# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany. #
# All rights reserved. #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package. #
# (Material science tools) #
# #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/judftteam/masci-tools. #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file. #
# For further information please visit http://judft.de/. #
# #
This module contains functionality for writing input files for the input generator of fleur
from __future__ import annotations
import io
import numpy as np
import os
import copy
import warnings
import numbers
import sys
from typing import Iterable, Sequence, Any, cast
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
from typing import Literal, TypedDict
from typing_extensions import Literal, TypedDict
from masci_tools.util.constants import PERIODIC_TABLE_ELEMENTS, BOHR_A
from masci_tools.util.typing import FileLike
from masci_tools.util.xml.converters import convert_to_fortran_bool, convert_from_fortran_bool
from masci_tools.io.common_functions import abs_to_rel_f, abs_to_rel, convert_to_fortran_string
from masci_tools.io.common_functions import rel_to_abs, rel_to_abs_f, AtomSiteProperties
from masci_tools.io.common_functions import convert_to_fortran
__all__ = ('write_inpgen_file', 'read_inpgen_file', 'AtomDictProperties', 'Kinds')
# Inpgen file structure, order is important
'title', 'input', 'lattice', 'gen', 'shift', 'factor', 'qss', 'soc', 'atom', 'comp', 'exco', 'expert', 'film',
'kpt', 'scf', 'end'
POSSIBLE_PARAMS: dict[str, list[str]] = {
'input': ['film', 'cartesian', 'cal_symm', 'checkinp', 'symor', 'oldfleur'],
'lattice': ['latsys', 'a0', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'],
'atom': ['id', 'z', 'rmt', 'dx', 'jri', 'lmax', 'lnonsph', 'ncst', 'econfig', 'bmu', 'lo', 'element', 'name'],
'comp': ['jspins', 'frcor', 'ctail', 'kcrel', 'gmax', 'gmaxxc', 'kmax'],
'exco': ['xctyp', 'relxc'],
'expert': ['spex', 'primCellZ'],
'film': ['dvac', 'dtild'],
'soc': ['theta', 'phi'],
'qss': ['x', 'y', 'z'],
'kpt': ['nkpt', 'kpts', 'div1', 'div2', 'div3', 'tkb', 'tria', 'gamma'],
'scf': ['itmax', 'alpha', 'precond'],
'title': []
VALUE_ONLY_NAMELISTS = ['soc', 'qss']
# convert these 'booleans' to the inpgen format.
REPLACER_VALUES_BOOL = [True, False, 'True', 'False', 't', 'T', 'F', 'f']
[docs]class AtomDictProperties(TypedDict, total=False):
TypedDict for the atom properties
position: list[float] | tuple[float, float, float] | np.ndarray
kind_name: str
magnetic_moment: Literal['up', 'down'] | float | list[float] | None
[docs]class Kinds(TypedDict, total=False):
TypedDict for the kinds
symbols: Sequence[str]
name: str
weights: Sequence[float]
[docs]def write_inpgen_file(cell: np.ndarray | list[list[float]],
atom_sites: (Sequence[AtomSiteProperties] | Sequence[tuple[list[float], str, str]] |
kinds: Iterable[Kinds] | None = None,
return_contents: bool = False,
file: FileLike = 'inpgen.in',
pbc: tuple[bool, bool, bool] = (True, True, True),
input_params: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
significant_figures_cell: int = 9,
significant_figures_positions: int = 10,
significant_figures_magnetic_moments: int = 4,
convert_from_angstroem: bool = True) -> str | None:
"""Write an input file for the fleur inputgenerator 'inpgen' from given inputs
:param cell: 3x3 arraylike. The bravais matrix of the structure, in Angstrom by default
:param atom_sites: either list of a dict containing the keys absolute 'position' in Angstrom (default) and 'kind_name', i.e
.. code-block::
[{'position': (0.0, 0.0, -1.0545708047819), 'kind_name': 'Fe123'},
{'position': (1.4026317387183, 1.9836207751336, 0.0), 'kind_name': 'Pt'},
{'position': (0.0, 0.0, 1.4026318234924), 'kind_name': 'Pt'}]
In this case the argument ``kinds`` is required. The other possibility is a list of tuples
of the form of :py:class:`~masci_tools.io.common_functions.AtomSiteProperties`
:param kinds: a list of kind information containing the keys symbols, weights, mass, name i.e.
