Source code for masci_tools.util.lockable_containers

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# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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This module defines subclasses of UserDict and UserList to be able to prevent
unintended modifications
from collections import UserDict, UserList
from contextlib import contextmanager

from typing import Union, Any, Generator, Mapping, Iterable, cast

[docs]@contextmanager def LockContainer(lock_object: Union['LockableList', 'LockableDict']) -> Generator: """ Contextmanager for temporarily locking a lockable object. Object is unfrozen when exiting with block :param lock_object: lockable container (not yet frzen) """ assert isinstance(lock_object, (LockableDict, LockableList)), f'Wrong type Got: {lock_object.__class__}' assert not lock_object._locked, f'{lock_object.__class__.__name__} was already locked before entering the contextmanager' lock_object.freeze() try: yield finally: if isinstance(lock_object, LockableDict): lock_object._LockableDict__unfreeze() #type: ignore elif isinstance(lock_object, LockableList): lock_object._LockableList__unfreeze() #type: ignore
[docs]class LockableDict(UserDict): """ Subclass of UserDict, which can prevent modifications to itself. Raises `RuntimeError` if modification is attempted. Use :py:meth:`LockableDict.freeze()` to enforce. :py:meth:`LockableDict.get_unlocked()` returns a copy of the locked object with builtin lists and dicts :param recursive: bool if True (default) all subitems (lists or dicts) are converted into their lockable counterparts All other args or kwargs will be passed on to initialize the `UserDict` IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not a direct subclass of dict. So isinstance(a, dict) will be False if a is an LockableDict """ def __init__(self, *args: Mapping[Any, Any], recursive: bool = True, **kwargs: object) -> None: self._locked = False self._recursive = recursive super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __check_lock(self) -> None: if self._locked: raise RuntimeError('Modification not allowed') def __delitem__(self, key: object) -> None: self.__check_lock() super().__delitem__(key) def __setitem__(self, key: object, value: object): self.__check_lock() if isinstance(value, list): super().__setitem__(key, LockableList(value, recursive=self._recursive)) elif isinstance(value, dict): super().__setitem__(key, LockableDict(value, recursive=self._recursive)) else: super().__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def freeze(self) -> None: """ Freezes the object. This prevents further modifications """ self.__freeze()
def __freeze(self) -> None: if self._recursive: for key, val in self.items(): if isinstance(val, LockableDict): val.__freeze() elif isinstance(val, LockableList): val._LockableList__freeze() #type: ignore self._locked = True def __unfreeze(self) -> None: if self._recursive: for key, val in self.items(): if isinstance(val, LockableDict): val.__unfreeze() elif isinstance(val, LockableList): val._LockableList__unfreeze() #type: ignore self._locked = False
[docs] def get_unlocked(self) -> Mapping[Any, Any]: """ Get copy of object with builtin lists and dicts """ if self._recursive: ret_dict = {} for key, value in self.items(): if isinstance(value, LockableDict): ret_dict[key] = value.get_unlocked() elif isinstance(value, LockableList): ret_dict[key] = cast(Any, value.get_unlocked()) else: ret_dict[key] = value else: ret_dict = dict(self) return ret_dict
[docs]class LockableList(UserList): """ Subclass of UserList, which can prevent modifications to itself. Raises `RuntimeError` if modification is attempted. Use :py:meth:`LockableList.freeze()` to enforce. :py:meth:`LockableList.get_unlocked()` returns a copy of the locked object with builtin lists and dicts :param recursive: bool if True (default) all subitems (lists or dicts) are converted into their lockable counterparts All other args or kwargs will be passed on to initialize the `UserList` IMPORTANT NOTE: This is not a direct subclass of list. So isinstance(a, list) will be False if a is an LockableList """ def __init__(self, *args: Iterable[Any], recursive: bool = True, **kwargs: Iterable[Any]) -> None: self._locked = False self._recursive = recursive super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self._recursive: #Convert sublists and subdicts into Lockable counterparts (super__init__ just copies the values) for indx, item in enumerate(self): if isinstance(item, list): super().__setitem__(indx, LockableList(item, recursive=self._recursive)) elif isinstance(item, dict): super().__setitem__(indx, LockableDict(item, recursive=self._recursive)) def __check_lock(self) -> None: if self._locked: raise RuntimeError('Modification not allowed') def __delitem__(self, i: Union[int, slice]) -> None: self.__check_lock() super().__delitem__(i) def __setitem__(self, i: Union[int, slice], item: object) -> None: self.__check_lock() if isinstance(item, list): super().__setitem__(i, LockableList(item, recursive=self._recursive)) elif isinstance(item, dict): super().__setitem__(i, LockableDict(item, recursive=self._recursive)) else: super().__setitem__(i, item) # type: ignore def __iadd__(self, other: Iterable[Any]) -> 'LockableList': self.__check_lock() return super().__iadd__(other) def __imul__(self, n: int) -> 'LockableList': self.__check_lock() return super().__imul__(n)
[docs] def append(self, item: object) -> None: self.__check_lock() super().append(item)
[docs] def insert(self, i: int, item: object) -> None: self.__check_lock() super().insert(i, item)
[docs] def pop(self, i: int = -1) -> object: """ return the value at index i (default last) and remove it from list """ self.__check_lock() return super().pop(i=i)
[docs] def remove(self, item: object) -> None: self.__check_lock() super().remove(item)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """ Clear the list """ self.__check_lock() super().clear()
[docs] def reverse(self) -> None: self.__check_lock() super().reverse()
def sort(self, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> None: self.__check_lock() super().sort(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def extend(self, other: Iterable[object]) -> None: self.__check_lock() super().extend(other)
[docs] def freeze(self) -> None: """ Freezes the object. This prevents further modifications """ self.__freeze()
def __freeze(self) -> None: if self._recursive: for val in self: if isinstance(val, LockableList): val.__freeze() elif isinstance(val, LockableDict): val._LockableDict__freeze() #type: ignore self._locked = True def __unfreeze(self) -> None: if self._recursive: for val in self: if isinstance(val, LockableList): val.__unfreeze() elif isinstance(val, LockableDict): val._LockableDict__unfreeze() #type: ignore self._locked = False
[docs] def get_unlocked(self) -> Iterable[Any]: """ Get copy of object with builtin lists and dicts """ if self._recursive: ret_list = [] for value in self: if isinstance(value, LockableDict): ret_list.append(cast(Any, value.get_unlocked())) elif isinstance(value, LockableList): ret_list.append(value.get_unlocked()) else: ret_list.append(value) else: ret_list = list(self) return ret_list