# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
# #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools. #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file. #
# For further information please visit http://judft.de/. #
# #
This module provides easy functions for loading a input/output xml file of
fleur and providing a parsed xml etree together with its corresponding schema dict
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from lxml import etree
import warnings
import os
from pathlib import Path
from functools import partial
from logging import Logger
from typing import Callable, Any, Generator
from contextlib import _GeneratorContextManager, contextmanager
from masci_tools.io.parsers import fleur_schema
from masci_tools.util.typing import XMLFileLike, XMLLike
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import eval_xpath_one, normalize_xmllike
__all__ = ('load_inpxml', 'load_outxml', 'FleurXMLContext', 'get_constants', 'load_outxml_and_check_for_broken_xml',
[docs]def load_inpxml(inpxmlfile: XMLFileLike,
logger: Logger | None = None,
base_url: str | Path | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> tuple[etree._ElementTree, fleur_schema.InputSchemaDict]:
Loads a inp.xml file for fleur together with its corresponding schema dictionary
:param inpxmlfile: either path to the inp.xml file, opened file handle (in bytes modes i.e. rb)
or a xml etree to be parsed
:returns: parsed xmltree of the inpxmlfile and the schema dictionary
for the corresponding input version
from masci_tools.io.parsers.fleur_schema import InputSchemaDict
xml_parse_func: Callable = etree.parse
if isinstance(inpxmlfile, (str, bytes, Path)) and not os.path.isfile(inpxmlfile):
xml_parse_func = etree.fromstring
if base_url is None:
warnings.warn('You provided a string of content but no base_url argument.'
'Setting it to the current working directory.'
'If the tree contains xinclude tags these could fail')
base_url = os.getcwd()
elif isinstance(base_url, Path):
base_url = os.fspath(base_url)
xml_parse_func = partial(xml_parse_func, base_url=base_url)
#If the XML text is passed in as a string the XML parser
#will complain since the XML declaration with encoding
#options is contained in the string. We reencode it as utf-8 here
#Since we do not expect fragments of a file here we should be fine
if isinstance(inpxmlfile, str):
inpxmlfile = inpxmlfile.encode('utf-8')
if isinstance(inpxmlfile, etree._ElementTree):
xmltree = inpxmlfile
parser = etree.XMLParser(attribute_defaults=True, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)
xmltree = xml_parse_func(inpxmlfile, parser)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as msg:
if logger is not None:
logger.exception('Failed to parse input file')
raise ValueError(f'Failed to parse input file: {msg}') from msg
if etree.iselement(xmltree):
xmltree = xmltree.getroottree()
if xmltree is None:
if logger is not None:
logger.error('No XML tree generated. Check that the given file exists')
raise ValueError('No XML tree generated. Check that the given file exists')
version = eval_xpath_one(xmltree, '//@fleurInputVersion', str)
if logger is not None:
logger.info('Got Fleur input file with file version %s', version)
schema_dict = InputSchemaDict.fromVersion(version, logger=logger)
return xmltree, schema_dict
[docs]def load_outxml(outxmlfile: XMLFileLike,
logger: Logger | None = None,
base_url: str | Path | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> tuple[etree._ElementTree, fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict]:
Loads a out.xml file for fleur together with its corresponding schema dictionary.
Also returns whether the XML file had to be parsed with `recover=True`
:param outxmlfile: either path to the out.xml file, opened file handle (in bytes modes i.e. rb)
or a xml etree to be parsed
:returns: parsed xmltree of the outxmlfile and the schema dictionary
for the corresponding output version
xmltree, schema_dict, _ = load_outxml_and_check_for_broken_xml(outxmlfile, logger, base_url, **kwargs)
return xmltree, schema_dict
[docs]def load_outxml_and_check_for_broken_xml(
outxmlfile: XMLFileLike,
logger: Logger | None = None,
base_url: str | Path | None = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> tuple[etree._ElementTree, fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict, bool]:
Loads a out.xml file for fleur together with its corresponding schema dictionary.
Also returns whether the XML file had to be parsed with `recover=True`
:param outxmlfile: either path to the out.xml file, opened file handle (in bytes modes i.e. rb)
or a xml etree to be parsed
:returns: parsed xmltree of the outxmlfile and the schema dictionary
for the corresponding output version and bool indicating whether the outxml is broken
from masci_tools.io.parsers.fleur_schema import OutputSchemaDict
xml_parse_func: Callable = etree.parse
if isinstance(outxmlfile, (str, bytes, Path)) and not os.path.isfile(outxmlfile):
xml_parse_func = etree.fromstring
if base_url is None:
warnings.warn('You provided a string of content but no base_url argument.'
'Setting it to the current working directory.'