.. code-block::
[{'symbols': ('Fe',), 'weights': (1.0,), 'mass': 55.845, 'name': 'Fe123'},
{'symbols': ('Pt',), 'weights': (1.0,), 'mass': 195.084, 'name': 'Pt'}]
Required when atom_sites is a list of dicts
:param file: Path or filehandle where the file should be written to. Defaults to 'inpgen.in' in the current folder.
:param pbc: tuple of boolean length 3, optional, Periodic boundary conditions of the structure. Defaults to (True, True, True).
:param input_params: Optional dict containing further namelist which should be written to the file. Defaults to None.
:param significant_figures_cell: int, how many decimal places should be written for the bravais matrix (default: 9)
:param significant_figures_positions: int, how many decimal places should be written for the atom positions (default: 10)
:param convert_from_angstroem: optional boolean, if True the positions and elements of the bravais matrix are converted to bohr
from Angstroem
:raises ValueError: If some input is wrong or inconsistent.
Comments: This was extracted out of aiida-fleur for more general use,
the datastructures stayed very close to what aiida provides (to_raw()), it may not
yet be convenient for all usecases. I.e data so far has to be given in Angstrom and will be converted to fleur units.
# This could be made optional
# Get the connection between coordination number and element symbol
_atomic_numbers = {data['symbol']: num for num, data in PERIODIC_TABLE_ELEMENTS.items()}
# If two lattices are given, via the input &lattice
# and a structure of some form
# currently is not allow the use of &lattice
_use_aiida_structure = True
# Default title
_inp_title = 'A Fleur input generator calculation with aiida'
bulk = True
film = False
# some keywords require a string " around them in the input file.
string_replace = ['econfig', 'lo', 'element', 'name', 'xctyp']
# of some keys only the values are written to the file, specify them here.
# Scaling comes from the Structure
# but we have to convert from Angstrom to a.u (bohr radii)
scaling_factors = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
scaling_lat = 1. # /bohr_to_ang = 0.52917720859
if convert_from_angstroem:
scaling_pos = 1. / BOHR_A # Angstrom to atomic
scaling_pos = 1.0
own_lattice = False # not _use_aiida_structure
if all(isinstance(site, dict) for site in atom_sites):
atom_sites = cast(Sequence[AtomDictProperties], atom_sites)
if kinds is None:
raise ValueError('The argument kinds is required, when atom_sites is provided as dicts')
symbols = [[kind['symbols'][0]] for site in atom_sites for kind in kinds if kind['name'] == site['kind_name']]
if any(len(symbol) == 0 for symbol in symbols):
raise ValueError('Failed getting symbols for all kinds. Check that all needed kinds are given')
magnetic_moments = [s.get('magnetic_moment') for s in atom_sites]
#yapf: disable
magnetic_moments = [list(m) if not isinstance(m, (numbers.Real, str, type(None))) else m for m in magnetic_moments] #type: ignore[arg-type]
#yapf: enable
atom_sites = [
magnetic_moment=mag) for site, kind, mag in zip(atom_sites, symbols, magnetic_moments)
elif any(not isinstance(site, AtomSiteProperties) for site in atom_sites):
if kinds is not None:
raise ValueError('The argument kinds is not required, when atom_sites is provided as tuples')
atom_sites = [AtomSiteProperties(*site) for site in atom_sites]
#Workaround: cast(Sequence[AtomsiteProperties], atom_sites) does not work for some reason
atom_sites = [cast(AtomSiteProperties, site) for site in atom_sites]
############# INPUT CHECK ################
# first check existence of structure and if 1D, 2D, 3D
if False in pbc:
bulk = False
film = True
# check existence of parameters (optional)
if input_params is None:
input_params = {}
# we write always out rel coordinates, because that's the way FLEUR uses
# them best. we have to convert them from abs, because that's how they
# are stored in a Structure node. cartesian=F is default
if 'input' not in input_params:
input_params['input'] = {}
input_params['input']['cartesian'] = False
if film:
input_params['input']['film'] = True
namelists_toprint = POSSIBLE_NAMELISTS
if 'title' in list(input_params.keys()):
_inp_title = input_params.pop('title')
input_params = cast('dict[str, dict[str, Any]]', input_params)
input_params = copy.deepcopy(input_params)
# TODO validate type of values of the input parameter keys ?
# check input_parameters
for name, parameters in input_params.items():
if 'atom' in name: # this namelist can be specified more often
# special atom namelist needs to be set for writing,
# but insert it in the right spot!
index = namelists_toprint.index('atom') + 1
namelists_toprint.insert(index, name)
name = 'atom'
if name not in POSSIBLE_NAMELISTS:
raise ValueError(f"The namelist '{name}' is not supported by the fleur"
f" inputgenerator. Check on the fleur website or add '{name}'"
'to _possible_namelists.')
