Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IAS-1/PGI-1, Germany.         #
#                All rights reserved.                                         #
# This file is part of the Masci-tools package.                               #
# (Material science tools)                                                    #
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This module contains functions to load an fleur out.xml file, parse it with a schema
and convert its content to a dict, based on the tasks given
from masci_tools.util.parse_tasks import ParseTasks
from masci_tools.util.schema_dict_util import tag_exists, read_constants, eval_simple_xpath, evaluate_attribute
from masci_tools.util.xml.common_functions import eval_xpath, clear_xml, validate_xml
from import OutputSchemaDict
from masci_tools.util.logging_util import DictHandler, OutParserLogAdapter
from lxml import etree
import copy
import warnings
import logging

[docs]def outxml_parser(outxmlfile, version=None, parser_info_out=None, iteration_to_parse=None, strict=False, debug=False, **kwargs): """ Parses the out.xml file to a dictionary based on the version and the given tasks :param outxmlfile: either path to the out.xml file, opened file handle or a xml etree to be parsed :param version: version string to enforce that a given schema is used :param parser_info_out: dict, with warnings, info, errors, ... :param iteration_to_parse: either str or int, (optional, default 'last') determines which iteration should be parsed. Accepted are 'all', 'first', 'last' or an index for the iteration :param strict: bool if True and no parser_info_out is provided any encountered error will immediately be raised :param debug: bool if True additional information is printed out in the logs Kwargs: :param ignore_validation: bool, if True schema validation errors are only logged :param minimal_mode: bool, if True only total Energy, iteration number and distances are parsed :param list_return: bool, if True one-item lists in the output dict are not converted to simple values :param additional_tasks: dict to define custom parsing tasks. For detailed explanation See :py:mod:``. :param overwrite: bool, if True and keys in additional_tasks collide with defaults The defaults will be overwritten :param append: bool, if True and keys in additional_tasks collide with defaults The inner tasks will be written into the dict. If inner keys collide they are overwritten :return: python dictionary with the information parsed from the out.xml :raises ValueError: If the validation against the schema failed, or an irrecoverable error occured during parsing :raises FileNotFoundError: If no Schema file for the given version was found :raises KeyError: If an unknown task is encountered """ __parser_version__ = '0.5.0' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) parser_log_handler = None if parser_info_out is not None or not strict: if parser_info_out is None: parser_info_out = {} logging_level = logging.INFO if debug: logging_level = logging.DEBUG logger.setLevel(logging_level) parser_log_handler = DictHandler(parser_info_out, WARNING='parser_warnings', ERROR='parser_errors', INFO='parser_info', DEBUG='parser_debug', CRITICAL='parser_critical', ignore_unknown_levels=True, level=logging_level) logger.addHandler(parser_log_handler) if strict: logger = None if logger is not None:'Masci-Tools Fleur out.xml Parser v%s', __parser_version__) outfile_broken = False if isinstance(outxmlfile, etree._ElementTree): xmltree = outxmlfile else: parser = etree.XMLParser(attribute_defaults=True, recover=False, encoding='utf-8') try: xmltree = etree.parse(outxmlfile, parser) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: outfile_broken = True if logger is None: warnings.warn('The out.xml file is broken I try to repair it.') else: logger.warning('The out.xml file is broken I try to repair it.') if outfile_broken: # repair xmlfile and try to parse what is possible. parser = etree.XMLParser(attribute_defaults=True, recover=True, encoding='utf-8') try: xmltree = etree.parse(outxmlfile, parser) except etree.XMLSyntaxError: if logger is None: raise else: logger.exception('Skipping the parsing of the xml file. ' 'Repairing was not possible.') return {} if version is None: out_version = eval_xpath(xmltree, '//@fleurOutputVersion', logger=logger) out_version = str(out_version) if out_version is None: logger.error('Failed to extract outputVersion') raise ValueError('Failed to extract outputVersion') else: out_version = version if out_version == '0.27': program_version = eval_xpath(xmltree, '//programVersion/@version', logger=logger) if program_version == 'fleur 32': #Max5 release (before bugfix) out_version = '0.33' inp_version = '0.33' ignore_validation = True if logger is not None: logger.warning("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX5.0 release") else: warnings.warn("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX5.0 release") elif program_version == 'fleur 31': #Max4 