'If the tree contains xinclude tags these could fail')
base_url = os.getcwd()
elif isinstance(base_url, Path):
base_url = os.fspath(base_url)
xml_parse_func = partial(xml_parse_func, base_url=base_url)
#If the XML text is passed in as a string the XML parser
#will complain since the XML declaration with encoding
#options is contained in the string. We reencode it as utf-8 here
#Since we do not expect fragments of a file here we should be fine
if isinstance(outxmlfile, str):
outxmlfile = outxmlfile.encode('utf-8')
outfile_broken = False
if isinstance(outxmlfile, etree._ElementTree):
xmltree = outxmlfile
parser = etree.XMLParser(attribute_defaults=True, recover=False, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)
xmltree = xml_parse_func(outxmlfile, parser)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
outfile_broken = True
if logger is None:
warnings.warn('The out.xml file is broken I try to repair it.')
logger.warning('The out.xml file is broken I try to repair it.')
if outfile_broken:
# repair xmlfile and try to parse what is possible.
parser = etree.XMLParser(attribute_defaults=True, recover=True, encoding='utf-8', **kwargs)
xmltree = xml_parse_func(outxmlfile, parser)
except etree.XMLSyntaxError as err:
raise ValueError('Skipping the parsing of the XML file. Repairing was not possible.') from err
if etree.iselement(xmltree):
xmltree = xmltree.getroottree()
if xmltree is None:
if logger is not None:
logger.error('No XML tree generated. Check that the given file exists')
raise ValueError('No XML tree generated. Check that the given file exists')
out_version = eval_xpath_one(xmltree, '//@fleurOutputVersion', str)
if out_version == '0.27':
program_version = eval_xpath_one(xmltree, '//programVersion/@version', str)
if program_version == 'fleur 32':
#Max5 release (before bugfix)
out_version = '0.33'
inp_version = '0.33'
if logger is not None:
logger.warning("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX5.0 release")
warnings.warn("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX5.0 release")
elif program_version == 'fleur 31':
#Max4 release
out_version = '0.31'
inp_version = '0.31'
if logger is not None:
logger.warning("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX4.0 release")
warnings.warn("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX4.0 release")
elif program_version == 'fleur 30':
#Max3.1 release
out_version = '0.30'
inp_version = '0.30'
if logger is not None:
logger.warning("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX3.1 release")
warnings.warn("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX3.1 release")
elif program_version == 'fleur 27':
#Max3.1 release
out_version = '0.29'
inp_version = '0.29'
if logger is not None:
logger.warning("Found version before MaX3.1 release falling back to file version '0.29'")
'out.xml files before the MaX3.1 release are not explicitly supported.'
' No guarantee is given that the parser will work without error', UserWarning)
if logger is not None:
logger.error("Unknown fleur version: File-version '%s' Program-version '%s'", out_version,
raise ValueError(f"Unknown fleur version: File-version '{out_version}' Program-version '{program_version}'")
inp_version = eval_xpath_one(xmltree, '//@fleurInputVersion', str)
schema_dict = OutputSchemaDict.fromVersion(out_version, inp_version=inp_version, logger=logger)
return xmltree, schema_dict, outfile_broken
[docs]class _EvalContext:
Contextmanager to hold the relevant datastructures for evaluating values from XML files
This holds:
:param etree_or_element: The XML tree of the file
:param schema_dict: The corresponding SchemaDict
:param constants: The dictionary containing the defined mathematical constants
:param logger: The configured logger instance
def __init__(self,
etree_or_element: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.InputSchemaDict | fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict,
constants: dict[str, float] | None = None,
logger: logging.Logger | None = None) -> None:
self.node: etree._Element | etree.XPathElementEvaluator
if not isinstance(etree_or_element, etree.XPathElementEvaluator):
self.node = normalize_xmllike(etree_or_element)
self.node = etree_or_element
self.schema_dict = schema_dict
self.logger = logger
self.constants = constants or get_constants(self.node, self.schema_dict, self.logger)
[docs] def attribute(self, name: str, default: Any | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Alias for :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util.evaluate_attribute()`
:param name: str, name of the attribute
:param default: value to return, if there are no values found
:param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param tag_name: str, name of the tag where the attribute should be parsed
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param exclude: list of str, here specific types of attributes can be excluded
valid values are: settable, settable_contains, other
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param optional: bool, if True and no logger given none or an empty list is returned
:returns: list or single value, converted in convert_xml_attribute
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_attribute
if default is not None:
kwargs['optional'] = True
res = evaluate_attribute(self.node,
if res is None and default is not None:
return default
return res
[docs] def text(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Alias for :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util.evaluate_text()`
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param optional: bool, if True and no logger given none or an empty list is returned
:returns: list or single value, converted in convert_xml_text
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_text
return evaluate_text(self.node, self.schema_dict, name, logger=self.logger, constants=self.constants, **kwargs)
[docs] def all_attributes(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Alias for :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util.evaluate_tag()`
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param subtags: optional bool, if True the subtags of the given tag are evaluated
:param text: optional bool, if True the text of the tag is also parsed
:param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param only_required: bool (optional, default False), if True only required attributes are parsed
:param ignore: list of str (optional), attributes not to parse
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param strict_missing_error: if True, and no logger is given an error is raised if any attribute is not found