for para in parameters:
if para not in POSSIBLE_PARAMS[name]:
raise ValueError(f"The property '{para}' is not supported by the "
f"namelist '{name}'. "
'Check the fleur website, or if it really is,'
' update _possible_params. ')
if para in string_replace:
# TODO check if its in the parameter dict
parameters[para] = convert_to_fortran_string(parameters[para])
# things that are in string replace can never be a bool
# Otherwise input where someone given the title 'F' would fail...
elif parameters[para] in REPLACER_VALUES_BOOL:
# because 1/1.0 == True, and 0/0.0 == False
# maybe change in convert_to_fortran that no error occurs
if isinstance(parameters[para], (bool, str)):
parameters[para] = convert_to_fortran_bool(parameters[para])
# in fleur it is possible to give a lattice namelist
if 'lattice' in input_params:
own_lattice = True
if cell is not None: # two structures given?
# which one should be prepared? TODO: log warning or even error
if _use_aiida_structure:
input_params.pop('lattice', {})
own_lattice = False
scaling_factor_card = ''
cell_parameters_card = ''
# We allow to set the significant figures format, because sometimes
# inpgen has numerical problems which are not there with less precise formatting
if not own_lattice:
for vector in cell:
scaled = [a * scaling_pos for a in vector] # scaling_pos=1./bohr_to_ang
cell_parameters_card += ' '.join([f'{value:18.{significant_figures_cell}f}' for value in scaled]) + '\n'
scaling_factor_card += ' '.join([f'{value:18.{significant_figures_cell}f}' for value in scaling_factors]) + '\n'
if own_lattice:
# TODO with own lattice atomic positions have to come from somewhere
# else.... User input?
raise ValueError('fleur lattice needs also the atom position as input,'
' not implemented yet, sorry!')
atom_positions_text = []
natoms = len(atom_sites)
# for FLEUR true, general not, because you could put several
# atoms on a site
# TODO this feature might change in Fleur, do different. that in inpgen kind gets a name, which will also be the name in fleur inp.xml.
# now user has to make kind_name = atom id.
for site in atom_sites:
if kinds is not None:
for kin in kinds:
if kin['name'] == site.kind:
kind = kin
# then we do not at atoms with weights smaller one
if kind.get('weights', [1])[0] < 1.0:
natoms = natoms - 1
# Log message?
atomic_number = _atomic_numbers[site.symbol]
atomic_number_name = str(atomic_number)
if atomic_number == 0: # 'X' element for vacancies
natoms = natoms - 1
# per default we use relative coordinates in Fleur
# we have to scale back to atomic units from angstrom
pos = list(site.position)
if bulk:
vector_rel = abs_to_rel(pos, cell)
elif film:
vector_rel = abs_to_rel_f(pos, cell, pbc)
vector_rel[2] = vector_rel[2] * scaling_pos
position_str = ' '.join([f'{value:18.{significant_figures_positions}f}' for value in vector_rel])
label = ''
if site.symbol != site.kind: # This is an important fact, if user renames it becomes a new atomtype or species!
# Kind names can be more then numbers now, this might need to be reworked
head = site.kind.rstrip('0123456789')
kind_namet = int(site.kind[len(head):])
except ValueError:
warnings.warn(f'Warning: Kind name {site.kind} will be ignored and not used to set a charge number.')
atomic_number_name = f'{atomic_number}.{kind_namet}'
label = str(kind_namet)
atom_str = f' {atomic_number_name:>7} {position_str} {label}'.rstrip()
if site.magnetic_moment is not None:
if isinstance(site.magnetic_moment, list):
magmom_str = ' '.join(
[f'{value:18.{significant_figures_magnetic_moments}f}' for value in site.magnetic_moment])
atom_str = f'{atom_str} : {magmom_str}'
elif isinstance(site.magnetic_moment, float):
atom_str = f'{atom_str} : {site.magnetic_moment:18.{significant_figures_magnetic_moments}f}'
atom_str = f'{atom_str} : {site.magnetic_moment}'
atom_str += '\n'
