Source code for masci_tools.vis.kkr_plot_dos

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# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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from matplotlib import cm

[docs]def dosplot(p0='./', totonly=True, color='', label='', marker='', lw=2, ms=5, ls='-', ls_ef=':', lw_ef=1, units='Ry', noefline=False, interpol=False, allatoms=False, onespin=False, atoms=[], lmdos=False, lm=[], nofig=False, scale=1.0, shift=0, normalized=False, xyswitch=False, efcolor='', return_data=False, xscale=1., xshift=0.0, yshift=0.0, filled=False, spins=2): """ plotting routine for dos files """ # import dependencies import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from os import listdir from os.path import isdir plt.ion() # deal with input of file handle instead of path (see plot_kkr of aiida_kkr) if not isinstance(p0, str): pathname_with_file = p0 = pathname_with_file.replace('/dos.atom1', '') # read in data if p0[-1] != '/': p0 += '/' #if 'rel' in units: ef = float(open(p0+'potential').readlines()[3].split()[1]) ef = float(open(p0 + 'potential').readlines()[3].split()[1]) first = True for i in np.sort(listdir(p0)): if (((i[:8] == 'dos.atom' and 'interpol' not in i) and not interpol) or (interpol and i[:17] == 'dos.interpol.atom')) or ('out_ldos.atom' in i and 'out_lmdos.atom' not in i and not interpol) or ('out_ldos.interpol.atom' in i and 'out_lmdos.interpol.atom' and interpol) and not isdir(p0 + i): if lmdos: i = i.replace('out_ldos.', 'out_lmdos.') if not onespin or 'spin' + str(spins) not in i: iatom = i.replace('dos.', '').replace('interpol.', '').replace('atom', '').replace('out_l', '').replace('=', '').replace('m', '').split('_')[0] if atoms == [] or int(iatom) in atoms: tmp = np.loadtxt(p0 + i) print(p0 + i) # set units if 'rel' in units: tmp[:, 0] = tmp[:, 0] - ef if 'eV' in units: tmp[:, 0] = tmp[:, 0] * 13.6 tmp[:, 1:] = tmp[:, 1:] / 13.6 tmp[:, 0] = tmp[:, 0] * xscale + xshift tmp[:, 1] = tmp[:, 1] + yshift if allatoms: sgn = 1 if 'spin2' in i: sgn = -1 # plot dos if totonly: if color == '': if first: if not nofig: plt.figure() plt.plot(tmp[:, 0], sgn * tmp[:, 1], marker + ls, label=label + str(i), lw=lw, ms=ms) else: if not nofig: plt.figure() if filled: plt.fill_between(tmp[:, 0], sgn * tmp[:, 1], color=color, label=label) else: plt.plot(tmp[:, 0], sgn * tmp[:, 1], marker + ls, color=color, label=label, lw=lw, ms=ms) else: if not nofig and sgn == 1: plt.figure() if color == '': if lm == []: if filled: plt.fill_between(tmp[:, 0], sgn * tmp[:, 1:]) else: plt.plot(tmp[:, 0], sgn * tmp[:, 1:], marker + ls, lw=lw, ms=ms) else: for ilm in lm: lmname = label + ' ' if ilm == 1: lmname += 's' if ilm == 2: lmname += 'p_x' if ilm == 3: lmname += 'p_y' if ilm == 4: lmname += 'p_z' if ilm == 5: lmname += 'd_{x^2-y^2}' if ilm == 6: lmname += 'd_{xz}' if ilm == 7: lmname += 'd_{z^2}' if ilm == 8: lmname += 'd_{yz}' if ilm == 9: lmname += 'd_{xy}' if ilm == 10: lmname += 'f_{-3}' if ilm == 11: lmname += 'f_{-2}' if ilm == 12: lmname += 'f_{-1}' if ilm == 13: lmname += 'f_{0}' if ilm == 14: lmname += 'f_{1}' if ilm == 15: lmname += 'f_{2}' if ilm == 16: lmname += 'f_{3}' plt.plot(tmp[:, 