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_tag
return evaluate_tag(self.node, self.schema_dict, name, logger=self.logger, constants=self.constants, **kwargs)
[docs] def parent_attributes(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Alias for :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util.evaluate_parent_tag()`
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param only_required: bool (optional, default False), if True only required attributes are parsed
:param ignore: list of str (optional), attributes not to parse
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param strict_missing_error: if True, and no logger is given an error is raised if any attribute is not found
:returns: dict, with attribute values converted via convert_xml_attribute
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_parent_tag
return evaluate_parent_tag(self.node,
[docs] def single_value(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
Alias for :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util.evaluate_single_value_tag()`
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param complex_xpath: an optional xpath to use instead of the simple xpath for the evaluation
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param only_required: bool (optional, default False), if True only required attributes are parsed
:param ignore: list of str (optional), attributes not to parse
:param list_return: if True, the returned quantity is always a list even if only one element is in it
:param strict_missing_error: if True, and no logger is given an error is raised if any attribute is not found
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:returns: value and unit, both converted in convert_xml_attribute
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import evaluate_single_value_tag
return evaluate_single_value_tag(self.node,
[docs] def tag_exists(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
Alias for :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util.tag_exists()`
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:returns: bool, True if any tag exists
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import tag_exists
return tag_exists(self.node, self.schema_dict, name, logger=self.logger, **kwargs)
[docs] def number_nodes(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> int:
Alias of :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util.get_number_of_nodes()`
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:returns: number of nodes of the given tag
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import get_number_of_nodes
return get_number_of_nodes(self.node, self.schema_dict, name, logger=self.logger, **kwargs)
[docs] def attribute_exists(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
Alias for :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util.attrib_exists()`
:param name: str, name of the attribute
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param tag_name: str, name of the tag where the attribute should be parsed
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:param exclude: list of str, here specific types of attributes can be excluded
valid values are: settable, settable_contains, other
:returns: bool, True if any tag with the attribute exists
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import attrib_exists
return attrib_exists(self.node, self.schema_dict, name, logger=self.logger, **kwargs)
[docs] def simple_xpath(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> list[etree._Element] | etree._Element:
Alias for :py:func:`~masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util.eval_simple_xpath()`
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param list_return: bool, if True a list is always returned
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
:returns: etree Elements obtained via the simple xpath expression
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import eval_simple_xpath
return eval_simple_xpath(self.node, self.schema_dict, name, logger=self.logger, **kwargs)
[docs] def find(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> _GeneratorContextManager[_EvalContext]: #pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
Finds the first element for the given name and constraints and gives a nested
context for this element, i.e. inheriting the schema_dict, constants and logger
with FleurXMLContext(xmltree, schema_dict) as root:
#Operations happen on the root here
jspins = root.attribute('jspins')
with root.find('species') as species:
#Operations in this block happen on the first species node
radius = species.attribute('radius')
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
if 'list_return' in kwargs:
raise ValueError('The argument list_return is not allowed in find()')
nodes = self.simple_xpath(name, **kwargs, list_return=True)
if nodes:
return self.nested(nodes[0])
raise ValueError(f'No nodes found for name {name}')
[docs] @contextmanager
def nested(self, etree_or_element: XMLLike) -> Generator[_EvalContext, None, None]:
Create a nested context from the current one
inheriting the schema_dict, constants and logger only replacing the
XML element
Example of explicit usage::
with FleurXMLContext(xmltree, schema_dict) as root:
#Operations happen on the root here
jspins = root.attribute('jspins')
all_species_tag = root.simple_xpath('atomspecies')
with root.nested(all_species_tag) as all_species:
#Operations happen on the 'atomSpecies' tag
mt_radii = all_species.attribute('radius')
:param etree_or_element: Element to use for evaluation in the nested context
yield _EvalContext(etree_or_element, self.schema_dict, self.constants, logger=self.logger)
[docs] def iter(self, name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Generator[_EvalContext, None, None]:
Finds all elements for the given name and constraints and gives nested
contexts for these elements to be iterated over,
i.e. inheriting the schema_dict, constants and logger
with FleurXMLContext(xmltree, schema_dict) as root:
#Operations happen on the root here
jspins = root.attribute('jspins')
for species in root.iter('species'):
#Operations happen on one species node in each iteration of the
#for loop. The order is the same as they appear in the XMl file
radius = species.attribute('radius')
:param name: str, name of the tag
:param iteration_path: bool if True and the SchemaDict is of an output schema an absolute path into
the iteration element is constructed
:param filters: Dict specifying constraints to apply on the xpath.