# TODO check format
# we write it later, since we do not know what natoms is before the loop...
atom_positions_str = f' {natoms:3}\n' + ''.join(atom_positions_text)
#### Kpts ####
# TODO: kpts
# kpoints_card = ""#.join(kpoints_card_list)
#del kpoints_card_list
inpgen_file_content = []
# first write title
# then write &input namelist
# namelist content; set to {} if not present, so that we leave an
# empty namelist
namelist = input_params.pop('input', {})
for k, val in sorted(namelist.items()):
inpgen_file_content.append(get_input_data_text(k, val, value_only=False))
# Write lattice information now
# Write Atomic positions
# Write namelists after atomic positions
for namels_name in namelists_toprint:
namelist = input_params.pop(namels_name, {})
if namelist:
if 'atom' in namels_name:
namels_name = 'atom'
for k, val in sorted(namelist.items(), reverse=namels_name == 'soc'):
inpgen_file_content.append(get_input_data_text(k, val, value_only=namels_name in VALUE_ONLY_NAMELISTS))
# inpgen_file_content.append(kpoints_card)
if input_params:
raise ValueError('input_params leftover: The following namelists are specified'
' in input_params, but are '
'not valid namelists for the current type of calculation: '
inpgen_file_content_str = ''.join(inpgen_file_content)
if not return_contents:
if getattr(file, 'write', None) is not None:
file.write(inpgen_file_content_str) #type: ignore[union-attr]
with open(file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as inpfile: #type:ignore[arg-type]
return inpgen_file_content_str
def get_input_data_text(key: str, val: Any, value_only: bool, mapping: dict[str, Any] | None = None) -> str:
Given a key and a value, return a string (possibly multiline for arrays)
with the text to be added to the input file.
:param key: the flag name
:param val: the flag value. If it is an array, a line for each element
is produced, with variable indexing starting from 1.
Each value is formatted using the convert_to_fortran function.
:param mapping: Optional parameter, must be provided if val is a dictionary.
It maps each key of the 'val' dictionary to the corresponding
list index. For instance, if ``key='magn'``,
``val = {'Fe': 0.1, 'O': 0.2}`` and ``mapping = {'Fe': 2, 'O': 1}``,
this function will return the two lines ``magn(1) = 0.2`` and
``magn(2) = 0.1``. This parameter is ignored if 'val'
is not a dictionary.
# I don't try to do iterator=iter(val) and catch TypeError because
# it would also match strings
# I check first the dictionary, because it would also match
# hasattr(__iter__)
if isinstance(val, dict):
if mapping is None:
raise ValueError("If 'val' is a dictionary, you must provide also "
"the 'mapping' parameter")
# At difference with the case of a list, at the beginning
# list_of_strings
# is a list of 2-tuples where the first element is the idx, and the
# second is the actual line. This is used at the end to
# resort everything.
list_of_strings = []
for elemk, itemval in val.items():
idx = mapping[elemk]
except KeyError as exc:
raise ValueError(f"Unable to find the key '{elemk}' in the mapping dictionary") from exc
list_of_strings.append(f' {key}({idx})={convert_to_fortran(itemval)} ')
#changed {0}({2}) = {1}\n".format
#Sort according to the mapping then rejoin the string
list_of_strings = sorted(list_of_strings, key=lambda key: mapping[key]) #type:ignore
return ''.join(list_of_strings)
if not isinstance(val, str) and hasattr(val, '__iter__'):
if value_only:
list_of_strings = [f' ({idx + 1}){convert_to_fortran(itemval)} ' for idx, itemval in enumerate(val)]
# a list/array/tuple of values
list_of_strings = [f' {key}({idx + 1})={convert_to_fortran(itemval)} ' for idx, itemval in enumerate(val)]
return ''.join(list_of_strings)
# single value
#return " {0}={1} ".format(key, convert_to_fortran(val))
if value_only:
return f' {val} '
return f' {key}={val} '
[docs]def read_inpgen_file(
file: FileLike,
convert_to_angstroem: bool = True
) -> tuple[np.ndarray | None, list[AtomSiteProperties], tuple[bool, bool, bool], dict[str, Any]]:
Method which reads in an inpgen input file and parses the structure and name lists information.