release out_version = '0.31' inp_version = '0.31' ignore_validation = True if logger is not None: logger.warning("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX4.0 release") else: warnings.warn("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX4.0 release") elif program_version == 'fleur 30': #Max3.1 release out_version = '0.30' inp_version = '0.30' ignore_validation = True if logger is not None: logger.warning("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX3.1 release") else: warnings.warn("Ignoring '0.27' outputVersion for MaX3.1 release") elif program_version == 'fleur 27': #Max3.1 release out_version = '0.29' inp_version = '0.29' ignore_validation = True if logger is not None: logger.warning("Found version before MaX3.1 release falling back to file version '0.29'") warnings.warn( 'out.xml files before the MaX3.1 release are not explicitely supported.' ' No guarantee is given that the parser will work without error', UserWarning) else: if logger is not None: logger.error("Unknown fleur version: File-version '%s' Program-version '%s'", out_version, program_version) raise ValueError(f"Unknown fleur version: File-version '{out_version}' Program-version '{program_version}'") else: ignore_validation = False inp_version = eval_xpath(xmltree, '//@fleurInputVersion', logger=logger) inp_version = str(inp_version) if inp_version is None: if logger is not None: logger.error('Failed to extract inputVersion') raise ValueError('Failed to extract inputVersion') ignore_validation = kwargs.get('ignore_validation', ignore_validation) #Load schema_dict (inp and out) outschema_dict = OutputSchemaDict.fromVersion(out_version, inp_version=inp_version, logger=logger) if outschema_dict['out_version'] != out_version or \ outschema_dict['inp_version'] != inp_version: ignore_validation = True out_version = outschema_dict['out_version'] inp_version = outschema_dict['inp_version'] if logger is not None:'Found fleur out file with the versions out: %s; inp: %s', out_version, inp_version) xmltree, _ = clear_xml(xmltree) root = xmltree.getroot() errmsg = '' try: validate_xml(xmltree, outschema_dict.xmlschema, error_header='Output file does not validate against the schema') except etree.DocumentInvalid as err: errmsg = str(err) if logger is not None: logger.warning(errmsg) if not ignore_validation: if logger is not None: logger.exception(errmsg) raise ValueError(errmsg) from err if not outschema_dict.xmlschema.validate(xmltree) and errmsg == '': msg = 'Output file does not validate against the schema: Reason is unknown' if logger is not None: logger.warning(msg) if not ignore_validation: if logger is not None: logger.exception(msg) raise ValueError(msg) parser = ParseTasks(out_version) additional_tasks = kwargs.pop('additional_tasks', {}) for task_name, task_definition in additional_tasks.items(): parser.add_task(task_name, task_definition, **kwargs) out_dict, constants = parse_general_information(root, parser, outschema_dict, logger=logger, iteration_to_parse=iteration_to_parse, **kwargs) out_dict['input_file_version'] = outschema_dict['inp_version'] # get all iterations in out.xml file iteration_nodes = eval_simple_xpath(root, outschema_dict, 'iteration', logger=logger, list_return=True) n_iters = len(iteration_nodes) # parse only last stable interation # (if modes (dos and co) maybe parse anyway if broken?) if outfile_broken and (n_iters >= 2): iteration_nodes = iteration_nodes[:-2] if logger is not None:'The last parsed iteration is %s', n_iters - 2) elif outfile_broken and (n_iters == 1): iteration_nodes = [iteration_nodes[0]] if logger is not None:'The last parsed iteration is %s', n_iters) elif not outfile_broken and (n_iters >= 1): pass else: # there was no iteration found. # only the starting charge density could be generated msg = 'There was no iteration found in the outfile, either just a ' \ 'starting density was generated or something went wrong.' if logger is None: raise ValueError(msg) else: logger.error(msg) if iteration_to_parse is None: iteration_to_parse = 'last' #This is the default from the aiida_fleur parser if iteration_to_parse == 'last': iteration_nodes = iteration_nodes[-1] elif iteration_to_parse == 'first': iteration_nodes = iteration_nodes[0] elif iteration_to_parse == 'all': pass elif isinstance(iteration_to_parse, int): try: iteration_nodes = iteration_nodes[iteration_to_parse] except IndexError as exc: if logger is not None: logger.exception(exc) raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for iteration_to_parse: Got '{iteration_to_parse}'" f"; but only '{len(iteration_nodes)}' iterations are available") from exc else: if logger is not None: logger.error( "Invalid value for iteration_to_parse: Got '%s' " "Valid values are: 'first', 'last', 'all', or int", iteration_to_parse) raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for iteration_to_parse: Got '{iteration_to_parse}' " "Valid values are: 'first', 'last', 'all', or int") if not isinstance(iteration_nodes, list): iteration_nodes = [iteration_nodes] logger_info = {'iteration': 'unknown'} iteration_logger = OutParserLogAdapter(logger, logger_info) for node in iteration_nodes: iteration_number = evaluate_attribute(node, outschema_dict, 'numberForCurrentRun', optional=True) if iteration_number is not None: logger_info['iteration'] = iteration_number out_dict = parse_iteration(node, parser, outschema_dict, out_dict, constants, logger=iteration_logger, **kwargs) logger_info['iteration'] = 'unknown' if not kwargs.get('list_return', False): #Convert one item lists to simple values for key, value in out_dict.items(): if isinstance(value, list): if len(value) == 1: out_dict[key] = value[0] elif isinstance(value, dict): for subkey, subvalue in value.items(): if isinstance(subvalue, list): if len(subvalue) == 1: out_dict[key][subkey] = subvalue[0] if parser_log_handler is not None: if logger is not None: logger.removeHandler(parser_log_handler) return out_dict
def parse_general_information(root, parser, outschema_dict, logger, iteration_to_parse=None, **kwargs): """ Parses the information from the out.xml outside scf iterations Also defined constants and fleur calculation modes are read in Args: :param root: etree Element for the root of the out.xml :param parser: ParseTasks object with all defined tasks :param outschema_dict: dict with the information parsed from the OutputSchema :param parser_info_out: dict, with warnings, info, errors, ... Kwargs: :param minimal_mode: bool, if True only total Energy, iteration number and distances are parsed """ from masci_tools.util.xml.xml_getters import get_fleur_modes minimal_mode = kwargs.get('minimal_mode', False) if iteration_to_parse is None: iteration_to_parse = 'last' constants = read_constants(root, outschema_dict, logger=logger) if logger is not None:'The following defined constants were found: %s', constants) fleurmode = get_fleur_modes(root, outschema_dict, logger=logger) if logger is not None:'The following Fleur modes were found: %s', fleurmode) parser.determine_tasks(fleurmode, minimal=minimal_mode) #For certain fleur modes we need to overwrite the tasks if fleurmode['dos'] or fleurmode['band'] or fleurmode['cf_coeff']: parser.iteration_tasks = ['iteration_number', 'fermi_energy'] if fleurmode['bz_integration'] == 'hist': parser.iteration_tasks = ['iteration_number', 'fermi_energy', 'bandgap'] if fleurmode['plot']: parser.iteration_tasks = [] #In this case there are multiple possibilities where fleur terminates #So we discard all the iteration tasks if fleurmode['relax'] and iteration_to_parse == 'last': if 'distances' in parser.iteration_tasks: parser.iteration_tasks.remove('distances') if 'magnetic_distances' in parser.iteration_tasks: parser.iteration_tasks.remove('magnetic_distances') if 'nmmp_distances' in parser.iteration_tasks: parser.iteration_tasks.remove('nmmp_distances') if logger is not None: logger.debug('The following tasks are performed on the root: %s', parser.general_tasks) out_dict = {'fleur_modes': fleurmode} for task in parser.general_tasks: if logger is not None: logger.debug('Performing task: %s', task) out_dict = parser.perform_task(task, root, out_dict, outschema_dict, constants, logger=logger, use_lists=False) return out_dict, constants def parse_iteration(iteration_node, parser, outschema_dict, out_dict, constants, logger, **kwargs): """ Parses an scf iteration node. Which tasks to perform is stored in parser.iteration_tasks Args: :param iteration_node: etree Element for a scf iteration :param parser: ParseTasks object with all defined tasks :param outschema_dict: dict with the information parsed form the OutputSchema :param out_dict: dict with the parsed results :param constants: dict with all the defined mathematical constants :param parser_info_out: dict, with warnings, info, errors, ... Kwargs: :param strict: bool, if True an error will be raised if an unknown task is encountered otherwise a warning is written to parser_info_out :param minimal_mode: bool, if True only total Energy, iteration number and distances are parsed """ minimal_mode = kwargs.get('minimal_mode', False) iteration_tasks = copy.deepcopy(parser.iteration_tasks) #If the iteration is a forcetheorem calculation #Replace all tasks with the given tasks for the calculation forcetheorem_tags = ['Forcetheorem_DMI', 'Forcetheorem_SSDISP', 'Forcetheorem_JIJ', 'Forcetheorem_MAE'] for tag in forcetheorem_tags: exists = tag_exists(iteration_node, outschema_dict, tag) if exists: if minimal_mode: iteration_tasks = [] else: iteration_tasks = [tag.lower()] break if logger is not None: logger.debug('The following tasks are performed for the iteration: %s', iteration_tasks) for task in iteration_tasks: if logger is not None: logger.debug('Performing task: %s', task) try: out_dict = parser.perform_task(task, iteration_node, out_dict, outschema_dict, constants, logger=logger) except KeyError: if logger is not None: logger.exception("Unknown task: '%s'. Skipping this one", task) raise return out_dict