Source code for

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# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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This module defines commonly used recipes for the :py:class:``

Available are:
    - Recipe for bandstructure calculations with Fleur
    - Recipes for almost all DOS calculation modes of Fleur

A Recipe is a python dictionary in a specific format.

A Template Example:

.. code-block:: python

    from import Transformation, AttribTransformation

    RecipeExample = {
        'datasets': {
            'example_dataset': {
                'h5path': '/path/in/hdf/file',
                'transforms': [Transformation(name='get_first_element')]
            'example_attrib_transform': {
                'h5path': '/other/path/in/hdf/file',
                'transforms': [AttribTransformation(name='multiply_by_attribute', attrib_name='example_attribute')]
        'attributes': {
            'example_attribute': {
                [Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('attribName',)),

The Recipe consists of two sections 'datasets' and 'attributes'. All data from these two sections will be returned
in separate python dictionaries by the :py:class:`` class

Each entry in those sections has to have a `h5path` entry, which will specify the dataset to initially
read from the hdf file. Then each entry can define a entry `transforms` with a list of the namedtuples
imported at the top of the code example. These correponds to function calls to functions in
:py:mod:`` to transform the read in data

Entries in the `attributes` section are read and transformed first and can subsequently be used in transformations
for the `datasets`. These correpsond to the transforms created with the :py:class:``
namedtuple instead of :py:class:``.
from masci_tools.util.constants import HTR_TO_EV, BOHR_A
from import Transformation, AttribTransformation