:param file: path to the file to read or opened file handle
:param convert_to_angstroem: bool if True the bravais matrix (and atom positions) are converted to angstroem
:returns: tuple of bravais matrix, atom sites, periodic boundary conditions and parameters
pbc = (True, True, True)
input_params = {}
namelists_raw = {}
atom_sites = []
cell: np.ndarray | None = np.zeros((3, 3))
lattice_information = []
if isinstance(file, io.IOBase):
contents = file.read()
if os.path.exists(file): #type:ignore[arg-type]
with open(file, encoding='utf-8') as f: #type:ignore[arg-type]
contents = f.read()
contents = file
content_lines = contents.split('\n')
# Strip out comments from the inpgen file
content_lines = [line.partition('!')[0].strip() for line in content_lines if line.partition('!')[0].strip() != '']
# The first line is the title
if not content_lines[0].startswith('&'):
input_params['title'] = content_lines[0]
content_lines = content_lines[1:]
if '&lattice' in contents:
cell = None
# each line starting with a & is a name list, we can not assume the line will end with a \
# since this is not fully required
name_list_start = False
for line in content_lines:
if line.startswith('&'):
if not name_list_start:
name_list_start = True
namelist_name = line.split('&')[1].split()[0]
namelist_raw = line.split(f'&{namelist_name}')[1]
name_list_start = False
if name_list_start:
namelist_raw += line
if line.endswith('/'):
name_list_start = False
j = 0
while namelist_name in namelists_raw:
namelist_name = namelist_name + f'{j}'
namelists_raw[namelist_name] = namelist_raw
for key, val in namelists_raw.items():
parsed_name_dict = {}
indx = 0
split_string = val.rstrip('/').split()
if 'atom' in key:
keyt = 'atom'
keyt = key
if keyt not in VALUE_ONLY_NAMELISTS:
for param in split_string.copy():
if '=' not in param:
split_string[split_string.index(param) - 1] += f' {param}'
for param in split_string:
if param in ('/', ''):
pval = param.rstrip('/')
pval = pval.strip()
pval = pval.split('=')
if keyt not in VALUE_ONLY_NAMELISTS:
pval[1] = pval[1].strip('"')
# works for all namelist except gen and sym
if 'atom' in key:
keyt = 'atom'
keyt = key
if pval[0] not in POSSIBLE_PARAMS[keyt] and keyt not in VALUE_ONLY_NAMELISTS:
raise ValueError(f'Value {pval[0]} is not allowed as inpgen input of namelist {keyt}.')
att_name = POSSIBLE_PARAMS[keyt][indx]
value = pval[0]
indx += 1
att_name = pval[0]
value = pval[1]
if value.replace('.', '').isnumeric():
if '.' in value:
value = float(value)
value = int(value)
value = convert_from_fortran_bool(value)
parsed_name_dict[att_name] = value
input_params[key] = parsed_name_dict
film = input_params.get('input', {}).get('film', False)
if film:
pbc = (True, True, False)
if cell is not None:
if len(lattice_information) <= 6:
raise ValueError('Too few lines found for lattice+atom information')
cell_information, atom_information = lattice_information[:5], lattice_information[5:]
cell = np.array([[float(val) for val in value.split()] for value in cell_information[:3]])
global_scaling = float(cell_information[3])
column_scaling = np.array([float(val) for val in cell_information[4].split()])
cell *= global_scaling
cell = cell * column_scaling
if convert_to_angstroem:
cell *= BOHR_A #type:ignore
atom_information = lattice_information
warnings.warn('Lattice was specified via the &lattice namelist'
'Atom positions will be returned as relative positions')
if len(atom_information) <= 1:
raise ValueError('Too few lines found for atom information')
for atom_string in atom_information[1:]:
atom_info = atom_string.split()
nz, _, add_id = atom_info[0].partition('.')
element: str = PERIODIC_TABLE_ELEMENTS[int(nz)]['symbol'] #type:ignore
pos = np.array([float(val) for val in atom_info[1:4]])
if cell is not None:
if film:
pos = rel_to_abs_f(pos, cell)
if convert_to_angstroem:
pos[2] *= BOHR_A
pos = rel_to_abs(pos, cell)
kind_name: str = None #type:ignore
if add_id:
kind_name = f'{element}-{add_id}'
kind_name = element
additional_info = ' '.join(atom_info[4:])
custom_kind, _, magmom_str = additional_info.partition(':')
custom_kind = custom_kind.strip()
if custom_kind:
kind_name = custom_kind
magmom_str = magmom_str.strip()
magmom: Literal['up', 'down'] | float | list[float] | None = None
if magmom_str:
if magmom_str in (
magmom = magmom_str #type: ignore[assignment]
magmom_list = magmom_str.split()
if len(magmom_list) == 1:
magmom = float(magmom_list[0])
elif len(magmom_list) == 3:
magmom = [float(val) for val in magmom_list]
raise ValueError(f'Invalid magnetic moment specification: {magmom_str}')
atom_sites.append(AtomSiteProperties(position=list(pos), symbol=element, kind=kind_name,
return cell, atom_sites, pbc, input_params