See :py:class:`~masci_tools.util.xml.xpathbuilder.XPathBuilder` for details
:param contains: str, this string has to be in the final path
:param not_contains: str, this string has to NOT be in the final path
if 'list_return' in kwargs:
raise ValueError('The argument list_return is not allowed in iter()')
nodes = self.simple_xpath(name, **kwargs, list_return=True)
for node in nodes:
with self.nested(node) as ctx:
yield ctx
def FleurXMLContext(etree_or_element: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.InputSchemaDict | fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict,
constants: dict[str, float] | None = None,
logger: logging.Logger | None = None) -> Generator[_EvalContext, None, None]:
Contextmanager to hold the relevant datastructures for evaluating values from XML files
This holds:
:param etree_or_element: The XML tree of the file
:param schema_dict: The corresponding SchemaDict
:param constants: The dictionary containing the defined mathematical constants
:param logger: The configured logger instance
The following methods are available:
- :py:meth:`_EvalContext.attribute()`: Evaluate attribute values
(has an additional argument `default` to provide values for missing attributes)
- :py:meth:`_EvalContext.text()`: Evaluate text of tags
- :py:meth:`_EvalContext.all_attributes()`: Evaluate all attributes of a tag
- :py:meth:`_EvalContext.parent_attributes()`: Evaluate attribute values of parent of given tag
- :py:meth:`_EvalContext.single_value()`: Evaluate `value` and `unit` attribute of tag
- :py:meth:`_EvalContext.tag_exists()`: Evaluate whether a given tag exists
- :py:meth:`_EvalContext.number_nodes()`: Evaluate how many elements of the tag are present
- :py:meth:`_EvalContext.attribute_exists()`: Evaluate whether an attribute exists
- :py:meth:`_EvalContext.simple_xpath()`: Evaluate the simple xpath expression for a given tag
- *Nested Context* :py:meth:`_EvalContext.find()`: Find the first occurrence of the tag and provide a nested
context to that element
- *Nested Context* :py:meth:`_EvalContext.iter()`: Find all occurrences of the tag and provide a nested
context to these elements when iterated over
- *Nested Context* :py:meth:`_EvalContext.nested()`: Explicitly inherit all the context except the
XML tree to a new context with the XML element replaced by the given argument
Example Usage::
from masci_tools.io.fleur_xml import load_inpxml, FleurXMLContext
xmltree, schema_dict = load_inpxml('/path/to/inp.xml')
with FleurXMLContext(xmltree, schema_dict) as root:
spins = root.attribute('jspins')
noco = root.attribute('l_noco', default=False)
#Not nesting the context we need to specify which elements are meant
mt_radii = root.attribute('radius', contains='species')
#Nesting using find
with root.find('atomspecies') as all_species:
mt_radii = all_species.attribute('radius')
#Nesting using iter
mt_radii = []
for species in root.iter('species'):
yield _EvalContext(etree_or_element, schema_dict, constants=constants, logger=logger)
[docs]def get_constants(xmltree: XMLLike | etree.XPathElementEvaluator,
schema_dict: fleur_schema.InputSchemaDict | fleur_schema.OutputSchemaDict,
logger: Logger | None = None) -> dict[str, float]:
Reads in the constants defined in the inp.xml
and returns them combined with the predefined constants from
fleur as a dictionary
:param root: root of the etree of the inp.xml file
:param schema_dict: schema_dictionary of the version of the file to read (inp.xml or out.xml)
:param logger: logger object for logging warnings, errors
:return: a python dictionary with all defined constants
from masci_tools.util.constants import FLEUR_DEFINED_CONSTANTS
from masci_tools.io.parsers.fleur_schema import NoPathFound
import copy
defined_constants = copy.deepcopy(FLEUR_DEFINED_CONSTANTS)
with FleurXMLContext(xmltree, schema_dict, logger=logger, constants=defined_constants) as root:
except NoPathFound:
warnings.warn('Cannot extract custom constants for the given root. Assuming defaults')
return defined_constants
if not root.tag_exists('constant'): #Avoid warnings for empty constants
return defined_constants
constants = root.all_attributes('constant')
if constants['name'] is not None:
if not isinstance(constants['name'], list):
constants = {key: [val] for key, val in constants.items()}
for name, value in zip(constants['name'], constants['value']):
if name not in defined_constants:
defined_constants[name] = value
if logger is not None:
logger.error('Ambiguous definition of constant %s', name)
raise KeyError(f'Ambiguous definition of constant {name}')
return defined_constants