0], sgn * tmp[:, 1 + ilm], marker + ls, lw=lw, ms=ms, label=lmname) else: if lm == []: if filled: plt.fill_between(tmp[:, 0], sgn * tmp[:, 1:], color=color) else: plt.plot(tmp[:, 0], sgn * tmp[:, 1:], marker + ls, color=color, lw=lw, ms=ms) else: for ilm in lm: lmname = label + ' ' if ilm == 1: lmname += 's' if ilm == 2: lmname += 'p_x' if ilm == 3: lmname += 'p_y' if ilm == 4: lmname += 'p_z' if ilm == 5: lmname += 'd_{x^2-y^2}' if ilm == 6: lmname += 'd_{xz}' if ilm == 7: lmname += 'd_{z^2}' if ilm == 8: lmname += 'd_{yz}' if ilm == 9: lmname += 'd_{xy}' if ilm == 10: lmname += 'f_{-3}' if ilm == 11: lmname += 'f_{-2}' if ilm == 12: lmname += 'f_{-1}' if ilm == 13: lmname += 'f_{0}' if ilm == 14: lmname += 'f_{1}' if ilm == 15: lmname += 'f_{2}' if ilm == 16: lmname += 'f_{3}' plt.plot(tmp[:, 0], sgn * tmp[:, 1 + ilm], marker + ls, lw=lw, ms=ms, label=lmname, color=color) plt.title(label + ' ' + i) #sum data if first: d = tmp d[:, 1:] = d[:, 1:] * scale first = False else: d[:, 1:] += tmp[:, 1:] * scale # set units and axis labels if 'eV' in units: ef = ef * 13.6 if 'rel' in units: ef = 0 #if lmdos: # if lm<>[]: # d = d[:,[0,1]+list(np.array(lm)+1)] # d[:,1] = np.sum(d[:,2:], axis=1) if lm != []: d = d[:, [0, 1] + list(np.array(lm) + 1)] d[:, 1] = np.sum(d[:, 2:], axis=1) if normalized: d[:, 1:] = d[:, 1:] / (d[:, 1:]).max() xlab = r'E (Ry)' ylab = r'DOS (states/Ry)' if units == 'eV': xlab = r'E (eV)' ylab = r'DOS (states/eV)' elif units == 'eV_rel': xlab = r'E-E_F (eV)' ylab = r'DOS (states/eV)' elif units == 'Ry_rel': xlab = r'E-E_F (Ry)' ylab = r'DOS (states/Ry)' # plot dos if not allatoms: if totonly: if color == '': if xyswitch: plt.plot(d[:, 1], d[:, 0] + shift, marker + ls, label=label, lw=lw, ms=ms) else: plt.plot(d[:, 0] + shift, d[:, 1], marker + ls, label=label, lw=lw, ms=ms) else: if xyswitch: if filled: plt.fill_between(d[:, 1], d[:, 0] + shift, color=color, label=label) else: plt.plot(d[:, 1], d[:, 0] + shift, marker + ls, color=color, label=label, lw=lw, ms=ms) else: if filled: plt.fill_between(d[:, 0] + shift, d[:, 1], color=color, label=label) else: plt.plot(d[:, 0] + shift, d[:, 1], marker + ls, color=color, label=label, lw=lw, ms=ms) else: if color == '': if xyswitch: plt.plot(d[:, 1:], d[:, 0] + shift, marker + ls, lw=lw, ms=ms) else: plt.plot(d[:, 0] + shift, d[:, 1:], marker + ls, lw=lw, ms=ms) else: if xyswitch: if filled: plt.fill_between(d[:, 1], d[:, 0] + shift, color=color) else: plt.plot(d[:, 1:], d[:, 0] + shift, marker + ls, color=color, lw=lw, ms=ms) else: if filled: plt.fill_between(d[:, 0] + shift, d[:, 1], color=color) else: plt.plot(d[:, 0] + shift, d[:, 1:], marker + ls, color=color, lw=lw, ms=ms) plt.title(label) # plot fermi level if not noefline: if color != '' and efcolor == '': efcolor = color if efcolor == '': if xyswitch: plt.axhline(ef, ls=ls_ef, lw=lw_ef, color='grey') else: plt.axvline(ef, ls=ls_ef, lw=lw_ef, color='grey') else: if xyswitch: plt.axhline(ef, color=efcolor, ls=ls_ef, lw=lw_ef) else: plt.axvline(ef, color=efcolor, ls=ls_ef, lw=lw_ef) # set axis labels if xyswitch: plt.ylabel(xlab) plt.xlabel(ylab) else: plt.xlabel(xlab) plt.ylabel(ylab) if return_data: return d, ef