', array(zper_l) * alat2ang)
if zper_r is not None:
self.set_value('ZPERIODR', array(zper_r) * alat2ang)
if debug:
print(f'extracted parameters: {self.get_set_values()}')
def _find_value(self, charkey, txt, line=1, item=1, num=1, debug=False):
Search charkey in txt and return value string
parameter, input :: charkey string that is search in txt
parameter, input :: txt text that is searched (output of readlines)
parameter, input, optional :: line index in which line to start reading after key was found
parameter, input, optional :: item index which column is read
parameter, input, optional :: num number of column that are read
returns :: valtxt string or list of strings depending on num setting
if debug:
print(f'find_value: {charkey}')
iline = [ii for ii in range(len(txt)) if charkey in txt[ii]][0]
except IndexError:
iline = None
if iline is not None:
txtline = txt[iline]
chkeq = charkey + '='
if chkeq in txtline:
valtxt = txtline.split(chkeq)[1].split()[item - 1:item - 1 + num]
nextline = txt[iline + line]
startpos = txtline.index(charkey)
valtxt = nextline[startpos:].split()[item - 1:item - 1 + num]
if debug:
print(f'find_value found {valtxt}')
if num == 1:
return valtxt[0]
return valtxt
return None
# redefine _update_mandatory for voronoi code
def _update_mandatory_voronoi(self):
"""Change mandatory flags to match requirements of voronoi code"""
# initialize all mandatory flags to False and update list afterwards
for key in list(self.values.keys()):
self._mandatory[key] = False
runopts = []
if self.values['RUNOPT'] is not None:
for runopt in self.values['RUNOPT']:
#For a KKR calculation these keywords are always mandatory:
mandatory_list = ['ALATBASIS', 'BRAVAIS', 'NAEZ', '<RBASIS>', 'NSPIN', 'LMAX', 'RCLUSTZ', '<ZATOM>']
#Mandatory in 2D
if self.values['INTERFACE']:
mandatory_list += ['<NLBASIS>', '<RBLEFT>', 'ZPERIODL', '<NRBASIS>', '<RBRIGHT>', 'ZPERIODR']
#Mandatory in CPA
if self.values['NATYP'] is not None and self.values['NATYP'] > self.values['NAEZ']:
mandatory_list += ['NATYP', '<SITE>', '<CPA-CONC>']
for key in mandatory_list:
self._mandatory[key] = True
# redefine _update_mandatory for kkrim code
def _update_mandatory_kkrimp(self):
"""Change mandatory flags to match requirements of kkrimp code"""
# initialize all mandatory flags to False and update list afterwards
for key in list(self.values.keys()):
self._mandatory[key] = False
runopts = []
if self.values.get('RUNOPT', None) is not None:
for runopt in self.values['RUNOPT']:
#For a KKR calculation these keywords are always mandatory:
mandatory_list = []
for key in mandatory_list:
self._mandatory[key] = True
[docs] def get_missing_keys(self, use_aiida=False):
"""Find list of mandatory keys that are not yet set"""
setlist = list(dict(self.get_set_values()).keys())
manlist = self.get_all_mandatory()
missing = []
autoset_list = ['BRAVAIS', '<RBASIS>', '<ZATOM>', 'ALATBASIS', 'NAEZ', '<SHAPE>', 'EMIN', 'RCLUSTZ']
if self.__params_type == 'voronoi':
autoset_list = ['BRAVAIS', '<RBASIS>', '<ZATOM>', 'ALATBASIS', 'NAEZ']
for key in manlist:
if key not in setlist:
if not use_aiida:
if key not in autoset_list:
return missing
[docs] def update_to_voronoi(self):
Update parameter settings to match voronoi specification.
Sets self.__params_type and calls _update_mandatory_voronoi()
self.__params_type = 'voronoi'
[docs] def update_to_kkrimp(self):
Update parameter settings to match kkrimp specification.
Sets self.__params_type and calls _update_mandatory_kkrimp()
self.__params_type = 'kkrimp'
def _create_keywords_dict_kkrimp(self, **kwargs):
Like create_keywords_dict but for changed keys of impurity code
default_keywords = self._DEFAULT_KEYS_KKRIMP
for key, val in kwargs.items():
key2 = self._add_brackets_to_key(key, default_keywords)
default_keywords[key2][0] = val
return default_keywords
[docs] @staticmethod
def split_kkr_options(valtxt):
Split keywords after fixed length of 8
:param valtxt: list of strings or single string
:returns: List of keywords of maximal length 8
if not isinstance(valtxt, list):
valtxt = [valtxt]
valtxt_tmp = []
for itmp in valtxt:
if len(itmp) > 8:
Nsplitoff = int(len(itmp) // 8)
for ii in range(Nsplitoff):
itmp_splitoff = itmp[ii * 8:(ii + 1) * 8]
itmp_splitoff = itmp[Nsplitoff * 8:]
valtxt = valtxt_tmp
return valtxt
[docs] def change_XC_val_kkrimp(self, val):
"""Convert integer value of KKRhost KEXCOR input to KKRimp XC string input."""
if isinstance(val, int):
if val == 0:
val = 'LDA-MJW'
if val == 1:
val = 'LDA-vBH'
if val == 2:
val = 'LDA-VWN'
if val == 3:
val = 'GGA-PW91'
if val == 4:
val = 'GGA-PBE'
if val == 5:
val = 'GGA-PBEsol'
return val
def _add_brackets_to_key(self, key, key_dict):
"""Put '<' and '>' around the key expect for special keys defined in `__forbid_brackets__` list."""
if self.__params_type == 'kkrimp':
# skip this for the parameters for KKRimp
return key
key2 = key
if key.upper() not in key_dict and key.upper() not in __forbid_brackets__:
key2 = '<' + key + '>'
return key2