# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
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# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools. #
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# For further information please visit http://judft.de/. #
# #
Simple IO routines for creating text for nmmp_mat files
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
[docs]def rotate_nmmpmat_block(denmat: np.ndarray,
orbital: int,
phi: float | None = None,
theta: float | None = None,
inverse: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
Rotate the given 7x7 complex numpy array with the d-wigner matrix
corresponding to the given orbital and angles
:param denmat: complex numpy array of shape 7x7
:param orbital: int of the orbital for the current block
:param phi: float, angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix
:param theta: float, angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix
:returns: denmat rotated by the d-wigner matrix
from masci_tools.io.common_functions import get_wigner_matrix
if theta is None and phi is None:
return denmat
if phi is None:
phi = 0.0
if theta is None:
theta = 0.0
d_wigner = get_wigner_matrix(orbital, phi, theta, inverse=inverse)
#Rotate the density matrix
denmat = d_wigner.T.conj() @ denmat @ d_wigner
return denmat
[docs]def write_nmmpmat(orbital: int,
denmat: np.ndarray,
phi: float | None = None,
theta: float | None = None,
inverse: bool = False) -> list[str]:
Generate list of str for n_mmp_mat file from given numpy array
:param orbital: int of the orbital for the current block
:param denmat: complex numpy array of shape (2*orbital+1 x 2*orbital+1) with the wanted occupations
:param phi: float, angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix
:param theta: float, angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix
:returns: list of str formatted in lines for the n_mmp_mat file
denmat_padded = np.zeros((7, 7), dtype=complex)
denmat_padded[3 - orbital:4 + orbital, 3 - orbital:4 + orbital] = denmat
if theta is not None or phi is not None:
denmat_padded = rotate_nmmpmat_block(denmat_padded, orbital, phi=phi, theta=theta, inverse=inverse)
return format_nmmpmat(denmat_padded)
[docs]def write_nmmpmat_from_states(orbital: int,
state_occupations: list[float],
phi: float | None = None,
theta: float | None = None,
inverse: bool = False) -> list[str]:
Generate list of str for n_mmp_mat file from diagonal occupations
:param orbital: int of the orbital for the current block
:param state_occupations: list like with length 2*orbital+1 with the occupations of the diagonals
:param phi: float, angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix
:param theta: float, angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix
:returns: list of str formatted in lines for the n_mmp_mat file
#diagonal density matrix
denmat = np.zeros((2 * orbital + 1, 2 * orbital + 1), dtype=complex)
for i, occ in enumerate(state_occupations):
denmat[i, i] = occ
return write_nmmpmat(orbital, denmat, phi=phi, theta=theta, inverse=inverse)
[docs]def write_nmmpmat_from_orbitals(orbital: int,
orbital_occupations: list[float],
phi: float | None = None,
theta: float | None = None,
inverse: bool = False) -> list[str]:
Generate list of str for n_mmp_mat file from orbital occupations
orbital occupations are provided in the following order
(expressed as the spherical harmonics since it can be used for all orbitals):
- :math:`Y_l^0`
- :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(Y_l^{-1} + Y_l^1\right)`
- :math:`\frac{i}{\sqrt{2}} \left(Y_l^{-1} - Y_l^1\right)`
- :math:`\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(Y_l^{-2} + Y_l^2\right)`
- :math:`\frac{i}{\sqrt{2}} \left(Y_l^{-2} - Y_l^2\right)`
- and so on ...
:param orbital: int of the orbital for the current block
:param orbital_occupations: list like with length 2*orbital+1 with the occupations of the orbitals
:param phi: float, angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix
:param theta: float, angle (radian), by which to rotate the density matrix
:returns: list of str formatted in lines for the `n_mmp_mat` file
denmat = np.zeros((2 * orbital + 1, 2 * orbital + 1), dtype=complex)
for index, occ in enumerate(orbital_occupations):
if index == 0:
denmat[orbital, orbital] = occ
m = (index + 1) // 2
if index % 2 == 1:
denmat[orbital - m, orbital - m] += 1 / 2 * occ
denmat[orbital + m, orbital + m] += 1 / 2 * occ
denmat[orbital + m, orbital - m] += 1 / 2 * occ
denmat[orbital - m, orbital + m] += 1 / 2 * occ
denmat[orbital - m, orbital - m] += 1 / 2 * occ
denmat[orbital + m, orbital + m] += 1 / 2 * occ
denmat[orbital + m, orbital - m] -= 1 / 2 * occ
denmat[orbital - m, orbital + m] -= 1 / 2 * occ
return write_nmmpmat(orbital, denmat, phi=phi, theta=theta, inverse=inverse)
[docs]def read_nmmpmat_block(nmmp_lines: list[str], block_index: int) -> np.ndarray:
Convert 14 line block of given nmmp_lines into 7x7 complex numpy array
:param nmmplines: list of lines in the n_mmp_mat file
:param block_index: int specifying which 14 line block to convert
:returns: 7x7 complex numpy array of the numbers in the given block
denmat = np.zeros((7, 7), dtype=complex)
if block_index < 0:
start_row = (len(nmmp_lines) // LINES_PER_BLOCK + block_index) * LINES_PER_BLOCK
start_row = block_index * LINES_PER_BLOCK
if start_row >= len(nmmp_lines) or start_row < 0:
raise ValueError(f'Invalid block_index {block_index}: Only {len(nmmp_lines)//LINES_PER_BLOCK} available')
for index, line in enumerate(nmmp_lines[start_row:start_row + LINES_PER_BLOCK]):
currentRow = index // 2
if index % 2 == 0:
rowData = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
rowData.extend([float(x) for x in line.split()])
rowData_cmplx = [
num[0] + 1j * num[1] for indx, num in enumerate(zip(rowData[:-1], rowData[1:])) if indx % 2 == 0
denmat[currentRow, :] += np.array(rowData_cmplx)
return denmat