[docs]def dos_recipe_format(group): """ Format for denisty of states calculations retrieving the DOS from the given group :param group: str of the group the DOS should be taken from :returns: dict of the recipe to retrieve a DOS calculation """ if group == 'Local': atom_prefix = 'MT:' elif group == 'jDOS': atom_prefix = 'jDOS:' elif group == 'Orbcomp': atom_prefix = 'ORB:' elif group == 'MCD': atom_prefix = 'At' else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown group: {group}') return { 'datasets': { 'dos': { 'h5path': f'/{group}/DOS', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_all_child_datasets', args=(), kwargs={'ignore': 'energyGrid'}), AttribTransformation(name='add_partial_sums', attrib_name='atoms_groups', args=(f'{atom_prefix}{{}}'.format,), kwargs={'make_set': True}), Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(1.0 / HTR_TO_EV,), kwargs={}), Transformation( name='split_array', args=(), kwargs={'suffixes': ['up', 'down']}, ) ], 'unpack_dict': True, }, 'energy_grid': { 'h5path': f'/{group}/DOS/energyGrid', 'transforms': [Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(HTR_TO_EV,), kwargs={})] } }, 'attributes': { 'group_name': { 'h5path': f'/{group}', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_name', args=(), kwargs={}), ], }, 'n_types': { 'h5path': '/atoms', 'description': 'Number of atom types', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('nTypes',), kwargs={}), Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={}) ] }, 'atoms_elements': { 'h5path': '/atoms/atomicNumbers', 'description': 'Atomic numbers', 'transforms': [Transformation(name='periodic_elements', args=(), kwargs={})] }, 'atoms_groups': { 'h5path': '/atoms/equivAtomsGroup' }, 'fermi_energy': { 'h5path': '/general', 'description': 'fermi_energy of the system', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('lastFermiEnergy',), kwargs={}), Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={}) ] }, 'spins': { 'h5path': '/general', 'description': 'number of distinct spin directions in the system', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('spins',), kwargs={}), Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={}) ] } } }
#DOS Recipes FleurDOS = dos_recipe_format('Local') FleurJDOS = dos_recipe_format('jDOS') FleurORBCOMP = dos_recipe_format('Orbcomp') FleurMCD = dos_recipe_format('MCD')
[docs]def bands_recipe_format(group, simple=False): """ Format for bandstructure calculations retrieving weights from the given group :param group: str of the group the weights should be taken from :param simple: bool, if True no additional weights are retrieved with the produced recipe :returns: dict of the recipe to retrieve a bandstructure calculation """ if group == 'Local': atom_prefix = 'MT:' elif group == 'jDOS': atom_prefix = 'jDOS:' elif group == 'Orbcomp': atom_prefix = 'ORB:' elif group == 'MCD': atom_prefix = 'At' else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown group: {group}') recipe = { 'datasets': { 'eigenvalues': { 'h5path': f'/{group}/BS/eigenvalues', 'transforms': [ AttribTransformation(name='shift_by_attribute', attrib_name='fermi_energy', args=(), kwargs={ 'negative': True, }), Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(HTR_TO_EV,), kwargs={}), Transformation(name='split_array', args=(), kwargs={ 'suffixes': ['up', 'down'], 'name': 'eigenvalues' }), Transformation(name='flatten_array', args=(), kwargs={}) ], 'unpack_dict': True }, 'kpath': { 'h5path': '/kpts/coordinates', 'transforms': [ AttribTransformation(name='multiply_by_attribute', attrib_name='reciprocal_cell', args=(), kwargs={'transpose': True}), Transformation(name='calculate_norm', args=(), kwargs={'between_neighbours': True}), Transformation(name='cumulative_sum', args=(), kwargs={}), AttribTransformation(name='repeat_array_by_attribute', attrib_name='nbands', args=(), kwargs={}), ] }, }, 'attributes': { 'group_name': { 'h5path': f'/{group}', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_name', args=(), kwargs={}), ], }, 'kpoints': { 'h5path': '/kpts/coordinates', }, 'nkpts': { 'h5path': '/Local/BS/eigenvalues', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_shape', args=(), kwargs={}), Transformation(name='index_dataset', args=(1,), kwargs={}) ] }, 'nbands': { 'h5path': '/Local/BS/eigenvalues', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_shape', args=(), kwargs={}), Transformation(name='index_dataset', args=(2,), kwargs={}) ] }, 'atoms_elements': { 'h5path': '/atoms/atomicNumbers', 'description': 'Atomic numbers', 'transforms': [Transformation(name='periodic_elements', args=(), kwargs={})] }, 'n_types': { 'h5path': '/atoms', 'description': 'Number of atom types', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('nTypes',), kwargs={}), Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={}) ] }, 'atoms_position': { 'h5path': '/atoms/positions', 'description': 'Atom coordinates per atom', }, 'atoms_groups': { 'h5path': '/atoms/equivAtomsGroup' }, 'reciprocal_cell': { 'h5path': '/cell/reciprocalCell' }, 'bravais_matrix': { 'h5path': '/cell/bravaisMatrix', 'description': 'Coordinate transformation internal to physical for atoms', 'transforms': [Transformation(name='multiply_scalar', args=(BOHR_A,), kwargs={})] }, 'special_kpoint_indices': { 'h5path': '/kpts/specialPointIndices', 'transforms': [Transformation(name='shift_dataset', args=(-1,), kwargs={})] }, 'special_kpoint_labels': { 'h5path': '/kpts/specialPointLabels', 'transforms': [Transformation(name='convert_to_str', args=(), kwargs={})] }, 'fermi_energy': { 'h5path': '/general', 'description': 'fermi_energy of the system', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('lastFermiEnergy',), kwargs={}), Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={}) ] }, 'spins': { 'h5path': '/general', 'description': 'number of distinct spin directions in the system', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_attribute', args=('spins',), kwargs={}), Transformation(name='get_first_element', args=(), kwargs={}) ] } } } if simple: return recipe recipe['datasets']['weights'] = { 'h5path': f'/{group}/BS', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_all_child_datasets', args=(), kwargs={'ignore': ['eigenvalues', 'kpts']}), AttribTransformation(name='add_partial_sums', attrib_name='atoms_groups', args=(f'{atom_prefix}{{}}'.format,), kwargs={'make_set': True}), Transformation(name='split_array', args=(), kwargs={'suffixes': ['up', 'down']}), Transformation(name='flatten_array', args=(), kwargs={}) ], 'unpack_dict': True } return recipe
[docs]def get_fleur_bands_specific_weights(weight_name, group='Local'): """ Recipe for bandstructure calculations only retrieving one additional weight besides the eigenvalues and kpath :param weight_name: key or list of keys of the weight(s) to retrieve :param group: optional str (default Local) name of the group from where to take the weights :returns: dict of the recipe to retrieve a simple bandstructure plus the one specified weight """ recipe = bands_recipe_format(group, simple=True) if isinstance(weight_name, str): weight_name = [weight_name] for name in weight_name: if 'MT:' in name and not any(c in name for c in ('s', 'p', 'd', 'f')): #We need to get all orbitals and calculate the atom sum recipe['datasets'][name] = { 'h5path': f'/{group}/BS', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='get_all_child_datasets', args=(), kwargs={'contains': name}), Transformation(name='sum_over_dict_entries', args=(), kwargs={'overwrite_dict': True}), Transformation(name='split_array', args=(), kwargs={ 'suffixes': ['up', 'down'], 'name': name }), Transformation(name='flatten_array', args=(), kwargs={}) ], 'unpack_dict': True } else: recipe['datasets'][name] = { 'h5path': f'/{group}/BS/{name}', 'transforms': [ Transformation(name='split_array', args=(), kwargs={ 'suffixes': ['up', 'down'], 'name': name }), Transformation(name='flatten_array', args=(), kwargs={}) ], 'unpack_dict': True } return recipe
#Recipe for bandstructures FleurBands = bands_recipe_format('Local') FleurOrbcompBands = bands_recipe_format('Orbcomp') FleurjDOSBands = bands_recipe_format('jDOS') FleurMCDBands = bands_recipe_format('MCD') #Recipe for bandstructures without reading in weights FleurSimpleBands = bands_recipe_format('Local', simple=True)